Community > Posts By > greeneyeman
The Home Movie Documentary
Jess642 is my hero for this thread. She watched the documentary and liked it. She plants trees in Australia and tries to improve the environment! Bravo! Big kiss for my hero. :)
and there you have it wrong again.
in the end what I am saying is why follow a belief system with such a bad reputation when there are better practices out there that truly advocate peace and love. Well I am done talking to caved minds. lol Have fun debating the bible. It is a belief system I hope fewer people follow in the future. It is necessary or we won't have much left on this planet to enjoy. The mediterrrenean mythologies are the cause of so much wars and unhappiness in this world. Research and you will see more and more evidence each day when you do. There is a reason why there are 38,000 denominations of the same lessons the bible offers. It is because people realize its inconsistencies and contradictions yet refuse to set the book down. They would rather change it around and get new followers. Afterall it is a good business and it is easy to prey on the weak to gain its followers. Good luck everyone and thank you for the debates. It has shown me how people think when it comes to justice and the Will of God when I posted the verses earlier. |
The Home Movie Documentary
If you are a animal lover or care about what is happening to the many species of our world a great documentary on youtube is available. The title "Earthling". It shows how we as humans destroy our planet by claiming we are superior to any other species that live on the planet. I haven't watched it yet, but have a good idea of what their message is. I will keep you updated and I wouldn't mind to read opinions about any of the videos I have presented on this thread.
It would be a delusion to belief in a faith that shows no evidence yet still practice it without logical means. This is why we believers (just not of a abrahamic religion) are wondering how one can follow such a book of contradictions in the first place. I see nothing wrong with that. To post verses from the bible of inconsistencies and still have believers of that faith refute or go around them also shows how brainwashed one can get when confronted in a community that only offers one faith system. That is what usually happens and why so many followers go to that source in the first place. Here is where I go and say open your minds and look at other alternatives that are much more peaceful and logical. Of course if you insist on following a mediterranian mythology that demands obedience then so be it. You can believe whatever you like, but you can't have people not express their opinions about a religion if they don't agree with it. It is our right to do so if we like. Therefore we see it as a persistent false psychotic belief that has indisputable evidence to the contrary. In other words it was interesting to see how people react to such laws set by the bible on this thread. The verses I presented shows the different mind sets we have in this world. Some find justice in the form of death correct and others don't for example. Now go look in that dictionary for another term since you do that so often on these threads. lol who says it shows 'no evidence'? evidence of what? there is no INDISPUTIBLE EVIDENCE disproving the whole bible anymore than there is proving ALL parts of it calling people psychotic and delusional because they have an understanding that we/you dont is rather,,,,,presumptious I see the persistence in biblical faith as 'psychotic' as a persistent issue of ego and need to feel superior that those of FAITH are so often accused of themself I dont refer to 'non believers' with such disdain, yet as a christian, I will be charged as being the 'judgmental' one ironic, isnt it? Many of the parables in the bible can be logically explained by scientists of many specific areas they specialize in. For example the natural catastrophes the bible mentions are explained by researchers of why they happened. From the great flood to the warnings the Jews gave the Egyptians to let them go free or catastrophes will happen have been explained as of many more stories the bible mentions. If we look at Jesus as a human in historical reference historians can explain what happened logically, but the supernatural events show no proof and so they are regarded as fairy tales. It is like reading a Brother Grimm's children story. They were created to scare the child to do the right things when around their parents, so many of the stories were horrifying. It wasn't until later that we changed the stories around to find approval by the parents to even read them in today's society. The bible is no different for it has you as an adult fear god if you are disobedient to him. There are many inconsistencies and contradictions showing that the bible cannot be taken seriously. Unfortunately many do for they use "faith" and only faith without using logic or researching to see if it is true or makes sense. And when they do research they use a set up mind and create something called Christian Science Organizations and call it liable and consistent to what actual scientists discover. Christians are great in taking credit for other cultures discoveries that never mention or use Christianity in the first place. They conquered them in the past and set up churches on top of their shrines. Christmas for example wasn't christian at first. Easter wasn't Christian at first either. They were pagan holidays that christians reused to gain more followers. When the little ice age happened in europe Christians blamed nonbelievers for the cold weather and lack of fertile land to grow food. The result was starvation and they burned non believers on the stake. Then the plague came from merchants bringing rats infested with them from Asia