I can't argue with that. Imagine the pressure the Obama Justice Department is feeling to take action with illegal immigration. I believe he has deported a record number of iillegal immigrants. At the same time, Federal prosecution of bankers are down 96%.
http://www.theatlanticwire.com/politics/2011/04/since-1995-federal-prosecutions-bankers-down-96/36672/ Maybe it's time for the Obama Justice Department to get back to the people who have been so responsible for destroying our economy instead of pursuing these nuisance prosecutions. |
A lot of silliness going on here. Biden's statements were correct. Everybody understands that the Bush Administration is going to skate on the wreckage and carnage of their Depression from 2011 forward. 70% of the people understand that Bush did it, but now, Obama is rightfully being held to account for how he is dealing with the mess. Biden is with a huge number of Democrats (me included) who know that Obama has done a miserable job of fighting for a healthy economy. In fact, Obama is almost perfectly following in the footsteps of FDR, who only reluctantly adopted Keynesian policy. He does own the economy, and he had better move to bury the Republicans alive if he wants to have an easy walk-in to the 2012 Presidency.
Biden speaks for me. Ridicule him all you want. You aren't winning any points. |
Occupy Wall Street - the 99%
This "waste of time" protest just seems to be gaining steam. I think this is one way that movements are born, and I think this one could keep growing .
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/10/03/ap/business/main20114915.shtml |
dedicated solely to handling criminal immigration cases
Wouldn't you expect a high % of immigrant prosecutions from a prosecutor who investigates only immigrants? |
Immigrant criminal prosecutions exceed 50% of total number of cases filed in federal court if I am reading this news release correctly. In some parts of the country (like here) the percentage of crimes committed by immigrants appears to be even higher. It wasn't that long ago that the percentage was around thirty percent and that was considered outrageous.
Read more: http://www.FOXNEWS.com/us/2011/10/02/department-justice-cuts-reassigns-81-immigration-prosecutors/#ixzz1ZggwbPiy |
Here's a shorter and easier-to-read article. The author promises to follow up with an article about ALEC. That's also a fascinating subjuect.
Edited by
Mon 10/03/11 03:03 PM
In May 2008, a unit of Koch Industries Inc., one of the world’s largest privately held companies, sent Ludmila Egorova-Farines, its newly hired compliance officer and ethics manager, to investigate the management of a subsidiary in Arles in southern France. In less than a week, she discovered that the company had paid bribes to win contracts.
“I uncovered the practices within a few days,” Egorova- Farines says. “They were not hidden at all.” She immediately notified her supervisors in the U.S. A week later, Wichita, Kansas-based Koch Industries dispatched an investigative team to look into her findings, Bloomberg Markets magazine reports in its November issue. By September of that year, the researchers had found evidence of improper payments to secure contracts in six countries dating back to 2002, authorized by the business director of the company’s Koch-Glitsch affiliate in France.. . . . http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-10-02/koch-brothers-flout-law-getting-richer-with-secret-iran-sales.html Iran was one of those countries. The article is way too long to copy into a posting, but it's a hell-of-a story. |
Occupy Wall Street - the 99%
Van jones George Soros, The Ruckus Society, the Tides Foundation and the Ford Foundation.Are all involved.
The Tides Foundation! Hey! I've heard of them! Glenn Beck broke that story wide open. (Doesn't seem to have caught on fire, exactly). If you don't own stocks...
What do you care what the Wall Street people do? I think that's because stock market crashes cause recessions and depressions. 2000 and 2007, for instance (not to mention 1929). The bigger the bubbles, the bigger the crashes. Not good for the country. That seems to me like a pretty good reason to care what happens on Wall Street |
Yes thank you we do.
Please tell us how this is relevant to the facts at hand? Just checking. It might help explain why stories and opinions that come exclusively from the Murdoch empire don't get much traction with a lot of more broadly read people. |
For an action that is such a "waste of time", it seems to be growing pretty nicely. Even the WSJ seems to have noticed.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204612504576608730855935832.html |
More Newsmax?
You do realize that Newsmax is a Rupert Murdoch enterprise. We expect this kind of thing from him. It might as well be Fox News.
anti american value man modeled after the arab day of rage..Van Jones.
Straight from that great American patriot, Glen Beck. that says it all. |
The only peope I have hatred for are people who commit crimes
Then, as long as there's specifically no law against it , no problem. I have hatred for a lot of people who have broken no specific law (that we know of). Sociopaths can go throughout life without actually committing crimes. I have had very warm friendships with people who, at one time, had stolen something or even taken illegal drugs (most of us did back in the 60s.) I guess it's just a question of values. |
So, if it's WWII, and an American joins the German Army, does the Constitution allow him to be killed?
Big Brother
I think it's terrifying.
If these problems are truly a major concern, the least we can do is sign this petition.
http://www.getmoneyout.com I did. |
Big Brother
This is how the police can now identify rioters & trouble makers using high definition advanced technology. don't think of hiding yourself amongst thousands.............you can be easily detected & identified. This is the crowd before the riots in Vancouver. Put your cursor anywhere in the crowd and double-click a couple of times. To further help with image, use the scroll button in the centre of your mouse. Zero in on any one specific single face. The clarity is unbelievable. This is the photo taken by Port Moody photographer Ronnie Miranda that appeared in the Tri-City News last Friday (24-June). Quite scary huh. You can see - perfectly - the faces of every single individual - and there were thousands! Just think what the police and the military have at their disposal. http://www.gigapixel.com/image/gigapan-canucks-g7.html |
This is the kind of thing you get with RP Libertarianism.
http://www.addictinginfo.org/2011/09/30/rand-paul-singlehandedly-blocking-pipeline-safety-bill-from-becoming-law/ |
Ron Paul is the only presidential candidate who has the guts to change things for the better.
Yikes! Good luck on that one! |