Community > Posts By > Shy_Emo_chick
I think you might be lacking in the self-confidence department. What's wrong with looking average? lol. I'm just pointing out, that usually if someone has to ask how "good looking" they are, it means you're a bit obssessed about your appearance. Best of luck. ![]() |
The Art of Seduction
*laughing* Oh hun, I've just bought some new lacey underwear. You might wanna come in and check it out ;)
I think you might be lacking in the self-confidence department. What's wrong with looking average? lol. I'm just pointing out, that usually if someone has to ask how "good looking" they are, it means you're a bit obssessed about your appearance. Best of luck.
Did you both argue? Think he's using you for sex? Couldn't stay with a guy who turned cold on me like that. It happened to ME once, never again. And damn right a wall is up to protect me. Proceed with caution. Don't mess with this Miss.
Dating-site Fun
This made me laugh, because it sounds like exactly what I do.
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I'm only here for the forums now. I'm also on an irish forum website. My stepdad joked to me, that if I join any scottish one's he'll chop my arms off, as we're northern irish, so yeah. It gives me a much larger chance of meeting other irish people, and then we can arrange meet-ups. As I'm not sure where else I could find other irish people. I'm on quite a few irish dating site's.
A distance relationship
A person is different in person than they are on the phone or in a letter. There has to be physical presence. You can have feelings for someone youve never met for sure but its not really a true relationship unless it can be transferred to 'in real life' standing. If you have ever dated someone you also communicate with long distance, you may know this. Im like emo in that I 'want' the physical affection as well as the contact. Thats what seems to make it real. it has nothin to do with God so I dont get the previous reference from another. I can be interested in someone Ive never met, but I would never devote myself to them. not until we are able to get to know the 'in person' version of them...and that takes time (time not served online etc) to develop. ![]() |
Has anyone on here heard The Wurzels version of 'Prince-Purple Rain'? It's kind of a giddy version. They cover a lot of famous songs. It makes me giggle :)
![]() Hopefully this will put a smile on everyones face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOGGIES!!!! :D. Awwwwwww. The small one looks like my yorkshire terrier :) |
On .. I can beat that :-) I'll be there, in a little Cheerleader outfit, with my pom poms, cheering you on. Gooooooooooooooooooo Blondey !! ;) |
Ireland :) Everyone there is really welcoming. They know how to throw a good party. Not a pinch of aggression in them, so you easily feel you can get comfortable quickly in their company. You'll find musicians playing their stuff in corners of pubs. Still waiting to get my one-way ticket. lol
Reason You're Single
Because I want to be. Haven't found a guy who just wants to take it slowly again yet. Don't be fooled by the rich family I got, I'm still good old Sarah from da block. And always will be. They just can't handle my swag, yo! ;)
I know all too well, not to get suckered in by those kind of men, that give me their phone number too soon. Why anyone would give a stranger money is beyond me. They really feel sorry for them that badly? Wow.
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Sex without attraction.
Well, some rich men are rubbish at flirting. And to me, money should come last in a relationship. The women who are going for the rich men, may want his money, but I could only date a rich guy if he was nice to me. Money means damn all to me though. I notice how quite a few rich guys never end up with a woman.
For the 5000th time, I'm not Fiz. Fiz is one of my bestest friends. Maybe you should meet me just to see proof of that. Wait, meet us BOTH. If me and her are standing in front of you, that's proof that we're not one person.
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Sex without attraction.
I think you have yours statistics all wrong. Anyway, nice to see you back, muscle man. We lovez your questions in a weird sort of way ;)
Of all is said and done, remains the memories of days when life was fun.
But now that you are gone, I sit alone to watch the setting of the sun. Feels like I'm walking in the rain. I find myself trying to wash away the pain. |
That Belfast and Dublin finally give up, all the unecessary fighting with each other. It shouldn't have to be future generations suffering for something they weren't even born around. Some of us weren't even born yet, while this was going on. I think it's time to let sleeping dogs lie. Especially when from the same country. Should be together, not divided.
fill in the blank.
Too busy trying to find the blank.
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