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Wed 03/19/08 05:46 PM
Ahh..I would be the one you considered "uncouth" and "uneducated"
Who - thanks in a very large part to your ignorant posts devoid of any rationalizations or detail, has demonstrated to have a better understanding of how things *really* work, than the Camelot world you live in. So - let's review your comments: Don't invade Iraq, because bin Laden isn't there. Okaaayy...So now Saddam is still in power, bin Laden has a convenient haven besides Afghanistan if needed, and the UN - who voted under proper procedures to sanction Iraq - is proved to be irrelevant because they can do nothing to enforce any decree. Wow - you are doing good so far. So - by your post below - invade Afghanistan instead. Very good. Do you plan to ask permission of the sovereign territory, or just go right in? Let me help you - they will refuse. So now you order the troops in, and now are in fact, a war criminal. Both the U.N. and International Tribunal would hold you accountable for the invasion of a foreign country . Great job ! Torture - well tell me - do you think that foreign operatives are going to give up their secrets if we just ask nicely? Or that they will just give up because we caught them, fair and square "Oh, sorry...you got me, I was the grenade thrower. Nice job there" Now - for the 'fear-mongering, war-mongering' I again ask - please tell me where I am wrong. Please explain how you effectively reason with people who want to kill you. And that isn't 'fear-mongering' it is the unvarnished truth. How many lives were ended in the Towers and on the planes ? I don't see you crying piteously about the removal of their life and liberty, or the torture they went through - being taken hostage. How many lives were ended on USS Cole ? Beruit ? Lebanon ? How many soldier returning from multiple tours in Iraq are ending their lives because they cannot cope with the aftermath ? I will tell you 'who the hell' I am. Someone who has a much better understanding of the Middle East people than you do. Because I have been there, and because I studied the history, back before the times of the Crusades. Because I took the time to learn - not just parrot b.s. out of my local papers and cut/paste from Internet sites. Sure - you have a right to an opinion. And I have the right to state that your opinion is brown, squishy, stinks and is good only for fertilizer. |
Since Dragoness your attention span seems to be quite short - and relegated to participating in your little fan club there, than in true debate, let me remind you of the questions posed to you:
Please Dragoness - educate us on how you would deal with Mr. bin Laden. Please give us the roadmap for successfully dealing with hostile al Qaeda factions. Detail in specifics how you would handle the "Middle East Problem" in all it's facets. Simple answer will be - you haven't a clue where to begin - but please - entertain us with your detailed thoughts on the above items. And if you cannot put forth even a modicum effort into such, then I kindly invite you to shut the hell up. And once again - a well-reasoned encompassing response. Not the two sentence nonsensical drivel you have thus far promulgated. Form out an entire plan - start to finish. So far..all I have seen is fan worship and banalities. I am especially interested in seeing your response on how to deal with the hostile Al Qaeda group(s) without getting your hands dirty. |
Okay dealing with bin laden, you want me to go there? FIRST OFF I WOULD NOT HAVE ATTACKED IRAQ AND OCCUPIED IRAQ FOR BIN LADEN AS HE WASN'T THERE, second, so torture is the only way you see to deal with extremists, is this what you are telling me? Wow..what a well reasoned response. I asked how you would deal with bin Laden, and you spout out about Iraq. I am sure he is put firmly and decisively in his place by your refusal to invade Iraq. I am sure that thundering denouncement would put fear into his mortal soul. Try again - this time try engaging a brain cell or two. But..since you brought it forth...please...tell us..**IN DETAIL** (notice..I said in detail..that means..lay out a plan..a well-reasoned complete course of action) how you would deal with the extremists groups, such as Al Qaeda. Don't prevaricate - don't spout a two sentence line of drivel - either lay out a plan - or admit you don't know what the hell you are talking about. |
lol give me a break. You can't trust your elected representatives to tell the truth but you fully trust the word of a captured terrorist. That is pathetic. The guy killed a US Servicemember in Afghanistan and you are treating him like a saint who would never ever dare tell a lie, though would gladly seek to kill US servicemembers in a foreign land and most likely did kill at least one, probably assisted in killing more. Ya know - had not thought of it on that angle - but Point Set Match. Nice! |
personally you sound like a pinko commy since you only believe those who think like you have rights. And where pray tell - in the posting I made - did I mention that you do not have any rights if you do not believe as I do? Again, you show blatant ignorance by spouting off with no substance behind what you say. Matter of fact - I distinctly read the following in my post: *IF* you think you have 'the way' to reason and talk with wonderful folks such as Al Qaeda - please come forth. Enlighten us. Please. I would be happy to even pay your travel. Funny - doesn't look like I am saying you don't have a right to different viewpoint. Matter of fact - it seems as though I am inviting those with 'the answer' to put it forth. Although it admittedly demonstrates some level of frustration with ignorants who spew idiocies such as "you are a pinko commy" when they cannot demonstrate that they have a clue as to what they speak about. Are you perhaps upset that I surmise there to be evil people in this world that would, given the chance, torture you? Defile both you as a person, and your religion in many and varied ways? That some of these people would love nothing better than to remove all your freedoms and replace them with a theocracy, naturally with themselves as the appointed leader? This troubles you? Perhaps it should. Please - point out specifically what I said that is incorrect, and be detailed in your answer on why it is wrong. Please (see..said that please word again) enlighten the unwashed masses you choose to call "pinko commy' Seems to me, you are irate when someone challenges your free speech with "Love it or Leave it" but you deride me when I choose to exercise mine. HHHmm...wait..is that not part of the definition of 'Pinko Commy' ??? Simply put again - you are capable of no more than ignorant rudimentary responses - and incapable of writing out a coherent well-reasoned argument for your position. Thank you for demonstrating such. |
Favorite username?
