Community > Posts By > laidbackhd
Obama is a sick puppy. We are lucky that restrooms and gender are all he cares about. Hopefully, we will be rid of him soon. ![]() That was name calling, and you did it a very light acceptable way. He's worse, very perverted and very racist, and very ignorant. Shoving this bathroom crap down taxpayers throat, just as he did with healthcare. He's nothing more than a street corner activist, has no meaning to what he says, but creates chaos with what he says. He's worthless anywhere he goes. |
Never Hillary NO HILLARY, period!!!!!!!! |
After my divorce 12 years ago was my 1st time to date inter-racially.
Sure, it was an awkward situation at 1st, until I found out it was her 1st time also. She liked riding motorcycles, liked the freedom as I do, and I like having a female partner when I ride. She was a Black Lady, very dark complexion, 10 years younger than myself and really pretty. We both had an interesting day for riding and continued for that summer of 2007. As we knew one another better from day to day, it became more fun to have a Friend that enjoyed something I enjoyed doing. Expanding our options for dating was a nice thing to experience in many areas. My options are still enjoyable with communication, chemistry, and compatibility. What a Gal.... |
Edited for targeting another member.. please keep it civil. soufie Site Moderator This is civil, also it is freedom of speech. Our 1st Amendment right...... |
Well Harmony. You see the face of the Trump supporter. Racist, thinking that America is only for whites. Forgetting what our country was founded on. You only "noticed" your Party's corruption 24 years ago? For a "wise older guy", you dont know much. Face it were bankrupt. Turning our country backwards into a kkk loving, nazi saluting country is not the answer. I was born in the early 60s in Northern California. I still belive in my country. But im not gonna sell it out to some chump who knows nothing about being a president. You put this idiot in and you can completely count us out. Your panicking instead of thinking. Your blind. It's been Dems and Repubs that have been keel hauling our country since JFK was assasinated. So cool it with your, pious, high tone, insulting posts. You Trump supporters are the garbage spirit that helped Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito destroy Germany, Italy and Japan. The only thing Trump had done is destroyed the Republican party. I don't think the rest of us Republicans that don't fit into your version of America, are going to let you put that idiot in the Whitehouse. Well Mr. Rob, this is not about a (White America), so you say and believe. This is about our Constitution which has been intact over 200 years, and ignored for years by our wonderful greedy Government that does create chaos between races for there benefit to eventually take total control of all of us, including you. This Government wants to stop Trump before he ruins there Agenda's to have sole control of everyone, including you again. This will never happen. Too many voters are against the 2 way street laws between them and us taxpayers. This has been going on for years, Trump just happen to be the one to bring this into the open, and had the balls to. Now you see all the Liberal movements and organizations fighting against our Constitution and freedom. You Liberals are very racist, very demanding, very self centered, very selfish, this movement that represents Liberals will end, conservatives have been too tolerant too long and very sick of supporting sponging people that have no right being in a legal way. We are done, believe me and millions more. I have nothing against you, the freebies will end. Trump 2016.... |
lol @ prosper unless you are a 'community that shouldn't be here' ,,,good luck with the overinflated ego of a privileged saleman....thinking he will have a clue how to help anyone ELSE prosper out side of shady real estate deals You are 1 liberated person, thinking your Government does no wrong. They are screwing you as you blink your eyes. It truly amazes me how many stupid/brain washed people there are that think this Government is looking out for there future. Get a huge GRIP woman, wake up!!!!!!I am much older than you and have experienced much more in my life time how Government operates and sees the difference. As you get older, you will see the change from your younger years MAM. Your post and past post mean very little to me in regards to politics. Brain washed, so Brain washed............. |
Republicans want to hold an Open Convention if Donald Trump wins the delegates for the nomination of my party. These guys are so afraid of losing their leverage and the agenda, to continue to steal from taxpayers as Washington has done for decades, but wasn't so noticeable in my opinion until 24 years ago. Both parties have found a way to scam, create bogus programs, bogus hidden taxes, a ridiculous healthcare cost that increased on millions of people, including myself to supply healthcare to the less fortunate, probably bogus levies for communities that are not needed period. Donald Trump has tapped into financial problems our country faces, Washington never expected anyone could do so, and it doesn't stop there. Our border states have many Illegal Immigrants working here, which is okay I guess, when they move to another state, this has become a huge problem. One, they are undocumented workers, very hard to keep track of to where they may be.
