Community > Posts By > crickstergo

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Wed 03/24/10 09:34 PM
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Here's the grounds that will make the mandate unconstitutional

NEVER BEFORE has the "commerce powers" claus been used to mandate that an individual person engage in an economic transaction with a PRIVATE COMPANY.

That should do it.

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Wed 03/24/10 02:47 PM
that many of the uninsured realize that most of them will now have to BUY health insurance on exchanges and PAY anywhere between 3% and 9.8% (based on income) for that health insurance.....

an individual making 14,000 a year will now HAVE TO PAY 3% of that $14,000 for health insurance.

an individual making $44,000 a year will now HAVE TO PAY 9.8% of that $44,000 for health insurance.

a family of four making $29,000 a year will now HAVE TO PAY 3% of that $29,000 for health insurance.

a family of four making $88,000 a year will now HAVE TO PAY 9.8% of that $88,000 for health insurance.

How will they react?

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Tue 03/23/10 11:11 AM
Edited by crickstergo on Tue 03/23/10 11:11 AM
C. L. Otter, Idaho, secedes his state from mandatory health care. OTTO became the first governor to sign a measure requiring his attorney general to sue Congress if it passes health care legislation that requires residents to buy insurance.

37 states already have some form of pending legislation.

That's the reason the mandatory part of the bill doesn't take effect for a long time. These democratic congresspeople know that people will forget and move on, and they will if they have jobs and the economy is good. Anger only last awhile before a new anger comes along!!!And the old one is forgotten.

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Tue 03/23/10 08:05 AM

Facts from my favorite source,,

on insurance premiums:The Urban Institute, another nonpartisan research group, projects that if federal reform efforts FAIL, individual and family out-of-pocket costs could go up nationwide by more than 35 percent through 2019. In Texas, the institute says, individual and family spending would increase even more — about 58 percent in a best-case scenario, and 80 percent worst-case.

Meantime, the CBO projects that most Americans' premiums would decrease under the Senate's health care plan. A tiny minority of individuals who buy their own insurance would pay 10 to 13 percent more, while receiving better coverage.

on the deficit: The CBO found the Senate Democrats' version of health care reform would reduce the deficit by $132 billion over 10 years. The deficit is expected to go down because tax increases and cost savings in the bill are expected to exceed the cost of the new programs and tax credits.

on health care costs:Hutchison stretches too far by saying everything in the bill would raise taxes, drive up costs and conceivably diminish quality. As we've described, several parts of the bill are intended to lower costs, and most people won't see a tax increase.

We rate her overreach False.

on rationing: Critics say the Democratic plans would lead to health care rationing. They attribute that to various elements of the plans, such as the Medicare payment advisory board we mentioned, and an approach known as comparative effectiveness research that seeks to find the most efficient treatments. The current proposals state that comparative research shall not be binding on health care plans or dictate treatment. Still, it seems reasonable to assume that health insurers would act on the government information, refusing to fund treatments considered experimental or ineffective. Supporters say health care is rationed already, by insurance companies. Your comfort level on this probably depends on whom you trust more: the government or insurance companies.

on end of life: The death panel rumor sprouted from a small clause in the health care bill involving Medicare. The new rule said Medicare would pay for a doctor's visit for the purpose of end-of-life planning, such as discussions of living wills or hospice care. Opponents equated that with lessons in how to kill yourself , but every expert on health care for the elderly that we consulted said the idea was ridiculous.

Guess one will have to look at other social programs that our governent has enacted to see that MOST projections are usually not even in the ballpark 10 or so years latter. ie....medicare

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Tue 03/23/10 08:00 AM

what other country has this proposed healthcare system?

I don't see where the article makes any claim as to that. It only states that "we have studied government health care in other countries, and the results include much higher taxes, slower economic growth and worse medical care."

Did you read (consider) only the last paragraph?

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Tue 03/23/10 07:30 AM
MARCH 21, 2010
The Doctors of the House

House Democrats last night passed President Obama's federal takeover of the U.S. health-care system, and the ticker tape media parade is already underway. So this hour of liberal political victory is a good time to adapt the "Pottery Barn" rule that Colin Powell once invoked on Iraq: You break it, you own it.

