Community > Posts By > munch151

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 01:54 PM
Church, AA meetings, sports events, car shows, adult book stores, comic book signings, Wal-Mart, family reunions, weddings, the list goes on and on...

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 01:41 PM

i'm in, i'll bring the homemade eggnog :)

Is it 'happy' eggnog or virgin? I have to work until midnight but I can bring some gin and rum if you guys are still around! drinker

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 01:30 PM

<====== Well, I for 1 am hurt, just as I went to a lot of trouble to look like this just for this site ( goes off in a hissy fit )

OMG that is SOOOOOOO hot!!!!!!

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 01:28 PM

AC/DC-For Those About To Rock

Ok I swear to God your taste in music so far seems impeccable lol.

"Night Train" - Tab Benoit

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 01:27 PM

yup I always like guys who are "out of my league" thats why Im still single laugh laugh laugh people are always talking about looks/class/race dont matter...yeah right, people no dam well if your a good looking person you get why more attention then someone who is "average"..... where was I when God was giving out the Georgeous Gene laugh

Who said you're unattractive? Let me talk to him/her so I can bring said person down to a level they belong on. Funk dat. And yeah, the more attractive people get more attention but that's just how it is. Let em have it.

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 01:24 PM
'Leagues' are created by individuals. Someone is only out of your league if they believe themselves to be. Example: Paris Hilton. There is NOTHING about her that is attractive (except for her trashiness but that's a different topic) yet since she was born into privilege she is out of just about everyone's league. The same goes for the rest of us 'real' folks as well. Some people just naturally try to place themselves above everyone else, usually due to superficial reasons such as money, self image, and social status. Also, religion as you stated in your previous response. I do agree with your 'birds of a feather' theory because most people are comfortable around 'their own kind' if that makes sense. This is an interesting topic.

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 01:16 PM

Foghat/Slow Ride

very nice

"Hard Stuff" - George Thorogood

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 01:06 PM
don't laugh.... "The Park" - Feist

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 01:00 PM

:heart: Thanks man, I just give it stright and REAL.

And munch, what I've read of you. You show REAL, and good views
on matters here...:smile: smokin

Thank you. I do the same... straight and real... no sense in beating around the bush. Take me or leave me, at least I'm me laugh laugh

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 12:59 PM

thats fine if you are just enjoying socialising..but what if everyone you message (as friends) didnt reply to you? you wouldnt have anyone to talk too then would you? all im saying is just be polite and reply back.if your not interested then say so, if they dont take a hint and harrass you like you experienced then block them!! that way they cant harrass you.

I understand that, I do. I'm just saying that I can understand why some would want to avoid going through unnecessary motions to end up with the same outcome. I've had people not respond to my emails (even after I was asked to message her laugh ) but I don't take it personally. I live my life outside of here, this is just filler.

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 12:55 PM

Why do the men or women on here put some of the silliest photos up for their main picture? Any thoughts?

:heart: Yes, MOST do it to HIDE who they really are, because they feel that THEY are NOT cute or won't be excepted for who THEY really are.
And some just like to use this site as a means to be PLAYFUL and SILLY and NOT really looking for a life partner.

I think and FEEL that EVERYONE should be them here, and NOT worry about what OTHERS THINK.
Then THEY will find ANOTHER who WILL LIKE THEM FOR THEM,,not a
model pic, or an old pic,,,but JUST THEM!!!!:heart: :wink:

You always have really good insights into things. I agree totally.

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 12:54 PM
Those 'silly photos' can probably help to show a bit of their personality as well. If someone keeps using insanely funny pics then they probably have a good sense of humor. Either way, I enjoy some of em.

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 12:45 PM
Hmm, interesting comments so far but here's something from personal experience. First: I'm only here for friends, if I happen to come across a local woman that really piques my interest and we meet then so be it, but that is not my intent. With that out of the way, I do respond to all emails because I enjoy corresponding with folks in whatever time I have online (it's a great way to be social while sitting at home alone). Recently there was a certain someone that was incredibly persistent in saying that she wanted to come to my house and would not leave me alone so after several attempts at being 'nice' about it I had to just lay it all out for her in as straight forward of a manner as I could. As a result of that experience I can honestly say that I understand why some people don't respond to emails. I'm sure that I don't receive nearly as many as some of the more attractive women on here so I can only imagine how it is for them. If I had an inbox full of generic 'hi' emails I'd probably just delete them and move on. But really, this is just the internet and if someone doesn't email you back then don't get so upset about it. You might have wasted a few minutes writing them but that was your choice. If they don't email you back then that's a good way of saying 'not interested'.

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 12:31 PM
I just watched the trailer for that today online. It looks pretty cool, especially that gigantic tentacled thing towards the end of the trailer... it could potentially make for some nice sushi!

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 12:29 PM
Call of Duty 4 at the moment, though I just started and get pwned every time I play. Just wait til I learn the maps and then it's on. Was playin Hellgate: London, but that got very repetitive very fast.

For all you folks that play NWN2... do you know of any good persistent world servers that are worth lookin into? I used to have a blast on NWN playin on some of the more creative ones. Though I can't remember the name of it there was one in particular that allowed you to wield babies... that was interesting and I got PK'd all the time for having no morals. Oh, those were the days!

munch151's photo
Sat 12/22/07 06:40 PM
Keith Whitley - "Til a Tear Becomes a Rose"

munch151's photo
Fri 12/21/07 01:34 PM
Gonna work then have some gin when I get home.

munch151's photo
Fri 12/21/07 01:32 PM
"My Own Life" - Long Beach Dub Allstars

munch151's photo
Fri 12/21/07 06:58 AM
I check every day to see what kind of crazy stuff is going on in the world. Oh, btw I checked Pandora as well and it's effin awesome, thanks for that :smile:

munch151's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:48 AM
Twenty Thousand Penis Under the Sea

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