Success is gettin more of the polish on ur toenails than on ur toes Very nice and light hearted! Darlin' for me that's a true statement |
I make em throughout the growin season an then crave em until I can get em again the next spring The grocery store here finally started carryin em so I ain't gotta hunt around for em no more
Success is gettin more of the polish on ur toenails than on ur toes
Oh, u'd love my fried green 'maters. My aunt will actually walk her hindend across the street to come over when I make 'em.
Pity Me
Sorry my pity bowl is empty, I'd offer u some mercy but that jar has been empty since last tuesday. I'm expectin a new shipment of pity, mercy, salvation, an hope in 2 to 4 weeks. I'll let u know when they arrive.
Duh! I reeeeally like fried green maters! I can eat em 'til I'm bout sick to my stomach.
Funny thing is I don't really care for 'maters in salad. Go figure |
Tami, U don't like maters? These ones are the perfect ripeness. The perfect shade of red an plumpness. We like em sliced with just a touch of sea salt. Nice afternoon snack.
Hey Curtis
Elijah & I just finished eattin a sliced 'mater. YUMMY!! |
U now have mail here
It's that not f*ckin hysterical??? I almost fell outta my chair lookin at that last night when my aunt sent it to me. |
check ur regular email, think I sent u something
I wouldn't know what gossip everyone would be talkin of
I'm seriously learnin more than I really need too
T, U have mail
One person here knows who I'm talkin 'bout an if he/she squeels then I'm gonna be roastin said person like a squeelin pig
Mums, the word on it for now. I'll share details after I see how things go. U know I'll give ya every detail psspt, T check ur email in a minute. |
Yeah I'm with Kate, dial the phone. Then ur hands are free to take pictures of him/her bein hauled off in handcuffs
Afternoon Everybody
I spent the mornin elbow deep in fridge gunk. But it's all sparkly clean an ready for some fresh food to be placed inside. It stinks ya'll are so far away from me, I'm doin a BBQ here at the house on the 19th. There will actually be another mingler here but I ain't tell in ya who. Nope, nah, ain't gonna do it. U just have to figure that one out for urselves. |
Just make sure u don't get plaster rub burn Was playin over at DH earlier with T but I guess she's left there for now. I'm gonna go busy myself with some housework |
Tell Me Lies...
Alright already! So I told my friend I liked her new haircut when actually I thought it looked hideous. But seriously, I shouldn't be slighted for it, it was only alil lie.
In all seriousness, I don't like people who lie. I can understand a lil white lie, No ur hinny looks great in them jeans. But not an outright lie. Besides I ain't gonna ask anyone that question, I can see for myself that my hinny looks humongous in jeans. |
Gunned down in Calgary
I say put em all on an island, let em kill one another an God can sort em out
Chihuahuas VS Pit Bulls...
Nona an Rebel will bark at anyone they don't know but what dog doesn't? They'll get alil nippy with someone they don't know if they try to touch them especially if they're in my lap. But if the person is patient an lets them come to them they're fine.
My pits could care less who it was reachin to pet em. Their whole body shook with their tail an they had the PET ME PUHLEEASE look on their faces. |