Community > Posts By > Peakstar

no photo
Sat 11/17/07 06:52 PM
See previous post. ( for the first question )

I am an ex-moderator because I don't work there anymore.
( for the second question )

no photo
Sat 11/17/07 02:59 PM
Several of the " chan " sites ( futuba channel ),
you are familiar with futuba code ?

no photo
Sat 11/17/07 02:42 PM
Goodlord I hope so, just don't ask them about censorship or they will beat you with a stick.

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Sat 11/17/07 02:15 PM would seem that I have opened up a very large can of worms here.

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Sat 11/17/07 02:04 PM
She hit the nail on the head.
Moderators who are Not a member here.
Moderators who don't know Anybody here.
Moderators who don't like or dislike anyone here.

no photo
Sat 11/17/07 02:01 PM worked so much better the way it USED to be. Since this is a "privately owned forum", then the owner should be the ultimate decision maker. Or at least appoint a board of responsible moderators to oversee things. It shouldn't be left up to people who come here with issues, vendettas or various forms of psychoses.

no photo
Sat 11/17/07 12:24 PM
This is a good site, not a great or excellent site.
My reasoning for this is the attempt to utilize a forum format as a chat room, just doesn't work, realize this people, in a moderated chat room you could convey more in a single night than you could in a month with the " forum thread thing " in use now.
The censorship / word filter, let's let common sense prevail here, if there were no censorship and no word filter, the place would turn into a open sewer within a month or two. Keep the word filter / censorship, you will have to have it for this place to survive.
Moderator abilities given to the common members.
NOT a good idea, this will quickly turn into a rather ugly tit pulling contest between your members. I've read through the forums and it has happened already. Over time it will also polarize the members here to side with one person or the other referencing specifics as to why " my thread was deleted " and who deleted it. I don't think you people are really ready to start that type of henhouse crap yet.
Generally, the people here are real people, with real faults and real problems, but, that is part of why I ( personally ) like this place, and for the most part everybody seems to have fun and is quite light hearted.
And finally........the trolls, lest we forget the trolls.
Trolls are everywhere, on the net, at the grocery store, at the mall, everywhere. I generally find it in my best interest to simply ignore them, because without attention they tend to tire quickly of spewing their negative views on life.

And this, is what I've seen so far.
More to come later.
Thanks Peakstar ( an ex-moderator from another site )

no photo
Fri 11/16/07 05:03 PM
A priest, a rabbi, and a baptist minister walk into a bar, the bartender looks at all three of them and says " what the hell is this...... a joke ".

no photo
Fri 11/16/07 04:55 PM
A old woman and a old man sitting in a nursing home.
The old man looks at the old woman and says " I bet you can't guess how old I am ".
The old woman sits there for a minute, reaches down, unlocks her wheelchair, rolls over to the front of the old man, unzips his pants, pulls his peter out, flops it around, plays with it some, then stuffs it back into his pants, zips him back up, reaches down, rolls her wheelchair back to where it was, looks him dead in the eye and says......... " your 87 years old ".
The old man sat there for a while and finally said " how the hell did you figure that out " ?
And the old woman said " I didn't, you told me yesterday ".

no photo
Thu 11/15/07 10:24 AM
All the " good guys " ?
They went to the same place that all the " good gals " went.

no photo
Wed 11/14/07 10:25 AM
Not a problem, really.
I can show you how to get around the word filter.
But I'm not going to.
This is not some pornography site chat room, it's a really nice place with a very broad spectrum of topics and people.
I whole heartedly stand by the owner/s, administrator/s and moderator/s here who use the filtering program at this site.

no photo
Tue 11/13/07 05:00 PM
The might and magic series ( with the exception of 9) was heralded as the best rpg's for it's time.
The lands of lore series ran a close second though.
But let's not forget the 700 plus hours I put into Oblivion.

no photo
Tue 11/13/07 04:48 PM
( I did automotive repair for several years )
Go to the library and look in either a Mitchell Manual or Chilton manual referencing the make AND model AND engine code of this particilar vehicle.
Take the entire vin # with you as well, it will help.
Find what reference material ( in the manuals ) you will need to undertake the repairs needed on the vehicle.
Take the manual / s to the copier and make copies of any pertinent information you will need to complete the repairs at home.
By doing this you can take the copied material home ( and leave the thick manuals at the library ) to review as needed to complete the repairs.

no photo
Sat 11/10/07 09:12 PM
Well......gee fellas......this is all real neat and stuff...............but the responses tend to be a generalized series of quotes and quips that by page 14 don't really have much affiliation with the original topic.
With that being said, I'll go back to Zoig ( where there is a chat room ) and take my chances there.

no photo
Sat 11/10/07 08:35 PM
I am going to have to assume that this is what everyone here is calling a " chat room " ?
It is very different from normal chat rooms.

no photo
Sat 11/10/07 08:07 PM
I read through all the responses you got and...................... apparently not.