Continue..3,seductive ladies in holiness church.then satan called a princess.wen dis princess apear in d world she luk lik an harlot in d world.He told her,go and organised young,beautiful ladies into the churches of holines people to seduce ministers of God,let dem cause belivers to hate their wives and lust after their beauty.they shud make dem fall by imorality.i have poured down the spirit of imorality into all d world.go wit d force dat no man can resist wise an behave like a christian.(proverb 5:3-9)..4,QUENCHING THE FIRE OF GOD IN CHURCHES,satan said to another prince and comision him saying 'you go and make sure dat u quench d fire of God in every church so dat we can come in and have our field day...5,DISOBEDIENT,STUBBORNESS,AND REBELLION IN MINISTERS CHILDREN,6,hatred,quarel and absence of luv in family(prov 5:22-33)..7,CARELESNES LAZINESS AND LUKEWARMNES TOWARDS PRAYER,satan said 'let's prayer be taken away frm d family,an frm churches,let d church b prayerles and cold(luk18:1)..8,FORNICATION AMONG YOUTHS,satan beat his hand on his chest and said'ALL youth must come under d sin of fornication,all youth must b under d bondag of imorality..9 SILENCING GOSPEL PREACHER TRU PERSONAL SIN AN BACKSLIDING..10,UNGODLY MUSIC USED BY SOME CHURCH OF CHRIST,then satan continued,"i also inspir some music wich luk attractiv to d church.some christians are ignorantly going about wit dis music,wen dey go in such music i come in an operate freely..11,DECEITFUL SIGNS AND WONDERS IN MINISTRIES OF BACKSLIDING MINISTERS..
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Heavenly revelation given by jesus,jesus says:BElievers are sleeping,the trumpet would have sounded,except that i pleaded with my father,this is bcos many people are going to hell,believers are careles about their lives.even belivers are going about witout doing restitution,jesus said 'i have made up my mind frm ages that no sin will enter heaven,my coming is at hand,i dont no when i shall come,it may b soon,live with the expectation of my appearing daily,be careful wit ur life,neva allow sin into ur life(mark 13:32-37)
How Is Hell Like?
Tanx Rose 4 dis
What is sin, really?
All sin r equal der is no big sin none small sin,he dat stol ample is d same as he who rape or kidnap.God dos not rate sin.But d only sin dat cannot b 4gven is d sin against d holy spirit which canot b 4gven.
What is sin, really?
Sin is transgresing the word or law of God 1john3:4-8,so there no big sin or small sin,all r equal
God is almigty,christians r mini mity(gods),GOD works in a way dat canot be predicted.
I WAS NOT BORN AGAIN TO SIT AGAIN BUT I WAS BORN AGAIN TO SAVE AGAIN.Galatians5:13, cos it is d duty of every christian to save souls,mathew28:19,remenber he dat winet souls is wise,proverb11:30.
Is Everyone A Child of God?
Now not carefuly,ist:ALL REGION NO GOD BUT NOT ALL NO CHRIST.listen jesus said i no my sheep nd my sheep no me john10:27.please read 2timothy2:19,note it is only those dat v acepted jesus nd their nam is in d lambs book of life (rev 20:15) dat r children of God.not every one dat say lord lord dat wil enter into d kingdom of God.finaly until u r save by surrendering ur life 2 jesus u canot b a child of God hebrew7:25
Now listen carefuly,God is not a liar,he cant tell us 2do wat he knows is not posible,he said 'be ye holy 4 i'm holy'.he said witout holines no man can see God.holines is a state of being free frm sin, so a beliver can stay witout sin tru d help of d holyspirit.john16:7-8.holines is not by our power,wisdom,knowleg but is by d leading of d holyghost,ROMANS 8:4,5,14. so beliva seek d holyspirit
Do u no dat man jesus,he's d only one dat can save u frm d power of sin,sickness,death nd hell.receiv him now dat u might b save.
Will God Answer My Prayers?
U can v ur praya answer.first,u need 2b riteous,2nd u nid 2,no d word,beliv it, live by it nd speak d wordwen praying,nd b patient wit God 4 an answer. U pray according 2 Godswil wen u pray tru & by his word dat u beliv in.THE WORD OF God IS Equals 2 Gods wil
I v heard of a muslim broda who bcos he likes one xtian sista,he went 2 join her church,2 caught d story short afta mariage,he bound d sista neva 2go 2 church all d days of her lif,dat is hw d girls xtianity dies,so if u lik ur soul,ur salvation nd heavenly contious dont do it.tnx
Talk with Jesus
Wen d who r u comes in contact wit who jesus is,u wil b change frm d social stage of who r u to how r u.can u say amen.jesus is d way
Please Read Me
Let us b sober about our life,knowing dat we r not d landlord of ur life,jesus is coming bck,again,wen he comes,wer wil u b,knowing dat dis earth is not our home,der 4 gv ur life 2 jesus nd live 4him.
Wat is love
Love is not a function of sex,neither is a function of age,nor a function of location or a function of distance,either a function of race.BUT love is real,is heart neva can go d xtramind.
I v undastand dat notin can b more powaful dan tru luv ,who can search
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