and 2/3 of the population died. Guess what! Christians blamed the heretics, infidels, heathens for this also. They didn't research what the actual cause could be. They believed god was punishing the human race instead. The same goes in Hawaii where the inhabitants surfed to honor the gods. Christian missionaries found that irritating to watch the inhabitants not work and enjoy surfing so they called it the devil's work and prohibited them to practice their religion and to surf. It wasn't until the 70s when a group of young college kids protested and brought back surfing again. What about the native americans and how much christianity was involved to change a whole cultures belief system. What about India's attempt to convert but failed due to Gandi's peaceful protests that drove out the christians there. and the list can go on and on for pages and pages. and yet you still follow this dangerous belief system. It is for us non believers of the abrahamic religion amazing to see people still follow regardless of evidence. So yes we find many christians delusional. Look at history of how Christianity has prevented brilliant minds from expressing what they discover. Fortunately we have had people in power to not let this happen anymore. For example since you say the bible mentions the earth is round (and maybe you are right with the very new versions) but if it was true then Galileo wouldn't have had to suffer so much expressing his view of what shape the earth is at the time. He would have not been persecuted and punished. He was warned when he got out not to publish any of his works! He still did though! So yes we have a hard time understanding your logic in believing in a book full of contradictions and full of blood on their hands. The logic of having catholic bishops not being able to marry and have children (and yes I know you are not catholic) but still represent one of the 38,000 denominations that practice in some way the same parables of the book. There are plenty of evidence showing the wrongs the bible teaches. You just choose not to believe it and I can understand since you (probably) only follow this belief system as your only guidance. |
That is if we believe in such crap in the first place.
When someone asks do you believe in Christianity. I always say: Yes for entertainment purposes only though! You should watch the face turn from a smile to a frown afterwords. lol |
Edited by
Thu 05/19/11 12:26 PM
naysayers are not repeating themselves to convince themselves. poppycock. lol
naysayers are trying to show that the bible belief system has contradictions and can't be possibly logical to believe and are showing that one should look at various sources and interests then to only follow one guideline (if you even call that) in ones lifetime. Yes I find it sad that so many people live in their caves and don't go out more to really see the beauty of what many people found interesting then just resort to one book for all the answers. |
It would be a delusion to belief in a faith that shows no evidence yet still practice it without logical means. This is why we believers (just not of a abrahamic religion) are wondering how one can follow such a book of contradictions in the first place. I see nothing wrong with that. To post verses from the bible of inconsistencies and still have believers of that faith refute or go around them also shows how brainwashed one can get when confronted in a community that only offers one faith system. That is what usually happens and why so many followers go to that source in the first place. Here is where I go and say open your minds and look at other alternatives that are much more peaceful and logical.
Of course if you insist on following a mediterranian mythology that demands obedience then so be it. You can believe whatever you like, but you can't have people not express their opinions about a religion if they don't agree with it. It is our right to do so if we like. Therefore we see it as a persistent false psychotic belief that has indisputable evidence to the contrary. In other words it was interesting to see how people react to such laws set by the bible on this thread. The verses I presented shows the different mind sets we have in this world. Some find justice in the form of death correct and others don't for example. Now go look in that dictionary for another term since you do that so often on these threads. lol |
Oh we have done that a long time ago, yet we discuss about the inconsistencies and contradictions of the bible and are baffled of how people believe in such a doctrine in the first place. That is why I called the thread "delusion".
You tout it as the word of God. You bet your life and your soul that it is the truth. You spend your lives "spreading the word." You worship it. You need to realize what worship means. Its not just bowing and praying. And in that case, we definitely don't worship the bible, we neither bow nor pray to the bible. Most Christians worship the Bible as a holy object. If you don't think you do, then good for you. But you don't represent all Christians so how can you say "we?" and they often preach it as if it is the only logical source we humans need to live a good and happy life on this planet. I don't see it as positive or logical at all with such verses as slaughter the children, women, and men until nothing is left living in a town. |
There goes morningsong asking us to read the bible again like a school teacher telling her students to do their homework. lol
Morningsong I tried to help you but it isn't working but I will say it again. Explore other spiritual practices that are far more logical and peaceful. There is so much out there concerning such practices. Start with buddhism first. Go ahead and do it! Now you go on your merry way now. Bye bye. :) |
very true! Too funny funches!
