Community > Posts By > IslandPearl

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Thu 05/29/08 08:53 AM
Edited by IslandPearl on Thu 05/29/08 08:57 AM

fingers if only i can find my slacks...i'd like to have pants on when i go in tomorrowlaugh

Let's hope you walk out with your pants on!

I work for a legal firm. 4 years, in CA you write? Then there will be a term limit on spousal support. It really just depends on if the judge is paying attention and is sympathetic. You have a better chance if your court time is early in the day. After lunch is not a good time. Fatigue and boredom sets in, even with judges.

BTW - this is your first date. Try to work it out quickly. More court dates mean more attorney time. That is only more money going out than in.

Best wishes.

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Thu 05/29/08 08:26 AM
As you requested. In Faith...flowerforyou

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Tue 05/27/08 07:20 PM
Edited by IslandPearl on Tue 05/27/08 07:21 PM
Thought I was getting better at all of this, but recently I found I am still foolish when it comes to love relationships. But I will not give up hope as I did before.

I'm a fool for ya baby is my song! laugh

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Mon 05/26/08 11:27 PM
Edited by IslandPearl on Mon 05/26/08 11:38 PM
Time to end this thread. Evil is lurking in the halls.

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Mon 05/26/08 10:47 PM
Edited by IslandPearl on Mon 05/26/08 11:09 PM

Deal. (shakes on it)

And hey if nothing else you make a bunch of new friends right? :smile:


"...a bunch of new friends..." Absolutely!

Gotta start out that way with everyone and most especially those people we want in our lives. Just remember - SLOW!

I'm guilty of over-thinking things when it comes to relationships! When I catch myself doing it I go to these Forums and search for similar situations. Lot's of times I don't have to write anything and I find good suggestions from other's experiences. Sometimes I offer up my experiences for others to know they are not alone. I don't have any answers. I can only share what doesn't work for me. I can share what does. Maybe it will for someone else.

Chin up! bigsmile

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Mon 05/26/08 09:35 PM
Edited by IslandPearl on Mon 05/26/08 10:25 PM
I'm sorry to know that. I know how you feel.

People here will tell you that it happens more often than not where it seems to be going good and then poof, it's over. She may also be taking a break because of life. It could be any number of reasons. Try not to worry too much.

Think about this though, when you start out too fast and then it drops off drastically, someone winds up with hurt feelings. Remember that for the next times.

I'm still open to meeting others and you should be as well. I did not cut off contact from any potential matches while he was in constant contact with me. Not that I was cheating. There was not talk of committment that early in the game. It's just not realistic to put all my hopes and dreams into one basket, expecially with someone that lives 3K miles from me.

I guess I just have to pay attention to the signs. As in "Actions speak louder than words." I can't talk with somone that will not talk with me. sad

They may come back but we can't wait forever and not live our best life. Let's make a pact. You keep open to receiving REAL True Love. I will do the same. Deal?

It is right to have hope for love! That is from my heart.

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Mon 05/26/08 01:01 PM
Edited by IslandPearl on Mon 05/26/08 01:02 PM
Of course I don't know why she is now not calling or answering your online IM's, but I agree with Romeo on this one. Just take your time to get to know her. Take your cues from her. Listen to her answers and how she reacts. Pay attention to what she says and especially what she asks. Slow and consistent is best. That is how trust is built.

Best wishes to you!

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Sun 05/25/08 01:32 AM
Edited by IslandPearl on Sun 05/25/08 01:36 AM
Does she usually do the calling to you or you her? If you are the one, then maybe she was waiting for you to contact her. She most likely saw that you were online at the same time. If she did she also could be wondering the same thing about you.

Oh this part is so hard and does not really get any better as one gets's older. You think you can read a person when it seems that they love talking to you and you them. All is good. Then spoken and unspoken issues crop up and the usual communication or behavor patterns change and throw you for a loop. You can drive yourself crazy over analyzing what is happening.

I like the direct, just ask approach. But that can be scary to people that hold back their thoughts and emotions. If she is that way you may have to just wait it out.

I hope it's just a short wait for you.

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Sun 05/25/08 01:06 AM
Edited by IslandPearl on Sun 05/25/08 01:16 AM
Excellent Forum Topic!

For me I don't want to know or be asked how many. One recent contact had his interesting way of asking the how many question. He even had the audacity to ask some details, trying to compare himself to past lovers. I told him that is information that should not be shared.

