Community > Posts By > _One_

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Sun 12/09/07 10:04 AM

I am currently out of town, but I am reviewing this forum through my cell phone, so I will reply in more details when I return.

I am "Very" sorry if I offended you Abra, but like all of you I still battle with the "self" (feelings getting hurt), but the "I" within me is extremely excited to meet all of you, expecially you Abra. As most of us know; it is the ones that butt heads in disagreement that usually become very good friends, so please continue to review my writings Abra. :O)

I think the main reason you are finding flaws in my physics is mainly because I "View" it from an Chemist perspective and not from the traditional physics view. I am sure our two separate views will come together in the end, and this is what I am extremely excited about! Could be fate, could be chance, but whatever it is... It is Good!

"It is so hard to write on these small phones!" :tongue:

Take care everyone, expecially you Abra,

Your Friend,

Jared. ;O)

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Fri 12/07/07 11:24 PM
Hey guy's,

I am going out of town this weekend and I will be back monday, so I will reply to all of your post then.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Take care,

Jared :O)

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Fri 12/07/07 11:15 PM

You said:

whew! good luck One, just give it a few months, there are a great many interesting (and intelligent) beings in this cyper community. And no lack of 'critical' analysis to be had.

"Thank you!" happy

I feel like you must have felt; I thought the members of this forum would love my writing, so I posted it, but to my suprise - 'critical' analysis! And I haven't even posted the other half of my writing yet, so I can understand how anyone can say I am wrong when they haven't even read the "Whole" story.

It kind of like how the world judges us before they have read "our" whole story. We should never, ever judge a book by it's cover untill we have read the last page.

At least I can say we have "One" thing in common Redykeulous; we are both Lesbian's! :smile: lol!!! Also most of the women I use to date were bi-sexual! (Big Grins)

Thank you for not being 'critical' to me Redykeulous and for pointing out this fact. Also stay tuned to this forum post because it is about to get "Very" interesting when I release the second half of my writing and personal story. Like I said earlier to everyone in this forum; "you never know who you are talking to on the World Wide Web."

Let's just say that everyone would be "very nice" to me if they knew who I use to work for.

Again, thank you and God bless Redykeulous,

Jared :O)

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Fri 12/07/07 02:18 AM
PS: I think this is why we are all single; "We are all NERDS!" laugh

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Fri 12/07/07 02:09 AM
Wouldee, Abracadabra and Yzrabbit1; I love you guys! ((Big Grins))

To be completely honest, yes, I am no expert when it comes to physics because I am only a “chemist” that has been studying physics for less than a year. But what I do know is that physics greatest endeavor has ground to a complete halt. We are in "a period of utter confusion", and I am simply trying to simplify the quantum structure of space and time. I am new to finding a "theory of everything" that will describe every force and particle in nature, but I do believe and “know” I have found the answer to life itself. (I will explain at a later time.)

Einstein's relativity, which reigned supreme for a century, is a flawed basis for such a theory. Although it deals with gravity, it tells us nothing else about the nature and interactions of matter. Crucially, general relativity is incompatible with quantum theory. Since the 1960s, theorists have struggled to solve this problem, so far to no avail. And the trouble is we have nothing to put in relativity's place.

The great hope, string theory, which views particles as emanating from minuscule strings, has generated myriad mathematical descriptions linked to the dance of particles. But these equations tell us nothing about where space and time come from and describe nothing we would recognize. At best, string theory depicts the way particles might interact in a collection of hypothetical universes.

When astronomers discovered the accelerating expansion of the universe, which string theory fails to account for, many string theorists took shelter in a remarkable excuse: that their equations describe all possible universes and should not be tied to matching data in just one of them.

Many of the greatest minds in physics are at a complete loss when it comes to describing every force and particle in nature. This is why I (a chemist) believe everything we see on the outside is simply a reflection of what we are on the inside. Even the teachings of Christ “Point” within and I believe it is there that we will find the answer to life itself. God is “Not” a God of confusion and most (if not all) theories we have invented do not make a bit of sense, nor do they help humanity. What does it profit a man if he figures out everything in our universe, but fails to figure out how to survive? Intelligence created the “Atom” bomb and the atom bomb destroys all intelligence, so what is the point of our quest if we never figure out how to unify our separate nations, religions and people that will ultimately destroy their selves with their own so-called intelligent inventions?

I know a theory of everything must underpin cosmology, but there is a fatal error in most of our TOE Theories; they do not “Connect” all there is. Cosmology is supposed to provide the story of "life, the universe, and everything." It should provide a seamless big picture that encompasses all our knowledge from the subatomic to the galactic. If it is wrong, the view of our place in the universe may be more warped than that of the flat-Earth era.

Our present cosmology is known as "the big bang" theory. It grew out of the assumption that the redshift of faint objects in deep space is due to the Doppler effect of their recession from us. Extrapolating these velocities backward gave an origin in time and gave rise to the concept of the universe having been created in a primeval explosion. Einstein wrote equations that attempted to describe the behavior of this expanding universe. His equations pointed to its probable instability. Gravitation was either strong enough to counteract its expansion or too weak to prevent its expansion forever.

“In spite of the fact that we call it the big bang theory, it tells us absolutely nothing about the big bang. It doesn’t tell us what banged, why it banged, or what caused it to bang. It doesn’t allow us to predict the conditions immediately after the bang.”

