What are you doing with NOW? What is the future but a probability that is being formed on the plane of the mind? What is the past but a memory that gets rewritten every time it is accessed? Consider that Now is all that actually exists. What are you doing with it? Me, I'm on the computer typing meaningless stuff into a dating club forum. here and then exist to take it to the scientific side if you could move to the speed of light and catch the light that bounced off of you while u did something you could see that action again, what we do echoes for a long period of time, and it is possible (mathematically) to see it happen again because there are "shadows" of the things we do still in the air traveling on the un-absorbed light that fly though the air.... I’m doing nothing with now though... |
Time travel proof.
its a fun concept to play with but the reality is that time travel is possible YAY
we only need to basicly great enough energies and force that it will completely burst the person into pure energy, the hardest part is getting them back to a soild form to talk about it. |
In this Psychology Today article, Conspiracy Theories are explained as the brains natural response to excessive and faulty repeated stimulation due to an overabundance of irrelevant or extraneous data which is viewed as threatening. In other words a mental disorder. Interesting reading. ![]() http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200501/conspiracy-theories-explained nice read, its funny to see the guys try to explain the people who try to expain the unexplainable |
Crop Circles and Lasers
intresting concept. however lasers from space or our atmosphere would shine for miles. not so good for keeping a low profile. whichs is the aliens natural habitat
I feel everyone is wearing a mask these days. No one really knows anyone and they never will. It's like we all think these masks will change us eventually become us but they won't. They hide us and always will, we will never become like the mask. No, as hard as we try this mask will always be here and there's nothing we can do about it no matter how hard we try. We will always be broken and hiding. It is part of human life, you can try to take it off and "find yourself" and who knows you might be able to, but most of us grow weak and scared. We live for our mask without it we are vulnerable. Vulnerable and we realize that we are alone. We feel it with this mask but it SHOWS without it and we have to admit to ourselves and look in our own eyes and know we are alone. But is being alone really so bad? To be different, is this a sin? A problem? A transgression? When we see we are alone, will it make us happier or emptier? Scared or brave? How will we ever know? People are believed to have removed their mask but have we ever opened our minds and truly listened? With our real ears not the mask's? Have we really seen them? Are they real, should they be trusted in the first place? How can we tell if they have removed their mask? We can't, we can only trust them. How is that possible when we've built these barriers around us? Shielding our minds so that we never experience real emotion. What has the human race made of it's self over the last 3 centuries? We've become better at hiding, escaping and ultimately lying our entire life away. But is there a way to reverse it? Turn back time and become once more the word we look for, we thrive for. The word that was lost along with it's meaning, along with its feeling. The word that our masks have so cleverly made disappear from our thoughts, the word I now know I need to feel, need to experience. The word I've been missing for ages: LIFE wow nice observation I feel the same way and have many written this in many places (new here) its very true I also like to add that we have gotten to the point that if we take off the mask most people would crumble, most people can handle the truth of themselves and the real world. I see many people around me this way, I understand it because it would see that in today’s society to remove the mask is to commit social suicide but its because of this that we don’t know our selves and thanks to that we have trouble connecting to other people and establishing anything long lasting with others. Which is why I live an honest life and if I can’t find someone who can take my honesty, ( I don’t meant being a jerk and pointing out peoples faults and such but rather I mean who they are completely accepted as a common practice or not) then I don’t want to be with them, but if people don’t start to be honest with the selves and the people around them they will not find true happiness , which comes from “love” with others, with comes from loving your self . |
Barter Me??????????
Cool Village! I bet that keeps your mind sharp! When the guys at work need something...I require that they Man Dance for whatever it is that they need. They always resist at first, but sooner or later, they all Man Dance. Haha who can resist the allure of the man dance? |