Community > Posts By > FantasyArtMan
I DRED the Strip Club
... I wasn't a big fan of the strip clubs. The "sad factor" ... I never went to strip clubs until my late 30s, then I went a few times with my wife, and we had fun for what it was. But the "sad factor" was a bit of a buzzkill, for sure! I got to know some of the girls as they would come sit with a couple and share a bit more easily. The sense of veiled dispair and the pit of getting lost in a sea of drugs and booze was just a bit too overwhelming. But for suggestions, maybe a comedy club - maybe even a private party where you could have a stripper or two come in and do her/their thing during the show, if that's a requisite for the other guys. Then go club hopping in that party bus! Followed by getting thrown out of an IHOP for being a bunch of loud obnoxious a-holes at 3am! Or that's how I'd do it! Good luck! FantayArtMan |
It's as free as you want it to be!
Can something be more than free? This site may give back just a pinch more than what you put into it - that's pretty cool in my book! All the best! FantasyArtMan |
... ps. you look amazing... Truer words were never shared! Delicious artistry in a duotone dream! And hope your world looks a little brighter in time, Niklas! FantasyArtMan |
20th straight day of work...
As an artist and musician I've gone several months "working" everyday - but then it's not 8hrs/day or 9-5, so not a real problem. Then when you get a break with no commitments, you hardly know what to do with your free time, and might even feel a little guilty just laying around! OK, not THAT guilty!
![]() When I've had straight jobs, any more than about 10-15 days in a row and I was feeling pretty trashed! Hopefully the massive overtime will make up for the hassle. Good luck! FantasyArtMan |
beer help?
lager beers, not a problem, heat,cool, fridge no prob. pasturerized beer problem, coors, coors gets hot, bummer, like vietnam, makes for bad beer. skunky, bitter, but better than no beer at all,,,,, I agree with Smokeybette, depends on the beer! But I also agree that a good testing is in order! Good luck with the suds! FantasyArtMan |
l love you
Jeanniebean is right - this was a famous trojan mail topic/title - most popular about 2-3 years back.
Might be love, but I'd approach with caution! Actually, at this point I guess I'd approach "love" with caution too, but that may just be me! All the best! FantasyArtMan |
Let It GO!
Dixie Dregs' "Take It Off The Top" ( was always my playback payback run through my 1200w Ampeg SVT dual V9 combo - always seemed to get their attention! And techno heads seem to hate musicianship anyway, so it would really get their goat!
Luckily, I may have matured to the point of discussion at this point. But the ammo is always ready! Rock on! FantasyArtMan |
HELP! Could these be true
Spidercmb is right (as usual), there are plenty of good guys out there, you just have to stumble across them. It's never too late! Keeping an open mind and heart is a good idea. Don't get too wrapped up in finding that "perfect" man because he doesn't exist. Decide what points and facets of your life are most important then explore men with similarities in those areas. A good relationship is built on compromise and growing together as one, not finding eachother as one. Never say never and keep an eye out for good guys who you will learn to love as you both enjoy life together.
So-called "psychics" are masters of the "cold read" and prey on people's and hopes and fears. You are stronger than that and can be the master of your own destiny! And as Spidercmb recently quoted to me - it's your move! :) All the best! FantasyArtMan |
Another man's penis. No more calls, please - we have a winner! LOL FantasyArtMan |
For me, the internet is the biggest single attack on a sustained relationship in the history of mankind!
Fun for dating - a serious pitfall for relationships. FantasyArtMan |
mistress anyone?
Yes, different possible connotaions to the term Mistress! I assume he meant "lady on the side", but you never know.
