Community > Posts By > realityescape

realityescape's photo
Tue 04/12/11 10:40 AM
and as is understood you first start to percieve when multicelled organisms experiance life outside of themselves and are forced to interact with objects or organisms unlike themselves therfore being removed from the womb of ignorance and giving birth to a higher level of thinking and functioning

realityescape's photo
Tue 04/12/11 10:26 AM
the mind is a vary powerful tool it allows people to come up with new technologies and allows those with disapline to convince others to do anything from giving them money running their country or believe they can see their future or take their own life the power of persuation is probably one of the most efficent tools humans have and people without strong enough belief in themselves or in their own ability to understand how or why things happen as they do have always throughout history looked up looked up to some godhead figure for guildence and when one looks that hard for an answer or sign they will always find it in either themselves or in somthing around them because at that point they are using one of the minds most powerful tools on themselves

realityescape's photo
Tue 04/12/11 09:30 AM
Capitalism is a system that is setup so some small percent get really rich and most die in debt which they leave to their children but also allows for more luxury items, medical advances, work and education advancment and somewhat more convenience and stability and noone says this is a perfect system but if your so unhappy with the way things are here i hear the middle east has nice weather this time year

realityescape's photo
Fri 04/08/11 02:46 PM
in the sociaty we live in and the era in which we live in it is next to impossible to do almost anything original considering everything that has already been done

realityescape's photo
Wed 04/06/11 10:48 PM
We are now in times of those,
who care to know us not.
A face in the crowd,
a lost soul in a sea of beings.
Though we are just as alive and prominent,
as every other being to roam this earth.
The individual has been forgotten,
and we have all just been thrown into to some society stew.
To be wolfed down by an ever hungry horseman,
without a second thought and nothing left behind.