Way too warm.
Beer needs to be kept below 40. Yeah Yeah Yeah...I know in German they drink it warm..but..I like it CC OOO LL DD!! |
Once again - cut and paste your drivel, posting about that which you know nothing about.
Nearly 24 years after voting against creating a holiday honoring Martin Luther King, John McCain is spending today at the inauguration of Alabama Governor Bob Riley who is a member of an organization that has been criticized for excluding African Americans. The "Grand Master" of the Grand Lodge of Alabama admits he knows of no African American members among the groups 30,000 plus membership. HHmmm...How about the Grand Lodge of Prince Hall Masons? You know - the *ALL BLACK* Masonic Lodge? The ones that do not admit white people? Ohhh..I see you conveniently forgot about it, I am sure. How about the Grand Lodge counsel, requested by the Grand Masters of Maryland, Virginia, Colorado, and Delaware (to name a few) for the discussion of formalizing relations between the two organizations in 1998? Oh - I am sure you fully researched this and remember that the Grand Master of Prince Hall flatly refused any merger of any sort, and declared that Prince Hall would always remain separate. With that research, I am sure that you also discovered that despite this, formal recognition between the two occurs in quite a few states already, in which BOTH sides have seen a greater light. Sadly, your extensive research would point out that not all states have adopted this wisdom, and the fault often lies on both sides. But hey - in your exhaustive research - I am sure you noted the heinous contributions to our society of the Freemasons. They maliciously run torture centers disguised as Children's Hospitals where they spend 2.1 million dollars *per day* to perfect the art of changing a child's life permanently. Dastardly buggers. This organization has so infiltrated the United States, that many of our founding fathers were indeed Freemasons. It seems the desire to corrupt this country by the organization knows no bounds. It is reported that even one of the Freemason's Lodges was used as the staging point for the Boston Tea Party. Further proof of the corruption of this evil empire is found in the Civil War - in which officers of both sides met in common lodges to carry messages from families divided, arrange surrenders and aid to the wounded when possible. The B*stards. The much feared Templar Knights organization even goes so far as to threaten people who have had various eye injuries and diseases with effective treatment. They spend 5 million a year perfecting a mode of this evil torture, giving grant money to those with the most promising method of inflicting treatment on those afflicted. I could go on, all the way down to nursing homes, teaching hospitals, grants, scholarships and all the other dastardly methods used by the Masonic Lodges, both Prince Hall and AFAM, that are used to totally corrupt our perfect society of today's world. <sarcasm mode off> But then - YOU STILL WOULD NOT HAVE A CLUE. |
The "Rules" of War
OK, one more time for the pure hell of it. Congress has to authorize every dime, nickel, and dollar bill spent in Iraq. Congress is, and has been for some time now controlled by Democrats. They could have cut off funding to this war at any point in time but they have not. When oh when are some of the people in this community (not to mention this thread) going to start holding accountable those paying for all of this? -Drew Drew -that would require actions above and beyond cut/paste. Therefor beyond the scope and abilities of the mass posters here. While I agree with your point - please realize that your desired outcome would involve certain whiny people to get up off their a##. <sarcasm mode off> |
The "Rules" of War
Edited by
Tue 04/01/08 03:46 AM
Oh and you who owes you anything? Who might you be? The almighty what? Your arrogance is mindboggling but I already did it over and over, if you missed it sorry. I will do it again soon don't worry but it will not be for you as I owe you nothing. Maybe you could ask nicely next time. ![]() ![]() Spoken like a person who parrots on and on and on about which she knows NOTHING about. YOUR arrogance,in believing somehow you have the 'cut/paste' answers to life is unbelievable. Who might you be? Oh - let me answer - the person who bashes constantly, but provides ZERO answers. The person who enjoys their freedom to b*tch without the "trivial' need to actually LEARN WHAT THEY ARE B*TCHING about. BTW - Did you see a request for a cut/paste job? No. I asked *SPECIFICALLY* for 1)Jurisdiction 2)Charge 3)Specifications of that charge 4)How those specifications were met. You provided an opinion by one person, a resolution (congress passes a few dozen each day) which I might point out IS NOT A LAW. And the opinion of a Navy judge who considered one servicemember might have a valid enough belief about the war, but he made no determination on it. Thanks for once again proving you are ignorant of that which you speak, Cut/Paste Flunkie |
Soldiers Roll Call
- When you care enough to send the very best U.S. Army, Military Police Combat Support - If you need it absolutely positively destroyed overnight U.S. Navy |
How important is height?
