Community > Posts By > GavinMangus
How to catch a rat........
| are not cool. I am not a sadist. I don't catch rats to watch em' suffer and laugh at them. I do it cuz' I actually don't want nasty vermits eating my food, pooping and peeing in my place.....and breeding more rats. It's common sense........ Ahem. In this very thread, someone described in graphic detail about their glue trap experience where an animal ripped a part of itself off. You laughed at this. Laughing at another creature's pain is sadistic. |
How to catch a rat........
No! This is where yr wrong. It IS necessary. They breed. They are nasty. They spread disease. They create un-sanitary conditions. I catch them.....and whenever possible release them. I don't think this constitutes psychotic behavior. Seems very reasonable to me........ Can you even read properly? Again, I'm not necessarily against killing/eviction. But how is torture necessary? There is a difference between ridding of something humanely, and torturing it to death. You could kill the mice in a humane manner. Or catch and release. Torturing something is a waste of time and energy. So, again - where am I wrong in saying that *torture* isn't necessary? |
How to catch a rat........
Well....quit judging me then....ya' know......? Then don't act like a sadist. Glue traps are terrible things, it's very painful for the animals on that and laughing at their misery is not cool. |
How to catch a rat........
Edited by
Tue 06/07/11 11:12 AM
I did . ![]() Uh huh. |
How to catch a rat........
Rodents are nasty, man. They eat yr food.....they pee and poop everywhere. They spread disease. It is not unpractical too want to get em' outta' yr house. This is where I stand on this issue. Any means necessary..... My hamster....on the other a marsupial. He has a clean cage.....he is well fed and taken care of. He is a pet. Rats....are a freakin' plague. I reserve the right to get rid of them by any way of my choice........ Whether they are nasty or not isn't the point. I am arguing against the method. What you don't seem to comprehend is that I don't disagree with you on the merits of getting them out of your house... but you don't need to torture them to do that... is that clear to you yet? No, you don't. You've no right to torture something to death. It's unnecessary and it's wrong. |
How to catch a rat........
I used a glue trap once...whole bunch of them..I'm not living with them either..I also used peanut butter on a pinch clip trap.they squeaked all the way to the trash can.. Put them out of their misery first. Don't starve 'em to death like that. |
How to catch a rat........
]At this point....I am finding you bizarre. You have made 4 posts since you've been here....all directed at me. I told you already that I'm sorry if I offended you. Just get a grip. Leave it alone, O.K.? I know who I am. I know what I feel. Don't judge me cuz' I refuse to live with rodents..... ![]() I'm judging you because you find mice suffering on glue traps hilarious. |
How to catch a rat........
I refuse to live with rats. I don't think that is an insane position. Sorry if it offends you.....but I'm a practical man....... What the hell does living with rats have anything to do with this? I flamed you because you laughed at an animal suffering, not because you want to get rid of them (which I have nothing against). You don't need to use glue traps anyway, there are OTHER traps you realise that aren't as barbarically cruel. And the way you described the animal's tail being torn off - you know full well it happens, yet use them anyway and shrug your shoulders at it? You don't even knowledge how cruel and unnecessary to the animal that is. So calling yourself an 'animal lover' is bizarre. |
How to catch a rat........
Yes....that is a hamster in my pic. Did you see it? I love animals. I never condoned killing anything. I do, however....condone keeping yr place yr place.... If they aren't welcome.....then they must go....... You love animals, you say? Yet you: a) Use a glue trap b) Laugh when someone mentions what happened with an animal on their glue trap c) Nonchalantly describe a tail being ripped off in one of them. Some animal lover you are. I have a sense of humour, but laughing at real-life situations of animal cruelty is not funny in the least. |
How to catch a rat........
You need to relax..... ![]() And you need to stop being sadistic to other animals. |
How to catch a rat........
Edited by
Tue 06/07/11 04:00 AM
Terrible advice.
One - you shouldn't even be using glue traps in the first place. Two - catch and release from a glue trap is stupid because you can do the same thing with a cage trap (minus the gory effects). Three - glue traps are unnecessarily cruel and very unsanitary. Four - Pouring oil on a mouse on a glue trap is a death sentence. Most likely it will be injured from struggling, the oil negates the fur's temperature keeping ability so it will die of exposure. The kindest thing to do is kill it. Had trouble with the glue traps ![]() ![]() ![]() I set them free whenever possible though...... And what is so funny about this? I'd like to know what's so funny about making an animal suffer like that. That is a good argument against using these stupid glue traps as any (they ought to be illegal). If you want to catch and release, you shouldn't use glue traps in the first place. Animals will skin themselves alive on it, break their limbs and even chew them to escape. It's disgusting and cruel. If you want to kill them, use a snap trap - it's quick at least. Cage traps are better for catch and release. There's no ifs or buts - allowing a creature to RIP PARTS OF ITS BODY OFF is completely inhumane and unacceptable. There are better ways, there's NO NEED for this level of cruelty. So spare me your "them or you" rubbish, you're just torturing them for no reason. |