Compliments are where you find them - like, "you don't sweat much for a fat girl" - some see a compliment, others the start to a fight. I say ignore this horndog! Life's too short to ponder such nonsense. Hope you find more sincere guys in the future! FantasyArtMan |
"'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all." - Tennyson Owner of a lonely heart Much better than a Owner of a broken heart It's your move, FantasyArtMan. Haha! Love the refs, Spidercmb! And a good point as well. Nothing too grand about a broken heart! But at the risk of carrying a broken heart through life (albatross!), I wouldn't give up all the majesty and wonders of being deeply in love - even if it was a only a dream - oh what a lovely dream, while it lasts! On the otherhand, let's see how long this broken heart stuff lasts! Maybe I'm underestimating the true pain... FantasyArtMan |
I'm glad I met a great gal and got married! We had many wonderful years (decades) together before it fell apart.
To have never had that - no way! 90% of it all was wonderful! Right now, I'd prefer a partner! But I'm also finding surprising relative comfort going solo. I think after one of these crushing blows to the soul one has to let time do its magic, and see if trust and the ability to give your all to another is still possible. So to answer your original question - in my case, my partner was only "the wrong person" for a relatively short time, and so much good came for the relationship I could never wish for anything different, only a better ending to "us". "'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all." - Tennyson FantasyArtMan |
We both got pretty heavily involved with the BBS scene (pre-internet online forums and chats) that had large wild weekly parties at a local Hilton hotel club. This was a lot of fun and we met many... interesting and diverse people at these parties and online. She loved all the attention - and I can't blame her! Soon online typing and chatting became an obsession with her - actually more like an addiction! It was all but impossible to get her to step away from her computer for even a few minutes to go to the park or shopping or watch a movie. It was bad.
I tried to compete in every way I could imagine, but the lure was too strong. Finally I fell deeply into my art and music - more as a distraction for the loss, than any real inspiration. I guess it was all over at that point anyway. I was simply trying to hold on to some personal sanity. Thank the stars for these creative friends! Eventually she met someone else (in New York, no less!) and eventually left for a new life full of constant praise and floods of BS. It petered out almost immediately, but the damage was done for us, so we parted ways. We're still best friends, but the trust is gone. And I guess trust, really deep true trust like I had is gone for good. Maybe these things will heal themselves in time. Or maybe the kind of trust and love I felt isn't very realistic in the modern world. Monogamy for life like I felt, and still do feel may be archaic and only a fantasy of the naive of heart. I don't know... But life goes on, so let's enjoy the adventure! FantasyArtMan |
Tuned-up! Then turned-up. Then jumped on stage and bathed in the warmth!
At the second break, a sweet young lady who had been dancing in front of me the whole set asked me how I felt about the number 3! I thought she was talking about numerology which was starting to get popular back then, like astrology. I said I always liked the number 8 and she seemed quite shocked! The next set she was dancing and snuggling with this guy in front of me, but still flirting. Haha, THEN I realized she was hinting at a 3-way! I was a little naive in those early days! Life - what a trip! FantasyArtMan |
Seriously who....
"Not mainstream enough!"
Haha, isn't that the truth! Too many cookie-cutter lookers out there, and too few looking for something different! Not that I'm surprised at all though! It's a double-edged sword, isn't it! I'm not sure anyone really could meld with me, and I with her as life stands for me now. I once believed in this dream, and maybe had it for a while... so many choices and directions in life's long journey. Finding a mate with similar dreams and desires is no easy quest! And I'm even somewhat comfortable that it isn't even possible, but you have to put an oar in the water if you want to get anywhere! Settle down, again? Ideally it's a fine concept and beautiful dream. And yet in all honesty it just seems so difficult to find that special someone to match this special someone! Maybe once is all we get in life. I'm not waiting, but doing my best to take notice of the possibilities as I continue down life's great adventure highway! Good luck everyone - even myself! :) FantasyArtMan |
I'm always honest, and maybe that's not the best way to "impress". But any other way would be... pointless!
Twice now I've written to people who rated me a 4 or 5, and received no reply to my writing. Maybe I say the wrong thing? Can't worry about it too much, but it does confuse and confound me a bit. Oh well, life goes on! :) FantasyArtMan |
Edited by
Sun 07/03/11 04:14 PM
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Love that cake too! ![]() All the best, and AT LEAST another 25!!! FantasyArtMan |
Wow, you play everything, thats talent!!
