Community > Posts By > greeneyeman
Yes exactly I probably have it all wrong. I mean I use to remember how much a light year is. I think it was 186,000 miles or something? Then one would have to calculate depending how fast the ship or satellite goes with the distance to see how long it would take to get to one point to the other.
What I need to do is look at what Scientist have already discovered. I am think it is called the Pegasus System....??? They discovered a planet already with potential life or an atmosphere that could harbor life. Give me some time and I am sure I will find the report somewhere. |
Why ????
Thank you for the enlightening reply. I never expected that. I actually learned something today and can go to bed with maybe 1 IQ more then what I started out with this morning! ha ha
I will certainly check into that website. I have a feeling they offer more courses of interest then just Buddhism and the price isn't that expensive either. Thank you sir for a great chat! |
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Fri 04/15/11 11:37 PM
If I remember correctly scientists have found a possible planet with life possibility on it. This planet we are talking about is in what they call the Pegasus System. The planet supposingly is as big as Jupiter ( the reason why they discovered it) with the same elements we take for granted here in earth. They used highly sophisticated technology to come with this conclusion. The problem is that it is 7 trillion light years away. I forgot how much a light year is but trust me not even Star Trek's Voyager could get there with a Warp 8 drive fast enough...well of course maybe it can if you use your imagination! ha ha
I believe in 20 years we will have discovered a living planet and can confirm it. The question is how will SETI be able to communicate at such a long distance? Also how will NASA find a way to travel so far. Perhaps a space station that harbors a earth like atmosphere with gravity in a highly stated technological state and the 10,000th generation will finally have arrived safely to this planet. Don't mind me I am to imaginative to speak with actual scientists, but yes check into might find some interesting answers. |
Why ????
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Fri 04/15/11 11:34 PM
Wow that is a big title! I never heard of a Eclectic Eastern Mystical Faery following Wiccan! Hey if that works for you then that is all that counts! :)
I usually get along with atheists very well but I have a problem that they absolutely know that there is no god or higher being of somekind. I mean if that works for them that is great, but I grow skeptical of that absolute conclusion because that would mean that we shouldn't even provide effort in finding out. It just cuts off the whole idea of wondering what is beyond. It is almost like saying there is no alien life or other living planets in other universes. How can one be so sure just because we don't see them or have the technology to find out yet? These absolute answers may sound logical but they just don't seem to be the definite answer in my book. Buddhism as a philosophy is beautiful and logical in my world, yet there is the problem with reincarnation that keeps me busy. How can a buddhist know that if you live a bad life in sense of doing bad things with a conscience that you will reincarnate into a life that provides hardships as oppose to one that tried to live a good life. In other words if I follow the eightfold path then I should be pretty safe right? My problem is how do they know one reincarnates in the first place. I see no evidence but people claiming it is so. For me that isn't enough so would that make me a Agnostic Buddhist? lol Don't worry I will add maybe some more titles to that soon. Agnostic Buddhist Idealist...there two more and I will catch up. ha ha So yes in my opinion ((if)) every human truly is honest with themselves about how they don't know how it all started and why then I believe they are giving a good answer. The logical answer is to say " I don't know", yet for many that is not good enough and rather enjoy a idea in which they believe as a fact when reading some scripture from ancient text. To me that isn't very honest to blindly believe in written text as facts only, yet for some that is enough to live by. So in my opinion being "agnostic" sounds like the only logical conclusion. The problem with mentioning you are agnostic to anyone leads many to believe and even categorize you as someone who doesn't know anything about religion at all. One then gets throat fed automatically pages of bible, koran, or even torah writings. I remember reading a survey on testing the various religious believers as of atheists and agnostics on basic questions about how certain religions started, their beliefs, and history thereafter. It was concluded for this survey of over 3000 members that the agnostics ended up with higher average on knowledge about religions then those that practice it on a daily bases. Why is that? One astonishing discovery is that 67% of those of the Christian faith that live in America didn't even know who Martin Luther was and what he did at the time he was alive. Anyway it would have been nice to know in my lifetime if there is such thing as a god, goddess, or somekind of energy. It would have been nice to have known if there is such thing as a soul and provide evidence for everyone on this planet to alleviate anymore doubts or skepticsm. It would have been nice to have had absolute answers to a myriad of