Community > Posts By > robert1652

robert1652's photo
Thu 09/24/09 06:47 PM

Hey all. Just stopping by. This is kind of a funky Beatles pic. They don't look too masculine here, either.

Those are actually Beatles in Beefeaters uniforms
They were the soldiers who guarded the tower of London in 15th / 16th century, They are still the traditional Tower of London defenders. There is a Beefeater Gin named after them too.
You couldn't get any more masculine than that

robert1652's photo
Thu 09/24/09 05:28 AM

drool drool drool
Tube8 is better

robert1652's photo
Thu 09/24/09 05:26 AM
Edited by robert1652 on Thu 09/24/09 05:26 AM

I was talking to a guy on her that by his picture looked pretty damn good, BUT when I actually went and met him NOT. The picture was from about 10 years ago. And the funny thing is he actually asked me if he looked like his picture?!?! And them he turn into a not very nice person. Oddly enough that was my first "date" from this site.
and that illustrates my point exactly

robert1652's photo
Thu 09/24/09 05:22 AM
Edited by robert1652 on Thu 09/24/09 05:23 AM

I did tell that after 7 months of no activity on Mutual Match I had 31 new possible candidates in one day

I said yes to every one (I don't wish to sound desperate but I was trying it out)

1 person matched
Wrote a beautiful longish Email very polite and witty

never heard of her again

Today I had another one

She wanted me to be a slave to her and her husband

Nice or what

I know you love to joke flowerforyou but is this truewhat the slave thing I mean

She is on this site and if I name her I will be banned because I would have mentioned someone with a tone of slander. She physically wants a slave and wants her and her husband to go and take over the victims house and enslave them

Her screen name is a derivation of a disease.

robert1652's photo
Thu 09/24/09 05:13 AM
Edited by robert1652 on Thu 09/24/09 05:18 AM

OMG I just noticed that one of the local guys on here has changed his profile pics from himself indifferent to some hottie model quality dude whos at least 15 years younger. Even has more pics of "him" with others etc. ROFLMAO
Do people with fake pics actually show up for a first date? noway

Long ago a woman on here posted clothed photos of Brandy Taylor the porn star ( I was not aware of that)and spoke to me a few months on Email
When I met her she was the spitting image of Mrs Doubtfire. I was very angry she was philosophical saying you should love my person not my skin
I walked away needless to say she is not on this site any more
Good riddance

It is true it's what's inside that matters most, but the thing here is that someone who can justify lying about a pic will lie about other things as well.

True or false I am not looking for Mrs. Doubtfire or her twin sister

Are you looking for someone disguised as say Brad Pitt? No matter how nice he is inside? Physical attraction is an aspect of any relationship ignore it completely you might as well ignore yourself

robert1652's photo
Wed 09/23/09 11:27 PM
ebay I always look o see the price of things

robert1652's photo
Wed 09/23/09 10:00 PM

The watermelon


Whats soooo god damn funny
Her reaction and while at it your reaction
Cool it dude

robert1652's photo
Wed 09/23/09 09:08 PM

The watermelon


robert1652's photo
Wed 09/23/09 09:07 PM
I always buy the seedless
Tastes just the same and kids don't spit as I hate that stupid habit

robert1652's photo
Wed 09/23/09 09:04 PM

I've almost collected one from all 50 States! drinker

Still looking for Nebraska & Alaska? ohwell

robert1652's photo
Wed 09/23/09 09:04 PM

I did tell that after 7 months of no activity on Mutual Match I had 31 new possible candidates in one day

I said yes to every one (I don't wish to sound desperate but I was trying it out)

1 person matched
Wrote a beautiful longish Email very polite and witty

never heard of her again

Today I had another one

She wanted me to be a slave to her and her husband

Nice or what

Hey Bob,
I will reverse the last one. I can be your slave...laugh ....I hope that makes you happy tonight...flowerforyou

Thanks for the offer love
I think right now you need to concentrate on some more important issues
The master and slave can wait until another day

robert1652's photo
Wed 09/23/09 08:57 PM
Regardless if it is prejudice or not I am very patriotic about England. No matter what age I would pick up a riffle to defend it just like my father before me in WWII and my granddad before my dad in WWI