Im not shy, this is my latest song and video. Hope you like hard rock! Hehe, I only play what I play, you know, you pick stuff up along the way. And that's my point about spending time doing what you want to be/do, or whatever - but of course these things can become an obsession too! I LOVED that song, and the video too! Really enjoyed the vocals and crunchy guitar - clean lead too! The video is a hoot! Love the martial arts moves (another passion!), and the whole idea for the video was great too! And what a hook in that song! Ballsy, but accessible! I wish college radio was in better health - this song would be all over it!!! Thanks for sharing it! (think I'll take another look!) ![]() FantasyArtMan |
Was this cut & paste form thing always in the first post!? Geez, I write first and read later way too much! Oh well.
![]() Hair: Any color, long or short, but I do enjoy shorter hair more than most. More about the look, than any predetermined concept. Eyes: No more than 2, unless an ajna counts! All colors can be so alluring and hynotizing!!! Complexion: Ideally somewhat like myself, or maybe not. Piercings on face or body: Not my prefs, but I'm open to a few. Tattoos: Not my personal bag, so maybe not too absorbed. Height & Weight: I do like statuesque ladies, but less important than personality! Age (does it matter): Don't really care, but I'm so young at heart (read immature if you like) that she would have to have a good part of her heart and soul that knows how to rock out, and hard. I'm no grandad, and don't want no granny (no offense to either!). Miscellaneous: I suspect only another soul lost in the arts would or could understand all the time I devote to art and music and other creative projects. It's a curse, and one my partner would have to... understand, endue, enjoy, appreciate, inspire - you choose. :) Part Two: Quality- aka their personality traits What kind of temperament: Easy-going, curious about life, a little toy-boyish, low maintanence, oops... Type of personality (introverted/extroverted, etc.): A bit introverted, but with a wild side too. Name three things you'd love for them to have in common with you: 1. Sense of humor, and this is a biggie! 2. Love of music (at least rock) and art (fine to pop and beyond). Or my world would just be misery to you. 3. Core values - honesty, decency, compassion, faithfulness, charity, sincerity, etc. Do you subscribe to "opposites attract" or "like attracts like"?: A complimentary mix is best, as I babbled on about posts above... Would it matter what type of job he/she had?: I just want her to be happy in what she does! Nothing much better than doing what you love! Does it matter what they make financially?: More is generally better, but no big deal for me. Would you prefer a homebody or a party animal?: Leaning a little more toward homebody these days (of those 2 choices), but a mix is nice too. A tender lover or an animal?: Geez, I guess I AM getting a little older - more of a tender loving animal these days. Your "Requirements"- aka Musts and Deal breakers Name up to five things/traits your ideal mate must have/subscribe to: 1. Rock music, if you don't get it, no need to proceed. 2. Humor is just so important! May sound trivial, but not with me! 3. Intellect to some degree, or it's all just pointless. 4. Be at least a bit "experienced". Lived a freakin' life! 5. Love, respect, and admiration for my wonderful son. Name up to five things that you would consider "deal breakers" in a relationship: I'm getting a sense of deja vu!!! 1. I am spiritual guy, but in my own way. I can't handle religious zealots or the overly devoted. A more philosophical mind preferred. 2. Hard right wingers - I tend to run to the left pretty well. 3. God bless country music lovers and all the folks back home! But this is really not for me. Thanyaverymuch! 4. No yuppies, obsessions with wine, soap operas, name brands, admiration of doctors and lawyers simply because of what they are, dockers, Old Navy, 5. Sanity! As much as I love unique and original personalities, I need my number one to be well tethered to reality when it comes down to it! This includes alchoholics, drug addicts, crackheads, crack whores (and their assistants!), golf lovers, and republicans! JK, just checking if anyone reads this far! :) Gee, I hope I score well on this test! I barely studied! FantasyArtMan |