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Here's what Iowa Senator Stephen King think of working class people. KING: If you wanna do as many Democrats have said on this floor, and that is that any relationship between two consenting adults the federal government shouldn't be involved in, well this is a relationship the federal government should not be involved in. For the federal government to tell me that I can't say to my own son, I'd like to climb in the seat of your excavator and sit there for $10 an hour, federal government says I can't, he's gotta pay me some $28 rate or whatever that is. But the government has no business interfering and no business driving up these costs. And we must go through this period of austerity. That requires that we not impose federal union scale on federal construction projects. [...] And I think the free market should set the wages. Labor is a commodity just like corn or beans or oil or gold, and the value of it needs to be determined by the competition, supply and demand in the workplace. It is a commodity. Every time you apply for a job or ask for a raise, you are selling your skills to your employer. Why is this idea such a problem? |
I am sorry but the majority of people are not poor. Once Again, this is just crying that it isn't fair they have more than you. I really don't care that they have this money. Money is not finite. It isn't like at some point they will have all of it and no one else will have any. So they are successful. So what. So they can buy an airplane like you buy McDonalds. So what. Why should that bother me? What they do does not impact my daily life. I am the only one that impacts my daily life. If no one ever told you they had so much more than you, would it affect your life? When one of these guys buys a yacht does it make a difference in your life? As far as I can tell, it is only jealousy that drives this attitude. I can't remember the last time I saw one of these people let alone have what they did that day impact my life. |
Why is it such a crime in this country to be successful. The way you talk about millionaires, you make it sound evil.
Kind of a misleading question. Obviously, it is not a crime to become wealthy. The political elite are working hard to ensure that the wealthy get even wealthier through any means they desire. I think selfish wealthy people are evil. They want to reap the benefits of their enterprises' successes, but they don't want their employees to share in the benefits, because that would mean more for them and less for themselves. From truman to Reagan, the wealthy simply weren't allowed to behave so selfishly. Now it is Conservative dogma to encourage this ethos. Um, What? Conservatives believe in selfish behavior? Really? Since when? No one I know that is conservatives believes in selfish behavior. I personally believe the only way you can be successful and remain successful is to continually reinvest your income. All the employers I have worked for had the same attitude about their employees. One said it best. "I see my company as supporting all the families of those that work here. I wish I could pay them more." He couldn't without raising his prices above the market rate. He owned a pizza company. He made about 2% profit after everything was paid. With payroll being 35% of he revenue, any real increase to employee wages would mean a real increase in his pizza prices. You feel everyone should be paid like he was. He was taking the risk that sales would drop and he would lose money every year he was in business. If he paid them the way he was paid, one pizza would cost about $60. Are you willing to pay that? I worked for one employer that lost over $300,000 a year for five straight years. That is in a five year period, he put$1,500,000 of his money into the business. Would it be fair to ask his employees to contribute to his losses? If not, why is it fair for them to take part in his successes? A lot of employers have a profit sharing plan as well when they are doing well. Just who are these selfish business owners that you are talking about? |
I think the rich getting richer idea is kind of funny. I mean if someone is making more than they spend then I would assume their wealth would grow. So you would only be stating the obvious.
Uhh, I think the point is that only the rich are getting richer, while the not-rich have been getting poorer for 30 years. Unlike the period from 1945 to 1980, when beverybody got richer. I am sure lots of middle classers got richer. My parents did. My grandparents did. My uncle, my cousin. Hell my cousin never went to college and has over 1 million dollars. Mark Zuckerberg was not rich and now he is. Lots of people got richer. WHen it explodes it wont be pretty. The only reason it will explode is because of attitudes like yours. "It isn't fair they have so much compared to me. I want my fair share and they won't let me have it!" Question: do you spend more than you make? Does your debt continue to increase every month? If you say no, your statement about the middle class getting poorer does not pertain to you. The only way you get poorer is to spend more than you make. Why is it such a crime in this country to be successful. The way you talk about millionaires, you make it sound evil. I am guessing you would turn down an opportunity that could make you a millionaire. Because if you didn't, you would become one of "Them!" Hate to burst your bubble but there are a lot of people that are millionaires that work inthese jobs you say are worthless. Intelligent planning for your future early on in life and anyone can save a million. I am sure you would say teachers are the lowest paid and are in the poor house. When I worked for a CPA firm I filed taxes for quite a few teachers, most of which had over a million in net worth. If these poor underpaid teachers can do it, anyone can. Don't forget, taxes are paid on income, not net worth. |
In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale
Ray Liota and Jason Statham |
I think the rich getting richer idea is kind of funny. I mean if someone is making more than they spend then I would assume their wealth would grow. So you would only be stating the obvious.