This week's votes don't end our health-care debates. By making medical care a subsidiary of Washington, they guarantee such debates will never end. And by ramming the vote through Congress on a narrow partisan majority, and against so much popular opposition, Democrats have taken responsibility for what comes next—to insurance premiums, government spending, doctor shortages and the quality of care. They are now the rulers of American medicine.

Mr. Obama and the Democrats have sold this takeover by promising that multiple benefits will follow: huge new subsidies for the middle class; lower insurance premiums for consumers, especially those in the individual market; vast reductions in the federal budget deficit and in overall health-care spending; a more competitive U.S. economy as business health-care costs decline; no reductions in Medicare benefits; and above all, in Mr. Obama's words, that "if you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan."

We think all of this except the subsidies will turn out to be illusory, as most of the American public seems intuitively to understand. As recently as Friday, Caterpillar Inc. announced that ObamaCare will increase its health-care costs by $100 million in the first year alone, due to a stray provision about the tax treatment of retiree benefits. This will not be the only such unhappy surprise.

While the subsidies don't start until 2014, many of the new taxes and insurance mandates will take effect within six months. The first result will be turmoil in the insurance industry, as small insurers in particular find it impossible to make money under the new rules. A wave of consolidation is likely, and so are higher premiums as insurers absorb the cost of new benefits and the mandate to take all comers.

Liberals will try to blame insurers once again, but the public shouldn't be fooled. WellPoint, Aetna and the rest are from now on going to be public utilities, essentially creatures of Congress and the Health and Human Services Department. When prices rise and quality and choice suffer, the fault will lie with ObamaCare.

While liberal Democrats are fulfilling their dream of a cradle-to-grave entitlement, their swing-district colleagues will pay the electoral price. Those on the fence fell in line out of party loyalty or in response to some bribe, and to show the party could govern. But even then Speaker Nancy Pelosi could only get 85% of her caucus and had to make promises that are sure to prove ephemeral.

Most prominently, she won over Michigan's Bart Stupak and other anti-abortion Democrats with an executive order from Mr. Obama that will supposedly prevent public funds from subsidizing abortions. The wording of the order seems to do nothing more than the language of the Senate bill that Mr. Stupak had previously said he couldn't support, and of course such an order can be revoked whenever it is politically convenient to do so.

We have never understood why pro-lifers consider abortion funding more morally significant than the rationing of care for cancer patients or at the end of life that will inevitably result from this bill. But in any case Democratic pro-lifers sold themselves for a song, as they usually do.

Then there are the self-styled "deficit hawks" like Jim Cooper of Tennessee. These alleged scourges of government debt faced the most important fiscal vote of their careers and chose to endorse a new multitrillion-dollar entitlement. They did so knowing that the White House has already promised to restore some $250 billion in reimbursement cuts for doctors that were included in yesterday's bill to make the deficit numbers look good. Watch for these Democrats to pivot immediately and again demand "tough choices" on spending—and especially tax increases—but this vote has squandered whatever credibility they had left.

Mrs. Pelosi did at least abandon, albeit under pressure, the "deem and pass" strategy that would have passed the legislation without a vote on the actual Senate language. We and many others criticized that ruse early last week, and the House decision to drop it exposes the likes of Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute and other analysts who are always willing to defend the indefensible when Democrats are doing it.

All of this means the Senate's Christmas Eve bill is ready for Mr. Obama's signature, though only because rank-and-file House Members also passed a bill of amendments that will now go back to the Senate under "reconciliation" rules that require only 50 votes. Those amendments almost certainly contravene the plain rules of reconciliation, and the goal for Senate Republicans should be to defeat this second "fix-it" bill. It's notable that Democrats didn't show yesterday for a meeting with the Senate parliamentarian to consider GOP challenges, no doubt because they fear some of them might be upheld.

Though it's hard to believe, the original Senate bill is marginally less harmful than the "fixed" version, not least because the middle-class insurance subsidies are less costly and it would avert the giant new payroll tax. That's the White House increase in the Medicare portion of the payroll tax to 3.8% that Democrats cooked up at the last minute and would apply to the investment income of taxpayers making more than $200,000.

