Community > Posts By > stevenpwis

stevenpwis's photo
Thu 02/07/08 03:35 PM
you didn't need to say she doesn't like me, that right there was uncalled for. Don't need to make assumptions like that.

stevenpwis's photo
Thu 02/07/08 03:24 PM
when she says she really likes me and enjoys spending time with me that we do have together, i take that as her liking me.

stevenpwis's photo
Thu 02/07/08 03:22 PM
yep, you said i don't need didn't give advice, you just said she doesn't like me, you may need to look advice up in the dictionary.

stevenpwis's photo
Thu 02/07/08 03:14 PM
Edited by stevenpwis on Thu 02/07/08 03:16 PM
well kalleigh, if she didn't like me she wouldn't be my girlfriend. I don't know where your opinions come from, but it doesn't make too much sense. For being such an old woman, you are pretty childish. She has a busy schedule, and I do understand that.

stevenpwis's photo
Thu 02/07/08 02:59 PM
Edited by stevenpwis on Thu 02/07/08 03:00 PM
wow, thanks for that kelleigh, you're pretty smart.

stevenpwis's photo
Thu 02/07/08 02:52 PM
so i just tell her that when i said i wanted to spend more time with her, it could mean helping her with her homework and studying?

stevenpwis's photo
Thu 02/07/08 12:57 PM
thanks, I will have a great limp

stevenpwis's photo
Thu 02/07/08 12:38 PM

stevenpwis's photo
Thu 02/07/08 12:36 PM

and quit analyzing everything........geez youre going to give yourself a heart attack!!!noway laugh noway laugh

Nah, it'll be a stroke. Strokes are what runs in my family...hahaha

stevenpwis's photo
Thu 02/07/08 12:33 PM
thank you very much

stevenpwis's photo
Thu 02/07/08 12:28 PM
isn't it already on?

stevenpwis's photo
Thu 02/07/08 12:25 PM

Be patient. Good things come to those who wait.happy Don't force her to choose or you're gonna lose.'Cause if she chose you, she may resent you later anyway...
If she's that important to you, be proud of what she's doing for herself.

I am proud of her, and she knows i am

stevenpwis's photo
Thu 02/07/08 12:20 PM
yeah, I worry way too much.

stevenpwis's photo
Thu 02/07/08 12:15 PM
well, she just instant messaged me, and I apologized if I may have upset her about the whole thing. She said she is not upset, she said that you were expressing your thoughts and that wouldn't upset me. I am overwhelmed but you should still be able to talk to me about what's on your mind and not worry about me getting upset.

stevenpwis's photo
Thu 02/07/08 11:56 AM

noway Not sure I agree - I would feel smothered if the person I was dating, knowing my work/school schedule still wanted to be around me knowing I would not pay attention to them.

I would find it cute/high schoolish but also distracting, I like to study in complete quiet and solitude.. but that's just me. Why not find something else to do to occupy your time while I study?

jmo happy

I am the same way, I need it quiet and to be alone when I do homework as well, but she told me that she likes to have noise when she is studying and doing homework. She likes the distractions.

stevenpwis's photo
Thu 02/07/08 11:32 AM
I've been seeing a girl for a month, she is going to school for her masters, she's taking 6 classes and she works 3 overnights a week. We only see each other about 3 hours a week, usually Sunday evenings before she goes to work. I realize she is busy, but I want to spend a little more time with her. I emailed her this morning telling her that I like her a lot and would like to spend more time than we do together. I'm not asking for a ton of time with her. She emailed me back saying that she definitely wants to spend more time with me, she just doesn't know if she has much more to offer. She said how she is stressed out because everything she does is getting cut so close. She apologized for not spending more time with me, and said she probably shouldn't be dating anyone right now because she is so busy and it really isn't fair, but she likes me and enjoys spending time with me. I'm just trying to communicate to her what I was hoping for, only asking for maybe 2 or 3 hours more time with her a week, even if I am with her while she is doing homework, I don't really care.

stevenpwis's photo
Tue 02/05/08 05:36 PM
Edited by stevenpwis on Tue 02/05/08 05:38 PM
well, I think if she doesn't get in touch with me tonight, I may just end it, unless she is thinking of ending it with me first, for some reason, not sure what i did wrong.

People always say "be yourself", but that doesn't work, I am nice to the girls I am with, and am always myself, it just seems to hurt me every time.

stevenpwis's photo
Tue 02/05/08 05:24 PM
she says she doesn't like to talk on the phone

stevenpwis's photo
Tue 02/05/08 05:14 PM
I honestly have no idea what is going on, she doesn't respond to my text either, I sent a text to her asking how her project at school went, but she doesn't reply to that either. I just don't find any of this fair, I just wish i knew what was going on.

stevenpwis's photo
Tue 02/05/08 03:36 PM
thanks for all that advice

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