Community > Posts By > indianadave4
Mom has a gun
No offence Dave but I could rip one of them Sears tool boxes in under a minute. Armrests, Glovebox or sears Tool boxes are wayyyy not safe. just my opinion. Not while I'm home you won't. When I leave it travels with me. On top of all this, only my children know I own a hand gun. This is something I don't advertise and, other than the city and state no one on mingle2 knows my address. I'm curious, let's say you have a dentist appointment, you load up the weapon, grab your sunglasses and car keys, you put your weapon in your armrest for the drive. once you're there, it stays in the armrest for an hour unlocked? ![]() Don't advertise your gun that's fine, i'd just assume everyone had 3 weapons on them, if I was a criminal ![]() Modern day cars have locks!!!!!!!!!!!! and I always lock my car, ALWAYS, and I never use the electronic key fob, NEVER. |
I think that's not wrong.I wanna date with older women that's so excited. ;) If age is no lime then there are lots of retirement centers with older women available! |
Non fatal response ... Kudos
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Tue 07/10/18 06:25 PM
why is cookies and milk even a part of this discussion has anyone suggested that cops carry or pass out cookies and milk? Cops should not be above the law, however hard their job is. If they take a life in something other than SELF DEFENSE or in response to a visible threatening weapon, they should be held accountable to it, and they should be held accountable for excessive force, roughing someone up for a mere push, for example. If it wouldnt fly as defense for a civilian, it shouldnt fly for them. Police are not above the law and, in some ways, courts should be more heavy handed with them that Joe citizen. My only concern is at times they have "seconds" to respond or die. Like I posted earlier, in most communities once an officer shoots (possibly kills) someone they are placed on paid leave pending an investigation. Even if there are witnesses and the body cam video family members claim "my Johnny isn't like that" and claim the officer over reacted. We had a case like this last December (2017) in Elkhart Indiana. Some guy shot an individual at a party. Two officers just happened to be a block away. They drove up and stopped at blocking the alley in order to walk to the house and stop any traffic. This guy in his car shot once at the two officers and tried to run them over with his car (This is all on body cam). One Officer shot the individual and killed him. The family sued the city for wrongful death even though the video proved what happened and party goers testified that the officer shot in self defense. Even then the officer was on paid leave until, both, an internal investigation and a grand jury cleared him. During that time he spent time seeing a counselor because it bothered him that he took someones life, though in self defense. I would never want to be any kind of police officer knowing I could be killed and/or I might have to take someones life. |
Mom has a gun
No offence Dave but I could rip one of them Sears tool boxes in under a minute. Armrests, Glovebox or sears Tool boxes are wayyyy not safe. just my opinion. Not while I'm home you won't. When I leave it travels with me. On top of all this, only my children know I own a hand gun. This is something I don't advertise and, other than the city and state no one on mingle2 knows my address. |
America wins again.
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Tue 07/10/18 05:54 PM
I think Trump made a good nomination Choice. Let's hope it goes through I watched it on tv yesterday and he is well qualified. I found the opposition rather odd. By the end of the presidents presentation they were all displaying anti-Kavanaugh signs. "How did they design, print and distribute those so fast"? The opposition had to have printed out protest signs for all four of the candidates. So open minded of them!. We, in Indiana, were hoping for the lady that was on the list. She graduated from and served as a law professor from Notre Dame University (10 miles from where I live). I'll vote for that. When it comes to serving in public office I could care less about race or gender. It's what they believe and stand for that sways my interest. |
Ok, Elissals, I was bringing my idea to this. You also say you like man who is a womanizer. Be prepared that he will always have a wandering eye. I will make sure that he doesn’t cheat on me. I will follow him as much as I can. BTW, in the USA following him as much as you can would be considered stalking. |
Mom has a gun
I think it's a perfect example of totally rational use of a privately owned firearm. Shooting someone you're arguing with in a pub carpark is a completely different situation, or leaving a firearm laying around loaded so someone who shouldn't have access to it does and uses it, these are wholly other arguments about people who aren't mature enough to be given the responsibility of owning a firearm. But as for rational ways of using them, assuming you are a mature, responsible owner, this story is a great one. It should be a lawful act in every country. Totally agree. When not in the armrest of my car it resides in a Sears tool box with a four combination lock that only I know the combination. Leaving loaded firearms in a non-secure location is a complete lack of safety knowledge. |
America wins again.
