She didnt answered his question. Like big weiners? Oooops. I didnt asked it but I'd like to know. Irish people have biggg hahaha And I'm Irish ;p |
Sorry I was sarcastic ribs are the most painful spot to get tatter lol
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close How was that, Tazz? I don't know if I would be able to watch it... Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock are pretty darn good just by themselves so together would be a treat, in my opinion. I have a feeling it will be a good idea to bring a box of tissues... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v....Donnie Dark-o is in my stack of movies to-be-watched, by my tv. do et. |
and ill rate you later tonight.
ye 8 hours lol
:-3 reminds me of that double chin guy in that tv show cartoon. You made me click on your profile to try and figure out wtf that is on your profile pic...I still have no clue. Otherwise... You're from Vegas and you most likely drink beer Its a fallen angel rising. =) |
Walrus has a bigger weiner than Rhinos's. Hes dirty. -5 Its ash and to be expected sometimes. +9 4. Plays on Xbox live. -2 has a German shepherd +4 6. Misspelled wiener, and misused the quotation thing for rhinos. -2 I don't know what the quotation thing is called. +1 5. Is funny and ridiculously tall. +5 / -1 prefers piercings over tats. -1 8! |
I don't know. Do you? ;-P All who post on my topic will be rated. Like guppies. Or cats. Or cats that wear guppie costumes while acting like a walrus and chasing rhinos. The Beatles never wrote about a rhino. Listens to the beetles. +.05 Cant give a full point :-3 Has a car in a fish costuem +3 Cats are evil. -1 2.5 Has the strangers are friends you havent met yet quote. +6 8.5 rides motercycles and likes hockey +2 Smokes. -.75 9.75! =) |
Guys and girls ages 18-25
Go to My Account, Show me more potential matches,
Then you can set up where you want to look for people etc. Also going to Mutual Match from there is great. Hope you find what you are looking for. Good luck. ^.^ |
yeah you
is that a pickup line?
Likes big wieners? ;-P Has a pretty face. hope you dont think im british. >.> |
I know. New ink in april haha. 9 Where as in place or as in what part of the body? ;-P depends on you, pain tolerance, etc. ribs are the least painful!!! heheh |
I watched Donnie Dark-o last night. weird movie. good. creepy. but weird.
So if you could be a
I can see you as a merman.
So if you could be a
"mythological" creature what would you be?
Things that glitter do not count. ^.^ |
pretty kewl guy. when are you going to post a new pic heavenly! ;-P |
Walrus has more of a fishy taste, and rhino is more of a beef-like flavor. As we all know, cat has a bit of a poultry taste. I'm curious to see what guppies taste like though. has eaten a walrus. +5 draws. +2 Whats jazz hands? :-3 No points toward or against. Has little written in his profile. -1 6 Likes everything +2 likes golf. -1 might like hockey +1.5 8.5! |
I imagine they taste fishy. ;-P
The difference is an orange... I'm prepared to lose points for also being a brit Oranges get 4 points Also might be British -1 Knows what shes looking for and is confident +3 6points Has a great smile +2 Has a nice style of clothes +.90 8.9 =) |
Difference between a walrus and rhino?
A rhino can get through the fast-food lane. Walruses really hold up the line. Very sweet profile by the way :-) 6 for being nice. +2 for mentioning the movie +2 for being able to cook 10 -1 for over usage of I Hays ^_^ |
Difference between a walrus and rhino?
A rhino can get through the fast-food lane. Walruses really hold up the line. Very sweet profile by the way :-) 6 for being nice. +2 for mentioning the movie +2 for being able to cook 10 -1 for over usage of I Hays ^_^ |