Am 6'
Danced with quite a few that were in the 5'2 range. That is a bit tough. Be nice to dance with a gal that I could see eye to eye! But - no - don't have a specific height requirement. |
The "Rules" of War
Ya know Dragon - you have referred to this as 'illegal war' more than once.
Now - aside from your usual mindless cut/paste drivel, which is where you picked up a catchy phrase 'illegal war' in which you haven't a clue. Please - enlighten us - what **EXACTLY** makes it "illegal" Note: - you must format your answer correctly - This means, you must state the jurisdictional court, the charge, and how the allegations meet the specifications of that charge. Example - Under the State of Maryland Annotated Code, there is a charge of burglary. Specifications include being in another's home (breaking and entering) and it must happen at night. So - you cannot rightly get a conviction, let alone court time, if you charge burglary for someone doing a B&E a 2 p.m. So - since you wish to pander about the 'illegal" war - please provide the above information. Please cite your references as well. |
Enjoy it? Not really - just a function of some enviroments.
I do own two different tuxs though, and a variety of the various things that go with them. Includes several very old pocket watchs (100 years +) |
Nope. Would not date my boss, nor anyone who worked under me.
Just creates too many problems and headaches, even if both of you get along. There is always others around that will resent it. |
If You Were Stranded
1)Plenty of food 2)Plenty of wine 3)Working marine radio - so I can call more of #1 and #2, but have plenty of time for Fade. <grin> |
have you
Edited by
Mon 03/31/08 07:27 AM
i've heard of women doing this for revenge getting abortion money.according to statistics 22% of women have done this 22% - that is getting really close to 1/4 - kinda hard to believe. Not calling you a liar, mind you - just seems a bit high - like flawed statistics somehow. Either that - or I am really trying hard to maintain a positive outlook towards females! |
I hope she smashes the glass ceiling!! 2Much - Hey - I don't particularly care IF the President is something other than a white male. As long as they can do a proper job with both internal and external politics. The flip side to that - Is I won't vote for someone just because they are something other than a white male. I do not see how being black, or having internal reproductive organs is a qualification for "Good President" |
Weidest Place...
quarry while scuba diving.
Yes - for the curious ones - the air tanks emptied really fast....go figure. |
have you
Me? No
Several Friends - Yup. Including one that got sucked in with "You are the father" of course, in the divorce a paternity test was ordered..that was an interesting day, I am sure... |
When insults had class
Ahhh...liked Mark Twain's 'set up' of one lady:
M.T. = "Ma'am - would you sleep with someone for a million dollars?" Lady - "Yes, I would" M.T. - "Would you sleep with me for 2 cents?" Lady - "*gasp* - Just what type of woman do you think I am?" M.T. - "We have already established that. We are now deciding the price." |
do you get some?
Morning Heart -
Morning all No need for coffee here - I have a second full pot, and plenty of free time today! w00t! |
Job Interview....
Good luck!!!
Report back once you return home on how things went. |
Answer me this..
...every woman within a 7 planet radius leaping on you? Bit heavy..but hey...a few from planet earth would be pretty cool.... |
Well, there are always places to go, people to do, things to talk about...
errr...I mean....well...Yeah. |
U.S.-China Relations
far too long and no one cares ![]() Quite the contrary - I care very much, because right now if the economics in China takes a major downturn, or (and this is just a speculation!) any sort of militaristic event takes place with China be it internal (they doing unto themselves) or external (someone else doing it to China) it *will* have a VERY negative effect on the U.S. There is just too many threads in that to unravel - so I honestly do not know. |