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Tue 07/10/18 01:58 PM
I think Trump made a good nomination Choice. Let's hope it goes through I watched it on tv yesterday and he is well qualified. I found the opposition rather odd. By the end of the presidents presentation they were all displaying anti-Kavanaugh signs. "How did they design, print and distribute those so fast"? The opposition had to have printed out protest signs for all four of the candidates. So open minded of them!. We, in Indiana, were hoping for the lady that was on the list. She graduated from and served as a law professor from Notre Dame University (10 miles from where I live). |
I think when you get into a relationship young you either grow together or grow apart plus you've a big age gap !! From personal experience move on you're still young don't stay in a loveless marriage for the sake of it X Need a friend I live in Ireland too xx I wonder if you would give this advise if the OP were a man? Most women would verbally emasculate a married man for being on a dating site voicing the same problems. |
America wins again.
With President Trumps nomination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh as newest scotus many will say Conservatives win again, but I say America wins. Kavanaugh will interpret the law according to the constitution not on his own beliefs. We have governed this way for 242 years .and with this pick our democracy will be protected for the next 30 years or so. This may be the best of all of Trumps accomplishments . It's sure to " Keep America Great" for many years. Have to agree. Really frustrating when federal and supreme court judges "legislate" from the bench. |
Non fatal response ... Kudos
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Mon 07/09/18 09:08 PM
thank you for the information. Good on those who find non lethal means to address these 'assaults' and what I can imagine are the various DEGREES of threat they actually involve. there are literately 1000's of cops who dont use lethal force but it depends where they are too, I mean if you're a cop in Mayberry with Aunt Bee and the major crime is breaking and entering is different from lets say South side Chicago where every hood rat wants to take the cops out would you say that WHEREVER you are being 'assaulted' by a suspect is potentially dangerous, and more so than lets say, watching one run away? and would you say that the training and wherewithall to find non lethal means to deal with said 'assaults' is a testament to how well a cop does their job compared to one what has to use lethal force against running suspects? Police (city, county and state) are trained to use the least amount of force necessary to subdue an assailant. The problem is in major cities (like Chicago) the day can be going well and then suddenly the same officer's life is on the line and he has a second or two to respond. Living with that kind of threat would make anyone trigger happy. Whenever a local officer is in a shooting match and kills the assailant it is policy they are placed paid leave. Many end up having to go through some sort of counseling because killing someone usually causes mental stress and anxiety. |
Non fatal response ... Kudos
Non fatal response ... Kudos _________________________________________________________________ Kudos for sure :).. because it happens 10,000 times a day Exactly, we only really hear about it the rare times they use lethal force. So... are you saying we are only imagining that we are hearing about this? Sure didn't show up in the major network news. Unless it would have been the officer using unlawful force the media isn't interested. |
Mom has a gun
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Mon 07/09/18 08:45 PM
One of the many reasons I've just renewed my Indiana carry permit. I've never carried it on me, personally. However, I do carry it in the armrest.
Early 20s is the best time to go out with hot guys who don’t mean anything ... save the serious stuff for when you’re older That's how women turn off good men. |
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Wed 07/04/18 01:54 PM
My last relationship was with a 19 year old guy. I’m 22. He already treated me as if I was a cougar lol. A lot of younger guys on the forums here from 18 years old or so also do that. We differ only in 4 years of age and they still look at me as if I’m a cougar. It’s pretty upsetting sometimes. Makes me feel old. Eighteen year olds are wet behind the ears and have no experience in life. Barely out of high school. At 22 you have 4 years of experience on them and while it may not seem a lot it's enough to display lack of maturity on their part. When I left for college I felt my parents were backwards. When I graduated it was amazing how much "they" had learned in that four years. |
Whether younger or older people (men and women) want to have some amount of physical attraction in order to be in a romantic relationship.