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Every time we give an example of the evils of the Church someone says, "Oh they do not represent Christians." Blame them as individuals, don't blame Christianity. Or they say: "They are not true Christians." Yet they all cling to and worship the same book. You don't need that book to love God. You don't need that book to have faith. If I see evil acts connected to an organized religion at its core, (which in Christianity is the Catholic Church,) I have to assume that evil begets evil. Why do you suppose the church broke up? Because people, good people saw that evil also. They thought they could do better. So they went off and formed their own denomination. Then the denominations broke apart and divided many times until there are so many you can't keep track of them. They all point at each other and say "They are not true Christians" or "Only our church has been given the authority to baptize." It goes on and on. We non Christians are astonished at what we see. What we hear coming out of people's mouths is sometimes frightening and unbelievable and we think to ourselves.... are these people insane?" Where do they get these ideas? Why are they all different from each other? How can they possibly expect people to believe that stuff? How can so many nice people be persuaded to serve such evil? And they have the nerve to tell me I serve evil. I am so ashamed of America right now for having assassinated a man and his family in the way that they did and I see Christian Americans saying things like "Nuke them all." I am so ashamed and so very sad for this country. Sometimes I just want to cry. ![]() Exactly and it won't stop. I could post 10 more verses from the bible that are appalling and you will have a "christian" say that is not us. I don't represent this or it is not true...or we (meaning us non believers) don't understand, yet it states clearly in the bible these verses and what they mean and they try hard to go around it. Instead just see it as it is! Horrible insane people at the times dealing with people that they believed to be barbaric and unreasonable just because they don't live or think the same way they do. We are in the 21st century and it looks like it will take some time before people finally realize that the bible is nothing on how we want our world to be. We want peace, love, and responsibility in keeping our earth healthy and clean. We want to preserve every Earthling and make it safe for everyone. We don't want tyranny or to have to live in fear because someone says so. Will it happen? Maybe not in our lifetime, but I surely hope so when technology keeps advancing. Today we can send a text message across the world, put up cams and talk to different cultures, and learn other cultures without leaving our house. I prefer to visit the countries, but if you can't afford it reach out through the internet. The more people can do this the more we as a people can accept other lifestyles, cultures, and understandings. Hopefully we can open our minds to other philosophies and understandings and not be limited to one book and one understandings that Christians usually choose to support and teach. I once talked to a christian about space and he says look into the bible...all the answers are there. Then I started talking about our planet's natural catastrophes.. and guess what he said the bible tells you why they happen. Then I talked about the dinosaurs...and he said that god sent them here to test our loyalty and faith to him. Then I talked about how old the world can be and he said it is RIGHT THERE in the bible .....only 6000 years old! A tear fell down my face that moment. Christians as of Muslims and the Jews are all very dangerous people, but we have to stand up to them and show them a new light on how we should see our planet, the universe, life in general, and morales. We have to try to make them understand that many people have found evidence for a great deal of things. I am not saying scientists have all the answers, but they have discovered many things that prove the bible wrong. Why not look into it and see for yourself. It is fascinating and interesting to see different discoveries in our lifetime. Anyway yes Jeannie I agree. It is sad and I am sorry you feel this way. I would give you a hug if I was there and tell you it is people like us that can make a difference. One by one if you like. And if you have no energy find it from your friends and family. It is what they are there for. |
wow very nice!