At the other extreme of scale is quantum theory, which describes the behavior of subatomic particles. But the theories of gravity and quantum behavior are incompatible. "String theory" was supposed to provide a theory of everything by unifying the incompatible theories of relativity and quantum mechanics. The problem is that there is not just one string theory, there are many. Now the push is on to develop "M Theory," the "Mother of all Theories!" The ill effects of such nonsense have spread throughout our world over the last century and the problem seems to have sprung from Einstein’s mathematical theory. Those who would aspire to a theory of everything are told they must undertake "the grueling complex and abstract mathematics" required for the task. And I believe this is the “root” problem; Mathematics!

It all comes down to “Numbers.” How far shall we count to fully understand that “all” there is, or will ever be, is simply One. Divine Simplicity is not the complexities of quantum calculations or the utter “Confusion” of advanced mathematics; Divine Simplicity is the Root of all Numbers, and He (The Creator/God/Divine Being) is within us all, as “ONE.”

So, to simplify this conversation and the confusion of complex mathematics I will try my best (with less than a year’s work in physics) to explain the simplicity of my theory.


The main reason you do not fully understand my formula is because I have not told you “What” it means. My theory is not an answer to just science, physics or mathematics; it is the “Answer” to life itself.

I will explain in more details at a later time, but for now I have to go to bed because it is way past my bed time! LOL!

Take care guys and keep up the good work in constructive criticism; I am absorbing everything you are saying and it is only making me smarter. ((Big Grins))

And stay tuned because I will also be releasing my personal story for all of you to read, and after you read it I think all of you will be a little nicer to me in this discussion. Let’s just say; you never know who you are talking to on the World Wide Web! ((Smiles))

Take care guys and God bless,


PS: Where's Alice? "Inside!" :wink:

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Thu 12/06/07 09:19 PM

Why would I want to blow your a$$ up? I think our very non-intelligent Government's and leaders of nations are all ready doing a good job at destroying us and if they continue in their path of ignorance our world will end the way it began; with a Big Bang!

Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect.


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Thu 12/06/07 08:07 PM
Edited by _One_ on Thu 12/06/07 08:37 PM

Maybe you should. durrrr!:tongue:

Take care,

Jared ;O)

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Thu 12/06/07 08:00 PM
Edited by _One_ on Thu 12/06/07 08:52 PM
Hello everyone and thank you for your replies,

I guess I will open up a little bit more and allow all of you to peer into my innermost being; my Spirit. I’m sure all of you are interested in finding out how the "final answer" translates into actively inspiring enlightenment and an asymptotic ascension of trans-egoic awareness throughout the collective human, Self-aware manifestation of Divinity.

The Dream of the Mind.

It is like a dream where the individuals are totally immersed in their life, the past, the future, there means to a end, there next paycheck, what problems there going to face, when really all existence is a dream. With so much negative energy going on at this time which is present, most dreams are a total nightmare. When the collective mindset is set in the present the dream will change> We've been dreaming for that.

First I would like to say that I am very excited to share my thoughts with all of you and I believe we will all grow from one another's wisdom and infinite knowledge. This is such an exciting time to be alive! And on that note... Time.

Have you ever had that strange feeling of Déjà Vu?

The point when you are doing something and a thought rushes through your head and you stop in your tracks and think; This is strange - I have been here before or I have done this before?

This is the point in time where our unconscious mind gets a taste of being present in the Here and Now. This feeling is not only a feeling; it is Reality within the Dream of Mind.

It is no-time. And this is the eternal place where all of your yesterdays and all of your tomorrows become - One.

My little nephew told me about a new computer game called TimeShift, so I downloaded it and have been playing it in my free time (which is not very often), but what drew me to this game is that the main character has the ability to move forward, stop, and reverse time. Imagine if you will that you are the character in the game called life and you have the same ability; now imagine that you have the power to move forward, stop, and reverse time.

This is not a game or just a dream called reality, it is Reality and you do have the power to move forward, stop, and reverse time because all three are in your Mind, but only One of them is real and that is Stop!

Can you hear it? Can you feel it? The pure silence of your yesterdays past and tomorrow's dreams "Stop" and for the first time without-time you know and completely understand that this is all there is or has ever been. You awake from the dream of mind and you know - I AM!

(Yesterday <--Stop--> Tomorrow)
(Mind/Self <---I AM---> Mind/Self)

The dreams we make real do not become real in tomorrow, they all unfold in this present Right Now! It is "Here" that we think Déjà Vu?

It is Here that all of our lives and all of human history has unfolded within, and it is Here, Right Here, that we awake from the dream of believing we are a mortal human being.

This is the Gift of Eternal Life and this is where Real Life begins and end.

Imagine that... Imagine! We have the power to alter time and it all starts in the Mind. I like to compare this life with the movie The Matrix; There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can hear, what you can smell, taste and feel then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. You've been living in a dreamworld, everyone. Have you ever had a dream that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

Unfortunately, no one can be told what The Matrix (Life) is. You have to see it for yourself. Have you ever stood and stared at it? Marveled at its beauty, its genius? Billions of people just living out their lives, oblivious. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. The Matrix is a system. That system is our enemy. When you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of people we're trying to save. You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.

You have to let it all go. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind.

Free your mind from the self identity and self ego of your past. The past is but a dream of your mind; it is not You! Are you the things you have experienced or done in this life, are you your job or the collected amount of money you have made in this world? Why would you want to base your "Worth" on the amount of collected Numbers you have in the bank, and more so, why do you believe the "Numbers" your species creates are Real? Isn't you yourselves (the human species as a whole) the very creators of your own currency? So why then does your species place more value on your own "created" and mentally "Imagined" currency than human life? Is a Number "Worth" more than human Life? Wake up everyone. You have been living in a dream world of your own Creation!

