Community > Posts By > stevenpwis

stevenpwis's photo
Tue 12/11/07 08:23 PM
smoking causes cancer? Do turtles have necks?

stevenpwis's photo
Tue 12/11/07 08:14 PM
kelly and I are now exclusive, but she still won't kiss me. I asked her why tonight and she said she is a bad kisser and has bad coordination. On my way home from her house I thought to myself, does this mean I will never get a kiss out of her? I ended up calling her and I asked her about the kissing, I asked if someone in her past told her she is a bad kisser. She said yes, but also in school kids used to push her against lockers and abuse her and ask when they were going to have their way with her. She said she would talk to me more about it tomorrow.

stevenpwis's photo
Tue 12/11/07 01:13 PM
Yes, boys are stupid, but what do you think about men?

stevenpwis's photo
Tue 12/11/07 12:38 PM
one on christmas, one on christmas eve

stevenpwis's photo
Mon 12/10/07 04:11 PM
do the truffle shuffle

stevenpwis's photo
Mon 12/10/07 04:10 PM
Edited by stevenpwis on Mon 12/10/07 04:10 PM
pull your pants down and wiggle around, that's how she will smile. Maybe even get a giggle out of it.

stevenpwis's photo
Mon 12/10/07 04:08 PM
i fall in like fast and hard as well

stevenpwis's photo
Mon 12/10/07 04:05 PM
it's infatuation

stevenpwis's photo
Mon 12/10/07 04:05 PM
she will think it's adorable

stevenpwis's photo
Mon 12/10/07 04:04 PM
also if she is looking at you, you can lick your hand like you're a cat, she will smile. When you see her watching you lick your hand, clean your head with your wrist, that definitely gets a smile out of her.

stevenpwis's photo
Mon 12/10/07 04:02 PM
licking her puts a smile on her face

stevenpwis's photo
Mon 12/10/07 04:00 PM
cat lady

stevenpwis's photo
Mon 12/10/07 04:00 PM
and she had a lot of cats, I hate cats, her house smelled disgusting because of the cats

stevenpwis's photo
Mon 12/10/07 03:59 PM
plus she is 29 and not independent at all, wants to live at her parents house until they die and give it to her.

stevenpwis's photo
Mon 12/10/07 03:58 PM
my ex got too comfortable with me, she gained a lot of weight, and she never dressed nice or did her hair. She didn't care about her appearance at all. I became unbelievably unattracted to her.

stevenpwis's photo
Mon 12/10/07 03:56 PM
don't do it just to be liked angelina...if it comes at a special time before marriage that's fine, but don't do it just to make him happy.

stevenpwis's photo
Mon 12/10/07 03:48 PM
sex really isn't that important. When it is done for the first time it should be special. I regret the way I lost my virginity, it was just a skanky one night stand, I wish it was with someone I was in love with. Oh well, can't change the past.

stevenpwis's photo
Mon 12/10/07 03:45 PM
wow, for some reason I really like that pen thing, I want to give that a try some time. I'm so smart

stevenpwis's photo
Mon 12/10/07 03:42 PM
you can have my ex, she is available

stevenpwis's photo
Mon 12/10/07 03:40 PM
or you could do the licking technique