Community > Posts By > laylanie74
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Wed 08/10/11 10:45 AM
iam named after an anut my given name is catherine id change it to dakota
might be gas? was she a premie, my daughter wants to be held all the time cause she was. but its also a comfort thing she may just want to feel ur sink against her or feel ur heart beat. my son slept like a rock but loved to fall asleep on my chest to hear me breathing. he still like to lay his head on me and check lol. bmy daughter at times ( shes 1 hes 3) likes to just be held and be touched.
if u rule out gas, colic, and milk or formula, u8r left with dipers, and blankets? toys ? if nothing has really changed, it probally a i just want my m mommy time, or daddy only other thing is an ear infection, my son doesnt do the normal stuff. at times the only way i know is fluid leaking out his ear. but he gets fussy, not wanting to eat, or sleep long, and nothing makes him happy. a dr apt might be the way to go, and take her in if something doesnt feel right to u. the dr's will understand. good luck |
Fictional animals or stuffs
jackalope |
Doesnt Feel Pain
My daughter was born 3 months early and is now over a year old in real time. She has a few medical problems. the most current and most concerning is she doesnt feel pain. she reacts to being startled, poked and things like that but not pain. she is crawling and moves fast shes had her hand stepped on several times and doesnt react to it. her brother who is almost 3 and 32 pounds has step on her leg and yet again no reaction. the most current is playing in her crib she got her arm stuck at an odd angle than didnt bother her just the fact she couldnt get her arm out. ive mentioned it to her dr, omt therapist, and anyone else i can think of, i get the thats odd or i wonder how much pain she can feel. but everyones pertty much dismissive. she is going in in 3 weeks for an abr test which is making sure the nerves connecting the brain stem and ear are working correctly. so she has some nerve issues. guess my question is how concerned should i be? i know if she cant feel pain she will hurt sheself badly eventually. should i keep pushing this issue with her dr ? need advice plzzzz |
ok i have a gutter mind anyway y no head but a crotch shot ?
or iam just o.0 |
New here..
omg u could spend the rest of ur life phycoanalizing me and writing a book.
lol sounds like ur smart and modivated u ll find a good woman in no time. just date out of ur field of expertiese |
Heaven and Hell
first it varieys by religion
i dont believe in god but i do believe in gods such as the greeks did so i believe in the allieasians fields and hades i think rolling a boulder up hill while a vulture eats ur liver is soo much worse than heat any day and yes my spelling sucks thank u |
Any gamer girls?
lol if u want gamer girl there out there 40% of my friends on warcraft r girl and there also play everquest, rift, fully metal jacket, halo, some dont admite it cauze they get lots of grief
but i lov gaming iam play more games if i have the money and time, 3 kids kinda keep me busy lol |
Young and single parents
try having kids when ur older u dont get a break there either, people assume my kids have the same dad thank god. my first was at 28 and i married her father we divorced when she was 3. and r great friends now. but my sons dad changed his mind when i was 5 months pg, and my youngest as soon as i told her dad he told me to give her away or get rid of her. she is my last child due to bad complications she was 3 months early and barly made it. but she helped me realize, i didnt need someone who viewed her and her brother as an object or disposable. i adore my children and thank the gods everyday there here to make me realize i have a reason and porpose in life.
they make me a better person but just being alive. |
the death penalty
whats this switch go to ? :)
iam all for an eye for an eye espically when kids r involved |
Any gamer girls?
lol not in ur area but i warcraft lol
War Crackers
so anyone on here play warcraft? and if so what realm?
iam on er, and 7 others but my mains a night elf hunter on earthen ring :) |
listen to ur body and ur dr its different for everyone i have three beautiful kids all c sections #1 was over due, and i didnt go into labor they induced 12 hours later they were afraid id lose her so c section #1 2# he was a planned c section cause the chance id go into natural labor was slim, he was planned, at birth he had a knot and his umbilical wrapped around his neck he would have been an emergency c section if i had him natural 3# well she was 3 months early, my water broke at 5months, so i was in the hospital till she arrived at 28 weeks 4 day, and she was breach, but i went into natural labor. i was given lots of grief by friends for not trying natural child birth but if i had i would have lost 2 of my kids, maybe all 3. there is a good chance my daughter may not be able to have kids naturally my mom had my brother and i c section to be honest the scar is small not that i care, but i was home in 3 days after birth and walking the same day i had my kids, with the exception of my last one. there are lots of choices and ways to have ur child but it will come down to can u have kids naturally and do u want to have them naturally. oh i recomend drugs lol. sounds like u ll be a great mom |
Need Advice
i dont know his moms name but can try his sister again. he has ptsd that y we seperated, he just wouldnt admit he need help. thats also y i feel bad about doing anything with his stuff, but i cant store it forever either.
thanks everyone |
self chosen vegan child
my sons almost 3 he eats no meat. thats beef, chicken, pork, and fish. he also doesnt like eggs.
he drinks lots of milk, eat some peanuts butter. yes ive tryed looking up vegan stuff on internet for kids its all geared to mimic burgers and etc..... which hes not intresed in. any ideas on new recipes? plzzzzzzz |
Need Advice
hes from minessota, was stationed in texas, his sister lives in virgina but deployed in libia, and his mom just moved to az. so theres no one
and he left a desktop computer and moniter (600$), a flat screen tv and dvd player(225$), and all his clothes (200$), and a custom race jacket (250$). |
these monents as beautiful as they r, r evil when there gone |
Need Advice
my now x boyfriend moved out 2 months ago. he left almost everything he owned, a computer, tv, dvd player and almost all his clothes. he move in with me after 3 tours in iraq, so this is literally all he owns. we broke up he left the state for a week to help his mother move then was coming back. he sayed when he returned hed get a hold of me and arrange to get his things. ive tryed calling, and texting but i had to turn the phone off after a month. i got a hold of his sister and she said she would talk to him. but shes not state side shes in libia (navy girl)last i heard, so now iam not sure what to do with his things? how long should i hold on to them, we broke up in june, he went out of state in july. need opinions plz |
Leopard geckos
ya in fact there out looking for food now lol hungery little buggers lol i better get them a snack
lol the rez evil series