Community > Posts By > SportsNut2007

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:21 PM

I don't believe in it, but that's probably got a lot to do with the fact that I don't understand it.

It doesn't effect me one way or another, so if those that believe in it want'll hear no protests from me. flowerforyou

I don't think anyone wants it !

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:20 PM
Man.....did they barbeque his azz or what.

It seems all he wanted to do was voice his opinion
and bam.

Would you think twice before speaking at one of those rallies ?

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:15 PM

And I'm sure all of you bible bumping freaks out there who oppose gay marriage, aren't having any pre-marital sex or getting divorced, right? what are you hate god or what ?

Is that what I said?

I'm just making sure that all of the people who are saying that they are against gay marriage for religious reasons, aren't having any sex before marriage, or getting divorced...since the bible says that both of those things are wrong too, and boy would it be hypocritical of anyone to open their bigoted mouth and voice their disapproval of the subject.

AMEN TO THAT!!!drinks drinks

To what ?

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:14 PM

And I'm sure all of you bible bumping freaks out there who oppose gay marriage, aren't having any pre-marital sex or getting divorced, right? what are you hate god or what ?

Is that what I said?

I'm just making sure that all of the people who are saying that they are against gay marriage for religious reasons, aren't having any sex before marriage, or getting divorced...since the bible says that both of those things are wrong too, and boy would it be hypocritical of anyone to open their bigoted mouth and voice their disapproval of the subject.

You're again missing the point.
Whether or not unmarried people are having sex, is a moral issue true....but same sex marriage is a whole new world inwhich most of society won't accept...and you know it.

SportsNut2007's photo
Fri 10/17/08 01:14 PM

hasnt this dead horse been beaten enoughlaugh

until the injustices are coreected the horse needs beaten regularly


and i do not necessarily like the idea

but the constitution gives them the right to


if you let the rights of others be trampled on it will not be long b4 the rights you want get trampled on

just a thought

Hear Hear !

SportsNut2007's photo
Fri 10/17/08 12:17 PM

as i have seen this issue

it is based solely on religious grounds

till someone can give a nonreligious arguement against gay lifestyle

then it should be permitted and a gay couple should have the same rights as a heterosexual couple

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


i do not see what is so hard to understand about this

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

if you use religion to pass prejudicial laws -- then it is establishing that religion

I agree...which is why I support the right of gays to marry...but I don't agree that they should.

SportsNut2007's photo
Fri 10/17/08 11:59 AM
We'll live !

SportsNut2007's photo
Fri 10/17/08 11:58 AM

gay marriage is an abomination to god, although im no diffrent than the next sinner... i dont agree with it and i defo wouldnt recommend it but i would treat those kinds of people with the same humanly respect that i would anyone else.... but i wouldnt hang out with someone whos gay it just goese against what i believe, just like i wouldnt hang out with a drug addict, i dont agree with the lifestyle at all nor do i trust

You wouldn't hang out with someone who is gay, just like you wouldn't hang out with a drug user? Wow.

Most men have some type of association with a gay man...usually it's work, or a family member...but almost never as a drinking buddy.
You if it's a crime not to hang out with rump-roasters...!

I just find it weird that someone would not hang out with a person just because they're gay. That's all.

That's because you're an enabler.

SportsNut2007's photo
Fri 10/17/08 11:56 AM
It's almost lunch time.....what did you have ?

SportsNut2007's photo
Fri 10/17/08 11:54 AM

i've notice the women on here talk more about gay men,is that because they have two things in commonbigsmile

ohhhhhhhhhhh, crap done did it now !

SportsNut2007's photo
Fri 10/17/08 11:44 AM

And I'm sure all of you bible bumping freaks out there who oppose gay marriage, aren't having any pre-marital sex or getting divorced, right? what are you hate god or what ?

Isn't it more that if you're against gay marriage because of what the bible says, shouldn't you also be against other things like pre-marital sex or divorce?

well those issues are not up for vote.
as I said earlier....I believe they have a right to get married...and would vote for their cause.

SportsNut2007's photo
Fri 10/17/08 11:42 AM

gay marriage is an abomination to god, although im no diffrent than the next sinner... i dont agree with it and i defo wouldnt recommend it but i would treat those kinds of people with the same humanly respect that i would anyone else.... but i wouldnt hang out with someone whos gay it just goese against what i believe, just like i wouldnt hang out with a drug addict, i dont agree with the lifestyle at all nor do i trust

You wouldn't hang out with someone who is gay, just like you wouldn't hang out with a drug user? Wow.