Two, they require a license to drive, and insurance to drive. Many of them have neither. Can they even understand our road signs? Nope, at least not here in Ohio. How many cause accidents, no insurance, at times no license, and we flip the bill. This is so out of control to me. It is also out of control to have them here in the 1st place. Go home, fill out the proper LEGAL papers, then come in, in due time and pay your taxes like the rest of us do, STOP SPONGING. Trump is correct without Political Correctness. Our country is going to hell. Anyone that feels differently from my post, you can also join and leave with them, return in the Constitutional laws and manner. I do support Trump, big time. I was born here legally, so was my daughter and her kids. I want them to see the greatness and freedoms of this country, as I did, without the Government that we have today. Anyone thinking now? This Government will own you totally if you continue to elect or re-elect them. This 2016 election is the critical election, they have got to go, it is time for a new type President, business material, not a politician that can reap in the wealth that taxpayers deserve and have for a long time. It's your choice to prosper or to give your earnings away to keep Washington wealthy, screw them. Trump 2016. |
Yup...Trump has caused quite a's sad how the election is just a rock throwing competition ...I kinda think people are drawn to his theatrics because he really is stirring the pot...kinda reminds me of pink floyd the's so sad that this beautiful country has reduced itself to this nonsense...oh least it's entertaining ...figure I will wait until the last few months before the election and see who's going to be the last two standing before I even consider voting...I just hope one of these runners could be a good president... ![]() ![]() In stead of "Good President", how about a Wanted President that will focus on America and not the world at this point? To me, that would be a Great President. Over the last 30 years, we have had good President's and at least 2 bad, terrible, President's, which one of them we still have sitting right now. I want someone from the outside to be in charge of our nation. Over the years, Washington has shown nothing, and no interest in our nation, much less our own people. I personally feel Donald Trump should have the opportunity to be our Commander in Chief, show Washington how we can all prosper, and not just Washington, which is going on now. Piss off Washington, I hope he does, give them a huge dose of their on medicine for a change. Trump 2016....... |
LMAO. He sure acted STUPID. You can't fix stupid..........
Dumb ***................. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
You are correct, but Trump can't put a term limit on Congress. He can't change the laws protecting Civil Service. He can't reform the campaign contribution problem (which allows everyone from both parties to be bought). It's hard to say what Trump might do but he sure couldn't do a worse job than what is being done now. The US is bankrupt. Totally agree with your comment, thanks. There is a reason for Mr. Trump putting his name in the hat, he actually forced Washington to hear what we have loudly said for years. My hats off to him. Trump 2016. |
Republicans say they may hold a Republican Convention if Donald Trump has the needed delegates to be the nominee for their party.