questions we pose, but perhaps it is better we don't know. Perhaps the information is too much for us to handle sanely and if so then I am good with not knowing them although my curiosity gets the best out of me. I am sure many feel the same way or they wouldn't be participating in these religious threads. The main thing is one can find a way to enjoy life regardless. Well I suppose this is too deep of me to mention and I probably posted it in the wrong thread or something, but thank you for letting me elaborate my feelings on the matter even if it may sound ridiculous to you. I just don't think I will find common ground with anyone when I chat about it and understand why most people keep their affiliations or ideas private. So I guess I am a Agnostic Buddhist Skeptical Plato type Idealist that practices primarily as a Free Thinker (yes freethinkers did exist at one time and was a movement also). If anything I am one messed up dude right! ha ha |
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Fri 04/15/11 09:46 PM
Hmmm...I type like I speak, and certainly how I think... and you are correct, there is a vast discrepancy between aussie humour and other countries...add to that perceptions and belief structures, the lack of the unspoken language, the subtle nuances of expression and the hit and miss prevails. I guess though, the more one interacts, the more one learns of the enough of someone's posts and the one dimensional starts to fill out more. Aussie forums are not so great....not for 'dating' sites...Before moving over to here, I was on one that also linked to an international site...and the little that went on in the aussie forums was caustic , toxic, and at worst monosyllabic....turned the whole experience quite sour... Aussie men that came into it, were at best, remotely articulate and at worst, misogynistic arrogant neanderthals. So the appeal of the internation forums on the previous site was enticing....intelligence, wit, and clever wordsmanship abounded...yes, there were the odd monosyllabic neanderthal.... but most were like here...ironically, about 40/50 odd posters from the other site all arrived here many of us go back years and have 'learnt' deeper aspects of each other... an old friends or understanding of the character of the person, so an intonation becomes imprinted on the words... we have held hands....boosted and supported each other through challenges, applauded and cheered for each other in our triumphs...we have 'learnt' each other....and also 'earnt' each other. oh...and pssstt!!...we don't really drink Fosters...that's a myth. ![]() I understand what you mean and I would imagine with over 22000 posts one finds a good group of people to enjoy certain topics with. With my meager 17 posts I should be happy to get any reply. ha ha In otherwords I wish you a great day over there in that beautiful country. I am off to a Australian Restaurant called Outback to have a great meal and a pint of Foster! Ha ha Thank you for your wisdom and kindness. It was a pleasure. :) |
That darn tigger! He is just in everyone's business isn't he! Ha ha too funny. Well thank you for the compliment. I am just expressing how I feel about the whole thing and am aware that many are grinding their teeth when they read my responses and others such as you are quiet okay with them. A compliment is the reward I am looking for, which made my day. Thank you You are quiet wise yourself and I am looking forward to your replies to the many discussions in the forums. :) hahahaha!!!'s extremely possible that you may also gnash your teeth at some of my replies!!! ![]() I gave up subtlety for lent years ago.... ![]() ![]() and you were fishing for a compliment?...shame on you!...obviously baited your hook with the right children's character.. ![]() What I find amusing about the written language is that many can interpret it differently then what the writer means. You are reading words and trying to figure out what expressions may apply to them. Even though one would write a message that they truly believe as good and heartfelt can be interpreted negatively creating misunderstandings and unruly answers. Then we have to take in account that each country has a different style of humor that other cultures could find offensive. I mean I don't know how many dating sites in Australia are available where the majority that post in them are Australian sharing humor that could be totally different then what Americans can understand them although we speak the same language! The same goes for the Scots, Irish, and the English, or South Africans..New Zealanders, Wales,etc. etc. Then we have the problem with those that speak English as a second language understanding their idealogies on the matter of religion or whatever topic it may be. So I can't possibly take these chats seriously in written format as much as I would when I would see the person face to face with a nice glass of wine or beer near a beer garden or cafe. The problem is that it is hard to just sit at a cafe and ask a stranger to chat with me about philosophy or religion suddenly. Anyway I must really sound like a virgin when I contemplate about how one can take any discussion seriously in written format without seeing true expressions, feelings, and enthusiasm in it. I will just like to imagine that we sat in a small group and laid eyes on each other enjoying each others compliments and admiration sharing a glass of Fosters! At least that brings better results in our imagination doesn't it. :) |
What would Jesus do?