Most men have some type of association with a gay man...usually it's work, or a family member...but almost never as a drinking buddy.
You if it's a crime not to hang out with rump-roasters...!

SportsNut2007's photo
Fri 10/17/08 11:37 AM

What are guys on a single site complaining about gays for? If all of those hot gay guys were straight, you'd even have less of a chance of finding a date.

It's a topic for that okay ?

SportsNut2007's photo
Fri 10/17/08 11:36 AM

Schools shouldn't be teaching it at all. Gay and gay marriage is a religious issue. Schools shouldn't get involved in religious issues.

how about when a toronto high school teacher was beaten to death, by toronto high school students for the sole reason his being a gay man?

how about when adolescents are questioning their own sexual identities and may have discovered that they are gay and/or lesbian and are depressed and/or agonizing?

isn't it the duty of the school to ensure that all students are treated equally, fairly, without contempt and to help instill in them a great sense of self-esteem, value and worth?

Yes, it's the duty of the school to make sure these kids are safe. However, it is not the duty of the school to tell my son or daughter that "gay marriage" is ok. What really matters is what these kids are being taught at home.

Schools aren't going to say it ok, but just that it exists... what about those children that have same sex parents that feel like they are different because they dont have a mom or a dad... why is it wrong to explain that someone parents are the same sex. Why inform children about what is out in the world? Instead to completely sheltering them. My son is exposed to a long of things within his comprehension. He goes to my BGLAS (bisexuals, gays, lesbians, and allies in social work) meetings, where he is around individual of different orientations. Social issues are discussed. Why can't children be given all the information?
Why does the school have to have anything to do with it? You'll never get all of the teachers to agree on whats right or wrong... so how do you expect the students to?

Gay Advocates want kids to know that it's okay for johnny's mom to marry another woman, so johnny won't be harassed at school....therefore kids will have to be educated about same sex's already happening.
There is nothing to say about my grandpa always said....the fleas come with the dawg !

SportsNut2007's photo
Fri 10/17/08 11:30 AM

And I'm sure all of you bible bumping freaks out there who oppose gay marriage, aren't having any pre-marital sex or getting divorced, right? what are you hate god or what ?

SportsNut2007's photo
Thu 10/16/08 12:57 PM

Well, in order to not start a debate about what homosexuality is or isn't, just know that "morally" I have a problem with it.

Now, do I hate gays? Do I begrudge them for being who they are? No, and I never would. I just don't agree with it. Just like some people don't agree with someone being a Christian, or not agreeing with someone who supports the NRA, etc.

I have a problem with this line of thinking. Just because we "morally" have a problem with a certain individual or group of people does not mean we should deny them basic rights. The KKK and is allowed to exist despite MANY people "morally" having a problem with their behavior and beliefs.

Yes...but you're comparing apples to oranges.
Gays have made progress despite the oppression posed against...I respect that !
However...I'm not going to like it when a gay couple sues my Church because they refused to allow them to get marriaged there.

Nor when the schools began teaching young boys that it's okay for two boys to get marriaged !

Schools shouldn't be teaching it at all. Gay and gay marriage is a religious issue. Schools shouldn't get involved in religious issues.

gay and gay marriage is not a religious issue. Same-sex couples is a social issue, not a religious one!

You are soooooo wrong about this point.
It's all over the is every social issue
in the

Not everyone follows the bible, not everyone believes in God or god or different gods. This may have been made an issue for some religions, but for those individual whom have same-sex couples and are in relationships it isn't religious. Is all opposite-sex couples think that their relationship is a religious issue?... NO!

You brought it up.

SportsNut2007's photo
Thu 10/16/08 12:56 PM

Schools shouldn't be teaching it at all. Gay and gay marriage is a religious issue. Schools shouldn't get involved in religious issues.

how about when a toronto high school teacher was beaten to death, by toronto high school students for the sole reason his being a gay man?

how about when adolescents are questioning their own sexual identities and may have discovered that they are gay and/or lesbian and are depressed and/or agonizing?

isn't it the duty of the school to ensure that all students are treated equally, fairly, without contempt and to help instill in them a great sense of self-esteem, value and worth?

Yes, it's the duty of the school to make sure these kids are safe. However, it is not the duty of the school to tell my son or daughter that "gay marriage" is ok. What really matters is what these kids are being taught at home.

