Community > Posts By > Rayvin

Rayvin's photo
Wed 03/19/08 08:09 PM
One's muse may fall upset
Brooding in corners left unchecked
Inspiration, as well subject
To anger o'er unwitting neglect
Tend her dear and she will persist
Mouthing lines to long to list
Confine her time, cold and whist
You will find her sitting
Talents sometimes do set adrift
Yet are not as easily miffed
Can be kindled deftly swift
With a chosen instrument
Should your muse resolve to pout
Leave her be and do without
Jealousy is bound to mount
Within her unremitting

Rayvin's photo
Fri 10/26/07 04:28 PM
All my tats mean something. My left arm is dedicated to Family, Nature and the elements Earth and Water.

Rayvin's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:36 PM
Jess, Beltane is in May for us here :)

It's good to see there are some who know.....quite nice.

anemail, go. Especially salem!!!!! Wow. That would be awesome.

Rayvin's photo
Wed 10/24/07 08:32 PM
*ehem* HHUUUUUMMM---

*ehem hem* HUMMMM____----

If you've got troubles and need a helping hand
Come to meeeeee...
I will be your friend..
If you are hungry and got no place to stayyyyyy
Come to meeeee...
I will be your friend.

Applause please....

Rayvin's photo
Wed 10/24/07 07:40 PM
Shyness comes from insecurities. I know many should like to rise arms at this and say, "I'm confident and self-assured." However, the bottom-line is insecurity. Fear comes from not knowing. Shyness is fear. You may be confident in certain areas, but unfortunately, the areas to which you are not either giving voice or are simply not listening, hold larger sway. Example, your sexual abilities are irrelevant in casual conversation, rendering that source of certainty impotent (excuse the pun :) Determine what you are afraid or unsure of. It may be something unresolved inside of you regarding your recently ended 7yr relationship.

Rayvin's photo
Wed 10/24/07 07:20 PM
This weekend there are supposed to be actors performing "A Tell-Tale Heart" there :) Unfortunately, I doubt I'll make it out to that though.

Rayvin's photo
Wed 10/24/07 07:03 PM
The spirits have better things to do ;) Bah I say. BAH! :D

Rayvin's photo
Wed 10/24/07 06:56 PM
What you got planed for Halloween? What costume is in order? Who will be tricked and who will be treated?

I'm entertaining the notion of going to Edgar Allen Poe's house in Baltimore. I haven't been. Other than that....still sorting it out.

Rayvin's photo
Wed 10/24/07 06:37 PM
Ask the right questions and listen. No...LISTEN. The average person is self-centered and self-serving. This is not pessimistic talk, just straight talk. With that, be prudent in your approach and pointed in your listening. Read through lines. Lies leave holes that are easy to see. It's not a phenomenon that you are coming across women that want to cheat. In my short ;) years, I've come to find the differences between men and women tend to be, well...not that striking. Human first, gender second. Thank of the talks I'm sure you've heard or had with guy friends. Girls have those very talks. Again, active listening and prudence.

Rayvin's photo
Wed 10/24/07 06:28 PM
...Oh sorry. I thought someone called me.


Rayvin's photo
Wed 10/24/07 06:24 PM
Must.....fight help....*ugh* with your studies.....


Rayvin's photo
Wed 10/24/07 06:18 PM
Don't let it make you too cynical. Let it be a lesson in temperance.

Rayvin's photo
Wed 10/24/07 06:09 PM
Lady, my forearm didn't hurt that much at all either. It felt more like a burning discomfort. But when right around my elbow!!! _silence_ :D HAHAHAHAHA. Also on the inner part of my shoulder _more silence_ :D My wrists were a little rough as well. The artist kept hitting a never some different fingers would twitch at different times. *sigh* The memories...

Rayvin's photo
Wed 10/24/07 06:06 PM
PJ, it hurts like a @#$@#$ :D

But honestly, as strange as it may seem, the pain is part of what makes it. I say, if after you get one tattoo you get another, you are well on your way to being addicted. I've been tattooed over 10 times. My left arm sleeve is nearly done, I have roughly 2 ~ 3 more sessions left before I finish it, and I have a tattoo on my right wrist, shoulder and the outer part of my right bicep. I love it. As some one mentioned, I don't look at piercing as art, but they are pretty damn sexy ;) I guess, in the vein of self-expression, I can see that, but tattoos are art to me. On a personal note, tattoos are also therapeutic. You can see a hint of my sleeve in my main profile pic. Take a look :D

Rayvin's photo
Wed 10/24/07 05:51 PM
LDRs can work and can be quite rewarding and enjoyable, but they have a suspense date. One of the parties has to be willing to relocate, or at some point, "Last call." See, LDRs are like milk. You get it and it has a built in spoil-date. Now, if you keep it refrigerated at a nice cool temperature, you can make it last a little longer than the date.


TIP 1: keep your LDR cooler than normal relationships.

But, even with a frosty setting on the nicest refrigerator, mother nature will have her way with your milk, at which point it becomes buttermilk. Once this happens you have to...

TIP 2: Re-evaluate why you bought the milk

See, if you got if for the normal things like eating cereal or making chocolate milk, buttermilk will be ill-suited for the task. If you are able to upon re-evaluation say, "Hey, Betty Crocker makes some AAAMMMZZING Buttermilk biscuits!" Then you can redefine your purpose for the milk and proceed making biscuits, but mind you

TIP 3: A recipe for this sort of thing must be made to suit what you have available

Making biscuits is a whole different ball-game than eating cereal.

In answer, yes LDRs can work, but only for a prescribed time. Then it's time to either move, evolve, or put it aside.