Community > Posts By > Tobias1540

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 01:31 PM

I just love the fact that a lot of energy went into this topic. And there was a good topic about What your dream job would be, and 5 people responded. huh huh huh

Ahh but controversy sells devil

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 01:28 PM

Not being politicaly correct has absolutely nothing to do with being mean.

Not being PC = being mean, because you aren't sparing some poor saps feelings. Being PC = Being mean, but in a nice way. drinker drinker smokin smokin

I disagree with that. PC is an oversensitivity.

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 01:26 PM

I thank you for characterizing me as something I am not. I actaully believe that kids should be taught about winning and losing and everything else that just helps kids grow up.

No matter what people say words can hurt, and anyone who grew up getting teased thier whole life can tell you that.

Well again, you simply must have been the one being "teased" thier whole life.

I'm only being "direct" because I don't believe in "mincing" words.

You were "teased" because of your personality traits. You are seen by most as the "whimpy whiney" type and an easy mark. You are considered a "weak" one in the herd. And it is correct, that most that teased you were "bullies" and have great "insecirities" of thier own.

And here you cry out about "what if someone was on thier last rope" etc, etc. Again, just being can't save the WORLD!

If someone was "reaching out", then why would they not just go get counseling or some form of help in person, than to go to a bunch of stranger on an internet sight????

God gave us ALL brains...try USING THEM! Again, not flmae or anger..just FACT, face it, deal with it, makes life a lot easier to get through. flowerforyou

Your right I was, and I understand why they did it. But I am never going to say that people shouldn't try to be nice to others. You can be mean to anyone you want and you can justify it how ever you want, but I know that it is wrong to be mean to others and I will never advocate it for any reason.

Again your right maybe I can't save the world, but I don't see the harm in trying. I don't see the harm in being nice and making others lives a little bit better for no reason.

And you are doing everything that I started this thread for. You are presenting your opinion and attacking me at the same time, it may make you feel like a big man, but in reallity it doesn't

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 01:19 PM

If there were no negative people in the world, just think about how happy and joyous the whole world would be. Damnit, I will NOT let that happen, negativity makes the world go round. Without someone saying something off key or uncalled for, all you'd have is a buncha idiots agreeing with themselves and I so can't deal with that.drinker drinker drinker

There is nothing wrong with arguing with people, I do it all the time its when people make personal atttacks on others that has nothing to do with the argument.

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 01:15 PM

Ok, advocating being mean to people. Here's an example that happened the other day.

A guy posted something like "What's the ratio to old bearded guys to fat women?" And then proceeded to insult damn near everyone he could. So you have to be nice and say "well, the ratio is x to x, why do you ask?"

And that is totally wrong, but by arguing with him you are giving him exactly what he wants. Why do you think he posted it. Its probably becuase he wanted to piss people off and he feels like he is controlling people and making them do what he wants.

And to go with a classic, do two wrongs ever make a right?

Yes they do, but only when it amuses you. drinker drinker

laugh laugh LMAOlaugh laugh

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 01:14 PM

Ok, advocating being mean to people. Here's an example that happened the other day.

A guy posted something like "What's the ratio to old bearded guys to fat women?" And then proceeded to insult damn near everyone he could. So you have to be nice and say "well, the ratio is x to x, why do you ask?"

And that is totally wrong, but by arguing with him you are giving him exactly what he wants. Why do you think he posted it. Its probably becuase he wanted to piss people off and he feels like he is controlling people and making them do what he wants.

And to go with a classic, do two wrongs ever make a right?

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 01:10 PM

Words can hurt, but only if you let them. If a child is taught that sticks and stones will break your bones, but words can't hurt you, its true. No matter what comes outta some idiot's mouth, until he hits you, it doesn't matter. Once you let words influence your life in a bad way, its off to the looney bin and happy drugs. Life is rough, if it were easy, we'd all be killing each other over who's happier. If there wasn't sad and depressing people, you couldn't gauge who is a shiney happy person.

So your advocating that people should be mean because people are mean already so if you do it its ok becuase you are teachign others how to deal with it when it happens to them again?

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 01:07 PM

Actually this is all a RESPECT thing you will receive the RESPECT back that one GIVES. bigsmile flowerforyoubigsmile

It is not that hard to click off the post if you find it as whinning to some these are real questions they want answered. Why cause they truly don't understand why and they would really like to understand.

We all get down at times and need a little help getting back up. How hard is it really to give a few kind words.bigsmile drinker

Most just need to think before they click that post topic button. And think for just a minute would this be what I would say if I was face to face with this person and they asked this question? How would I feel if it was me asking (it does not matter if you are sitting there shaking your head saying you never would ask it) just think for a change.