I know this is hard for most of you to understand, but it is the understanding that will set you free from your preprogrammed minds. I imagine that right now you are feeling a bit like Alice. Tumbling down the rabbit hole? The answer to life itself will never be found in the world because it has always been behind your eyes. Most of you view the world as a dream because you are expecting to wake up. Ironically, this is not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, everyone?

Do you fear the idea that you're not in control of your life? Well, the truth is most of you are not in control of your lives and you awake each day and go through the motions of an everyday existence oblivious to the Fact that there is more to this life. Is human existence just about waking in the morning and rushing through the day to make more of the money your very own species creates? Are you really running out of time, and why does these two illusions of your mind control your species? "Your time is money and money your time!" Both are illusions of - Numbers.

Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life. That there's something wrong with the world, you don't know what it is, but its there. Like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?

The Matrix of Life... Do you want to know what it is?

The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

What truth?

That you are a slave. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind.

All of your life you have been searching, searching for the answer that will free you from the questions of not knowing. Each of you hold the key to unlock your prisons door, but most of you have become so conformed, so utterly dependent on the system that you have forgotten what it feels like to Believe. If only all of you knew the power of your own mind. If only you understood the power of belief.

It is not your reality that has to be changed; it is your mind that has to be altered, and then reality will obey and become the mere dream and thoughts of your very powerful imaginations. Don't believe, and it will never be. Believe, and your eyes will be opened and for the first time in your life you will be able to see what I see... Eternity is within the eyes of a Child named God!

The key to understanding is belief. Do not try to bend the spoon; that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth. "There is no spoon." Then you will see, it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

To free yourself, you must believe. It all comes down to your very thoughts; if you believe you are a slave you will continue to be a slave, but if you alter (bend) your mind and say "I am Free" you will become what you believe. Don't think you are, know you are.

The key to life itself is to die before you die. But most people do not fully understand what it means to be truly Born Again. To die before you die is not a physical death, but a mental death. It is the letting go of the false illusion of 'Self' based upon the memories of the past and also the illusion of salvation or freedom in the coming future. To die is not death at all; it is its complete opposite. It is, life itself without the mental illusion of your old self that has made many, many mistakes throughout you life as you grew more intelligent. It is, the summit and peak of all human intelligence! It is your true being without the fear of death, because you have already faced your death and behold; you are the Eternal "Spirit" that has no beginning or end in this One eternal day called Today!

Yes, people refer to life as a dream, but the truth is; the only dream is the dream of time. If you live in the constant past you will reflect your past in the present here and Now. And the same applies to the future; if you are always dreaming of a better tomorrow you will never see the unbelievable beauty of being "Alive" in Today!

Most people make fun of what they do not fully understand, and it somehow makes them feel better about their self, and these same people are the ones trying to find a meaning in external possessions and the amount of money they own. They are completely "Blind" within their minds and they cannot "See" the eternal beauty that is priceless beyond all human measures. They are the ones sleeping within the reality of life and it is their minds that are blind. They fear the "One" thing that will set them free for an eternity; they fear their own death.

Life is just like the movie The Matrix, and we all have to die at some point in our lives, but the key to life is to face your worst fear before it become a reality within your mind. If you truly believe you are going to die, you were never Alive in the first place, and so, you will become what you Believe. The key to free your mind is belief, so my question for all of you is this; are you ready to believe what I have carefully explained to all of you in this message? Do you understand what it is I am trying to show you?

The dream is your past and future, and Reality is this very moment without time. You cannot die in a dream; you can only Awake!

We are the actors playing our parts in the "Movie" of all times and the final chapter is where we all become... "ONE!"

Coming Soon to a World Near You...

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. Stop reading my writings and the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. Continue reading and I promise, you will stay in Wonderland, and I will show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: All I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more.

Boy! Do I have a very powerful and childish imagination! It’s kind of like "I AM a Child" within my immortal mind and I have the power to create Reality out of my mere Dreams!

Déjà Vu! I AM – ONE with all of you!

Are we having Fun yet? :smile:

To be continued...



Copyright 2007-2008 One Nation Earth Inc. All rights reserved.

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Thu 12/06/07 03:30 PM
"The Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything."

Here is an article I wrote for a group of scientists, professors and physicists I am currently teaching about my TOE Theory (Theory of Everything). I thought some of you might enjoy reading it.

Here is my writing; it is kind of long, but it gets "very" interesting around the middle and end. For those of you that are advanced "Thinkers" like me you will enjoy this new perspective on life and God. :O)

The Theory of One
A Theory of Everything

By: Jared Paolo Clement

Copyright 2007-2008 One Nation Earth Inc. All rights reserved.

Part One—
The Simplicity of Everything

"A Quantum Leap into Ockham’s Razor"

Intelligence — what is that?

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.
(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
(Leonardo da Vinci)

It is a significant fact that there is not TOE theories on the Internet that considers what the most simple science theory of reality is - which is strange given Occam's Razor (principle of simplicity) is fundamental to science. Thus it seems premature to claim science does not really work (the logical positivist / social construct view of postmodern science) without having considered this most simple solution.


In reply to Jules questions: (She is a member of my class and I am addressing her formula of 0+1=TOE, just thought I would let all of you know). :O)

I have to admit; your answer of 0+1 is correct, but it all depends on how you view it. And thank you Jule for starting up a conversation about atoms. :O) To be honest, I think we agree on more than you know. I love how you refer to your formula as; the foundational binary of the universe! I like to refer to our universe as; The Mathematical Universe.

It is great to meet you Jule and I am very excited to exchange information with you. This is the main reason I started this topic; I was searching for others that think on a higher level like me and that can understand the complexities and simplicity of a TOE Theory. And on that note; are you ready to compare our two separate, but almost identical theories on TOE? ((Big Grins))

In reply to your question: “are you trying to make it complicated?”