Schools aren't going to say it ok, but just that it exists... what about those children that have same sex parents that feel like they are different because they dont have a mom or a dad... why is it wrong to explain that someone parents are the same sex. Why inform children about what is out in the world? Instead to completely sheltering them. My son is exposed to a long of things within his comprehension. He goes to my BGLAS (bisexuals, gays, lesbians, and allies in social work) meetings, where he is around individual of different orientations. Social issues are discussed. Why can't children be given all the information? only want your kid to have your point of view ?
If he's smart....he's figure out what you don't want him to know and resent you later.

SportsNut2007's photo
Thu 10/16/08 12:52 PM

Well, in order to not start a debate about what homosexuality is or isn't, just know that "morally" I have a problem with it.

Now, do I hate gays? Do I begrudge them for being who they are? No, and I never would. I just don't agree with it. Just like some people don't agree with someone being a Christian, or not agreeing with someone who supports the NRA, etc.

I have a problem with this line of thinking. Just because we "morally" have a problem with a certain individual or group of people does not mean we should deny them basic rights. The KKK and is allowed to exist despite MANY people "morally" having a problem with their behavior and beliefs.

Yes...but you're comparing apples to oranges.
Gays have made progress despite the oppression posed against...I respect that !
However...I'm not going to like it when a gay couple sues my Church because they refused to allow them to get marriaged there.

Nor when the schools began teaching young boys that it's okay for two boys to get marriaged !

Schools shouldn't be teaching it at all. Gay and gay marriage is a religious issue. Schools shouldn't get involved in religious issues.

gay and gay marriage is not a religious issue. Same-sex couples is a social issue, not a religious one!

You are soooooo wrong about this point.
It's all over the is every social issue
in the

SportsNut2007's photo
Thu 10/16/08 12:37 PM

Here's my thoughts on it... "Marriage" is a religious term for the joining of a man and a woman. I think that gay couples should have every right that "married" couples get, as far as legalities go. Taxes, health benefits, inheritance, etc. However, I don't think they should call it a marriage. That's really what is pissing everyone off. I think the gay community would get a lot further alot quicker if they just quit calling it a marriage. Most religions do not permit "Gay Marriages". So instead of trying to change people's ideas on religion, just call it something else. Civil Union. Whatever you want to call it. I think the gay community is just fighting the wrong fight. Fight for your rights, not the term it's called.

Well....wait !

I said that I support it because, for's happiness that they may not acquire thru any other means.
However doing it for tax advantages, and the rest of the nonsense is just a load of crap.

I'm sorry... you missed my point. I NEVER said they, either gay or heterosexual couples should get married because of tax advantages. What I meant was gay couples, married, union, whatever you want to call it SHOULD be entitled to all of the benefits heterosexual couples get for being married. Right now, they can't ( in most states) They are fighting to call it a "marriage" when it's not. A "marriage" started to be joined, a man and a woman, under God, Gods, Goddesses, whatever you believe. So quit trying to call it a marriage. Call it something else, but give them the SAME rights are heterosexual couples get.

Sorry, marriage is no longer a strictly religious institution. It is secular in that many laws are built around it. Giving homosexuals "everything but" the title of marriage is discrimination... separate but equal, anyone?

I think the way it is now works fine.
gays can share a life together, include each other on insurance policies, buy property together
and live as a married couple thru a domestic couples contract....what's wrong with that.
Why do they have to take it one step further...what else would they get that they are'nt already ?
Some states don't allow for gay couples to have all of those rights. I think they should. They should fight for those rights. And many feel that they want to be joined as a legal couple, and include their church. They have that right too. It just shouldn't be called a marriage. They will NEVER change the way people consider a marriage.

Most people won't change there feeling on this.

This goes down the road of the guy that thought it was a good idea to make a citizens arrest on a cop that repeatedly parked in handicapp parking.
...It may be legal....but still a stupid idea !

SportsNut2007's photo
Thu 10/16/08 12:33 PM

Schools shouldn't be teaching it at all. Gay and gay marriage is a religious issue. Schools shouldn't get involved in religious issues.

how about when a toronto high school teacher was beaten to death, by toronto high school students for the sole reason his being a gay man?

how about when adolescents are questioning their own sexual identities and may have discovered that they are gay and/or lesbian and are depressed and/or agonizing?

isn't it the duty of the school to ensure that all students are treated equally, fairly, without contempt and to help instill in them a great sense of self-esteem, value and worth?

Yes, it's the duty of the school to make sure these kids are safe. However, it is not the duty of the school to tell my son or daughter that "gay marriage" is ok. What really matters is what these kids are being taught at home.

Yes, but it's already you've already lost this battle !

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