One would only hope that Jesus would find the most peaceful solution in resolving misunderstandings of any event that humans have endured. I cannot imagine that he would resort to violence as a solution. If so then I couldn't become a follower of such an idealogy. I don't think he would side with any political party but find a way to educate us in a modern way adapting to the 21st century. This is just a wild imaginative idea of what Jesus would do if he truly ressurrected to see our current state of affairs.
For me it would be more interesting to see what Buddha would say or if Einstein would have had an additional 50 years of life with us in the 21st century had to say, or even Benjamin Franklin or Thomas Jefferson would think about how we as Americans see the Constitution today and what this country has become. |
So those that believe in a mediterrenan mythology or a eastern mystiscm or winnie the poo then so be it. Let us at least try to tolerate each other if nothing else. I think I tried to worship winnie the poo when I was about 6....but was also enamoured by tigger... ![]() You have an amazing's extremely refreshing....thankyou. ![]() That darn tigger! He is just in everyone's business isn't he! Ha ha too funny. Well thank you for the compliment. I am just expressing how I feel about the whole thing and am aware that many are grinding their teeth when they read my responses and others such as you are quiet okay with them. A compliment is the reward I am looking for, which made my day. Thank you You are quiet wise yourself and I am looking forward to your replies to the many discussions in the forums. :) |
Why ????
Thank you for the clarification.
I have joined as a agnostic and the thread available for me is "Agnostic/Atheist". If I would have joined as a Buddhist then there is a "Buddhist" thread. The general religion is for everyone. I understand that now. :) I am just wondering why the agnostic thread is with the atheist together. I guess you would have to join as an agnostic to see what I am talking about. Anyway it isn't a big issue...I just wondered why the owners or inventors of this site chose to loop both atheist and agnostics together. |
We can only cut on military when we have restored or improved foreign relations. This may take some time though. We also must try to stay technologically advanced to reduce costs in the military. With our national deficit we may have problems in this.
If we restore relations we can cut on the military spending bill which outweighs any country in the world. Perhaps this money can be redirected in education and health care. I am not a politician so I don't have the details of how easy that can be done. I am sure there are better suggestions on the matter here in the forums. |
Why ????
I am a bit bewildered why under the religion section one sees atheist and agnostic thread together on the same thread.
As far as I understand : Atheist is for those who believe there is absolutely no god Agnostic is for those who are uncertain that there is a higher identity, power, or spiritual form in existence. Why are they grouped together? Shouldn't they be separated threads? |
The question is if there is a god in the first place.
The question is if there is even a heaven also. If you are honest with yourself and with others the correct answer in my opinion is "we don't know". Why create stories or believe in stories that our past have written if we were not there to experience it. I mean I understand if one needs a faith to be happy in life and it truly works for them. Bravo for them, yet we must understand that each human being has a different idealogy that works best for them. If you believe in a religion that you personally just created for yourself and only for yourself then shouldn't this be viable also. I think so as long as it doesn't hurt others in the process. I am lucky to live in a time that I don't need to follow a social group of idealogies to be accepted in society. I can just be me and am great with it. As a agnostic person and I believe everyone is agnostic in this world if they are truly honest with themselves as with others we simply cannot put down definitives when it comes to such deep questions. This of course is just my opinion and I am aware many cannot accept a "I don't know" as a solid answer. Others...well can accept it and still lead a great life. So those that believe in a mediterrenan mythology or a eastern mystiscm or winnie the poo then so be it. Let us at least try to tolerate each other if nothing else. |
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Thu 04/14/11 07:25 PM
Which Religion or Spiritual Practice do you enjoy the most? Explain why it works for you and how this belief system changed your life. Also if you have time explain the origins of your religion to make it interesting! Thank you!
