Community > Posts By > greeneyeman
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Wed 05/11/11 10:26 AM
Does this mean in the end that the votes from our Congress represenatives is all that is needed to determine our next President?
This means that the votes by the people is just to show Congress on what or how the people feel about who should become the President, but they could just disregard all the votes if they wanted to. Wow what a waste of money right if this is the case? This is all new to me! I really thought when I vote it is an important cause to our Democracy! I really thought that my vote means something here. lol The media sure makes it look like this on television when you wait for the results of who won the presidency. |
Logic and Faith
Faith is not Logic. I realize you misunderstood what I posted, and will leave it at that. Have to blessed..... I think you misunderstand what I am trying to say. I am saying that there are many who use faith and find it logical and claim what they learn in their faith to be logical. Be on your merry way then. Have fun. |
Osama Bin Laden WON
I am certainly no economist! Do you have any ideas on how to rebound financially? It couldn't be more simple. Withdraw from all free-trade agreements and roll back the Reagan tax cuts for rich people.
How about cut government spending, and waste. raising taxes on the "rich" which is mostly small businesses will just make them raise the price of their service or product, that's a real good plan to help the middle class. Oh no we don't want that! I already find food expensive when I go shopping! lol I saw how the government cutting goes between the two parties. They surely are in quarrels because of it. I hate to see more cuts on education though. That is for sure. |
Logic and Faith
As you can see everyone has a different opinion on logic and faith. Some use dictionaries, some use scientific evidence, and others religious documents. And some use a combination of it all..... The beauty of it is that many are pleased at what they believe is true. Logic..... Faith..... both are beautiful in their own unique way..... do you agree:) God gave us a brain to use, also. Just because one has faith, doesn't mean one doesn't use logic. God expects man to use the Intelligence He gave us, also. The problem with that is for some who do not believe in a god will find that as a faulty logical conclusion. You are using faith as logical. For others this faith you use for your personal belief system isn't logical at all for others. Just like some do not find it logical in what Scientists discover because it contradicts their faith system that depends on faith leading to be illogical for them. It goes back and forth as you can see. |
Osama Bin Laden WON
I am certainly no economist! Do you have any ideas on how to rebound financially? It couldn't be more simple. Withdraw from all free-trade agreements and roll back the Reagan tax cuts for rich people.
Great idea! Let me guess the corporations will never let this happen right? |
I believe we need a genius economist that can really reduce our debt in a positive way without hurting the people's day to day lifes. Who can do such a task to really put this country in the forefront again and make our dollar strong once again??
Osama Bin Laden WON
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Wed 05/11/11 08:47 AM
I think the middle east and the organizations against the US believe they have won because of the tremendous amount of cost it took us to cripple the Al Qaeda and Taliban. What is it 3 or 4.5 trillion dollars later? Little do they know that we will rebound again. Our stock market has rebounded, employment is going up, and our military (although strained at times) is still the most advanced in technology and powerful in the world. They surely awakened a sleeping super power. As a just recently former vet I will not let this country fail no matter how many countries wish us to fail. It won't happen because even though we have our little quarrels amongst each other over ideas of how to run a country better...when it really counts and is important (in emergency situations) we are more united then any country in the world. There is no time to feel pessimistic. There is only time to be optimistic and truly work hard. What did President Kennedy once say: It is not what the country can do for you, but what you can do for the country. Now just do it! Nice post. Good attitude. However, the problem with the national debt is really big and getting bigger. It is big enough to cause the US to fall as a world power. I am certainly no economist! Do you have any ideas on how to rebound financially? Here is just a little idea. If it will work is really up to the people. China is making most of our products and it is predicted that this country will surpass as the new world power by 2050 if not sooner, so some articles say by economists. I am not sure if that is true, but I know China is really pushing hard in trying to be on top of the world by making other countries depended on it. If the US corporations determine to help Mexico with its problems by sending their industries there to help increase employment, which can reduce crime then the immigration problem might decrease tremendously. This way perhaps Americans can actually have a chance to find work (for those companies that wish to stay in the states) because less illegal immigration from Mexicans will happen trying to cross our borders. Again I am no politician or economist. It is just an idea that I came up with after watching the Mexican President on the Charlie Rose show. Anyway why not give Mexico the jobs as they represent a Free Market Democracy then the Chinese? Of course if it was me I would rather see the industries, factories, etc. here in the states offering jobs for the Americans, but I just don't think we will work for such low wages. Will it help alleviate our debt? Maybe just a little??? |
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Wed 05/11/11 08:31 AM
actually greeneye, when you get to artcle two you'll see that "we the people" don't actually vote to elect the president. the electoral college does that. in fact, nowhere in the constitution is a right to vote given to the people. says the right to vote cannot be denied some folks, women and eighteen year olds for instance, but gives nobody the right to vote. that's left to the states to decide. I don't understand! Doesn't the electoral college collect our votes in voting booths from across the nation. From there each state counts the vote to see which of the two parties has the most votes to add the points together to determine who will be the next president? I know Susan B. Anthony fought for women's rights to vote. I think it is Amendment 19 or 23. I would have to go look to see which one it is. So if I understand correctly...the government doesn't need the votes for "we the people" don't actually vote for the president? I find that hard to believe because why so much promotion on television, radio, internet asking for our vote in the first place. Explain for me please. Thank you. |
Actually now that I think about it isn't the time when the nation is voting for a president a form of Direct Democracy? I know it is called something else, but I mean in technicality isn't it a type of Direct Democracy?