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Wed 03/19/08 02:22 PM
StormMessages and Fade2Black
She probably meant a way different song...but I keep thinking the lyrics from Paint it Black I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes I have to turn my head until my darkness goes |
Men question..
Best shave ? I have an old fashioned straight razor and lather kit.
have to get everything warm and steamy though. for normal every day though...Just use Quattro, or whatever that brand is called, and shave in the shower. |
administrative or project manager type.
secrets keepers
Yea, that my X is a W*ore She can't be.... ...never charged me a cent.... Okay okay okay..sorry Sexxy..that was just crass, but I couldn't help it. |
Josh - it really is quite simple.
Men = Hunters Women - gatherers Base all thoughts around these concepts - and 90% of things make sense. going to go hunting now...hunting a nice thick shelter.....before some rocks gather on my head. |
Dates from Hell
Thankfully - although a few may not have been very pleasant - that is the last of any 'dates from hell' I have ever had.
does it really matter
You pose a good question there! While I could see a need for the delegate system when our founding fathers originally put it in place, I would wonder about it's relevancy now. Personally - I would go one step further. Remove the delegate system, each state tallying up it's own popular vote. After the election - the president and related staff stays in DC. The rest of the Senators and such (and staff) should stay in the state they claim to represent. There should only be two 'face to face' get togethers in DC every year, with set agenda. No one leaves until complete - there are plenty of hotels. I *like* the idea of being able to have my Senators and Representatives living and working in the same state as me. Where they can be held accountable - face to face - and not hiding off in DC somewhere. Technology in today's world could easily provide for this, and would remove some of the undue influence of the 'big lobbies' |
"if you could pick anyone older that McCain..." How about Abe Vigoda or Bea Arthur? Well...there are always write ins! Clinton - would tend to agree with the 'Billary" comment above. I do agree that a change is needed in our leadership to bring the pendulum back a bit more towards center. I believe that Obama would bring it more to center, rather than swing entirely the other way. Personal opinion here. Oh - and stop your incessant whining about the "illegal war" There is absolutely no international tribunal that would convict a single head of state - U.S., Britain or any other supporting country for conducting "illegal war" on Iraq. Again - if you think you can convince the U.N. to operate in a more unified fashion, devoid of self-centered politics - be my guest to delineate here how that is accomplish. If you cannot - then perhaps you should spend more time reading and researching and a little less time whining and doing 'cut/paste' editorials to try and (failingly) demonstrate your 'knowledge' |
Dates from Hell
Setting the scene:
Divorced for just about a year, separated a year before divorce. Occupied myself with work, did not date, nor take an interest in such. Friends and good co-workers I had basically harassed me into talking to a woman who was trying to make herself noticed to me (yeah yeah..typical male..I know...) and take her out. Pre-Flight: Talked to her, and made arrangements to go out following my next upcoming business trip. She seemed very happy with such. Coming home from trip, flights were a bit delayed, so I told her this, but also that I expected to be on time for our date. Note - due to work, this means I would get there after about 28 hours without sleep. That becomes important later. Take-off and cruising: I did arrive on time - barely - and we went out. Typical dinner, movie date, and she was very pleasant company in all respects. Neither of us was ready for the date to end after the movie - so I took her to a local pier and beach area for a evening walk. (32 hours and counting) which was again - pleasant in all respects, even if I was a bit tired. Approach for landing: After our walk, took her back home. She offered me some coffee if I cared to come inside. Well - 33 hours and a 1.5 hour drive to get to my home ? Coffee? Wonderful!! "Yes..thank you!" Losing altitude AND control: During coffee - she made it *very* clear that I was welcomed to stay the night - and with her. Now - I am not so puritanical that I would never consider such a thing. She was very pretty and had been very pleasant all evening. But remember - 33 hours, no sleep? Most females will get a bit upset if you are snoring 5 seconds after sex for the first time. Crash and Burn: So - I politely decline, and can see she is not very happy. I try to smooth things a bit - and offer that i would love to take her out tomorrow, if she would like. Didn't help - she is more upset. I explain - certainly not a rejection of any sort - am just very tired. And if she still desires tomorrow after our date, my answer would certainly be different. Worse still - her voice is raising. I tell her that I feel bad she is upset - but offer her my number, and that either she can call, or I would call as soon as I awoke. No good - she is getting really pissed now, and I haven't a clue why. So - time to go here - I pick up my coat from the chair - SHE picks up a knife from the counter! Oh friggin joy. I just do the first reaction - take the knife, and do this push-pull routine that ends up with her outside the door, which I lock. Damminint - now I am in HER house, and she is out there with my ride. And various objects to trash it with. Great. She runs for the front door - which I lock and realize it is past time to call the calvary. Call sheriffs hoping that it will NOT be one of the fellows I know. BBBUUUZZ..should have figured that by now. So - two of them show up - she is berserk - after they get her back under control - the two YUKS start harassing me. Seems this is not the first date she had end like this. Aftermath: I have to go to court, of course. I talk to judge and he agrees to a mandatory counseling routine, instead of straight jail time. Okay cool. Couple weeks go by - I am giving neighbor lady a lift and get stopped. Yup. The YUKS - "Oh...just checking to see how you were" For a year after that...any time I had a date..and they seen me - I got pulled over by these grinning idiots. "Just to check on me" |
