Heaven and Hell
i think the idea here would be that God created a creature to have his own free will. The Devil was in fact created by God and chose to disregard the provisions of God, and riches of heaven because he wanted to hold more authority than his maker. Would you want to control or manipulate creatures you made? Would you tell your children "you HAVE to love me"??? No you'd rather them love you because you love them. Think of the thousands of years people have had to simply believe not in the Bible, but what the Bible talks about and who it represents....yet its said that its not fair that some people have to go to live an avg of 70 yrs on this planet and still think its unfair, how long is fair then?. A sacrifice was made to save everyone from judgement of their sins. If a wrong is committed (and we all do wrong) there must be restitution, or consequences are the result. Someone laid down their life to make restitution for sins you could not make restitution for yourself. Those that don't accept the provision of sins forgiven by the death and resurrection of Jesus will sadly one day end up in Hell.