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Thu 04/14/11 07:05 PM
To Jess642:)
Very interesting information about Australia! Thank you for sharing this. I hope one day I can actually visit the beautiful continent and enjoy the people, customs, and culture for an entire month. You are right about the farming techniques of our ancients around the world and I find it interesting and essential that we still have history about it to help us understand today to keep our lands fruitful and fertile. I am sure every religious book as somekind of information about this also that could be researched in many ways and maybe even cross compared to see similiarities. |
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Thu 04/14/11 06:59 PM
That is a interesting question indeed. Why must the land rest every 7th year? A question I cannot answer yet I am sure there are many who can!
I know the Mayans had a agricultural system to where they had to rest the land every other year to keep the land fertile. I have recently watched it on PBS about how every other year they would grow and not grow as much food to give the land some chance to recuperate. Today farmers in this region continue this tradition as we speak. I have also heard that although it is mentioned that a a day is interpreted as 1000 years or longer. There are many possibilities of interpreting the doctrines of the bible or other religious works. With so many denominations there is no wonder there is so much confusion today. Also those that sacrificed their lifes to translate the original works of the Bible to English or German also may have misinterpreted some of the pages unintentionally or intentionally. Martin Luther for the German translations changed many ideas also when he nailed his new thesis's at the Wittenberg Castle. |
Many Gods to one God
Sounds logical to me!
Many Gods to one God
That sounds logical also. So many possibilities available. :)
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Thu 04/14/11 01:42 AM
I guess there is nothing wrong with Jerusalem being the Spiritual City of the Universe or Universes or Galaxies and beyond but wouldn't that make it irrelevant if archaelogists have found evidence of first human life elsewhere on the planet away from the Middle East. Wouldn't the first species of humans (wherever it is located in Africa or maybe somewhere else that we have discovered yet) be credited as the first creations or origins of our species and perhaps creators of a God or an Alien Species through accident. I mean it questions how we evolved in the first place...of course the Bible will say Adam and Eve was planted by gods hands, but exactly where?
Also we could question if there were other planets that harbor life that were created before Earth with cities, towns, or even villages of a species...wouldn't they believe they are the center of it all or the Spiritual City of the Universe or are they irrelevant. Will we know more about this in the future or is there a bigger picture that we are missing in general? It surely is a interesting prospect of questions truly hard to answer. I mean I am sure some have an absolute answer or belief system and that is great. I like to hear them of course, yet when such answers occur we have additional questions or even skeptiscm. I guess the Greek Philosopher Plato is fault for this! For example our previous poster Jess642 (thank you for the compliment by the way) indicates there are so many other cultures that didn't or don't recognize the bible or even the torah (that tell in their own words about the topic) even when these religions just evolved or begun. Prophecies, Rules, Startings....each have a story. Which one is true? Which one is not? There has to be a deeper meaning to this all that we possibly can't know unless we were actually there to witness it. There has to be somekind of evidence that would convince the entire population to suddenly believe. Instead we remain oblivious ( not all of course) just me probably! lol ...about a deeper meaning to how it all started and for what purpose. Anyway I didn't expect at such late hours to get replies by such intellectual individuals! Bravo and thank you for your wisdom! |
Many Gods to one God
What is the possibility that Yahweh is an Egyptian God worshipped by Egyptians that was later taken or chosen or invented by individuals to create a new belief system to conquer all the other Gods creating one of the first (if not the first) monotheistic religions in the world.
Just imagine at the time (you as a scribe or farmer) had to worship so many different gods each day to receive blessings or help for their needs and suddenly a trend was created to where one only has to worship one god for all the wishes. What a relief that must have been at the time unless you were of course threatened to death for even attempting to believe in such a belief system in the first place. I am just trying to see this in a historical reference on the transition to this phase and how it was at the time. It is a interesting part of history! What do you believe to be true? |