Community > Posts By > FullMetal

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Tue 10/03/06 11:22 PM
I saw something totally cool Sunday night, this new Showtime show called
Dexter. The idea behind it is there's this creepy guy Dexter who by day
is a policeman who specializes in blood splatter at crime scenes, and by
night he's a serial killer. That would be interesting enough, but the
real hook is that his victim of choice is other serial killers!

Other shows I also approve would be Nip Tuck, Sleeper Cell, Dead Like Me
and when they start up again Rescue Me and The Shield. Cable TV has some
of the best shows, in my opinion... Anybody else watching any other good
shows? -=)

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Tue 10/03/06 11:13 PM
The women wearing the berkahs, not the other stuff, btw. -=x

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Tue 10/03/06 11:12 PM
I think, and don't quote me on this, that it has something to do with a
passage in the Quran, something the prophet Muhammad said. -=x

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Tue 10/03/06 11:07 PM
"My last date i dont even want to call a date, due to the fact that he
kept ignoring phone calls i thought because we were simply on a date
then i found out he had something called a girlfriend! "

Pffft...Consider yourself lucky about him not answering the phone!

My last date was with someone my cousin met and thought was ideal for
me. I never got a chance to really find out about her because as soon as
I met up with her, her phone went off as what it seemed like everyone
she knew called her, and she felt the need to answer! When we were at
dinner and she answered the phone and wound up talking to some dude she
met the week before, I had had it. I took her phone and dropped it in
her drink, left her with the check and took off. -=x

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Tue 10/03/06 10:53 PM
"there is know way she is a student if she said i'm the doctor that will
be perfoming the surgery she must have graduated "

Actually in medical centers with a teaching program, students CAN
preform surgery as long as they are under the supervision of a certified
surgeon. -=x

no photo
Tue 10/03/06 10:49 PM
"I would everyone has to start off somewhere and the student will be
supervised and they wouldnt let the student do it if they hand some
experience "

if it was cutting my hair or cleaning my teeth, that'd be one
thing...But my eyesight isn't something I can just say "Aw, well
everyone has to start somewhere. Go ahead and practice on me eyes first
and get you some experience!", you know?

And I already said I'd wait till I could get a different surgeon and
they were trying to convince me that she was a qualified surgeon to do
the procedure. I was like "OK, if its her first time on a patient, she's
qualified in theory, not in fact" and they then told me how she actually
has done the surgery before. I ask who and how it turned out and then
they admitted that the other surgeries were preformed on cadavers! Screw
that! lol! -=x

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Tue 10/03/06 10:39 PM
"--And FullMetal u definitely sound like ur from the A...but actually
I'm a Decatur girl."

Yup, I'm quite familiar with Decatur as I got friends and family there.
Myself, I live downtown Atlanta, like maybe 10 minutes from Decatur. -=)

no photo
Tue 10/03/06 10:25 PM
OK, that's what I'm saying! What happens during the surgery when she
gets the giggles and snorts while putting the incision in my eye? Like
women are gonna want to date a freakin' cyclops! -=x

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Tue 10/03/06 10:21 PM
Earlier today I went to the optometrist for a new prescription for my
tinted glasses. I've always been really light sensitive to the point
that I have to wear heavily tinted shades indoors or out, day or night,
and it was time to see if I could get them even darker. Well, this visit
the doctor told me that they thought the reason I was so light sensitive
was because I had a special kind of cataract in both eyes, and that with
surgery they could help me.

So they sent me to talk to pre op and had me consent to sign papers of
consent for surgery, which consists of making a 3 mm sized incision in
my eye, after an injection of a local annesthetic under my eye, and
blasting the cataract with ultrasound waves, and then inserting a
specially tinted lens in my eye. I'm totally freaking from this,
especially when they run down the list of dangers and possible side
effects, ranging from swelling around the eye to blindness or even
death...But they then reassure me that the chances are highly slim and
rarely happen, and doctors preform this all the time. So I suck it up
and sign, right?

Then like five minutes after I sign, this doctor that looks like they
haven't graduated from high school yet, much less med school, walks in
and introduces herself as the doctor who'll be preforming the surgery. I
ask just how many times she's done the procedure, and you know what she
says? "Oh, this'll be my very first and I'm excited, aren't you?"

