Community > Posts By > SportsNut2007

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 08/09/08 01:38 PM

I was very surprised that he died at 50... young still. I will defin

ately miss him... was a great comedian.

He died from a Lung disease that most people catch from second hand smoke.

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 08/09/08 01:29 PM
Yes this morning in Chicago.

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 08/09/08 01:28 PM
A friend I work with went thru a breakup with his girlfriend, or at least that's what it seems like.
It's been 2 month's since it happened and they are still not back together, and barely talking.

I told him it's time to walk away, but he thinking they can get past the problem.

I think he's gone nuts, but persistence pays off sometimes.

Is 2 months too long to hang matter how much you love someone ?

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 08/09/08 01:21 PM
To a funny funny man, we will miss you !

SportsNut2007's photo
Sun 08/03/08 04:55 PM
Did you see today's game ?
They completely chased the Angels under the bus !

SportsNut2007's photo
Mon 07/28/08 01:06 PM
My cousin and his wife have been married for the past 2 years.

Recently she told him that it's not going to be possible to have children, and that several years before meeting him she had a surgery to prevent pregancy.

She knew he wanted kids, and kept this from him.

Should he be considering a divorce, are trying to find a way to put this behind them ?

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:32 PM


metro-sexual like hetero-sexual but more careful how
they look when they are metro-ing with her!!


are you a "damn fine lookin man?"
do you luffa?
trim nose hairs?
shave anywhere except on your face?
dye anything?

as long as you keep scratching yourself in public
and are not afraid to snort loudly and spit, i think
you'll be ok...

but if you are self-conscious about manly things
or put on deodorant more than once a day, you might
have a problem. so...

keep going to the gym,
seek assistance from your local "No MAAM" affiliate!!

and please, lay off the pedicures!



SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:31 PM
I said Manly Man !

What Guy here, ( besides me ), would punch a guy in the face for grabbing his girls ass ?

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:26 PM
Guys, stop begging. Let the Ladies choose !

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:15 PM
Based on the Pictures, Profiles and Comments.

Who do you Ladies consider the Manlyst of the Men here ?

One vote only, Women only !

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:10 PM
Anyone !

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:10 PM

my grandparents were together for 60 years and my gramps hid money away the whole time they were married.....when he passed away my grandmother had no clue til she went to clean out his closet....there in a fire proof lockbox was over 90,000 and a letter saying I put this aside for our future.
my grandmother sat there crying for hours.

Sooooo, was she excited or sad ?

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:09 PM

The fact that you need to have a 'secret' account is a bad sign for the relationship.

Why ?

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:07 PM

metro sexual Modern enlightened, sort of rennasance man. Secure and confident, capable and cool, typically well educated and stylish. Heterosexual with a twist, not gay by any means, but he probally has a few gay friends, and can easily be mistaken for gay by rednecks and jock types. The only straight guy in a fabric store or antique shop who is not being dragged there by a woman.

Darling, I'm still a guy !
Brad Paisley !

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:06 PM

Metro sexuals usually have more hair gel and mousse than I do....they normally have more fabulous clothes than me which is hard to do in both instances!!!! Oh!!! and their hair is always perfect!!!noway laugh laugh laugh

And they get weekly manicures and pedicures

Yuck !

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:05 PM

My friend at work has a Bank Account that he's been hiding from his wife for over 10 years.
The account has over $50.000 in it, and he knows she will blow thru it if she knew.

He made this money by doing side work as a mechanic, and gambling and has saved it for years.

Does he have a right to have something for himself ?

You didn't say if his wife was a 'Loose-spender'... Could make a difference if She was t 'Thrifty-type'...

Yes, she's at the 99 cent store everyday spending like crazy !

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:03 PM

not so smart for letting you know, was he??? spock

Stop blasting !

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:00 PM

BABY PLEASE DON'T GOtears tears tears tears

Women hate Men that cry !
are you a woman?

No, but I know 3 guys that cried over a woman, and they all got
pepper sprayed.

By me !

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 01:59 PM

I want to know why if a guy tells you he cant live without you he remains living when he leaves you....mad

Not always !

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 01:58 PM

BABY PLEASE DON'T GOtears tears tears tears

Women hate Men that cry !
are you a woman?

No, but I know 3 guys that cried over a woman, and they all got
pepper sprayed.