I will however provide the tests results and expect the same from a partner. I don't think STD are a reflection of a person's character. Accidents happen. You could catch something from a person that did not know they had anything. A test could come up negative for an STD but months later you find you are having symptoms. I read somewhere that it can take 8 years for AIDS to show any symptoms. In the meantime you could be a carrier and pass it on to another unsuspecting innocent. Does anyone know if that is still true.

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Sat 05/24/08 11:57 PM
Edited by IslandPearl on Sun 05/25/08 12:01 AM

For the record, when I said I was considering talking to her about this, I meant if we were going too quickly or putting the cart before the horse. Talking about the rest may not be a bad idea though.

What are you saying BTW about the meeting thing? Are you saying that if I'm not in position to meet her, or even spend a lot of time with her if she came here, that maybe I ought to cool it a bit till I can?

Sorry I'm just gettting back to you.

I figured you meant that - about talking to her.

In regards to the "meeting thing," that is exactly what I mean. Why rush to be in a deeply dependent relationship, needing and wanting contact so often, when you can't meet more than a few times a year? I could be wrong. Infrequent get-togethers works for some people..

I hope you had a good talk with her.

Best to you!

no photo
Fri 05/23/08 11:28 PM
Edited by IslandPearl on Fri 05/23/08 11:33 PM

I am a site admin, believe it or not. laugh Sorry I missed that part of your second post -- I guess I rush at times.

In any case, my next question is this: Are you using JustSayHi or OnePlusYou? You can read about OPU here, in case you have not already:

Oh Dear Obi Won Kenobi, as in Site Admin Guru Charles, I AM using OPU. That is where I posted this question. It is where I have been responding to the advice received to date. It is where I am responding from right now. I find it very interesting that you are not able to see my footprint if you are a Site Admin. I guess you don't have that kind of access. huh okay.

Please try your suggestings first and then let me know when it works.

MY goal: to block profiles seeking Intimate Encounters from showing up in my Searches AND Mutual Matches.

They are not Mutual Matches or Interests of mine!

Help!! Please fix it on your end if that is what is required.

I may have to move off this site if I keep getting IE profiles in my Searches and Matches.

However, I do like the Forums. Just good and fun people. Harmless.

no photo
Fri 05/23/08 11:46 AM
Edited by IslandPearl on Fri 05/23/08 11:48 AM

Hi, IslandPearl. Have you adjusted the settings using the following pathway?

Search tab --> Advanced --> Looking For

Hi Charles!

Thanks for the response! flowerforyou

Yep I've done that. See above thread.

Quote: In my SEARCH section I selected boxes that do not include "Intimate Encounters" for what I am "LOOKING FOR." Very odd that those profiles still show up in my Matches. I'd say that is definately NOT a MATCH!

I went to Search>Advanced>Looking For> and selected: Dating, Friendship, Marriage, Relationship, Activity Partner. I did not select Any or Intimate Encounter.

Still I got those IE's showing up in my Matches and Searches. So frustrating! grumble

I'm still hoping I can get a Site Admin to help since we are not able to contact them through this site. Maybe I'm just missing where that place is also! laugh

Anybody else got any ideas? Please?

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Fri 05/23/08 11:19 AM
Edited by IslandPearl on Fri 05/23/08 11:23 AM

It's under Settings in the My Account Tab

Thanks for trying. flowerforyou

I been there many times and went there again. It only applies to blocking in Mail and not in Searchs. I do have a block in the Mail setting for this.

In my SEARCH section I selected boxes that do not include "Intimate Encounters" for what I am "LOOKING FOR." Very odd that those profiles still show up in my Matches. huh I'd say that is definately NOT a MATCH! laugh

Unless I am just missing the box that says "Block Intimate Encounters in Search," then this site has an "OOPS WE DON'T DO THAT" issue or a programming issue that has been overlooked.

I really do not want to sift through 100's of IE's when that is not what I am interested in.

Anyone got a tried and true suggestion that would to the job correctly?

no photo
Fri 05/23/08 11:00 AM
Edited by IslandPearl on Fri 05/23/08 11:20 AM
I have my profile set to block for some things. How can I set a block on the searches so I don't see people that do not fit ALL my critieria? Specifically, I want to block out "Intimate Encounter's (IE)" from showing up in my searches. Anyone know if we are able to do this? Help please! Thanks!!