If the reconciliation bill goes down, Big Labor and its Democratic clients would be forced to swallow a larger excise tax on high-cost insurance plans, and it would also forestall the private student-loan takeover that Democrats included as a sweetener. In other words, they'd be forced to eat the sausage they themselves made as they have abused Congressional procedure to push ObamaCare into law.

We also can't mark this day without noting that it couldn't have happened without the complicity of America's biggest health-care lobbies, including Big Pharma, the American Medical Association, the American Hospital Association, the Federation of American Hospitals, the Business Roundtable and such individual companies as Wal-Mart. They hope to get more customers, or to reduce their own costs, but in the end they have merely made themselves more vulnerable to the gilded clutches of the political class.

While the passage of ObamaCare marks a liberal triumph, its impact will play out over many years. We fought this bill so vigorously because we have studied government health care in other countries, and the results include much higher taxes, slower economic growth and worse medical care. As for the politics, the first verdict arrives in November.

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Mon 03/22/10 12:17 PM
The dems will be neutered in november....

:banana: laugh

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Mon 03/22/10 12:08 PM
CHICAGO (Reuters) – Less than 24 hours after the House of Representatives gave final approval to a sweeping overhaul of healthcare, attorneys general from several states on Monday said they will sue to block the plan on constitutional grounds.

Republican attorneys general in 11 states warned that lawsuits will be filed to stop the federal government overstepping its constitutional powers and usurping states' sovereignty.

States are concerned the burden of providing healthcare will fall on them without enough federal support.

Ten of the attorneys general plan to band together in a collective lawsuit on behalf of Alabama, Florida, Nebraska, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and Washington.

"To protect all Texans' constitutional rights, preserve the constitutional framework intended by our nation's founders, and defend our state from further infringement by the federal government, the State of Texas and other states will legally challenge the federal health care legislation," said Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, in a statement.

The Republican attorney generals say the reforms infringe on state powers under the Constitution's Bill of Rights.

Virginia Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli, who plans to file a lawsuit in federal court in Richmond, Virginia, said Congress lacks authority under its constitutional power to regulate interstate commerce to force people to buy insurance. The bill also conflicts with a state law that says Virginians cannot be required to buy insurance, he added.

"If a person decides not to buy health insurance, that person by definition is not engaging in commerce," Cuccinelli said in recorded comments. "If you are not engaging in commerce, how can the federal government regulate you?"

In addition to the pending lawsuits, bills and resolutions have been introduced in at least 36 state legislatures seeking to limit or oppose various aspects of the reform plan through laws or state constitutional amendments, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

So far, only two states, Idaho and Virginia, have enacted laws, while an Arizona constitutional amendment is seeking voter approval on the November ballot. But the actual enactment of the bill by President Barack Obama could spur more movement on the measures by state lawmakers.

As is the case on the Congressional level, partisan politics is in play on the state level, where no anti-health care reform legislation has emerged in Democrat-dominated states like Illinois and New York, according to the NCSL.

Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum, a Republican candidate running for governor, said the mandate would cost Florida at least $1.6 billion in Medicaid alone.

All states would receive extra funding to cover Medicaid costs that are expected to rise under the reform, including 100 percent federal coverage for new enrollees under the plan through 2016.

Medicaid is the healthcare program for the poor jointly administered by the states and federal government.

no photo
Mon 03/22/10 12:02 PM

For the FIRST time in the history of our nation, you are REQUIRED BY LAW to PURCHASE GOVERNMENT HEALTH INSURANCE as a CONDITION OF CITIZENSHIP. Oh - your relationship to your 'government' also just underwent a 180-degree shift. We are now a RULED people - we are no longer 'governed'. There's a difference.

Nobody is required to purchase a government health insurance.

That makes it even you HAVE TO BUY a product a private industry sells!!! Or be Fined....

That's not true either. If you have insurance already, you don't have to do either one of those things.

If you have it already you are already buying it so yes that it TRUE!!!



It could be, or it could pass due to the commerce clause as the drivers insurance laws did...

Not one and the same....government doesn't mandate that you own a car - therefore having to buy insurance.

government doesnt mandate that you own a car, but it does mandate health providers care for you in an EMERGENCY, thus mandating purchasing insurace to cover the costs..