As me and you both know; the theory of TOE is extremely complicated (for most people to understand), but it is also extremely simple (for those of us that do understand it).

People have a tendency to make things more complex than need be. I think if we can consider all "things" as being the result of interactions between only the elementary electrons, positrons and photons, and a corresponding elementary math: these three "particles" are all we need to explain "everything" in the Universe.

For those of you reading this that is not familiar with fermions and bosons:

There are two fundamentally different kinds of solutions for fermions, and bosons, namely Y ( r1 , r2 ) = Y ( r2 , r1 ) and Y ( r1 , r2 ) = -Y ( r2 , r1 ). The symmetric solution Y ( r1 , r2 ) = Y ( r2 , r1 ) describes particles that are called bosons. Particles that are described by the antisymmetric solution Y ( r1 , r2 ) = -Y ( r2 , r1 ) are called fermions. Electrons, protons and neutrons are fermions, and photons and pions are bosons. Atoms, being aggregates of tightly bound particles, are either fermions or bosons. Particles with integer spin are always bosons while particles with half-integer spin are always fermions. (I will address this topic later in this writing).

Now back to your question of “are you trying to make it complicated?” To be completely honest; I am trying to formulate something very simple out of the most complex theory on the face of our earth. TOE theories push the limit of human thinking to the outer edges of our universe and back into the smallest of particles and fundamental building blocks we refer to as atoms. Most of my life I have loved solving very complex puzzles and problems, and this has led me to one of the most complex questions man has ever asked; what is the “Answer” to life, the universe and everything. And can there be a single answer (agreed upon) that everyone knows is correct?

Will this answer be in the form of a mathematical formula, complex equation or a single unified word that describes all there is and all there ever will be in this master piece of evolving perfection called Life? Is there a way to merge together the separate pieces of this almighty puzzle called life? And most of all; will this final theory and formula solve all of our worlds problems and unite all of humanity together as one, or will it simply be another very complex formula that most people cannot understand?

In my quest of solving one of the world’s hardest Puzzles I discovered that the puzzle is not outside of the human mind, but that (in reality) it is the human mind itself that has to be solved. The human mind is the most complex Thinking Machine in our universe and it is the question searching for the answer. In our world we believe our greatest achievement is our technology and computers, but the truth is; our “Created” computers and the World Wide Web are simply a reflection of our unified Minds finally coming together as One.

The only part of this fact that puzzles me is that there are six billion separate human beings in our world and most of them are connected together as one large body called the Internet and still (united together as one) they cannot solve all of the world’s problems. To be completely honest; I believe the human species is actually creating more problems and more confusion as they Think together on the World Wide Web. I like to view the Internet as the separate “Windows” to our minds and the World Wide Web as a true reflection of our innermost spirits, i.e., "Our eyes are the Windows to our Souls". So the question asked “are you trying to make it complicated” can be reversed and reflected right back into all of humanities eyes.

In reply to your second statement: “Like fermions and bosuns; can’t have 'one' without the, 0+1, nothing + something, the foundational binary of the universe.” This is where it gets a little more complex; let me explain…

I believe ideas such as inflation, big bangs/crunches, warpable space, etc., have served only to create confusion as to what gravity is and how it can be reconciled with other "forces." String Theory is a perfect example of that whereby instead of changing Einstein's gravity to fit in with quantum interactions, quantum reality was force-fit to comply with macroscopic reality and empirically-based constants - why on earth would we want to limit the speed of light based on the limitations of its spatial medium? The vacuum that it travels through is not a true vacuum, so why should we consider the constant of light to be true? Barry Setterfield (The Creationist Cosmologist from the Astronomical Society of South Australia) gave a great analogy that depicts light speed being relative to energy density in the form of a runner running a track with and without hurdles. If we can say that light speed is infinite in a true vacuum, it is understandable that undetectable frequencies/energy/hurdles would impede the speed and give a false impression as to its constant.

The information of electromagnetic effects are carried by the photons through an alleged spatial medium, but let's say that no spatial medium is possible and that all possible effects happen in no time at all - at the speed of light which is infinite in all possible directions. All these potential scenarios would create possible states of virtual particles in the form of electrons and positrons with fractional energies - aka: quarks, call them what you like. The positrons are bound by magnetism created by the electrical current which in turn creates magnetism - aka: gravity in order to give us a new fancy name, "electrogravity" (not a real or necessary name btw).

Now, the funny part of my hypothesis is that it is illusory simply because the above interactions happen outside of time. In other words, the moment an effect is created is the same moment it is cancelled, but obviously there is time so we have to invoke the consciousness of time out of one of those possible scenarios which has obviously turned out to be probable because you have the capacity to read this. I guess we can say that consciousness is in effect a result of the slowing down of the speed of light due to centripetal forces that forms the atom.

Your formula of “0+1, nothing + something = the foundational binary of the universe” really gets me thinking; it's another large part of what lead to my thoughts on the absolute state - which "unfathomable" Tao is sort of like the "undefined" zero in your formula, don't you think? Yin + Yang = Tao, which can be interpreted as 0 + 1 = TOE, which carries both negative and positive potential charge and an infinite number of different universal states.

The Wu Chi state of the Tao would be the exact same result as two annihilated particles. Although, instead of releasing the proportionate quanta of energy based on the mass of electrons and positrons, by its absolute neutrality (to the exclusion of anything and everything) an infinite number of non-dimensional points would release an infinite amount of energy because of the division of Zero by itself - which is limited to 0/0; 1/1; -1/1; -1/-1; or 1/-1. Yet can represent fractional charges of quarks from 0 thru 0.000~1. This would be responsible for the detection of electrons as opposed to the positrons with the opposite charge hidden within the "proton."

