Community > Posts By > noblenan

noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:17 AM

that is the average salary here in South Dakota...
I do make more though. as do my co-workers.
Its realy sad that the average wage is the "real minimum wage" In 1965, CEOs in major companies made 24 times more than the average worker. In 2003, CEOs earned 185 times more than the average worker
whats worse is a state that has an income of over 9 Billion dollars off of lottery sales....(yes this goes into the general fund, but was earmarked for schools and roads...)
has the lowest paid teachers and the worst roads in the country.
and certain groups try to get rid of it every year.....where do think this money will come from once gone???
I think all lottery books should be made public and shown where that money really goes. It was sold to states as a way to help fund the schools..SHOW IT! Seems local taxes going up with schools cutting programs.?????????? Where is it? I make above wages in the State of Florida where wages are below National averge..

I think the "national average" is skewed because I sure know a lot of people that make below it! huh

noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:13 AM

Geez! Does she never think? noway


waving ...she's thinkin' of running in 2012...I think...:smile:

laugh She needs to run the other way! Or...maybe we do! laugh

this whole ongoing...Sarah Palin episode confuses me...I'd like to know...and I have my own opinion on she being ridiculed...attacked...and...impugned...for her politics or her supposed " lack of IQ ? "...
the media has attacked her from the begining and she has been mishandled.
I wonder if she would have been on the other she would be viewed today?
lets face it the turkey interview was bogus.....
the camerman sets the shot and background....she has no say in whats going on behind her....

Oh, please! You don't think she has people who help her? Or, should be helping her? slaphead

noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:05 AM
Edited by noblenan on Sat 11/22/08 07:14 AM

to me she is like driveing by a wreck on the free way, you do not wish to look have to


I'm not attacking her for her politics or her IQ, she never had a straight answer to get a real clue as to what they were. indifferent My problem with her is her lack of common sense and/or preparation. whoa


noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 06:43 AM

Geez! Does she never think? noway


waving ...she's thinkin' of running in 2012...I think...:smile:

laugh She needs to run the other way! Or...maybe we do! laugh

noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 06:40 AM

whats worse is a state that has an income of over 9 Billion dollars off of lottery sales....(yes this goes into the general fund, but was earmarked for schools and roads...)
has the lowest paid teachers and the worst roads in the country.
and certain groups try to get rid of it every year.....where do think this money will come from once gone???

Funny how that works, huh? But I have to say, I loved South Dakota!


Oh, and I make more than $9 an hour, but I've work for my agency for 25 years. We don't get cost of living or merit raises, so comparatively, I make about 12% less than my public sector counterpart. Public service does not pay!noway

noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 06:29 AM
Geez! Does she never think? noway


noblenan's photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:44 PM

Well, I was in banking for 22 years, lending and credit and loan review/risk management, and although there were times where loans were less than desirable, with all those audits by the state and the fed, I must say, for the most part they were all above reproach. Don't know what those others do that is smarmy, but it sure makes a bad name for banks who use sound lending practices.

My credit card payment was due on the 2nd. I made the electronic transaction on the 28th of the previous month. It was debited out of my checking account on the 2nd. The credit card company said they didn't receive it until the 3rd. They charged me $39 one month and the next month upped my interest rate from 8.99% to 21.99%. The action lowered my credit score about 40 points with one of the credit bureaus. Luckily, I had the money to pay it off before I had to pay that ridiculous rate. I've never been late or missed a payment before or since. Is that smarmy enough for you? grumble grumble grumble


noblenan's photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:31 PM

There is another thread about that in current events.
I said on there that it bothers me most that it took people such a long time to react. The poor chap could possibly have been saved.

I thought when you commit suicide...the purpose is to NOT be saved...