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Fri 05/23/08 07:31 AM
Edited by IslandPearl on Fri 05/23/08 07:41 AM

So I met this great girl on here a couple of nights ago, and we've been talking back and forth often since then when we've both been on. We seem to have clicked quite a bit already, but I kind of wonder if we're going too fast. I say that because we've already been talking about a connection, seeing each other in person (we live on opposite sides of the country) and like maybe it's meant to be and stuff like this. Don't get me wrong, we both do feel something here, and maybe it is meant to be I don't know. But at the same time, I'm starting to think maybe it's too soon to start talking about that already, when we've only known each other 3 days now. Any thoughts?

Dude. All I can say is that I went for it.....and I don't regret it. I met a girl on here back in November, we talked for two months, then we met.....and things have been awesome. If you truly feel something, then keep talking and then try to meet one another (if possible). It could could not work. But, you have to try to find out. If that is what you want.

See this was the ideal situation,frequent talks for two months and then meeting in person. Even better if you live near each other or are able to afford the long distance travel costs. It works for some. A good story always give me hope. Bravo Goofball73!

no photo
Fri 05/23/08 07:26 AM
Edited by IslandPearl on Fri 05/23/08 07:38 AM

My speed story is a bit similar. Two months of daily contact. emails and phone calls. Usually him calling. We shared an immediate connection and attraction via email, phone and pictures. We even talked about possibilities. Just wishful thinking and maybe lots of flirting I think.

My profile at the time stated, "looking for long term leading to marriage." His stated, "friendly guy looking for friendship." He contacted me. Why? When I asked him why he said he just sent an email to me and I replied. He dodged the question. grumble

Then he travelled here for almost a week because of work. We saw each other almost every day. We talked on the phone the same amount, perhaps more. All was good. He kissed me first. I kissed him first the following day. I let him know I liked kissing him. We had a very nice time when he was here. No sex either. He is coming out here again in a month. bigsmile

He went back home and called the same amount of times for a few days. Then it dropped off to one call every 3 or 4 days and now it's very few emails. frown

I did my best to keep it "Friends Only" (we both think he needs to learn how to have a woman for a friend and not a wife or lover) but I like this man. He said his life is too messed up with a messy divorce now done (1 yr separated by law then 1 year since decree) and trying to get his life with his kids in order. He has them 1/2 time for now but he wants full time when he can get the money together to pay the lawyers. He said he is stuck in the "life suck's section" and he is in financial ruin and has nothing to offer a woman.

Okay, I get this. But I don't need his money or things to be his Friend. I want what he can give me and that is an intelligent and caring Friend that listens and talks to me like he trusts and respects my opinions and differences. An extra plus for me is he is active and lead a healthy lifestyle (except for th estress of divorce). I'm willing to be a Friend and take the time for him to get his act together. I'm willing to go slower. Yes, I am interested in a future with this man, but we both know it's not practical for now. I did ask him what he does with his time now that he is not calling me as much. He tells me he is just busy trying to get the house ready to rent out the basement and be able to pay off some bills. I believe him, but wonder what else is the reason for him cutting me off like this. Why can't he just call for 10 to 20 minutes? I don't need the marathons like we were having in the beginning. It's nice but not practical.

So my advice is to take things slowly and let it all play out naturally. Be carefull not to speed it up as he and I did here. It's very easy to do when you find someone you click with. It just hurts when someone pulls back for any reason. Even when it's just "Friends."

Thanks for the advice, so how would one define going slow here? We're not really in a position to see each other any time soon (at least as far as me going there goes, her coming here is another matter). Do you think maybe it might be good if we didn't talk daily, so that we'd be used to that idea as we get closer?

I was considering talking to her about this too incidentally, and see what she thinks.

As for you, I would talk to him about this concern, as to why he hasn't been reaching you more, even if it's not for as long.

You ask "how would one define going slow here?" Don't call every day. Spread it out a bit. That can be hard to do when interests and emotions are increasingly intense. Wait until after you have met to talk more often. That way, if something happens and you don't want or can't call daily, it won't be so noticeable and hurtful.

I prefer the guy to come and meet/find me first, even if I am able and want to see him NOW. That's just me. If you are not in a position to go to her town any time soon, would you have time to spend with her if she visited your town? Think about it. If you are not ready to host or able to spend lots of time with her if she came to your neck of the woods, that would put a real damper on the situation. You wouldn't want that if the tides were turned.

While we're on the subject, I do think you should meet long before it gets to a year of talking and no meeting. Otherwise all you have is a phone buddy. It you want real, you have to be willing and able to meet in person to see if the physical attraction is real and not just a fantasy. You learn more spending time with a person doing things and doing nothing with them. That's only important if you want a real live relationship. For a long distance relationship I prefer if this first meeting takes place within the first 1 to 3 months. Anything more than that I might feel like it's not real.

