Global Warming
Global Warming: Is it real or is it propaganda? so many convinced one way or the other but the real facts are that we don't know... period. be very careful when listening to the research scientists who are screaming about it. do you realize that they get a paycheck in the form of grants to study the "emergency" so they have other motives for what they say. we must stop believing that our doctors and research scientists are gods. for the most part they really don't know much at all. there is more that they don't know than they do know. and of course the media has to sell their air time so let's sensationalize EVERYTHING! Can't believe them at all in my opinion. so many of you believe those same research types who claim to know that evolution is indeed a fact. That's a lot of BS. know why they haven't found the missing link...because there is none. now I'll throw a real facts at you again...there are more real facts that make so much more sense for a creator or at the very least it took design. I know you just can't stop yourself and want to challenge this because of all the scientific proof. but I will challenge you to research the things that they don't tell you because it proves design and we know they can't have that can they. yeah, no more research money and now they don't feel like gods themselves. do you know that the moon rocks they brought back dated exactly what their "therory" claims? yes that's true but now the rest of the story...that was only about half of the rocks. the other half dated 0.000000. yep nothing! aw, but they didn't mention that did they? this earth we're on is and will be over very soon. I urge all of you to go study design vs evolution but look at the facts they don't tell you and begin to look at their so called facts and realize that wow it's not a fact at all but just a wild guess. the time is short people...Jesus is real....God is real. every prophecy has come true and the end of the world is going to end soon probably within the next 30 to 40 years but certainly can come sooner. put your faith, and no it is not blind Faith evolution is blind faith, in God before it's too late. That's why I don't care about global warming or any of the other stupid stuff much of mankind wants to believe. if you believe this is all that will be fine do everything possible to have a future and also keep your health up this is all you have. no hope. this is the only reward you get. I can tell with not even a belief but I KNOW HE"S REAL. something you will never understand or feel as long as you rely on mankind being their own god. God bless all. no go and find the truth...there is but one! |
The point. San Diego
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