The Invisible Struggle of Married Men
Why aren't we talking about "voicelessness" in married men? Harriet Lerner Ph.D. So much attention has been focused on the fact that women don't have a strong, clear, assertive voice to bring to relationships. This is often true in the workplace. Interestingly, however, men lose their voice in marriage far more than women do. They may distance or stonewall, telling themselves, “It’s not worth the fight.” They may remove themselves emotionally from the relationship, and then feel devastated when a partner leaves them “out of the blue.” My own research on marriage and coupling up indicates this: Many men tolerate too much criticism, intensity, and negativity from their partner, rather than taking a firm and loving position on their own behalf. Many men haven’t found their voice to say to their partner, “I’m here to talk to you about absolutely anything. But you need to approach me with respect". Harriet Lerner Ph.D. -------------------------------------------------- Point: For the last 30 years men have been attacked and masculinity criticized. Some coming from radical feminists but mostly from the entertainment industry. TV sit-coms,commercials, movies, music,etc. Television has been rife with dumb dads. From Ralph Kramden and Fred Flintstone through Tim Taylor, Ray Romano and Homer Simpson, the prevailing concept is one of a bumbling, slavish, spoiled little man-child. Commercials only up the ante, churning out insane images of men as domestically inept, sports ’n beer-obsessed Neanderthals. The trend for using hyper-athletic male models and celebrities in advertising has grown significantly in recent years, giving rise to the term ‘Hunkvertising’ – and resulting in men today being just as sexualised in advertising campaigns as women. Dr. Katherine Young: the negative portrayals of men in media and advertising have contributed to an attack on the male identity, making it more difficult for men today to figure out where their place is. Haven’t we learned anything from feminism and the sexual revolution about the harmful effects of sexism and stereotyping? Set up by Britain’s Advertising Standards Authority, the push, which has been called one of the most comprehensive reviews of gender stereotyping in advertising anywhere in the world, stems from a consideration of the impact that such stereotyping can have on children and youth in the formation of their gender concepts. Ads that portray a mother as the sole domestic worker, for example, will be singled out, along with ones that show men “trying and failing to undertake simple parental or household tasks.” -------------------------------------------------- Been thinking about this for a long time. |
Dangerous attitudes
Any one that is in need of medications for certain health conditions, should be able to get it Legally. Should be legal in All states, marijuana and anything that actually Helps a persons suffering physically. Imo. Meaning All Legal citizens of the US. Undocumented immigrants should have too work and repay any medical assistance, when they get well enough and able. The problem is because of the massive coverage on illegal drug use doctors are now afraid to prescribe pain meds for bonified patients that have documented proof of their condition. In Indiana anytime a doctor writes a prescription for a narcotic pain med they have to register it with the state, asap. CVS and Walgreens (at least locally) now have a policy that their pharmacists can refuse to fill a pain med scripts even if the person has been a long term customer. The war on drugs has become a war on the valid patient who has become a casualty. In my area the news focuses on this problem almost every night and only one station had a two minute story about the innocent patients. It's, also, interesting that according to the FDA prescription pain med abuse has tappered off in the last four years and has been replaced with heroin and heroin/fantanyl useage. Yet in the news they constantly focus on prescription pain meds. FWIW, the ACLU has started litigation because of the case as I've described above. They are claiming the war on drugs is a failure and needs to be replaced with some other approach which I totally agree. No, not selling norco in the candy aile next to M&M's but finding out why our people want/need to escape reality and help them. If the users stop buying the drug cartels will go out of business. |
Dangerous attitudes
The FDA approved a product containing CBD oil for epilepsy. This is a first because Federal law placed marijuana and all it's derivatives under the same schedule as heroin (which seems excessive). If this new medication works (and one would assume it has to to get FDA approval) regular CBD oil may be effective to some degree. BTW, CBD oil is now legal in all 50 states.
Dangerous attitudes
Drug use has lots of victims. Children, family, friends, jobs, health, crime, drug dealer/gang violence, innocent neighbors robbed or shot in drug related violence, etc. What our nation needs to do is figure out why people are so bent on escaping reality. I do feel five years prison sentences for possessing an ounce of weed is excessive. But then in large urban areas these users seem to be back on the street in no time. it also depends on which state there in too? I know in Alabama there is a law that says that anyone with a felony record gets caught with more than 1 kg of Marijuana regardless if you are selling it or using for your own purpose you are sentence to life in prison Case in point Lee Carroll Brooker, and disabled war vet in his mid 70's who caught with growing marijuana it totaled less than 3 pounds and he was sentence to life in prison if he was California or a state that permits marijuana he probably wouldn't be charged, he has the unfortunate luck to live in Alabama Common sense should dictate that it's not a good idea to possess pot in Alabama. I live in Indiana and CBD oil (until recently) was against the law. A derivative of marijuana (without the THC) CBD oil is beneficial for pain and epilepsy. Though it was tempting for people to go out of state to purchase CBD most knew better and didn't. |