Ah, but government doesn't mandate that one seek health care in an does it? You can refuse care also.

yes, and you could also choose to use your car as a plant potter,, but its nothing that can be predicted with 100 percent accuracy and is MOST LIKELY going to be used as intended,,,

noway don't understand that one....constitution has to apply in all cases. If you can refuse health care, one should be able to refuse health insurance.

no photo
Mon 03/22/10 11:46 AM
Edited by crickstergo on Mon 03/22/10 11:48 AM

For the FIRST time in the history of our nation, you are REQUIRED BY LAW to PURCHASE GOVERNMENT HEALTH INSURANCE as a CONDITION OF CITIZENSHIP. Oh - your relationship to your 'government' also just underwent a 180-degree shift. We are now a RULED people - we are no longer 'governed'. There's a difference.

Nobody is required to purchase a government health insurance.

That makes it even you HAVE TO BUY a product a private industry sells!!! Or be Fined....

That's not true either. If you have insurance already, you don't have to do either one of those things.

If you have it already you are already buying it so yes that it TRUE!!!



It could be, or it could pass due to the commerce clause as the drivers insurance laws did...

Not one and the same....government doesn't mandate that you own a car - therefore having to buy insurance.

government doesnt mandate that you own a car, but it does mandate health providers care for you in an EMERGENCY, thus mandating purchasing insurace to cover the costs..

Ah, but government doesn't mandate that one seek health care in an does it? You can refuse care also.

no photo
Mon 03/22/10 11:38 AM

For the FIRST time in the history of our nation, you are REQUIRED BY LAW to PURCHASE GOVERNMENT HEALTH INSURANCE as a CONDITION OF CITIZENSHIP. Oh - your relationship to your 'government' also just underwent a 180-degree shift. We are now a RULED people - we are no longer 'governed'. There's a difference.

Nobody is required to purchase a government health insurance.

That makes it even you HAVE TO BUY a product a private industry sells!!! Or be Fined....

That's not true either. If you have insurance already, you don't have to do either one of those things.

If you have it already you are already buying it so yes that it TRUE!!!



It could be, or it could pass due to the commerce clause as the drivers insurance laws did...

Not one and the same....government doesn't mandate that you own a car - therefore having to buy insurance.

no photo
Mon 03/22/10 09:52 AM

For the FIRST time in the history of our nation, you are REQUIRED BY LAW to PURCHASE GOVERNMENT HEALTH INSURANCE as a CONDITION OF CITIZENSHIP. Oh - your relationship to your 'government' also just underwent a 180-degree shift. We are now a RULED people - we are no longer 'governed'. There's a difference.

Nobody is required to purchase a government health insurance.

That makes it even you HAVE TO BUY a product a private industry sells!!! Or be Fined....

That's not true either. If you have insurance already, you don't have to do either one of those things.

If you have it already you are already buying it so yes that it TRUE!!!


no photo
Mon 03/22/10 09:25 AM
Edited by crickstergo on Mon 03/22/10 09:25 AM

For the FIRST time in the history of our nation, you are REQUIRED BY LAW to PURCHASE GOVERNMENT HEALTH INSURANCE as a CONDITION OF CITIZENSHIP. Oh - your relationship to your 'government' also just underwent a 180-degree shift. We are now a RULED people - we are no longer 'governed'. There's a difference.

Nobody is required to purchase a government health insurance.

That makes it even you HAVE TO BUY a product a private industry sells!!! Or be Fined....

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Mon 03/22/10 09:23 AM
This event will consume the Obama presidency much like the Iraqi war consumed Bush's.

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Mon 03/22/10 08:59 AM

Here's what happened on Wall Street this morning....

The Morgan Stanley Healthcare Payor Index gained 2.3 percent. WellCare Health Plans Inc rose 3.3 percent to $31.73.

Folks, you have been conned by Obama, again.

And for you 30 million people that now must buy your wallet....did you actually think you were going to get it totally free?

when people are buying a product,, its possible its stock can go up,,,,

and I dont remember any campaign promise for FREE healthcare, so hopefully those previously uninsured were aware they would have to buy insurance..the hope is that AFFORDABLE insurance will be offered due to the increased number of policy holders...