It all comes down to how we view it. We can all formulate quantum ideas about the opposing forces within the atom, but I believe we can agree that they are all working together as “One.”

I think Setterfield was correct in saying that a uniform energy would impede light speed, but the question is; where would that energy come from - we could go deeper and deeper to reach the root or absolute level to express our thoughts on where this energy can arise from.

To fit it into my own thoughts on the "matter," and the problem I see with placing a literal Universe inside of an exterior space that isn't there, I can't use any literal substance or proclaim an eternal exchange of energy and material forms because it doesn't logically work at all. So I tend to look at whether or not an absolute vacuum could have the potential to differentiate itself from itself, and I think it can. There would be two different perspectives to the state: one would be more expansive than any infinite Universe we could imagine; and the other would be more contractive than any point we could imagine. Both would be "eternal" if you will or simultaneous because they are essentially the same state, but there could be an infinite number of non-dimensional points that could each be considered the center of the Universe as well as each expanding to infinity.

These points would be the basis for virtual interactions that would form spherical positive and negative particles which require both centripetal and centrifugal forces to exist for the extremely short time that they do - simultaneously existing and not - but we are not conscious of this because we create time in the mind which creates a sense of reality. A time for the effect to reach from one point to the point the information is processed in the brain, sort of like the redshift effect.

Perhaps uncomfortably, anything and everything has already happened long ago because there is really no time to begin with - it's all like a dream made real where individuals aren't aware of it because they're in it; and being a potential state based on probable outcomes, any dream can be made real in relative to "time."

I sort of connect infinity with space and eternity with time, and both imply a continuation of sorts without end. Whereas absolute space and time have boundaries where, again, there would be nothing outside of these. And this latter point is why I concluded that there is only one possible absolute state, which is the result of erasing concepts of space and time - there is no literal space and time, yet the concept of space and time manifests incrementally when the speed of light in an absolute vacuum is slowed down to varying degrees. To clarify what I mean by speed of light in an absolute vacuum, based on the Uncertainty Principle: we are decreasing Planck’s constant to zero, and therefore the velocity of light increases proportionately. Infinite speed is the same as no speed because it takes no time for light to reach anywhere at all. It is already everywhere.

And why I say things cancel out is because "things" are created from light - the fundamental building blocks of matter being created from photonic interactions. The mass created from the light - in the form of particle/antiparticle pairs - annihilate and release energy which in turn produces more mass; and all the mass of the Universe plus all the gravity in the Universe equals One. Your center of gravity holds your body together, and because our brains process information at a far slower rate than the constant of light we observe things asymmetrically. But in reality it is impossible for things to have enough time to form because, absolutely speaking, there is no such thing as time from the standpoint of light. In other words, everything immediately annihilates but we break the symmetry because we separate ourselves into individual points that fluctuate and are differentiated at varying frequencies within the visible-light range - a very small portion of what I think must be an infinite number of frequency ranges.

Also we view our universe as separate bodies of solid mass and the space in between as - the distance of space and time, but in the reality of quantum there is no space and no time between our galaxies and planets because the infinite light of “atoms” connects everything together as “One.” So, light does not travel from point A to point B (as referred to in space/time continuums) because the infinite light of everything is everywhere all at the same time.

Space is commonly thought of as being absolute emptiness or nothingness. However, if space were sheer nothingness, it would not exist, and nothing could be located in it or move through it. Logically, space must have some kind of structure and therefore consist of substance, and unless this substance is assigned impossible, abstract properties (such as absolute continuity and homogeneity), space must consist of infinite interpenetrating grades of energy-substance. What to us is ‘empty’ space is simply those regions of space containing no matter perceptible to our physical senses.

In theosophy, a distinction is drawn between abstract space and concrete space. Abstract space is the boundless All, the omnipresent divine essence, unfathomable and ineffable. It is universal consciousness, life, substance, force, energy – all of which are fundamentally One. Infinite space comprises a limitless number of concrete, finite spaces or spatial units, each of which is composed of smaller units and nested within a hierarchy of larger units. Hierarchical systems extend not only ‘horizontally’ (on the same plane), but also ‘vertically’ or inwardly (to higher and lower planes), for the one essence of consciousness-life-substance manifests in an infinite spectrum of vibration or density, forming an unending series of interpenetrating, interacting worlds within worlds, systems within systems.

On our own ‘horizontal’ level (the physical plane), for example, we find the following natural hierarchy, or order of increasing wholeness: subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, cells, organisms, ecosystems, planets, solar systems, galaxies, clusters, super clusters, etc. The multileveled constitution of worlds and of the organisms that inhabit them form ‘vertical’ hierarchies composed of several interpenetrating elements or aspects, from physical-astral to psycho-mental to spiritual-divine, each of which can be further divided. Since the universe is essentially a unity manifesting in endless diversity, spirit and matter are fundamentally one, and the most ‘spiritual’ pole of one hierarchy is the most ‘material’ pole of the next, superior hierarchy, just as the lowest pole of one hierarchy is the highest pole of the one below. ‘Spirit’ and ‘matter’ are therefore relative.

Although boundless space can be thought of as an empty container filled with beings and things, it would be more correct to say that the infinite totality of worlds within worlds, and the infinite multiplicity of living, substantial, conscious entities associated with them, actually compose space. From this point of view, reality is a fullness or plenum. From another viewpoint, however, reality can be regarded as a void (or what Buddhists call shûnyatâ), for all the infinite planes that make up reality are invisible to us except our own material plane, which is itself only a transitory manifestation consisting mainly of empty space.

