Thank you for not letting me vent and be very ummmadiment to our values as a NATION!!!! I was almost going to be very rude to those that have not a clue to what it actually mEANS!!! It's like saying in a very small way that someone can just come into your home!!! And do as they please!!!! Much more complicated but the same point!!!! You build it and you make the rules!!! You BUILD I T!!!!!!!
Hmmmm?? Sounds like a dictator in the making!!!! Women beware!!!!
It doesn't matter how much truth you show Tex!!! She is already brainwashed by the Left!!!!!! No need for me to throw truth 🥧 in her face but her rebuttals remind me of a Charleston Heston movie that shows this as there UTOPIA to REAL life and absolutely no idea how to deal with Barny and SpongeBob in the real world!!!!no wonder they NEED a fkn "other"thing!!!!! To go shopping with 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 absolute DOLTs If you don't like what I see then ..... MAN UP!!!!!! I decided out of being a gentleman to not even mention the pic
Yep!! New age brain in motion!!! Lolololololol 🤣🤣🤣
L LMAO . MONEY!!! Simple have a great day and best of luck!!
A random question
LMAO all I can afford for a comment
LMAO ummmm no further comment needed lolololololol
forget password
Lol,buy a pen and a piece of paper and write it down until you memorize it, step #2 burn said piece of paper good luck
Wish I knew you years ago you are veryummm special If I May say
LMAO !!!! Jerk off!!!! Why would you put your life in danger!!!! That is absolutely an unbelievable question !! "When in doubt!! Leave it out!!!!!
White or Black?
I would love to read a reply from the blind audience because evidently and HONESTLY! I don't want to be...say that my feelings are umm!!! From being raised in a different time yet have been with different cultures and "shades of where people are from" I honestly myself Only go with how we as a couple or even a date react to each other's company!!!! Honest question for everyone replying and a very good question you asked, although I see "you"? Have yet to reply to any of your questions!!!! Also a signal to me!!!!
Hello and Goodbye
Without being brutally honest!!!!! You need serious help!!!! You should to a counselor or at least a very good friend!!!! I will hope you do
how to start scrapbooking
From your heart about what you want to book about
LMAO I can only say!!!! Go try to make a believer of there GOD try and stomach your hatred against non believers of your belief system that it is honored to kill your wife because another man raped her!!!! Let alone stone her to DEATH!!!!!!! ? And not even to mention the fact that the believers of there FAITH are to be wiped off the face of this planet with NO regard of their way of life!!!! ??????? BTW!!!!! It's no concern to you WHO MY GOD is to you !!! I am a VERY PROUD.!!!!!!!! MORSO !!!! After all your god has given this planet???? I see now my ancestry should have been a little more VIGILANT about SOME THINGS your religion has MURDERED MILLIONS for absolutely No Reasonable explanation!!!!!!! Please explain!!!!! your DEATH Bible to me!!!!!!!!
I meant to say I never said you were doing that but possible he thought so because honestly!!!! Every single last "person" I have dealt with here has been either fake or a scammer !!!!
Possible he realized you were just scamming him!!?? Always two sides to every story!!!!
Lolololololol your on a site with 99.9 percent faaaaaake profiles of women!!! Get used to it sorry to say!!!
If it's that good of a kiss and long... well both,no brainier just enjoy the moment and go with it