So if you got a message from God to kill your neighbors little child of 3 years old to save mankind from would do it???? Really??? Now this was a message from God walking down from the clouds and must kill the little child and you will be saved to go to heaven as of all mankind. I find it sad.....that many people would do this. because.... they do not think for themselves and believe blindly on a faith of no reasons, no feelings, and no sincerity in life. MorningSong you are like the devil asking people to follow a book that in reality hurts, deceits, contradicts, and kills innocent people. I feel sorry for you as I do for so many people who follow such brainwashing methods. God would never do that. All judgment lies in the hands of Jesus. That is why in the "old testament" times, people judged others. Because "Jesus" wasn't in the picture yet, Jesus hadn't been made flesh to carry out the judgment(s). But now that the word has been made flesh eg., Jesus, it can carry out the judgment(s) on his own and we are no longer to judge others. Greeneyman, you are like a lost child afraid of the dark. Instead of coming out of the dark, you bring your teddy bear, your stuffed dog, and everything else you can find in the dark with you to keep you comforted. Why try to bring other's into the blinding dark? So you know personally god would never do that. I find that illogical that people claim this also. I find it also surely illogical that one follows such doctrines to live a life full of happiness. Your religion has forced their belief system destroying many cultures throughout history. I am afraid I am more open to a wide range of belief systems and ideas then you are. You have been stuck reading the bible while I was enjoying different philosophies. So who truly is god fearing and scared??? I think it would be you. It is you that is in the dark for believing it. Afterall it was the Christians who created the ((dark)) ages. They brought fear into the people blaming "witches" , "infidels", "heathens", for the butonic plague or other catastrophes that we can explain scientifically why they happened. I feel very sorry for you. While you go read your ridiculous verses, I shall enjoy my life without acting as if I am a sinner like you people do. I shall not repent or walk around in fear if god will judge me on that day. I shall walk knowing life is good at this moment and never look back. Good luck with your fairy tale book. If you want to read a really good fairy tale book the brother Grimm's work. They are very entertaining. :).....and don't forget to bring your teddy bear since you mentioned it. So you know personally god would never do that. I find that illogical that people claim this also. John 5:22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: To bad it doesn't apply to me. I can judge if I like. Afterall I am not a christian! lol but out of all the people in the world the christians are the ones that judge the most with their superstitions. The entire nation of native americans were wiped out in less then a hundred years because of superstitions from the bible. As they converted native americans they would tell them to attack the neighboring native american tribes so they can be saved and go to heaven. Yes convert now if you are not of Christian faith. There is still time! Do it! Forget what you have is wrong! Convert. and if they didn't.... The christians installed fear.... and if they didn't convert even then... They created reasons to kill them. Yes or do you think innocent children, women, and men slaughtered...every single one of them in a town was justified just because they didn't convert...just because they chose their own spiritual happiness?? Look for what it is and not what you hear others say. You will see the history and the truth of how dangerous this religion you practice is. To bad it doesn't apply to me. I can judge if I like. Afterall I am not a christian! lol You truly think this is a true statement? I want you to try your theory out. I want you to go to Australia, and break every law you can think of. When you are taken to court for your misbehaving, I wish for you to tell them exactly this "To bad your laws don't apply to me, afterall I am not Australian. Judging people and breaking laws are two different things. I can judge people if I like. Do I do it? Sometimes but not often. We are human and we have opinions. Now if it is laws. Well I do follow laws all the time, yet I will protest if a law is wrong. It is my right also. And I protest the bible which is often used as a stepping stone for people to be obedient to their god and others. Whereas I say it is the stepping stone of fearing everything you do in life. There are many laws created before the bible. Look into the Roman Republic and Ancient Greece the first Direct Democracy. I also find it funny how Christians claim that the United States was created on the idealogies of the bible's teachings. It just shows how brainwashed, monotone, and inaccurate people are when it comes to the past. Study history and see how you can learn from it to make it a better place for future generations. The answers are not in the bible at all, but in the imaginations of deep free thinkers who really want to provide equality amongst everyone. We have gone a long ways. Let us not ruin it with fairy tale books. |
I choose to know how many different ways I can go to walmarkt and not just one way. So therefore if there is a shortcut I can take it. If there is a long way but more romantic I will take that another day and if there is a dead end one day , I can take the other route.