What to us are invisible worlds are not strictly speaking extra ‘dimensions’; all the substantial, concrete systems composing any particular world are extended in three spatial dimensions and no more. Popular common sense justly rebels against the idea that under any condition of things there can be more than three of such dimensions as length, breadth, and thickness’. In its broadest sense, a ‘dimension’ is any measurable quantity, such as length, mass, temperature, or time. Strictly speaking, then, infinite space has no dimensions, ‘spatial’ or otherwise, for being an abstraction it is immeasurable; length, breadth, and thickness apply only to manifested entities, such as atoms, humans, and stars.

The words ‘plane’ and ‘sub plane’ denote particular ranges of vibration or density, and are relative terms. A plane can also be called a globe or sphere, since natural systems such as planets and stars tend to assume a more or less spherical shape. From one viewpoint, each of the visible planets and stars in the physical universe is a plane/sub plane in its own right, floating in the intangible ether of space, whereas from another viewpoint, they all belong to the same (physical) plane, since they are all composed of matter of more or less the same grade, and such matter is also sparsely scattered throughout the ‘empty’ space between them.

Our physical globe appears to us to be a continuous, solid object. It is built up of ‘discontinuities’ (atoms), which are separated by empty space (ethereal matter) and consist of smaller ‘discontinuities’ (subatomic particles), which in turn are separated by empty space and are further divisible. Every relative discontinuity (e.g. star, planet, atom, subatomic particle) is a relatively continuous whole, resolvable into finer discontinuities or sub wholes, and forming part of larger wholes, which at some level appear to be relatively continuous. And every such whole or sub whole can be regarded as a globe, sphere, or plane.

Just as boundless space comprises endless finite units of space, so eternal duration comprises endless finite units of time. Time is a concept we use to quantify the rate at which events occur; it is a function of change and motion, and presupposes a succession of cause and effect. Every entity is extended in space and changes ‘in time’. From this perspective, nothing can exist absolutely ‘beyond’ space and time, though the subjective experience of space and time can vary immensely, according to mood, state of consciousness, and stage of evolution.

Time is sometimes said in theosophy to be an ‘eternal now’, but this is not intended to deny the existence of a sequence of cause and effect. Everything that is actually happening is happening now, in the universal and – in a sense – eternal present. Although the past is by definition that which has already happened, and the future is that which has not yet happened, both are alive in the present, for the present is the child of the past and the parent of the future.

How long does the ‘present moment’ last? In the case of humans, it has been found that sound pulses separated by more than 3 seconds can no longer be grouped into pairs because they fall outside the span of attention. This represents the maximum interval of time that is simultaneously present for subjective evaluation – a kind of attention span bridging past and future events.

How finely can we divide our little 3-second lives? The shortest perceivable time division – sensory psychologists call it the fusion threshold – is between 2 and 30 milliseconds (ms) depending on sensory modality. Two sounds seem to fuse into one acoustic sensation if they are separated by less than 2 to 5 milliseconds. Two successive touches merge if they occur within about 10 milliseconds of one another, while flashes of light blur together if they are separated by less than about 20 to 30 milliseconds.

In principle, time intervals can of course be subdivided further. Some theorists claim that the smallest possible unit of time is 10-43 seconds, and the smallest unit of distance 10-33 cm, but these are merely limits based on speculative theorizing. If entities can exist in an infinite range of sizes, then units of time and distance must similarly span an infinite range. Distance and time are therefore relative: an atom is like a miniature solar system, re-embodying perhaps millions of times in what for us is one second, and our whole galaxy may be a molecule in some super cosmic entity, for which a million of our years is just a second. At an abstract level, the present instant for an infinitesimal entity would be infinitesimal, while for boundless space it would be eternal duration. Between these two abstract limits lies all the infinite diversity of the relatively real world, which consists of finite, concrete entities for which the present moment is always finite.

The theosophical doctrine of relativity is clearly of immense scope. The infinite divine essence of consciousness-life-substance manifests in an endless variety of forms, on an endless variety of scales, and in infinitely varying degrees of ethereality or substantiality. Infinitude is an abstraction, not an entity, and it therefore does not act or change and has no attributes. All the multitudes of finite, concrete, ‘manifested’ systems of which it is composed, on the other hand, move and change, act and react, and possess attributes. They are composite, inhomogeneous, and ultimately transient. Nothing is absolutely independent of or separate from other things; everything is interconnected and interdependent, and participates in an intricate, vibrant web of causal interactions. Every concrete world or entity passes through never-ending cycles of embodiment and disembodiment, activity and rest. There are no absolute beginnings or ends to evolution, only relative starting places and stopping or resting places.

The doctrine of relativity can also be called the doctrine of illusion (Maya). Maya or illusion is an element which enters into all finite things, for everything that exists has only a relative, not an absolute, reality, since the appearance which the hidden noumenon assumes for any observer depends upon his power of cognition. In other words, all finite, manifested things and entities are illusory in the sense that they are impermanent and we do not perceive them as they really are; we see only the outer appearance displayed to us by our imperfect senses, and not the invisible processes going on behind. Apparent stability and invariance at one level, for example, is only temporary and relative, an illusion generated by unceasing flux at some deeper level. And what to us are ‘elementary’ particles is, on their own level, worlds no less complex than our own earth. All pairs of opposites – light and dark, big and small, hot and cold, harmony and disharmony, simplicity and complexity, etc. – have only a relative, never an absolute meaning.

