been a litte while Runpenzo Much too long... how are you doing? |
I think you're a funny strange little man who does his best to break the monotony and shameful boredom of life with your dark and sometimes over the top thoughts. I'd say you're an expressive young man who doesn't care what others say about him (unless he asks of course otherwise what would be the point of writing this) Your obsession with death and morbid curiosity gives some the creeps but I find it almost a warm friendly subject when you're talking about it... You're a freak and I wouldn't want you any other way. STAY MORBID MAN!!!
Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris is Darth Vader's father.
Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris likes to knit sweaters in his free time. And by "knit", I mean "kick", and by "sweaters", I mean "babies".
Chuck Norris
Once, while having sex in a tractor-trailer, part of Chuck Norris' sperm escaped and got into the engine. We now know this truck as Optimus Prime.
Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris clogs the toilet when he pees...
Got a song...
Edited by
Tue 03/18/08 01:33 PM
This is the song that never ends... it just goes on and on my friends. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they continued singing it forever just because This is the song that never ends... it just goes on and on my friends. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they continued singing it forever just because This is the song that never ends... it just goes on and on my friends. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they continued singing it forever just because...
Songs made dirty
I'm turning Japanese!
Lyrical Response Post
Edited by
Tue 03/18/08 02:42 AM
I must take Frozens lead,
I've got school and work, When I rise from my bed, To all of you I muat bid adieu, I have to say goodbye, Although I've not talked to most of you, I hope to converse some time, I'd love to get to know you all better, So drop me a line, Love and Peace all, I'd just like to stay, But my grades would fall, So with smiles and a wave, I walk slowly away, I just hope my place you all save, Goodnight to you peeps, I say with such pride, I just hope this thread keeps... |
Lyrical Response Post
Edited by
Tue 03/18/08 02:15 AM
Ha a poets friendship?
Is that so absurd, A fond kinship, For the love of the word, I say this for once and forevermore, You're a good friend and a talent to boot, I've lived some time almost four score, And for a friend like you it seems almost moot, Its so easy to praise one such as you, Those with eyes can tell you're awesome, All those who defer are such as a fool, But you've inspired my words to blossom, I'm glad I met you, a fellow so pure, Unafraid to express himself in verse, And tell the whole world from his core, And chooses in this way to converse, |
Lyrical Response Post
I'd not meant for a spat,
The shove was in jest, I thought I'd tell you that, But you're the best, I'd tell you the same story, Filled with pride and of love, Of the pain and the glory, Of the hate filled laced glove, I too have stitched pieces of hearts, And for just the splintered pain, Of the twitching smarts, And the wretched gains, I know your plight, I've been there before, I've lost loves fight, I cound't stand anymore, But time heals is old, So this I'll tell this to you, Go out and be bold, Use your language as a tool, Take pride and make haste, You have the talants, For life doesn't lie or waits, Even with lifes malace, You'll heal better than new, Stronger and faster, I'm sure of this I tell you, And you'll stand tall as the true master, |
Lyrical Response Post
If I were there I'd give you a shove,
If I were sure of one thing it'd be this, You'll find your own one to love, Your own love to miss, And she'll be one in a million, With eyes like stained glass, You'll swell with pride like a lion, And she'll be your lass, Don't fret my friend, with a soul such as yours, Your life will end, With one you adore, Speaking to true and so light, She'll be quaint and she'll be plucky, To feel your linguistic might, Any girl would be lucky, But I assure you I do, And tell you with pride, that forever she'll be true And never she'll hide, So lay calm and stay true, For in the future I see, A beautiful girl for you, And every happiness for ye! |
Lyrical Response Post
Edited by
Tue 03/18/08 12:29 AM
I'm happy at the path I've now chosen,
Its amazing I'd not thought of this first, You're an awesome man Frozen, Without her life's the worst, I'll leave soon as I can, I'll fly on angels wings, Thousands of miles I'll span, For the joy that she brings, My life's now forfeit, My goals are only for her, If only for dreams whit, Now I ride high, my stallion I spur, My feet take me leagues, My hands now clench, I'll not die from fatigues, For my passions quenched, I'll take my leave as soon as I can, I can't thank you enough, You're a wondeful man, But she's worth everything rough... |
Lyrical Response Post
Edited by
Tue 03/18/08 12:10 AM
You speak only wisdom,
Your words are so true, But I think its too soon, Not something we should do, Yet she's my world, and for her I'd die, Her face stays with me, I tell you no lie, I tell you what, I'll do it today, I'll call in to work, And put my life away, To hold her just once, I'll give it all up, I thank you my friend, I should give you a cup! ![]() |
Lyrical Response Post
Edited by
Mon 03/17/08 11:54 PM
I'd grow wings and fly to her,
In an instant I would, But she's further away than I could fly, If only I could, But the longing just makes, The happiness all the more, I want to see her, She's my Grecian shore, Her eyes make me sing, and her soul brings me joy, I'd do anything for her, I'd break the wall of Troy. She's the greatest thing, I've ever had in this world, I cant stand being away from her, My life's for her unfurled |
Lyrical Response Post
Edited by
Mon 03/17/08 11:36 PM
Speaking in prose
Speaking in rhyme Some don't have talent, Some don't have time, I'd say my night, Was slightly better, I talked about my love, I want to go get her, But alas she's away Further than before, I just want to tell her, She's the one I adore, But a friend has been there, Like an angel she's here, With people like these, I've nothing to fear. |
Just Curious
Edited by
Mon 03/17/08 10:48 PM
<<<BIG, ROUGH-HARD WORKING Hands.... That is so sexy to me! yes rough hands are a huge turn on ![]() DAMN, FOILED AGAIN BY MY MUSICANS HANDS..... what you lack in one area you make up for it in another. I do have certian attributes that might prove useful ![]() Of course you do - you speak Spanish! How did you know that? Are spying on me! I am a stalker. I know what you have in your pantalones. You know of my huevos rancheros? I'm afraid! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Just Curious
<<<BIG, ROUGH-HARD WORKING Hands.... That is so sexy to me! yes rough hands are a huge turn on ![]() DAMN, FOILED AGAIN BY MY MUSICANS HANDS..... what you lack in one area you make up for it in another. I do have certian attributes that might prove useful ![]() Of course you do - you speak Spanish! How did you know that? Are spying on me! |
Just Curious
<<<BIG, ROUGH-HARD WORKING Hands.... That is so sexy to me! yes rough hands are a huge turn on ![]() DAMN, FOILED AGAIN BY MY MUSICANS HANDS..... what you lack in one area you make up for it in another. I do have certian attributes that might prove useful ![]() |