Remember those 5 insurers that made 12.2 billion in profit that Obama has attacked as the biggest problem for the rise in health insurance premiums....they are dancing in the street because they now KNOW that they will be able to snap up all the small insurers that will no longer be able to compete. Watch for merger after merger.....coming soon. And when your premiums GO DOWN and you have the SAME coverage let me know.

no photo
Mon 03/22/10 08:31 AM
Here's what happened on Wall Street this morning....

The Morgan Stanley Healthcare Payor Index gained 2.3 percent. WellCare Health Plans Inc rose 3.3 percent to $31.73.

Folks, you have been conned by Obama, again.

And for you 30 million people that now must buy your wallet....did you actually think you were going to get it totally free?

no photo
Sun 03/21/10 08:54 PM

Sore losers.rofl

Actually im not a sore loser at all. I have a huge smile on my face thinking about November! This is the final nail in the coffin for an administration and congress that is not listening to the American people.

You're forgetting something. American people voted for Obama.:wink:

Did they really....or did they vote against the last eight years starting with their frustration over 911 and the two wars that
that lead to?

no photo
Sun 03/21/10 06:25 PM
Look to Wall street tomorrow for the answers....if stocks dive, you will have your answer. Businesses will put off any new hiring. If stocks go up, you will know you have been conned. If insurer stocks dive, you will see changes to your health insurance from the insurers that poor Congress never could have anticipated. If insurer stocks go up, you will know you have been conned.

Either won't be good news.

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Sun 03/21/10 05:08 PM
Edited by crickstergo on Sun 03/21/10 05:09 PM
So, When Do We Stop Spending Our Children's Money?

March 3, 2010

If you ever get into a bad fix financially, you may reach a point where you are forced to quit spending. You can reach that point while you still have a roof over your head and food in the refrigerator, or you can wait until you go to jail for writing bad checks, or until you are forced to move out of your house to a spot under a bridge.

Right now, our country still has options, and the Senate decided to do something about our spending a couple of weeks ago. The Senate decided that, from now on, all spending would be paid for, rather than pulling out the nation's credit card. Novel concept.

So, this past week that same Senate decided to pass a $10 billion dollar spending bill, but rather than finding some place in our government to cut programs to off-set this spending, they decided to pull out that credit card again. Old habits are hard to break.

Well, Republican Senator, Jim Bunning of Kentucky decided he would object to this spending, and, due to Senate rules, that put a stop to the whole thing.

There is a way the Senate could get around Bunning's objection, but that would mean Senators would have to vote to use that credit card again. They would have to vote on that just after having voted to put that credit card away. Senators don't like votes like that, especially during an election year.

So, what is the Senate doing? They are laying the total blame on Senator Bunning, making him the bad guy, and saying that everything bad that happens because this bill isn't passing is his fault.

What is Bunning's answer about not adding to our deficit? "If not now, when?"

Bunning is asking the Senate if we are not going to stop spending our children's and grandchildren's money now, when are we going to stop? After this bill? After the next bill? Every time the Senate decides to go back to spending more borrowed money, our country gets closer to losing the few spending options were have left,

Right now, were are spending hundreds of billions of dollars on interest for the money our government has already spent. We can already project the day when we will be spending a trillion dollars to pay the interest on our debt. But, so what? Who cares? The Senate of today won't be making that payment, but our children's Senate will be.

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Sun 03/21/10 08:13 AM



- End of slavery
- Women's voting right
- Civil rights battles

Must all have been BAD BILLS, 'cause they all went through hell before landing!!!

Anyone suggesting today we should...

... take away women's voting rights!?!?!?

... go back to slavery (maybe white slavery for balance!?!?)

... or go back to segregated everything!?!?!?

Real Change is always met with Real Resistance.

Obama promised Real Change, and promising to provide 30 million + people with health coverage is met with Real Resistance!!!

At the end of the day, after all the resistance will have voiced and accounted for (years of fun and excitement), I doubt very much that the enlightening Constitution of the USA would argue against justice and fairness for ALL of the 'WE THE PEOPLE'!!!

Say what about the civil rights act -

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 originally passed in the House by 290-130. Cloture was achieved in the Senate by a vote of 71-29, and the Senate then passed its version of the legislation 73-27. The House took up the Senate bill and passed it 289-126. Substantial majorities of both parties supported the legislation at every stage.


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