Manifested things and entities, with their evanescent, ever-changing forms, are ‘illusory’ when compared with the immutability of infinitude, and also when compared with the relative immutability of what to any family of entities are the higher, ‘spiritual’, relatively ‘non-manifested’ realms. The (collective) spiritual entity forming the summit of any hierarchy – whether atomic, human, planetary, solar, galactic, etc. – is the ‘absolute’ of that hierarchy. Since infinity – symbolized by a circle – contains an infinite number of absolutes or ‘ones’, all absolutes are relative. (Although infinity is sometimes referred to as ‘the absolute’, this is strictly speaking incorrect, for the word is derived from the Latin absolutus, meaning ‘freed’, ‘unloosed’, i.e. ‘completed’, ‘perfected’; only something that evolves can become freed or perfected, and only a finite, conditioned entity can evolve.)

Scientist has proven that matter stores energy and that E=MC² is true for the loss of mass proportional to energy expended. The force of nuclear reaction and the amount of energy stored in a single atom cannot be explained by the subatomic models. If you think about how this much energy is stored in the form of matter, the answer must be rotating structural form. Solid matter can store energy and remain stationary and stable with regard to axial position if it is rotating, i.e. flywheel. Matter is literally an energy force field or structured energy. The idea of thinking in terms of structured energy is difficult since we tend to perceive energy or force as nothing but a cause and can only be measured by its effect on matter. Since every part of this dimension is filled with energy, we exist in an ocean of energy.

Consider the Universe. Science would have us believe that space is void. But space is only void of concentrations of structured energy that we know as matter. From the standpoint of energy, or magnetic and gravitational force space is full. The planets, stars, black holes, and quasars all follow rules of motion. Forces act on forces and forces acting on stars and planets can hardly be considered void or nothingness. In fact everything affects everything to some extent.

Everything in our universe is connected together as One. Everything is the infinite “Light” of Fermions and Bosons (Atoms).

Perhaps the ancient text of our major religions is correct and our only problem in solving TOE is our separation of science and religion. Maybe if we fuse together these so-called opposing forces we will find the answer to life itself. Kind of like the “0 & 1” in your formula.

Here is food for thought: “And God said, Let there be light”

Let there be “Atoms!” The quantum explosion of pure “Light” and the beginning of Gods big bang. Not the throwing of random dice or pure chance, but the precise “Mathematical” formula of created mass in an ocean of electrons, protons and neutrons (Pure Light) called the Universe or One-Verse.

From the precise vertical and horizontal rotation of Subatomic Particles to the universal rotation of planets, galaxies and our universe; everything is spinning in an elliptical rotation called a Cirlce. It does not take a genius to figure out that a circle has no-time within its 180 degree rotational symmetry because a circle has no beginning or end. It is complete and whole as circular infinity.

A circle is an ancient and universal symbol of unity, wholeness and infinity. Time, as we know it, is only an illusion. We usually think of time as having three parts - Past, Present, Future. But what is the Past - only a collection of memories. We can't experience the Past, we can only remember it. And we can only remember it in the Present. There is no objective thing that we call the Past; it can't be measured in anyway; our only contact with it is in the Present.

And what is the Future - only a mental construct in the Present. We can't experience the Future until it "becomes" the Present. Until then it is only a hope and dream. We can project what the Future may be like, but we are considerably less accurate than when we remember the Past. There is no objective thing that we call the Future; it can't be measured in anyway; our only contact with it is in the Present.

That leaves us with only the Present - the ever changing Present. Time is an illusion we created to try and measure the rate of change of the Present. It's always NOW. But it's an ever changing NOW. In an effort to cope with the change, we have invented time. It's a handy mental device that helps us deal with the higher order derivatives of the rate of change, but in the reality of life it is simply an illusion of our minds.

Although the illusionary nature of time is the deep truth in this matter, it's not particularly practical. To be totally in harmony with this truth, you'd need to wear a watch that always said "now". But you'd be late for a lot of meetings in this One Eternal Day…

Everything we call "the past" is, literally, nothing but present memories. Likewise, everything we call "the future" is nothing but present memories inverted, or rearranged, to form a prediction or expectation. The appearance of "time" is little more than a trick of memory, as the Avatamsaka Sutra says. You can easily discern this for yourself: simply figure out what it is you consider "the past" and "the future." You will discover that it is nothing but thoughts--nothing but memories, nothing but expectations, nothing but mental commentary. It's "all in your head," so to speak. There's really no such thing as time. There is really only Now--an eternally present Present with no beginning and no ending. Everything is completely new, distinct, and original every instant, with no real "change" or "motion" at all. The mystic-philosopher Heraclitus, explaining this point, said, "A man cannot step in the same river twice."

Zen Buddhism, in particular, stresses this very significant insight. Here's the Sixth Patriarch, Ch'an Master Hui-neng:

"In this moment there is nothing that comes to be. In this moment there is nothing that ceases to be. Thus there is no birth-and-death to be brought to an end. Thus the absolute peace in this present moment. Though it is at this moment, there is no limit to this moment, and herein lies eternal delight."

Zen Master Seung Sahn elaborated on this topic in his excellent book The Compass of Zen (p. 143):

"Everyone thinks that this is extremely difficult teaching, something beyond their reach or experience. How can things appear and disappear, and yet there is, originally, even in this constantly moving world, no appearing and disappearing? A student once asked me, 'The Mahaparinirvana-sutra seems very confusing. Everything is always moving. And yet everything is not moving? I don't understand this Buddhism . . .' But there is a very easy way to understand this: Sometime you go to a movie. You see an action movie about a good man and a bad man--lots of fighting, cars moving very fast, and explosions all over the place. Everything is always moving very quickly. Our daily lives have this quality: everything is constantly moving, coming and going, nonstop. It seems like there is no stillness-place. But this movie is really only a very long strip of film. In one second, there are something like fourteen frames. Each frame is a separate piece of action. But in each frame, nothing is moving. Everything is completely still. Each frame, one by one, is a complete picture. In each frame, nothing ever comes or goes, or appears or disappears. Each frame is complete stillness. The film projector moves the frames very quickly, and all of these frames run past the lens very fast, so the action on-screen seems to happen nonstop. There is no break in the movement of things. But actually when you take this strip of film and hold it up to the light with your hands, there is nothing moving at all. Each frame is complete. Each moment is completely not-moving action.