Excited? I'm freakin' horrified! WTF is up with the 'bait and switch'
tactic when they lead me to believe the doctor with years of experience
will be doing the procedure, and then tell me after signing the consent
forms that med school Barbie will be the one doing it? Am I
over-reacting? -=X

no photo
Tue 10/03/06 09:59 PM
family = headache -=x

no photo
Tue 10/03/06 09:57 PM
I don't assume...I just arbitarily judge and -=p

no photo
Tue 10/03/06 09:50 PM
"Well I personally don't have a problem with homosexuals. DO YOU! But I
live in Atlanta, and what I AM tired of is every time it seems I see a
cute, intelligent, nice-looking dude-- he's gay! U know the ratio of
women to men in ATL is already like 11:1, not including guys that're
married, or gay-- or, let's keep it real: BOTH!! So that increases the
ratio to like 13:1! You know how hard it is to find someone worth
something in ATL who can be faithful? It's a lil disturbing. As soon as
I graduate I'm moving, somewhere where the population's a little
more...inviting lol"

HA! Spoken like someone who lives either near Buckhead, Piedmont Park or
Ansley! -=x

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Tue 10/03/06 09:10 PM
I have. When I went to art school we shared the building with fashion
design, and 90% of the males taking that course were gay. Also, when we
took photography we used transexuals instead of real women because they
were cheaper, and unless you knew what to look for you couldn't tell
them apart from the real thing. So afte school we'd go to local places
together to eat or drink or dance and if you're a sociable person like I
am, you're eventually going to hang with them for extended periods of
time. -=x

no photo
Tue 10/03/06 08:58 PM
Yeah, what Ghost said. I don't see the appeal of another guy, but if it
happens to be another guy's turn on, good for them.

Actually, I think gay men are a good thing to have in the world, in a
straight man's point of view. The more gay men, the less competition for
women straight men have, right?

But then there are those wicked lesbians we have to worry about... -=x

no photo
Tue 10/03/06 08:43 PM
Personally, I could care less if someone's living with their parents...I
mean, if the parents don't mind, why the hell should I? Some family
situations are like that, some parents like their family there and the
sons and daughters still want to be near their family unit like that.

In a way, I kind of envy that. When I hit 15, I thought I wanted out of
my house ASAP, and when I hit 17 I jumped at the chance to move half way
around the world from my family. Sure, I had a blast on my own and still
do, but I also realize on the family time I missed, especially with my
parents. My dad died while I was gone, and I never got a chance to
reprair things with him because I just had to get away from my family
with enough distance as possible, and I regret that. Maybe if I had hung
around and took whatever time it took to fix things, no telling what
might have happened, who knows.

Ah well, my family has sorta learned from that...My mom and sister live
together, both gainfully employed and sharing bills, and she now and
then stays with me. On the other hand, I know a guy who lives with his
mom, pays no bills, comes and goes as he pleases and his mom couldn't be
happier he's there with her. Just goes to show, all families have
different dynamics, and what's right for your family may not works for
others, and vice versa...So enjoy yours and stop judging others. -=x

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 11:45 PM
lol! That would be extremely cheap, wouldn't it?

But actually when you create your little avatar, you pick your look and
starting clothes, plus you get like 1000 credits to try out the
shopping. So no, no nude little cartoon characters running around...-=x

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 11:41 PM
"Is it concidered stalking if you hunt for post put up by ONE specific
person?? Does ONE need to know he's being stalked for his stalker to be
an actual stalker?? "

Well, Cookie...If you're the one stalking me, I wanna know so I can
revel in the!

"My understand of a stalker would be someone sitting outside your house,
watching you at all hours, following you where you go, maybe even
tapping your phone or getting into electronic accounts. I don't think
that is what is meant here."

Wow...So when I did my stint as a repo guy, I was really a stalker? Go

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 11:34 PM
This is actually a fairly cool to chat...I ran across it by accident the
other day and decided to check it out. It is free and all, the way the
site makes money is by selling clothes, items and backgrounds for your
IM chat avatar. However, if you don't feel like playing dress up, then
you don't pay for anything. The thing about it that kind of sucks is the
fact that if you want the word "guest" removed from your name, i.e.
"guest_FullMetal", you have to buy your name.

other then that little rip, it is a pretty nifty little thing, far more
entertaining then looking at the same old im chat box. -=x

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 11:28 PM
Wait...Monday was supposed to be a holiday day off??? WTF, man?!? Nobody
told me yesterday was a day off! Oman, that severely pisses me off!!! I
swear, I would seriously consider going into work tomorrow and kicking
my boss in the ass...

But then I remember I work at home and for myself, so nevermind. But
really...Yesterday was a holiday? What holiday? -=x

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 10:55 PM
Snoop Dogg is pop??? Poor guy, he's gotten too commercial now if he's
considered as pop.

Anyway, I detest pop, especially the boy band craze that thankfully
seems to have died down some. It rarely seems to be about the talent
with most pop acts, but rather the image and the marketing. it doesn't
really matter how badly a pop act sings since they'll be lip synced at
public apperances anyways...The big matter is that they look good, make
young fans scream and want to buy merchandise with their images
plastered all over them. -=x