All these nationalities evading to share the benefits without contributing are not welcomed in my book. However the contributing members of the society without any prejudice to their colour or creed are considered my brothers and sisters and my fellow nationals.

robert1652's photo
Wed 09/23/09 07:19 PM
Edited by robert1652 on Wed 09/23/09 07:20 PM
I did tell that after 7 months of no activity on Mutual Match I had 31 new possible candidates in one day

I said yes to every one (I don't wish to sound desperate but I was trying it out)

1 person matched
Wrote a beautiful longish Email very polite and witty

never heard of her again

Today I had another one

She wanted me to be a slave to her and her husband

Nice or what

robert1652's photo
Wed 09/23/09 07:14 PM
super fantabolost

robert1652's photo
Wed 09/23/09 07:00 PM
ding a ling

robert1652's photo
Wed 09/23/09 05:14 AM
Well being a Brit I like watching the comedy
Trouble is no matter what you pay here in my area some of the shows you are talking about are not available

Make an investment and buy the series in DVD, you will always have it and you don't need to pay huge monthly charges
Try the following
1 Only Fools and Horses
2 The Black Adder
3 Fawlty Towers
4 Ain't It Half Hot Mum
5 Dad's Army
6 Doing Porridge
7 Open All Hours
8 Mind Your Language
9 Not The nine O'clock News
10 Some Mothers Do Have Em
The rest have been mentioned in the forum

robert1652's photo
Tue 09/22/09 10:17 PM
I have a very good way of avoiding that blunder
Give them all the same pet name such as Petal, or Rosebud or whatever that you please. Make a habit of calling them by that name and you can never ever be wrong

robert1652's photo
Tue 09/22/09 09:23 PM

勇者无敌-比潜伏更刺激 闯关东中篇
章子怡男友劈腿-非常完美 狼烟北平
最纯小龙女-神雕侠侣 爱情需要奇迹
热播剧|下辈子做你的女人 珠光宝气
我们生活的年代 我是一颗小草 高地
偶像|我的女孩 败犬女王 终极三国
爆笑|麦兜响当当 手机 疯狂的赛车
大片|赤壁 三岔口 投名状 功夫之王

高清纪录片| 史上最大规模航母对决
沙漠惊现神秘线条 疑似外星人跑道
女子背部纹"婚姻忠诚图" 耗时4个月



乐基儿接受黎太名号 紧身衣证未孕
董洁抹胸短裙 与潘粤明一起回娘家
49岁钟楚红再度亮相 妩媚依旧(图)
韦唯被授旧金山荣誉市民 春风得意
宋丹丹素颜拦出租车 穿休闲装扮嫩
曝金喜善爱女照片 小丫头机灵可爱

《惊天动地》首映 硬汉催泪特效佳

电视|央一大改版 18档节目或移或撤


robert1652's photo
Tue 09/22/09 09:14 PM

Okay, I'm going to guess we have a lot of various talented people here with different artistic skills.

I personally do a lot of pulled fiber arts and some photography and scrapbooking.

I was designing a some 'gothic' needlepoint and a sampler to do with a poem I wrote a long time ago. I have to admit that I've not been working on those since the woman who was my design mentor died suddenly and unexpectedly. Every time I pull them out I get too sad to continue.

But I really need to get back to that needlepoint I was working on. I had some sketches to make a series of three pieces.

You know I have always said "I love your Goth"
My stance is and if you truly believe in Goth, if you pick up the artwork and if she has had anything to do with that, her hands will take over. Be sad if you wish but with the sadness continue the work of art . It would be her who would finish the work. Believe in Goth too

robert1652's photo
Tue 09/22/09 09:08 PM
I am going to be the devil's advocate on this one

I was branded an abuser of children and 21/2 years of court cases to prove that she was bitter and she still is today

It has been generally accepted that she was the guilty party
I am not saying the lady is wrong

In the court the judge was a woman, my attorney was a woman, her attorney was a woman and the judgment went to me with a $3500 fine on her

All I am saying we are only seeing her prospective
Sorry that is my stance