All of that talk is great and all and to an uncivilized, uncouth person that would make perfect sense, I assure you I am neither uncivilized nor uncouth. As a matter of observation - it is entirely plausible that I am both better educated and have lived (survived in some cases) more life experiences than you have. So - all of your talk may be great and all to a person who has insufficient life experience and wisdom to understand how a group of foreign people think and react. However - since you seem fit to call me uncouth and uncivilized, you are the *exact* sort of person referenced in my second point. Please Dragoness - educate us on how you would deal with Mr. bin Laden. Please give us the roadmap for successfully dealing with hostile al Qaeda factions. Detail in specifics how you would handle the "Middle East Problem" in all it's facets. Simple answer will be - you haven't a clue where to begin - but please - entertain us with your detailed thoughts on the above items. And if you cannot put forth even a modicum effort into such, then I kindly invite you to shut the hell up. |
Dates from Hell
Let me get a rum and coke....
...mine wins hands down so far. (And considering Alright's tale..that should tell you something) |
I don't expect everyone to *love* America. Some times I wonder myself. HOWEVER: 1)I vote - and stay involved in my local government. So I can keep tabs on 'em! 2)I served. And personally - if you haven't done #1 - you lose any and all b*tching credibility. And if you haven't done #2 - you shouldn't knock that which you don't understand. |
"teaches its operatives to make false claims of abuse." Oh My GOD!! You mean...a terrorist might actually LIE?!?!?! How unthinkable ?!?! The horrid thought that they may actually take advantage of the nature of some ignorant people to spread divisiveness??!!? Okay - the sarcastic moment is over, my apologies Lindyy. I just get a touch frustrated with the blatant stupidity of some people who cannot get it through their very thick skulls that there are really evil people out there. |
Well - will likely stir up the hornet's nest here..but what the 'ell....
First - does a person from Canada need U.S. permission to travel to a known terrorist area? of course not. Does a person from Canada need permission from U.S. to *be* in a known terrorist area? Of course not. However - if such person - Canadian or otherwise - find themselves in the middle of a group of people who toss grenades at U.S. soldiers (or any other soldiers)you ought to expect to be treated harshly. It matters not if you threw the grenade or not - you were 'with' the people who did. Call it unjust if you like, but you should be thankful they didn't fill the area with flying lead first and ask questions later. Second - and this is the part I love - *IF* you think you have 'the way' to reason and talk with wonderful folks such as Al Qaeda - please come forth. Enlighten us. Please. I would be happy to even pay your travel. Because if you can ever remove yourself from your own Camelot, you will find there are some people who ONLY understand talk, AFTER they understand the fact you will kill them, and all whom they know. I am sorry that this sounds harsh and cold-blooded or 'war-mongering' but there are those in the world that equate 'pacifist' with "easy target" Now - do I condone out and out medieval style torture. No, I do not. Beating or hurting someone will only produce mediocre information at best. The best information comes from letting someone torture themselves with fear, doubt, uncertainty. And I can do *wonderful* things with your mind, once I have control of you. Now - to all those that are squeamish to play dirty - hey, you do have that right, and I don't expect you to. But kindly use some of that 'higher understanding' you claim to have, and understand this: There are people there who will kill you just because you are white, or American, or just not one of them, take your pick. Don't believe it? Take a look at the New York sky line. There are also people who form that line between you and the really evil people - who give the bad guys a reason to pause. A reason to stop. And provide the strength of arms and resolve of will to force them to stop, if needed. So use your "higher wisdom' to understand this, and stop bashing them continuously as if you are some pious being. Personally - I would like to send most of the 'give peace a chance-niks' send them by plane load to wonderful spots like Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and the like. See how you fare for a year on your own, devoid of any American military assistance that you constantly bash. Keep in mind you were opposed to any sort of force or torture, and that you feel you can 'reason' with them. The ones you meet won't have any problem with torture, rape, defiling your religion or you. Enjoy. |
nice guys
I'll drink to that - with Danette.... |