Community > Posts By > DENISE_87

DENISE_87's photo
Tue 05/20/08 01:00 PM

A vase can either be beautiful or unsightly but it's the flower it holds that deserves recognition.


DENISE_87's photo
Tue 05/20/08 12:59 PM
Edited by DENISE_87 on Tue 05/20/08 01:01 PM
Thank you cause sometimes it like the world is falling on me and I know that i should hold my head down and i won't anymore. I am young lady and i'm still here and i thank you for showing me that it is there problem and not mine. "I AM A THICK GIRL AND I AM PROUD OF IT.blushing laugh :smile: :tongue: "

DENISE_87's photo
Tue 05/20/08 12:45 PM

As everyone can see I "am" that person. HOWEVER, I love me and if any guy cant see my true heart then I dont need him.

But don't you get lonely and don't you hate when you walk by and some skinny ppl treat you like CRAP. I have been a big gurl all my life and no matter what i do i will always be a thick gurl.

DENISE_87's photo
Tue 05/20/08 12:37 PM
There is more of me. I am so chubby. They say that i am big boned.They say there is more to love.But i see different. I see a sad and lonely heart. A girl who took it to far.A girl who look back at herself and say you are hopeless.No one wants more to love cause fat isn't back.So take that cause there isn't one part mf me that you love.

DENISE_87's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:18 PM

Real men?bigsmile

you think that you are a real man lol i know alot of guys say that lol
You will never know.laugh

ok :smile:

DENISE_87's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:15 PM

Real men?bigsmile

you think that you are a real man lol i know alot of guys say that lol

DENISE_87's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:12 PM
well the reason i have a blue box is cause cam is broken hope to be puting one up soon

DENISE_87's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:10 PM
Hey i have been on here in like for ever so... i hope that evrything goes well for me again. I meet a guy and it didn't go the way i wanted it to go. I here looking for something real and i am ready to get back out there. So hopeing and praying that it is worth it lol:smile: .

DENISE_87's photo
Thu 02/28/08 09:19 AM
Hey if i was you i would wast me time cause a lot of ppl on here are really bogus

DENISE_87's photo
Sat 02/09/08 08:50 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

DENISE_87's photo
Sat 02/02/08 09:09 AM
Girl you don't know that half of it some of the guys on here are jerks so you know that we can find better sits lol laugh

DENISE_87's photo
Fri 01/11/08 12:11 PM
Alady wrote this i and it really mean something to me and i hope it does for you too.

Twisting And Turning
by bessy41
Mixing and matching,
Twisting and turning,
Hoping and praying,
Dreaming and considering,
Never knowing yet always knowing,
Wanting to, yet not wanting to,
Mixing my heart,
Matching my soul to yours,
Twisting fate with the flick of the wrist,
Turning my life over,
Hoping that it would end,
Praying that it never would stop,
Thinking it was over,
Wishing that it wasn't,
Dreaming of its coming,
Considering letting it steal within
Never knowing if it's true,
Always knowing that it's there.
Wanting to live in the light,
Not wanting the light to come,
The love of another
The dreams of someone close,
Remembering what you used to feel,
Can it come back if you pray so?

DENISE_87's photo
Fri 01/11/08 11:36 AM
Edited by DENISE_87 on Fri 01/11/08 11:36 AM
No problem i worte it like a week ago when i guy on here thought that he could get the best of me but i couldn't let cause i am better than him:tongue:

DENISE_87's photo
Fri 01/11/08 11:05 AM
Flowers have come and gone.
The sun has come and gone.
Tears have fallen and gone.
Hearts have been broken and gone.
Coming is the best thing in life.
Going is the worst thing in life.

Giving you all of me have come and gone.
Loving you with all my heart has come and gone.
Holding me in your arms has come and gone.
Telling you all my life desires has come and gone.
Beliving in your words has come and gone.
Giving me the world has come and gone.

Finding love has come and won't leave.
Running to his arms has come and won't let go.
Leting him know my hearts desires hs come and won't stop.
Living my life to the fullest has come and will continue.

DENISE_87's photo
Wed 01/09/08 10:51 AM
you aren't funny lol not really

DENISE_87's photo
Wed 01/09/08 09:13 AM
You really need to give it time. I know that it will be worth it when he comes but you have to wait. You will let your life keep passing you by is you doing live it to the fullest i promise that you this what you will continue to do if you don't stop and think that you can't spend the rest of your life sayinh where is is my man

DENISE_87's photo
Wed 01/09/08 09:02 AM
He is right people to stop looking for that persect girl or man because that isn't real and i know that is might sound like there is no hope there are people on here with a heart of gold and some people need to see that.

DENISE_87's photo
Wed 01/09/08 08:54 AM

My question is: Why do men think that WE have to wait on THEM too????Equals baby!!laugh laugh laugh

Because some women are like that is why they do it some and some women are just to picky or just think that they should be treated like that but it should go both ways. That is all. I know that i would want a guy to do that for me but i have to for him too.

DENISE_87's photo
Mon 01/07/08 09:29 AM

I would never be with someone who wanted me just to give them everything. Now I would do anything for the girl Im with, but I exspect the same thing from her. Without that youve just got a one sided relationship.

I know i just don't want a guy like that w would be like dude do you have anything else to do. I mean i want a guy to be there and love me but not like that. that is like to much

DENISE_87's photo
Mon 01/07/08 09:13 AM

Yeah I don't know about that one. I don't think I would want to be waited on hand and foot. I don't think it's very true now either.

thank you i know cause i dated a guy who did that i was like dude your gay or some thing like leave me alone he like made me sick