Uhh, I think the point is that only the rich are getting richer, while the not-rich have been getting poorer for 30 years. Unlike the period from 1945 to 1980, when beverybody got richer. I am sure lots of middle classers got richer. My parents did. My grandparents did. My uncle, my cousin. Hell my cousin never went to college and has over 1 million dollars. Mark Zuckerberg was not rich and now he is. Lots of people got richer. WHen it explodes it wont be pretty. The only reason it will explode is because of attitudes like yours. "It isn't fair they have so much compared to me. I want my fair share and they won't let me have it!" Question: do you spend more than you make? Does your debt continue to increase every month? If you say no, your statement about the middle class getting poorer does not pertain to you. The only way you get poorer is to spend more than you make. Why is it such a crime in this country to be successful. The way you talk about millionaires, you make it sound evil. I am guessing you would turn down an opportunity that could make you a millionaire. Because if you didn't, you would become one of "Them!" |
Home made pizza tonight with my son! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The Shawshank Redemption Love this movie. :) I enjoyed this movie very well ![]() I'm with you. ![]() Love it when he says to the warden, "How can you be so obtuse?" ![]() |
Seconds Apart
Real life twin brothers Edmund and Gary Entin star as identical sublime who are bonded together by the power of telekinesis, an ability they use for evil instead of good, in this chilling tale of murder and duality. |
Edited by
Mon 06/20/11 06:00 PM
Uhh, Msharmony understood the graph. It clearly says that without those expenses, the deficit would be "0' How can a tax cut be considered part of the debt?
You don't understand this? You don't understand that, if your pay check were cut in half, but that you still continued paying y9our mortgage, health insurance, car payments and food bills, you might develop some shortfall? You misunderstand. The reporting of a loss of income as an expense would be fraud by any other organization. And yet, for some reason everyone accepts this as valid information in politics. The only purpose this graph serves is to cast blame for the shortfalls on everyone except the people responsible. Spend more than you make and you have debt accumulation. This graph is trying to say that they should be allowed to spend this much but Bush caused the problems. Simple fact is the government does not live within their means and always blames the previous administration for their current inability to function within a balanced budget. No one is forcing them to spend this much. Therefore the people responsible for this debt are the people that authorize the current expenditures. How dumb are they trying to blame Bush for their current decisions. They could balance the budget. It has been done before, but you need a strong leader to make it happen. No one wants to be the bad guy. And what the hey, it's not their money. |
How can a tax cut be considered part of the debt? That isn't money that was borrowed. It is money that wasn't collected. How can you say you owe money because you didn't collect it. That doesn't make any sense. Same logic Clinton used when he scrapped some new plans that would add to the deficit. By deciding not to spend money he said that he saved money. That would be like me saying I am going to buy a car for $150,000. Wait, I can't afford that car. By deciding not to buy it, I now have saved $150,000. That isn't true. I still don't have the $150,000 I didn't have before. How is that a savings? Same thing applies to saying a tax cut is an actual expense. A drop in revenue does not equal an expense. Love how the chart shows the trillion dollar relief effort is just a minor part of the deficit. But that is only the interest payments you see on this chart. That is all political accounting which no reputable accountant would accept. Actually, any company that did this which received public funds would not be allowed to stay in business. They would have questionable business practices and you would hear politicians saying how this company is stealing your money. "That is the real evil in our country. Not us." |
I have had two miracles that directly impacted my life.
Once when I was 3 and fell in the river at home. My brother and sister that were with me ran to tell our mom who had specifically told them not to go down to the river. She was 3 months pregnant at the time. by the time she got to the river, it was at least three minutes. This was spring and the river was high from melting snow and ice. She caught me just before the end of our yard. With the way the river banks were downstream, if she didn't catch me then, we both would have drown. The only way I hadn't already gone downstream was I got caught in an eddy just long enough to hold me up. I was floating face down but when she grabbed me I took a deep breath and didn't have a drop of water in my lungs. The other time I was falling asleep while driving. I was only 5 minutes from home after a 4 hour drive. I was fighting it off but found I was dozing off a few times. The last time, I was falling asleep and would not pop up again. I knew that. I cried out in my head, "Lord I can't do this alone!" Air rushed into my lungs then and I was wide awake. I did not take a breath. It was forced into my lungs. |
Favorite Movie Quotes
Eduard Delacroix: I thank you. Mr. Jingles thank you, my mom would thank you too but she's dead.
The Green Mile |
Would You Risk Your Life?
I would, no doubt about it.
I haven't had a situation like that. But I have a kind of sixth sense. A lot of times I can see the danger someone is putting themselves in before the danger is evident. I have warned a few people, all of which were surprised I was right. Think I just notice how things interact better and can anticipate what will happen. |
Beyond the bible if we evaluate the facts something disturbing comes up, God created everything. That means God also created Evil if God created good. That means god is Good and God is evil. God plays both sides of the fence. That is a fact. I guess you could argue that. God did create the rules to live by. Evil is in violation of His rules. So, by the fact He created rules you could argue He created evil as a consequence of His rule violations. Evil really is the absence of God. |
All kinds of things.
Excited that I get my son in 2 hours. Nervous about getting my homework done for the week. Really happy about my job. Still lonely looking for the right woman... |
everything is bigger in Texas, hell look at me ![]() Well, since Alaska is over twice as big as Texas ... I guess that would apply to the people as well? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We import Texans to fight off the invasion of the winged blood sucking beasts. They get a thrill of the hand to hand combat and go home telling war stories. We call them mosquitoes. ![]() |
everything is bigger in Texas, hell look at me ![]() Well, since Alaska is over twice as big as Texas ... I guess that would apply to the people as well? ![]() ![]() ![]() What? Alaska has big people? ![]() Yup, just a little shake nothing much. Had worse. We were in a meeting when it happened. The owner paused for a second, "Was that an earthquake?" Then continued with the meeting... |
everything is bigger in Texas, hell look at me ![]() Well, since Alaska is over twice as big as Texas ... I guess that would apply to the people as well? ![]() ![]() ![]() |