You write, "I was considering talking to her about this too incidentally, and see what she thinks." I like that, talking and asking questions works for me.

Thanks for your advice. In my case, I would like to ask him "why he hasn't been reaching me more, even if it's not for as long." Even if his answer is I don't want you, or I think it best to let you go because I have nothing to offer you, or what ever the reason is, I want to know. No confrontation like what Guys are afraid of having with a Woman on any difficult subject. I just want to know the truth every step of the way - no matter what it is. I think that is just being respectful. Then I don't waste my time or his. Since he is making no effort to tell me I think I have to ask him more directly than I have. I believe I did not get a complete answer when I asked him what he does with his time now that he is not calling me as much.

So yes, talk to her and ask her what she thinks about how frequent you should talk to each other. Ask her when she thinks you should meet. We women like to be asked.

Best wishes to you!

no photo
Thu 05/22/08 12:53 PM
Edited by IslandPearl on Thu 05/22/08 01:07 PM
My speed story is a bit similar. Two months of daily contact. emails and phone calls. Usually him calling. We shared an immediate connection and attraction via email, phone and pictures. We even talked about possibilities. Just wishful thinking and maybe lots of flirting I think.

My profile at the time stated, "looking for long term leading to marriage." His stated, "friendly guy looking for friendship." He contacted me. Why? When I asked him why he said he just sent an email to me and I replied. He dodged the question. grumble

Then he travelled here for almost a week because of work. We saw each other almost every day. We talked on the phone the same amount, perhaps more. All was good. He kissed me first. I kissed him first the following day. I let him know I liked kissing him. We had a very nice time when he was here. No sex either. He is coming out here again in a month. bigsmile

He went back home and called the same amount of times for a few days. Then it dropped off to one call every 3 or 4 days and now it's very few emails. frown

I did my best to keep it "Friends Only" (we both think he needs to learn how to have a woman for a friend and not a wife or lover) but I like this man. He said his life is too messed up with a messy divorce now done (1 yr separated by law then 1 year since decree) and trying to get his life with his kids in order. He has them 1/2 time for now but he wants full time when he can get the money together to pay the lawyers. He said he is stuck in the "life suck's section" and he is in financial ruin and has nothing to offer a woman.

Okay, I get this. But I don't need his money or things to be his Friend. I want what he can give me and that is an intelligent and caring Friend that listens and talks to me like he trusts and respects my opinions and differences. An extra plus for me is he is active and lead a healthy lifestyle (except for th estress of divorce). I'm willing to be a Friend and take the time for him to get his act together. I'm willing to go slower. Yes, I am interested in a future with this man, but we both know it's not practical for now. I did ask him what he does with his time now that he is not calling me as much. He tells me he is just busy trying to get the house ready to rent out the basement and be able to pay off some bills. I believe him, but wonder what else is the reason for him cutting me off like this. Why can't he just call for 10 to 20 minutes? I don't need the marathons like we were having in the beginning. It's nice but not practical.

So my advice is to take things slowly and let it all play out naturally. Be carefull not to speed it up as he and I did here. It's very easy to do when you find someone you click with. It just hurts when someone pulls back for any reason. Even when it just "Friends."

no photo
Thu 05/22/08 12:01 PM
Edited by IslandPearl on Thu 05/22/08 12:04 PM
While I do agree you can see signs everywhere, I believe you can only see them if you want to see them. That is when awareness comes into play.

However, I do not agree with your opinion that "...usually the women that show less cleavage are also less sexually oriented." Those women may just be modest and believe in saving the "skin" for when they are in the company of only a certain person. Kind of like saving oneself for marriage. You know, "for your eyes only."

I'm one of those women. I can wear a skimpy top or dress in the comfort of my home, but out in public I am more discerning. If I am more comfortable with a man and we are both into each other, then I will show a bit more skin. When it's appropriate to peal it all off then look out cuz he's in trouble! love

I go by the "when it's appropriate" in all areas of life. That is just me. Others prefer more attention and love to show all of it. That's cool too. Gives everyone a show. Variety is the spice of life! drinker

"Don't judge a book by its cover." I agree!

My advice: Take time to read the pages and learn the signs.

Good luck to everyone!flowerforyou

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Tue 05/20/08 10:34 AM
Thank you! flowerforyou

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Tue 05/20/08 09:55 AM
career - work - what?