"Our minds and the whole universe are like that. This world is impermanent. Everything is always changing, changing, changing, moving, moving, moving, nonstop. Even one second of our lives seems full of so much movement and change in this world that we see. But your mind--right now--is like a lens whose shutter speed is one divided by infinite time. We call that moment-mind. If you attain that mind, then this whole world's movement stops. From moment to moment you can see this world completely stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Like the film, you perceive every frame--this moment--which is infinitely still and complete. In the frame, nothing is moving. There is no time, and nothing appears or disappears in that box. But this movie projector--your thinking mind--is always moving, around and around and around, so you experience this world as constantly moving and you constantly experience change, which is impermanence. You lose moment-mind by following your conceptual thinking, believing that it is real."

When you transcend your thinking mind in the realization of your own pure, timeless, ever-present Awareness, then the illusion of time completely collapses, and you become utterly Free of the samsaric cycle of time, change, impermanence, and suffering. This, my friend, is nothing at all to be "depressed" about! Rather, the fact that your own Mind exists beyond time, in THIS very moment, is itself the key to your permanent and eternal (timeless) Liberation.

"To no longer resist the present is to see that there is nothing but the present--no beginning, no end, nothing behind it, nothing in front of it. When the past of memory and the future of anticipation are both seen to be present facts, then the slats to this present collapse. The boundaries around this moment fall into this moment, and then there is nothing but this moment, with nowhere else to go."

It's the same as the old "mirror" analogy: your mind is a perfectly clear mirror, and the world is reflected in it. You first must discover that you are the mirror and become free of the reflections; then you must discover that the reflections are not separate from the mirror. At that point you become Free as the Absolute Unity of mirror-and-reflections together.

Think of it like this; the reflection and the mirror are both One and the One is your – Mind. If the Universe was a large Mirror it would simply be a reflection of your mind. Everything seen, heard, felt and touched is in your mind and from your view point you perceive it to be out there, but the truth is; the out there all of us view is simply in here. Here meaning: the very place where you are reading and understanding these very words your eyes are seeing. Here is a question for all of you to think about; are you seeing these words outside of you, or are you seeing them inside of your mind?

Eyes are organs of vision that detect light. Light enters the pupil, is focused and inverted by the cornea and lens, and is projected onto the back of the eye. At the back of the eye lies the retina, seven layers of alternating cells and processes which convert a light signal into a neural signal ("signal transduction"). The actual photoreceptors are the rods and cones, but the cells that transmit to the brain are the ganglion cells. The axons of these ganglion cells make up the optic nerve, the single route by which information leaves the eye.

Notice the two key words in the above paragraph; Light and Information. Light is the carrier of information; kind of like, or just like the computer you are using right now. The information of this text you are reading is being carried through the electricity (Light) of your computer, through your computer screen, into your pupils, inverted by your cornea and converted into a neural signal that inputs the information to the dendritic branches signaling electroton-ically (by passive electrical spread) to the cell body’s, and hence to the axons/neurons that are communicating via chemical messengers and electrical synaptic transmissions of pure light containing bits of information (this text) to your neurotransmitters that we call norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin 5-HT, and GABA.

So where did all of this lead us? Where did every word, letter, paragraph and sentence of this long writing lead you? It led you to the “Chemistry” of your mind. It led you to my online “Virtual” Chemistry Lab.

Welcome everyone to our first chemical experiment; today we are going to be looking into one of the most powerful chemical substances in our world. As some of you have learned from this writing; everything in our universe is pointing in one direction. Everything is pointing in.

Our journey into the vastness of our universe has led us to the smallest of fermions and bosons, and then right back into the complexities of our own chemical minds. It is as if the universe and all of life is pointing inside of us; this is where my journeys quest has led me and it is also where the answer to TOE can be found. Life is simply one great big circle leading us all right back to where we started and it is there that we will find the “Answer” to life itself.

Here is food for thought: maybe the Creator of our universe is trying to show us something. Maybe there is a reason He designed the particles of an atom to spin in a circle, and maybe He is trying to show us the same thing in the rotation of our earth, sun, moon and galaxy. Everything is Spinning in a Circle that has no beginning or end, and even life itself is taking us on a great journey that is leading us right back to where we started. Like looking in a mirror and asking the reflection: what is the answer to life?

Here is a formula for everyone to think about: “Mirror + Mind = God.”

The Almighty Mirror of Life is pointing in and it is there that all of your questions will be answered. Our journey is not a journey through the hands of time; it is “Simply” a journey into the depths of our own minds.


Chemistry 101.

The Human Cognome Project.

Coming Soon!

A little more about me; I started my Chemistry career in mid 80’s in Houston, Texas. I was the Chief Chemical Engineer of drug development and chemical research into haemostatic substances. Our privately funded and private-sector project allowed us to test the effects of semi synthetic entactogen's and their interactions between individual biological organisms (humans). We were primarily focused on advanced-stage neurochemistry and research into human neurological disorders, neural viral kinetics and mental health disorders. (I will share more details about me and my corporation’s research later in this discussion).


Jared Paolo Clement


I hope all of you enjoyed it, and if you would like to read Part 2 I will be releasing it in a week or so.


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