vcr to dvd
Ive had 2 dvd recorders since they came out. You could record copy protected stuff on both. Just put one in thats not copy protected, record a few seconds of th black screen, then pause th dvd recorder, put what u want to copy in the other deck and release th pause button. It seems that they only scan 4 th copy protection at th beginning of th copy. I do th same thing with rental store dvd's.
Which show...
Rob & Big------ Gotta be the best 'buddy' show ever---- Just started watchin it about 2 months ago and they did their final show last week----- Nothing but re runs now
10 commandments
I think that was 3 or 4 years ago I happened about 150 miles from where I live. It seemed appropriate What do governments know about morality. Kinda goes against everything they stand for