A show and a drink.
Im not a lover of Scotch. It takes me about half a bottle of single malt before i can even start to appreciate it. Well, if you keep up with it to reach that point, I'm guessing that for you, it is an acquired taste. And you seem to be working on trying to acquire it. Sometimes, it's just a matter of finding the right one. The ones i like cost too much to drink regularly. I can only drink the cheap stuff if its mixed with coke and loads of ice. Ice....ICE??? Sacrilege. |
What's for dinner?
im having a pasta salad sandwich Isn't putting pasta on bread a bit redundant? |
A show and a drink.
Im not a lover of Scotch. It takes me about half a bottle of single malt before i can even start to appreciate it. Well, if you keep up with it to reach that point, I'm guessing that for you, it is an acquired taste. And you seem to be working on trying to acquire it. Sometimes, it's just a matter of finding the right one. |
Why Do All Ostriches.....
You already noted how much the big birds eat. They are probably checking it for edibility.
A show and a drink.
This glass of scotch was just what I needed. You know, I may go to bed before 1:00 am for a change.....
A show and a drink.
How are YOU relaxing tonight?
What's for dinner?
Again, pasta and chicken. Carefully measured out. But I sliced the chicken very thin and put cayenne pepper on it. Followed by Blazing Badger seasoning. Topped by a chicken and turkey seasoning. None of which contained salt. Browned in a great olive oil. Then I added the water and the pasta. Drained it, and had a wonderfully hot and spicy chicken and pasta dinner.
Lesbians on here?
I think you change that setting.
A show and a drink.
I have to admit that watching a fun t.v. show where scotch is regularly consumed while drinking a lovely glass of a suitable scotch is very relaxing.
Is it pathetic that...
It's just another way to connect to people. We are more and more busy. Life is more and more hectic. Some of use have a great many activities going on away from the computer. But sometimes we just need to unwind, at home, where we can totally relax. But we still want to converse. Since we are such a computerized society, it is logical that we build as many friendships with people online as we do outside our four walls.
We adapt to a new world. Nothing wrong with it. |
Text Messages
OMG...don't you just hate those stupid chain messages??? Like "blah blah blah, forward this to 10 friends and the one you love will realize tonight that he can't live without you...if you don't, you will get bad news in the morning". I have this friend who SWAMPS me with that juvenile crap on a daily basis. It drives me NUTS!!! I've told her to cut it out. I've even told her that if she didn't forward MY message to 100 readheads within 3 minutes, her toilet would flood. She's not friggin listening! All she says is "Oh, sorry...I didn't want to jinx myself". Well then send it to somebody else, I'm sure you can cough up 10 friends that are just as infantile as you are. I'm mean how old are you??? Twelve??? SHEEEESH!!! People are sending those on PHONES now!?!? No way. |
Tuesday's tragedies.....
I keep wondering when your going to have a good day!!! So do I! |
Isn't it ironic...
It's funny that part of the populations says that with each new discovery that it just goes to show that there MUST be a divine creator.
When to me it just goes to prove that there couldn't possibly be a divine creator. |
Tuesday's tragedies.....
I just keep wondering when the other shoe will drop.
Tuesday's tragedies.....
That is kinda funny!
Isn't it strange how cops can make us feel so very very nervous and guilty even when we have done NOTHING wrong. It is a very sad place for the state of the country when average, everyday people have that kind of ambivalence towards law enforcement. |
I'm not......
I just got home. Still dressed. But I often sit around on the computer in Undies.
Tuesday's tragedies.....
To follow my horrible Monday, I look at my bank online and it says I'm 12$ in the hole. WHAT????? After my tow bill and my insurance and my weekend shopping, I should have had 63$ left. That tow bill HURT big time.
So I run to the bank after work to deposit the 14$ in cash I had so I wouldn't get an overdraft fee. No problem. I just need figure out why my bank and my budget sheet disagree so hugely. I leave the bank and start home when a cop turns onto to road, turning wide into the left most lane. I'm in the right most lane. It's 35 miles an hour. I've not done anything wrong or odd. But then he pulls into my lane and is following me in a way that make me uncomfortable. He isn't in my tail or anything. But it felt weird. There was a restaurant right ahead, so I turned on my turn signal, pulled in, and went into the place. The cop followed me into the parking lot. I asked if they had any to-go menus so I can take one in to work. I looked back and saw him pulling back out into traffic. But I have NO CLUE why this cop suddenly decided to follow me. I can't think of anything I did wrong. It just creeps me out. Oh, and I probably need to finish cleaning and and get some of the reorganizing done this afternoon and evening. The fire marshal is going through the buildings on this block and checking the fire alarms, sprinkler systems, and so on. But I'm totally creeped out and unnerved by that cop. |
I couldn't sleep last night because of very bad heartburn, I think it was between 3 and 4 am before I finally passed out sitting up. Woke up with a kink in my neck this morning, got in took a hot shower to loosen it up. When I got out, I started vomitting... I called into work just to be called by numerous co-workers to see if I was really sick or just playing hookie... No one believed me. I stayed in bed most of the day, I slept til about 7pm tonight, now that its approaching bed time, I'm wide awake!!! yeah, tomorrow isnt gonna be fun either! Having experienced similar things before, I understand how you feel. Being sick all night and day and finally feeling better at night and not being able to sleep due to the amount of rest. Having people call and think you are playing hookie when sick just sounds frustrating. |
And then the baking disaster... Not counting the baking disaster as part of the bad day. It's just partly amusing to me that I can cook so well and not bake well. |
And the baking failure doesn't make me pissed. It just makes me sad.