Community > Posts By > pbjgourmet

pbjgourmet's photo
Tue 03/13/07 02:57 PM
Hey I'll bite. HOT. :)

pbjgourmet's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:25 PM
I totally hear you. Check my profile and what I say about guys who use
proper grammar. :)

pbjgourmet's photo
Sat 02/17/07 05:10 PM
Why would this be a trust issue? Do teammates normally discuss their
orientation? What does that have to do with the sport? I think an
athlete should disclose his orientation if he feels comfortable doing so
and wants to.

pbjgourmet's photo
Sat 02/17/07 03:38 PM
305.50 :)

pbjgourmet's photo
Mon 02/12/07 05:39 AM
Those idiots--no one talks like this "i will like to know you better"

pbjgourmet's photo
Sat 11/04/06 11:51 PM
Condeleeza would take care of the women vote, the black vote and the
Republican vote. Hell, she'd have the vote of the whole damn country!

pbjgourmet's photo
Fri 10/13/06 04:53 AM
Thank all of you for listening. I got a little sleep. Not much. I
have a crying hangover this morning. Sore eyes. It was so sweet of all
of you to take the time talk to a stranger. Have to get the kids up and
going, and ready for work.

Thanks again.

pbjgourmet's photo
Thu 10/12/06 09:26 PM
K, I don't have anyone to talk to about this, so I thought I'd just put
it out there.

When I was 16, I met and fell in love with the man of my dreams. We
were inseperable--it was a Romeo and Juliet kind of romance. I married
the love of my life at age 22. Our son was born a year later. After
that, we had twin girls, and another girl after that. We had good jobs,
a great house, four awesome kids. There were rough spots, but overall
it was the life most people dreamed of.

After we were married for 10 years he started to change. Became
distant, irritable, hateful. Rarely home. I did everything I could
think of to try to make him happy, but nothing worked.

On May 4 of this year I got a call from a woman, who later told me she
had been having an affair with my husband. Why did she finally come
clean? Because he began an affair with a new woman, and she was

On May 11 I filed for divorce. Despite him pleading with me to stop the
divorce, I went through with it and it was finalized on June 16. He has
been trying very hard to reconcile with me since then. But I have
resisted. I just cannot let go of how badly he treated me, and putting
it together with the fact that he was in a 2 year long affair. It is
just too huge of a betrayal.

Tonight he told me he was tired of trying to work things out. He said
unless I said I wanted to try to work on us, he would give up on us.
And I told him I could never, ever get past the past. And he said he
was sorry it had to end this way and left.

What can I say. My heart is broken. He took it and stomp it into a
million pieces. I feel like I will be alone forever.

It's just all so sad, how 18 years with someone can be thrown away like
it nothing.

I'm going to bed now. But thanks if you read all this.

pbjgourmet's photo
Fri 09/29/06 09:07 PM
Ummm . . . just woke up and someone is having sex with you? I would
call the police.