Community > Posts By > a12bewilliam

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Thu 07/31/08 02:43 PM

I got a used Dell from my boss and its about 3 years old but there is absolutely nothing on it. I mean it is a 75 gig hard drive with 60.8% free space. It has no sound and I don't know what to do 1st in order to fix it. Can't afford at this time to put it in the shop and have something done that I could do myself.

Where do I start???

OK....what operating system is there on it????
Windows what?????? there a sound card in it???? and no sound???? or is the plugs for the sound underneath the plugs for the keyboard and mouse??

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Thu 07/31/08 02:20 PM
It says geeks and nerds unite.......

Maybe I should offer my services for small problem tech support here.......

I'll do what I can for small stuff if anyone wants.....

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Thu 07/31/08 01:37 PM

I'm a smart blonde

laugh laugh "I GOT to get me one of THOSE!!!"

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Thu 07/31/08 01:25 PM

ive got piglet from winnie the pooh on my boob happy :tongue:

THAT I'd like to see!!! LOL

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Thu 07/31/08 01:19 PM
I have a pectus excavatum

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Thu 07/31/08 12:24 PM
him and his lover.......(no offense)

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Thu 07/31/08 12:21 PM
yellow submarine

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Thu 07/31/08 11:32 AM
Sorry all......I was writing a reply to this last post and "BLOOP"....the electricity went out to the entire southern end of this parish(county to the rest of the world). So it's been off for 3 hours!!!!

BOY it's hot!!!explode explode

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Thu 07/31/08 08:47 AM

u went 6 weeks without seeing or talking to her? includes talking on the phone

Yep......but she knew I was gone and where and why....

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Thu 07/31/08 08:39 AM

im curious... you dont have to answer.. whats the longest you have been away from her i mean not seen her or talked to her at all?

6 weeks over the last 12 years.

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Thu 07/31/08 08:37 AM

So if I want to go for 200-250 bucks, I should get a Rocky Mountain. Do you think this is a good model?

I can't speak for RMR, I just would like to have the scarambler but haven't gotten it yet.
Just a thought though......I would probably go directly to RMR website and see if that one is a latest model. Having been in the computer industry, I KNOW that a model can be obsolete before it hits the retailers. Maybe that's why the price is so low....

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Thu 07/31/08 08:33 AM

If he insists on using one, do the research. Do a Comsumer Report check on the one this poster is recommending. If you can't get a good one in your budget, don't buy it.

LOL......By all means.....please do!!!

I'd like to know what others are saying about something that's saved me thousands of dollars....(I know....I'm bad...LOL)

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Thu 07/31/08 08:29 AM
[but you cant help her she has to help herself..... time to use your energys on you.... YOU are important..and so are your kids.. think id just get the kids and not aknowledge her feelings but awknowledge your own...

You're right......I AM a nice guy....calm pretty much most of the time...very handy in LOTS of things, and a pretty good prize catch for someone..LOL....((no brag, just fact)LMAO)...I'm grateful for all the conversation and advice....I've been wondering if I have done the right thing by sure feels good to not be around the constant drama though!!!!

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Thu 07/31/08 08:23 AM

glasses I think its illegalsmokin

Only in some states.

Like Virginia, District of Columbia, and in commerical cars in New York.

I live in Rhode Island/ Massachusetts.

This is why I mentioned about spurious radar emmissions from radar detectors. Valentines do NOT emit anything that a cop's radar detector- detector might pick up!!!

I drive around all the time and can know when someone behind me or along side of me has a crapy radar detector because my valentine gets set off by their detector!!!

no photo
Thu 07/31/08 08:20 AM

It's more than you wanna spend, but look at two of them is Valentine. I've had the valentine one for about 4 to 6 years. It's fantastic!!! Saved me THOUSANDS of dollars!! I speed too....everywhere!!! No radar detector will beat "instant on" radar though unless it bounces off someone in front of you.....

Also try Rocky Mountain Radar....they not only have radar detectors, but radar Jammers!!!!

Both have websites.....

Everything else sucks or gives off spurious radar waves that can be detected!!! Regardless of price!!!

Thanks! That's very helpful. Aren't Valentines very expensive though?

I'm afraid they are....mine was $425.00 at the time.

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Thu 07/31/08 08:15 AM

So rather than just seeking that first step, I put my ulitmate goal as why I am here.

You are still married. You are not even separated. If your ultimate goal is to marry someone else, why are you asking for marital advice?

I am confused.

Still married I stated's the laws here.

Separated.....yes.......but she still comes around every now and then......we have 2 little girls together....

I am mostly trying to understand her.....and maybe try to find a way for her to get help......

I've had enough....and there's too much water under the bridge....I'm moving on.....

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Thu 07/31/08 08:11 AM
It's more than you wanna spend, but look at two of them is Valentine. I've had the valentine one for about 4 to 6 years. It's fantastic!!! Saved me THOUSANDS of dollars!! I speed too....everywhere!!! No radar detector will beat "instant on" radar though unless it bounces off someone in front of you.....

Also try Rocky Mountain Radar....they not only have radar detectors, but radar Jammers!!!!

Both have websites.....

Everything else sucks or gives off spurious radar waves that can be detected!!! Regardless of price!!!

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Thu 07/31/08 08:03 AM
I agree completely!!!! Sorry about my misintrepretation of the way people read things. I strongly believe in and enjoy being married to the right person. I thought SHE was, but she changed so drastically and refused to try to understand and deal with it that I had to let it go......I feel that people should be friends first and anyone I would consider marrying WOULD be that first. So rather than just seeking that first step, I put my ulitmate goal as why I am here. Thanks for the advice and I'll change that aspect immediately!!!!

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Thu 07/31/08 07:38 AM

Makes sense?

If she is hormonal, she is reacting emotionally. You have to go around that for now as best you can, to know you did everything you could.

Yeah....makes good sense......I've tried to talk to her about all that stuff....I can't get her to do anything.......and every other word out of her mouth during an argument for the last 2 or 3 years of the relationship was "divorce"....

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Thu 07/31/08 07:32 AM

Have you spoke to her about going back on hormone therapy or maybe seeing a therapist? Not all people are open to seeing a therapist but it's worth a short to make your lives a little better.

She refuses to go back on the hormones...I've even gotten her natural stuff that they advertise works. I'm STILL going to a therapist to have someone to talk to other than myself. I originally went there to see if I was the SOB that she said I was!!! Turns out I'm not......she walked out on the therapist after the 2nd time and won't go back....

Definitely sounds like a quandry. I think that a marriage is a partnership and full of compromise. Why not let her pick a therapist and seriously discuss your feelings there, with her. That would be nuetral ground on her part and she would not feel defensive. But by all means, tell her how you feel and grant her the opportunity for things to change.

If not? Maybe mediation would be a better way to go.

We tried that before she walked out on the therapist....She said everything I said was a lie...I mean EVERYTHING!!! But I think the therapist saw through that....When she was asked about a little comprimise....and was told she could possibly be being unreasonable, that's when she had a fit, got mad, and walked out...