I feel what this Unionized Party is doing, is to keep Mr. Trump out, because this man has made waves and continues to, regarding our nation, our lost good paying jobs, our sovereignty, our Freedoms and Liberties, our Constitution, and what he feels needs an enormous change to bring this nation back on track to be respected by the world, and even by some that live here. Washington/both parties is so afraid of losing their grip on their political agenda, their lies, scams, hidden taxes to keep themselves wealthy while the voters struggle again. This is why an outsider is needed, to bust up and oust out this political thievery ring that prey upon us year after year. We lose, they gain from all directions. When the economy is bad, so should their salaries become smaller. Washington is full of lies and deceit. What does it take for anyone to understand Washington is looking out for Washington and no one else? You go Mr. Trump, take them all to the cleaners as they have done America for decades. This is long over due in my opinion and much desired by many voters. If a Republican Convention is held, there will be not only chaos, but a flat our peaceful war to not file a tax return with voters, you watch. Washington elites deserve everything coming to them. Trump 2016!!!!!! |
yeah, they said the same types of things about Malcolm x supporters and mlk supporters change needs to happen,, its what all politicians run on,,,what makes it so difficult to believe it when black people say it? Change could and would happen if the hand full of Black people would be civilized to protest in a way to preserve the communities businesses that supply income, instead of burning to the ground and destroying the lives of others means to support their families. Some Black people and few White people take it so personally that that they are being preyed upon for our nations disabilities for racial and financial equality by conservative values. Not so. This Government has created this mess, have been for years, the separation of our nation is them, not us. Don't you find it ironic that "We The People" suffer financially, emotionally, and to some degree, mentally, while our Government makes millions for themselves? They care less of what America deals with, even though they supposedly represent America/us. We have reached the point of desperation to survive, I know I have, and so tired of my feeling that way. If we the taxpayers suffer from economy issues, why not the Government as well? Trickle down despair does not include the Elite, and it should. We suffer, they should also, end the 2 way street BS. Trump 2016............ |
It is your right to protest, same as Trumps supporters. The 1 difference is we are not creating chaos with your protest as you are with our support for Mr.Trump. He has touched a nerve with law-abiding citizens that has long been needed, and the same as lazy welfare folks that hate to have there lives changed. Moveon.Org, Black Lives Matter, has many welfare recipients backing them, taxpayers are FEDUP with your agendas, your intimidation, your racist ways to change this nation. All lives Matter mind you!!!!We will not back off, better get used to the fact. Accept the fact that you need to get a job, accept the fact to pay your share of taxes, and accept the fact you are out numbered when it comes to preserving our values and our nation. If it's that hard to make the change for you to make your lives better, then leave this land. Don't let the door smack your *** when leaving. We want productive, smart, innovative, positive people to make this country #1 again. Your time of sponging and mooching on us taxpayers has expired. LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Permanently..........
I/We support my Law Enforcement nationally, I/We support my Constitution, and I/We do support our 1st and 2nd Amendment right. LEAVE, go mooch and intimidate elsewhere................ |
Disruption in Chicago
Trump cancels rally in Chicago due to protesters against Trump and his supporters.
1. Trump did not create this chaos between Races in America. 2. He is for America, which has several races that are LEGAL Citizens. 3. He is like the majority of Americans is FED UP with the direction we have headed. 4. Americans will not back down from this point. We have had it. Our Government created this BS by allowing many ethnecities into this country by sitting on their ***** and not doing a damn thing to follow our Constitutional laws, we the People suffer from their laziness, while they sit back and draw a hefty salary each year. You younger generation better wake up and think and realize this Government is after your freedoms and your money. Trump sees this, my generation sees this, White, Black, Asian, we see what is going on. You younger people have no clue of our constitution, our Bill of Rights, can't even name the 35th President, much less the 40th. America better wake up, get rid of the scum we have in this country very quick. I want to see comments regarding to my post. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Bye-Bye. Don't let the door smack your *** when leaving. |
love or sex..??
I'd love to have sex. There, I used both words you described..
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Where is your special place?
On a Saturday afternoon, and on Sunday Nights, on a pool table. That is where I unwind, relieve stress thru practicing my game, keep my eyes and mind focused, make a few bucks at the same time. I am that good!!!! There is nothing better, (The Mind Game)....
No way. I have been there only once. When the income continues to come in, all is good, for her and for me. When your job has ended from a closing or elimination, most guys are merely a fart in the wind from that point.......I know I was. Nah, I like me now,
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When you feel chemistry and compatibility with your better half, being unfaithful does not come into play, period.........
Remember that, okay? |
Move on and don't look back! Best answer.......... ![]() ![]() |