Although I think only 80 million vote right? We don't even have the entire nation voting anyway. |
The Home Movie Documentary
I think the most disturbing part of the documentary (for me anyway) is how the Siberian permafrost (I think they called it) is melting away. Underneath that permafrost is tons of methane that could escape into our atmosphere poisoning our air! So if the planet continues to warm at this rate we can be in bigger trouble then we have ever estimated. Seriously I feel we have to get huge machines blowing cold air onto those areas to keep that ice from melting over there!
Am I overreacting?? |
Logic and Faith
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Wed 05/11/11 06:44 AM
Again it is only beautiful if it isn't destructive to another person, yet is that even possible when so many belief systems exist in the first place.
Sometimes I just see it as a competition...or a race of some sort. Who will have the most followers to rule the planet? I know I shouldn't see it like that but when I see how hard certain religions work to influence others to join can only see it like a competition. |
Bigfoot does it exist.....
Yes big feet exist!! lol
I have an idea that I have been working on for sometime about how to improve our elementary educational system here in America. I will share it with everyone once I have the website created explaining it in detail through videos. There you can finally see how ugly I look! Ha ha!
I have it copyrighted so I don't mind sharing it in the near future. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have expressed interest in it, so if I can pull it off then I might have started a new revolution on education for young minds. Thanks to the many books and videos it has paid off to create a new idea. The idea came up in the middle of the night after an odd dream! I must say that our mind works in mysterious ways sometimes! lol |
Mission from God
With greater power one has greater responsibility. If I was granted a mission from God then I would ask to please give me the knowledge on how to attain true world peace and happiness for every soul on the planet and actually make it happen. I would also ask for a powerful spell to eliminate greed from people who use it and immediately restore our HOME (Earth) without raping all of its resources, tearing down its forests to have draught issues, and reduce the ongoing pollution, which will eliminate over 25% of our species in the near future. I would also asked if it is possible to control the weather in a positive way to help every farmer get water when needed.
Am I asking for too much power! lol Anyway I just let my imagination flow with this. It is too Utopia probably for most people anyway! ha ha. |
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Wed 05/11/11 06:15 AM
I understand what you are writing and see that in the end as you have mentioned is a mute point. Faith base and Logical base can have its difficulties. I started a thread on that and see exactly what is going on.
Those that have faith in a religion find what they are learning in their studies to be logical even if there is no physical proof indicating it is real to believe in it unless they use reference to documents in which they believe is proof enough. Logical base needs often proof to be able to consider it even a topic worth discussing. Now those with Faith find those that strictly work with Logic, believe that they are missing out on faith to see the reality or truth to everything and often send them to read documents to understand. It goes back and forth where both parties will contradict each other until their faces turn blue. As for example what has been going on in this thread with screenname Cowboy who is expressing his opinions against everyone. His colt45 is just shooting away isn't it! lol One thing is that regardless how hard one doesn't support a certain belief system and tries to convince or show the errors in a belief system the strong willed faith will overcome leaving no chance of seeing a new perspective. This goes also the other way around for the one that has faith trying to show the error of one who doesn't believe or understand because they don't see physical proof. What I also find amusing is the notion that each party believes that one is not "open minded" when it comes to such discussions. Both faith and those that rely on Logic find themselves open minded although often they don't find that true for the other contradicting their beliefs. |
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Wed 05/11/11 05:57 AM
You are probably right jrbogie. I certainly agree that the founding fathers probably didn't expect many things if they had the chance to observe this country for another 100 years in the making.
Actually this has become very interesting as I read more about the Constitution. I am already looking for more historical books on our FOUNDING fathers. lol I will be looking into Federalist papers also as suggested. I also have currently a big interest in Alexander Hamilton just because he found the time to learn so many languages. I am studying to become a English Professor and read that his father exposed him to his personal library. With that he read over 80 books before he even turned 10 and started to learn more about the Republic, which required him to study Latin amongst other languages. It is interesting to see how he could have single handly provided most of the ideas in the creation of our Constitution because of his vast knowledge of his previous studies of other political systems. This could also be the reason why he didn't choose Direct Democracy as he also studied the Greek language and wanted to know how the ancient Greeks ran their government at the time. Man I tell you It is great to be out of the service to have such time to study and to have access to the internet! I will try to keep this updated with what I discover as it is good to share this with someone. Don't hesitate to share more of what you know. Knowledge is spreading what we know and learning from others to build more knowledge in the process. Thanks for taking the time to reply to these messages by the way. |
The Home Movie Documentary
Very good work! You are a role model for many younger generations to come! Yes Australia is as vital to our global environment as any country in the world. If Australia goes down it will have a tumbling effect with other continents. We must save Australia with its 50% draught problems. Plant trees, plant food, get water somehow irrigated on that land....get people together and try to be more aware of the environment. I want to go visit the country very soon just for the fact that you have the most unique wildlife in the world with exotic plants. I want to make a movement also that gets more people involved and am working on a website as we speak to advertise my ideas. Wish me luck!
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Tue 05/10/11 11:54 PM
![]() ![]() Well I certainly don't want to be that lamb SpiderCrmb and to be like your father Ruth34611, although I am sure he was a honorable American! |
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Tue 05/10/11 10:53 PM
The No Bible Allowed Thread has become the Bible thread.
Christianity has won again...just because they have managed to create interest (with taste or without) - (unintentional or intentional) for the non-christians to discuss or debate right and wrongs of a belief system...and now we even see Bible links to the cause. As for me...I have posted something that the OP wanted to read about 5 pages back, but it was simply ignored due to the quarrels of right and wrongs on what Cowboy believes. Look you non-christians and christians will not change Cowboy's views no matter how much you disagree with it. There is no use in trying even if everyone believes they are radical or not. The smart thing to do is to try to discuss what the OP is trying to figure out. Spirituality, Ghosts, and the they exist, etc. etc. |
Man this is the weirdest thread on the site. lol