Whereas you will only know one way to walmarkt...too bad. And yes what I mention about historical evidence of christians forcing their religion is supported by the verses on how God behaves with his subjects. The god of the gods demanding obedience or consequences will occur. You do not have the right to choose another religion or you will be casted out as a infidel. Fortunately our forefathers made sure that government and religion stay separated. It is the reason why they left England in the first place and sacrificed their lives in ensuring "freedom of speech". Unfortunately, the Christians are trying hard to do otherwise and make this country into a theocracy. Just look at history and you will see what I am talking about. Take your eyes off the bible once in awhile and read other books. All 38,000 denominations of Christianity is wrong. The only thing that might qualify as worth reading is perhaps Jesus's attempts to resolve situations peaceful as opposed of the jealous abrahamic god fear. Look at older spiritual practices and you will see they are much more realistic. Try it! You will be surprised. :) |
So if you got a message from God to kill your neighbors little child of 3 years old to save mankind from would do it???? Really??? Now this was a message from God walking down from the clouds and must kill the little child and you will be saved to go to heaven as of all mankind. I find it sad.....that many people would do this. because.... they do not think for themselves and believe blindly on a faith of no reasons, no feelings, and no sincerity in life. MorningSong you are like the devil asking people to follow a book that in reality hurts, deceits, contradicts, and kills innocent people. I feel sorry for you as I do for so many people who follow such brainwashing methods. God would never do that. All judgment lies in the hands of Jesus. That is why in the "old testament" times, people judged others. Because "Jesus" wasn't in the picture yet, Jesus hadn't been made flesh to carry out the judgment(s). But now that the word has been made flesh eg., Jesus, it can carry out the judgment(s) on his own and we are no longer to judge others. Greeneyman, you are like a lost child afraid of the dark. Instead of coming out of the dark, you bring your teddy bear, your stuffed dog, and everything else you can find in the dark with you to keep you comforted. Why try to bring other's into the blinding dark? So you know personally god would never do that. I find that illogical that people claim this also. I find it also surely illogical that one follows such doctrines to live a life full of happiness. Your religion has forced their belief system destroying many cultures throughout history. I am afraid I am more open to a wide range of belief systems and ideas then you are. You have been stuck reading the bible while I was enjoying different philosophies. So who truly is god fearing and scared??? I think it would be you. It is you that is in the dark for believing it. Afterall it was the Christians who created the ((dark)) ages. They brought fear into the people blaming "witches" , "infidels", "heathens", for the butonic plague or other catastrophes that we can explain scientifically why they happened. I feel very sorry for you. While you go read your ridiculous verses, I shall enjoy my life without acting as if I am a sinner like you people do. I shall not repent or walk around in fear if god will judge me on that day. I shall walk knowing life is good at this moment and never look back. Good luck with your fairy tale book. If you want to read a really good fairy tale book the brother Grimm's work. They are very entertaining. :).....and don't forget to bring your teddy bear since you mentioned it. So you know personally god would never do that. I find that illogical that people claim this also. John 5:22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: To bad it doesn't apply to me. I can judge if I like. Afterall I am not a christian! lol but out of all the people in the world the christians are the ones that judge the most with their superstitions. The entire nation of native americans were wiped out in less then a hundred years because of superstitions from the bible. As they converted native americans they would tell them to attack the neighboring native american tribes so they can be saved and go to heaven. Yes convert now if you are not of Christian faith. There is still time! Do it! Forget what you have is wrong! Convert. and if they didn't.... The christians installed fear.... and if they didn't convert even then... They created reasons to kill them. Yes or do you think innocent children, women, and men slaughtered...every single one of them in a town was justified just because they didn't convert...just because they chose their own spiritual happiness?? Look for what it is and not what you hear others say. You will see the history and the truth of how dangerous this religion you practice is. |
So if you got a message from God to kill your neighbors little child of 3 years old to save mankind from would do it???? Really??? Now this was a message from God walking down from the clouds and must kill the little child and you will be saved to go to heaven as of all mankind. I find it sad.....that many people would do this. because.... they do not think for themselves and believe blindly on a faith of no reasons, no feelings, and no sincerity in life. MorningSong you are like the devil asking people to follow a book that in reality hurts, deceits, contradicts, and kills innocent people. I feel sorry for you as I do for so many people who follow such brainwashing methods. God would never do that. All judgment lies in the hands of Jesus. That is why in the "old testament" times, people judged others. Because "Jesus" wasn't in the picture yet, Jesus hadn't been made flesh to carry out the judgment(s). But now that the word has been made flesh eg., Jesus, it can carry out the judgment(s) on his own and we are no longer to judge others. Greeneyman, you are like a lost child afraid of the dark. Instead of coming out of the dark, you bring your teddy bear, your stuffed dog, and everything else you can find in the dark with you to keep you comforted. Why try to bring other's into the blinding dark? So you know personally