I am a Christian, because God brought me back to life. I was in a bad accident Dec. 18, 98' and it put me in a coma, till May 2, 99'. So, you ask me why? May 2 is my birthday and it made me turn from bad to good, before my wreck I was breaking into a house. I kicked the door into the house and a house alarm went off. I jumped in my vehicle and drove down a long, gravel drive-way. When I left the drive-way a truck pulling a bobcat hit me. was over 18 year's ago and the doctor's told my parent's, I'll never walk, talk, or past the 10th grade and I've done it all. All from the grace, compassion, and time that God has for us. I'm not trying too convert anyone, but all I'm asking for is for people need to think about this, Jesus died for our sin's, point blank. Thank you for letting me share, R3N