Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 01:00 PM
Another round then? drinker drinker drinker

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:58 PM
Bugger the chasing lets get to the catching devil devil devil

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:56 PM
Yes he was. Or was it the scotch that made us slow?

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:55 PM
Oooo is this the part where I get to chase you around the desk?:tongue:

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:53 PM
All the way darlin smooched

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:52 PM
Is that what he had? Should have tripped him.

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:48 PM
You are quite welcome smooched

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:42 PM

Cheers.......drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

Cheers ..drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:42 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh
You certainly qualify as a MILF on my list honey. Mmmm mmm mmm

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:39 PM
I think we need to install one of these in here.

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:38 PM
Indeed......... Bartender another round! drinker drinker drinker

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:37 PM

lol kinda sucks being a surviving woman tho... friggin men tryin to re-populate the world laugh laugh

Wouldn't that be everyones goal?

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:36 PM

would you be able to survive in a post-apocalyptic world? No electricity, no plumbing, no grocery stores, etc. Think of the Gilligan's Island theme song, but you don't get a professor!

I am my own Professor, so yes, I could and would.

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:35 PM
I do believe it was a woman that started the MLF thread.:tongue:

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:34 PM

thanks sweetie.......scotch isn't it.....:wink:

Your welcome sugar. Yes it is indeed. Jura 30 year old to be exact.

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:24 PM

thanks hon. I highly doubt, as I said in his thread, that I would be able to come .. but nothing is impossible :tongue:

Mercy that could be twisted around. devil

noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway
*rolls eyes and sighs* (((((( MEN! devil ))))))

As if women are any better. laugh laugh laugh laugh

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:23 PM

Have a drink with me......devil bigsmile

\_/ \_/ \_/

Anytime, you know that:wink: :tongue:

\_/ \_/ \_/

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:21 PM

Where is that Concierge? I need a few things.:tongue:

Give me your list and I will have him bring it right away...

I would rather you brought then since your on the list :tongue:

Well that can be arranged.. :wink:

Fabulous! Then I need a bottle of Jura, a box of Fuente' & Fuente' Canone's and I would like room service to send up dinner for two. :tongue: :tongue:

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:18 PM

You know the energy bill that Congress passed and President Bush signed into law the other day? Tucked into the legislation is a provision that mandates the phase-out of the 125-year-old incandescent bulb in the next four to 12 years in favor of a new generation of trendy, supposedly energy-efficient compact fluorescent lights (CFL’s). That’s right, soon you will have no choice but these terrible dim bulbs that need a few minutes to warm up before you can even see anything in the room.

First, Australia. Then the EU. And now us. Well-intended bulb-pushers said they weren’t supporting mandates. Just “voluntary adoption” of lighting alternatives. But the road to eco-meddling is always paved with “voluntary” intentions–along with threats to your children that if you don’t volunteer to buy environmentally correct lights, Santa and his reindeer will DIE! That according to the Seattle Mayor at a tree lighting ceremony in the downtown area. The Mayor used the event to preach the evils of global warming to the kids in attendance. He warned the children that if they don’t use energy-efficient light bulbs, Santa and the reindeer will perish amid melting icecaps. Can’t Christmas be Christmas without scaring the kids?

The light bulb provision phases out traditional bulbs by gradually increasing efficiency requirements through 2020. Conveniently for manufacturers like Philips, GE, et al, which have been pushing for legislation that would phase out incandescent bulbs (and level the playing field among competitors while giving Philips the public relations credit), the compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) already meet the 2020 requirement. Do you see where if you follow the money you can always find what the real agenda behind this stuff is?

Proponents of government intervention into the light bulb market argue the change will save consumers money – The claim is it will save $40 billion in energy and other costs in the next 22 years. But aside from mentioning that one drawback of CFLs – that their “yellowish tints” are annoying to some eyes – they fail to mention the major flaw of the new technology: mercury. Mercury, a toxic metal famously found in thermometers, helps create the increased efficiency of a CFL bulb. If the bulb breaks, the small amount of mercury can contaminate the area. I thought we had been focusing the last few years on keeping this stuff out of the environment and away from our children.

The Financial Post reported in April that a broken CFL bulb cost a Maine woman more than $2,000 to clean when the state Department of Environmental Protection referred her to a cleanup company. At $5 in energy savings per bulb per month, one broken bulb could eat up 33 years’ worth of savings!

The federal EPA doesn’t recommend professional cleanup for a broken bulb. It recommends you open a window, leave the room for 15 minutes, then put on some rubber gloves, scoop up the broken bits and seal them in a plastic bag, then put that bag in another plastic bag before throwing it out. Then wash your hands.

Even if the bulb doesn’t break, CFL users are supposed to dispose of used bulbs through state-run household hazardous waste programs, which aren’t nearly as simple or convenient as tossing a burnt bulb in the trash. Some states, like Maine, tell residents to hold hazardous materials in their homes until designated collection days. Many others, like Virginia, require participants to take the bulbs to waste disposal sites for special processing.

What happened to keeping government out of our bedroom? And our bathroom? And our utility closets?
In a little over a year -- January 2009 -- this major change will be introduced and will have a significant impact on domestic and industrial users, as well as lighting installers and manufacturers.

No guidelines or informative advice have been published regarding the changeover. Yet again, the long-suffering public will be left to shoulder the added cost. It will also have to endure the hassle of yet another quick and easy knee-jerk government measure aimed at cheap, "green" feel-good publicity rather than a carefully thought through measure.

have you even tried the new coiled florecent lights that screw into the existing sockets. I have those in my home and those are bright as He*ll. The bar style lights that need the balast setup are dim yes but they never said that you had to use them. just as long as it is a florecent. There not as expensive when as the standard bulbs when you consider how much longer they last and how much power they save. (Im speaking from expierince) With standard bulbs I was changing bulbs every couple of months but now since I changed to all florescents I havent changed a bulb in at least six months. This one is a good thing in my opinion. This is not ment to offend just my point of view from my ecperinces.

Yes, I have used the modern screw in type. AKA Compact Florecent Lamp or "CFL". As I stated in the original posting, they are dim until they warm up. And the real point was, although they are an alternative, they are not good enough to be mandated. Couple that with the fact they are dangerous is broken, I do not want them in my house. Most of all, I do not want the government telling me what kind of light bulb I "have" to use.

There is however a much better technology on the market,LED Lamps, but as yet are quite expensive. The price will come down as more and more people catch on to these. They last longer, are not toxic, they bright the moment you turn them on and best of all, the work with dimmer switches.


Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:00 PM
The point of "Back on track" was that I had no added anything to this thread in a while.