god would never do that. I find that illogical that people claim this also. I find it also surely illogical that one follows such doctrines to live a life full of happiness. Your religion has forced their belief system destroying many cultures throughout history. I am afraid I am more open to a wide range of belief systems and ideas then you are. You have been stuck reading the bible while I was enjoying different philosophies. So who truly is god fearing and scared??? I think it would be you. It is you that is in the dark for believing it. Afterall it was the Christians who created the ((dark)) ages. They brought fear into the people blaming "witches" , "infidels", "heathens", for the butonic plague or other catastrophes that we can explain scientifically why they happened. I feel very sorry for you. While you go read your ridiculous verses, I shall enjoy my life without acting as if I am a sinner like you people do. I shall not repent or walk around in fear if god will judge me on that day. I shall walk knowing life is good at this moment and never look back. Good luck with your fairy tale book. If you want to read a really good fairy tale book the brother Grimm's work. They are very entertaining. :).....and don't forget to bring your teddy bear since you mentioned it. Your religion has forced their belief system destroying many cultures throughout history. I am afraid I am more open to a wide range of belief systems and ideas then you are. You have been stuck reading the bible while I was enjoying different philosophies. So who truly is god fearing and scared??? I think it would be you. My religion did no such thing. The people that claimed to be of the belief did, yes. But the religion itself does not teach to behave as such. And not scared of God nor do I "fear" God. Growing up, were you "Scared" of your parents and or feared them? I would assume not, you were obedient to them out of love. Same as I am with God. I am obedient through my love I possess for God, not out of fear. My parents raised me without the bible and I came out great. Better then most who were forced to believe such fairytales. Your religion is but 1 of the 38,000 denominations that has altered the bible's stories. That people believe in it without looking at other religions and spiritual practices first amazes me. Open your mind and see the many lifestyles, cultures, belief systems. Listen to scientists on what they are showing you physically often. Look into other possiblities. Become a Socrates and question everything. You will see more and experience more then a book full of fables. You will be surprised! Anyway if not now...maybe later...and if not later then good luck with that one book. |
Greeneyman...I'll close with this : Instead of coming on this forum with an agenda, I suggest you first pick up the bible, and read it to gain at least some understanding .... before further commenting on the subject . ![]() ![]() ![]() and I will end with this with you I suggest you pick up on buddhism or a more peaceful spirituality and use your time more constructively understanding life can be much more beautiful then what the bible offers. I have read the bible....and it goes straight to the trash can for it is not a world and idealogy I feel is good for our children or future generations. I commented, I posted verses, and I can post many more on the bible.... and in the end It is a fairytale book to scare people and become God fearing .... Good luck on whatever you are trying to do when you post bible links on every thread acting like you know the way to the truth when in don't. |
So if you got a message from God to kill your neighbors little child of 3 years old to save mankind from would do it???? Really??? Now this was a message from God walking down from the clouds and must kill the little child and you will be saved to go to heaven as of all mankind. I find it sad.....that many people would do this. because.... they do not think for themselves and believe blindly on a faith of no reasons, no feelings, and no sincerity in life. MorningSong you are like the devil asking people to follow a book that in reality hurts, deceits, contradicts, and kills innocent people. I feel sorry for you as I do for so many people who follow such brainwashing methods. God would never do that. All judgment lies in the hands of Jesus. That is why in the "old testament" times, people judged others. Because "Jesus" wasn't in the picture yet, Jesus hadn't been made flesh to carry out the judgment(s). But now that the word has been made flesh eg., Jesus, it can carry out the judgment(s) on his own and we are no longer to judge others. Greeneyman, you are like a lost child afraid of the dark. Instead of coming out of the dark, you bring your teddy bear, your stuffed dog, and everything else you can find in the dark with you to keep you comforted. Why try to bring other's into the blinding dark? So you know personally god would never do that. I find that illogical that people claim this also. I find it also surely illogical that one follows such doctrines to live a life full of happiness. Your religion has forced their belief system destroying many cultures throughout history. I am afraid I am more open to a wide range of belief systems and ideas then you are. You have been stuck reading the bible while I was enjoying different philosophies. So who truly is god fearing and scared??? I think it would be you. It is you that is in the dark for believing it. Afterall it was the Christians who created the ((dark)) ages. They brought fear into the people blaming "witches" , "infidels", "heathens", for the butonic plague or other catastrophes that we can explain scientifically why they happened. I feel very sorry for you. While you go read your ridiculous verses, I shall enjoy my life without acting as if I am a sinner like you people do. I shall not repent or walk around in fear if god will judge me on that day. I shall walk knowing life is good at this moment and never look back. Good luck with your fairy tale book. If you want to read a really good fairy tale book the brother Grimm's work. They are very entertaining. :).....and don't forget to bring your teddy bear since you mentioned it. |
Well at least it is 5 minutes...
that is something. lol Not much but something! |