This guy may not have wanted to be save, but I'm sure there was someone who wanted him to be. :cry:


noblenan's photo
Fri 11/21/08 07:44 PM
I'm not a streaming videoer either, but I would call 911 because I would not know where else to call! I don't think people who are killing themselves because they have a terminal disease do it on a public web cam. This kid needed help!
What a f*cked up deal!


noblenan's photo
Fri 11/21/08 05:38 PM
Obama may be surrounding himself with experience, but I believe he is his own man. Your assuming nothing will change because you don't want to have to eat crow. What are YOU going to do to create change? It's our responsibility to help. Or, maybe your life is so fantastic that you don't need anything to change.
Most people are not conservative. They're not liberal. They're somewhere closer to the middle. Those are the ones that voted for Obama. We can save this country if we stop believing that it's not our fault and one man can do everything.


noblenan's photo
Thu 11/20/08 09:22 PM

Many people are afraid to spend money. Their futures are so uncertain that they are holding on to all they can. It's a tough world out here for those on fixed and low to moderate incomes. The big stores have a pretty good pulse on what's going on. Why stock what you can't sell? scared


They want us all to be afraid. I think we should just enjoy the holidays & not get sucked into all the doom & gloom.

drinker drinker

Well, I have to disagree with you, both. It may be comfortable in your world, but the people around me are struggling. I don't see it as doom and gloom, I see it as reality for the many people. Our wasteful spending from the top to the bottom is what got us into this mess. I plan to cut-back on my spending this year, not because I can't afford it, but because it has gotten out of control. I thinking my Christmas and that of my child and grand children will be just as merry!
Happy Thanksgiving to all! flowerforyou


noblenan's photo
Thu 11/20/08 09:10 PM
There's a lady who is sure all that glitters is gold.
And she's buying her stairway to heaven. :angel: waving


noblenan's photo
Thu 11/20/08 02:54 PM

What makes me sick is that so many americans are still staring at this through partisan glasses.

Bush/Obama, it doesn't matter, they are doing the work for the same groups of people.

This is not some accident and it's not a bad business model or business being ran badly, our industry is being killed on purpose.

A little corporate greed and customer greed with blinders on for a future need of economical, eco friendly vehicles, didn't help a whole lot either! grumble


noblenan's photo
Thu 11/20/08 02:46 PM
Edited by noblenan on Thu 11/20/08 02:46 PM

Anyone doing anything exciting this weekend???

laugh Watching OU beat the heck out of Tech! Boomer Sooners!laugh


noblenan's photo
Thu 11/20/08 02:41 PM
What makes me explode , is that there are still those that don't get it!


noblenan's photo
Thu 11/20/08 02:38 PM
Many people are afraid to spend money. Their futures are so uncertain that they are holding on to all they can. It's a tough world out here for those on fixed and low to moderate incomes. The big stores have a pretty good pulse on what's going on. Why stock what you can't sell? scared


noblenan's photo
Thu 11/20/08 02:14 PM
We've kinda screwed ourselves over, here, huh? sick :cry:


noblenan's photo
Wed 11/19/08 07:59 PM
Romantically adventurous...:wink:


noblenan's photo
Wed 11/19/08 01:25 PM

I'm sure that's what many Christians thought when they voted for Hitler.

... whaaaaa? surprised


I seriously have NO IDEA what to say to that. Just... the very most ludacris thing I have ever read in my life. Ever. Wow.

Mind boggling, huh? Don't take it personally, we all get it! what

Thanks for answering my question, anyway! flowerforyou


I see you're out early tonight young lady...

waving Hey, I perk up properly every now and again! bigsmile What's your take on my question?


this is what I posted earlier...sort of tongue in pun

without convictions...easily to different thoughts, ways, and've learned on here that if your beliefs are " different "...but...leaning to the right...then your closed minded... if your beliefs are " different "...but,,,leaning to the left...then you're open minded...

You got that right... laugh laugh

Closed minded, you? Never, never, never! We'll just call it "set in your ways". Better? flowerforyou

Gee...I must be hitting more than one nerve or did you forget to take your meds this morning? laugh

I get a big kick out of those who only think they know... laugh laugh laugh

Keep those laughs coming~~~~

I thought that she was being nice to you.ohwell

Thanks, Winx! :thumbsup:

Psssst, I thinks really likes all of us LIBS! We make her think!

noblenan's photo
Wed 11/19/08 12:57 PM

There is no such thing. Even LIBS have their intolerances to deal with...their Christian hatreds for one.

It goes to the question tho...

How far is too far? When is enough, enough?

just because someone is a liberal doesn't mean that they hate christians... I think your kind of closed minded...IMO.

:thumbsup: We're calling it "set in her ways", now, dear. flowerforyou


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