Topic: Please Read Me | |
Let us b sober about our life,knowing dat we r not d landlord of ur life,jesus is coming bck,again,wen he comes,wer wil u b,knowing dat dis earth is not our home,der 4 gv ur life 2 jesus nd live 4him.
Hi there have just read your topic there and you think and believe in the same way as me. In this world you need to open your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ and ask him in to be your Saviour and get your name written in the lambs book of life, forever, and what a hope we have, that when the Lord Jesus calls us home or ends this so horrible wicked world we will be raised to Heaven and given a new body to meet our Saviour and all our loved ones that have gone before us and that really implies to me at this time in my life as i have just lost my supreme daddy, but i know, at least, that daddy is in Heaven more alive there than he ever could be down here out of pain and misery and sickness, singing with the angles in Glory and one day i will be reuinted with my supreme daddy and what a day of rejoicing that will be and all my other loved ones as well and what a hope and a sure faith that we have that we will one day be in Glory with our beloved Saviour - those without Jesus Christ in their heart - what hope and what have they to looking forward to, to me, it is nothing - so, so sad. and it is nice to have read your topic, thanks, and thanks also for taking your own time to read this message from me to you. thanks again, take care and God Bless you in your every day life and remember to thank God each day for each new breathe and each new day that He has given us until it is out time for Him to call us Home.
carol-ann |