There are real people on the other side of these screens reading your words. How easy it would be to put a smile upon their face instead of a tear rolling down there cheek due to harsh words that was said without even a thought.grumble grumble

Ones should treat others the way they want to be treated. Not the way the world has treated you.flowerforyou

There is a human with feelings that are reading your words try for once to sit where they are. You have no ideal they could be on their last hope and you just made them feel worthless. For what your own satisfaction. HOW SAD!!!!noway noway

I agree with you. I can't believe that other people are actuallyu advocating making fun of people, and being mean.

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 01:05 PM

People come to JSH for many reasons, but most people stay for the Forums. I know this is the reason that I am on here so much. I have noticed that when people ask for advice on the forums there is always some jackass that insults them tells them to suck it up, or says something mean. While everyone is allowed thier opinion if you are going to insult someone when they are looking for help just don't post.

And yes I realise that some people would say that I am whining in this post, but I don't care, People need to grow up and just help others instead of making others feel worse.

Obviously you are oblivious to how your "lets all just feel good about ourselves" has brought the level of our society down and have made our younger generations basically incompitent to handle what the "real world" is going to throw at them.

You sound like a person who would vote for taking the game "tag" out of school. In fear that some child would get "thier feelings hurt" because no one wanted to tag them. this was a LITERAL CASE!

Sometime the TRUTH can hurt. It's a part of life..DEAL WITH IT! Life is NOT is NOT about everyone feeling "good", in life you have "winners and losers". In life you have good and bad.

FACTS are FACTS. This bs mentality in America now, trying to "please all of the people all of the time" as you can clearly see right in front of your face..DOES NOT WORK! Why? Because LIFE IS NOT MADE THAT WAY! DUH!

This is NOT a flame nor is it said out of anger or in a hostile way. It's simple FACT and TRUTH, which you can run and hide and stick your head in a hole and hope it all goes away. But he FACT is its NOT going to.

A person MUST deal with LIFE on LIFE'S terms..not thier own terms. Life will win EVERY TIME!

Wish in one hand..crap in the other and see which becomes real. Thats just LIFE! bigsmile drinker flowerforyou

I thank you for characterizing me as something I am not. I actaully believe that kids should be taught about winning and losing and everything else that just helps kids grow up.

No matter what people say words can hurt, and anyone who grew up getting teased thier whole life can tell you that.

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 01:01 PM

Some people are rude, some are direct, no matter what, there are entitled to their oppenion. If someone throws out something in an open forum such as this, they should be prepared to receive points of view from all personalities. This is not some nanny forum where mamma protects you from the bully down the street, we are adults.

I said people can have what ever opinion they want, but if they are going to insult the other person, why even do it?

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 12:57 PM

There's a difference between asking for advice and the pity-seeking-woe-is-me threads that some people enjoy posting daily.

But still people should be respectful. Its like everyone says if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all.

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 12:51 PM

thank you!

The only time i'll get rude is if someone posts a "Rate my profile" out of the designated forum.


does that make me a bad person?

No just anal-retentive lmao laugh laugh

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 12:47 PM
People come to JSH for many reasons, but most people stay for the Forums. I know this is the reason that I am on here so much. I have noticed that when people ask for advice on the forums there is always some jackass that insults them tells them to suck it up, or says something mean. While everyone is allowed thier opinion if you are going to insult someone when they are looking for help just don't post.

And yes I realise that some people would say that I am whining in this post, but I don't care, People need to grow up and just help others instead of making others feel worse.

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 12:36 PM

Yeah I know its just such a shame, if it were anyone else it would be an ideal job for me.
Curious, what is your job?

I am a video editor for my college's web tv program.

And Zapchaser, I was asking people for advice on what i should do. If you think I am whining then just leave.

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 10:46 AM
Yeah I know its just such a shame, if it were anyone else it would be an ideal job for me.

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 10:42 AM

Are you working for money or respect?

Well I can get a higher paying job, with more hours somewhere else. I have this job because it was fun, and I got to be creative. But my boss has sucked all of that out, for the above mentioned reasons.

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 10:38 AM
I know I can't trust my boss. He has told me so many things that he later went back on for no reason, or none that he would give me. He doesn't tell anyone no he will avoid a topic till people drop. That and he is horrible with any sort of planning what so ever. I would go over his head and complaine to his boss, but I don't want to look like I am whinning or anything. I'm just not sure what to do.

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 10:31 AM
symbelmyne I totally agree with you on this one.

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 10:31 AM
symbelmyne I totally agree with you on this one.

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/19/08 10:29 AM
Can you work for someone that you have absolutly no respect for? I am not takling about liking or disliking your boss, but just not respecting him/her. I have a boss that I used to respect but his actions since I have been working with him has just proven that he does not deserve my respect and that I can not trust what he says. Its a good job but I am not sure what to do. I can deal with a boss that I don't like I have done that before, but this is the first time I have not respected my boss.