Community > Posts By > noblenan

noblenan's photo
Sun 11/23/08 03:15 PM

Unlike animals, we have compassion

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
That's a joke, right? frown


noblenan's photo
Sun 11/23/08 02:59 PM

I'm sorry, but some of the responses here make me sick. To those who would have done nothing I wonder, if it was your child, your brother, your spouse, if you would feel the same--if you would have been content knowing that I sat there and watched all of this like I was taking in a home improvement show? Perhaps you would (which is scary in its own right) but this is NOT about assisted suicide and there would have been nothing to indicate that this young man was near death from an unrelated disease or condition.

I would have called 911 and done my best to stop it because a number of conditions are treatable or at least manageable. Since suicide is an irrational act (in most cases) it stands to reason that sane and rational thought is outside of the person's control. For that reason, a call to the police (no matter the outcome) is the responsible thing to do.

It's also a moral imperative. It isn't about whether or not the police arrive in time or whether or not the young man really "meant" to kill himself. It is about recognizing putting out the fire that is burning your neighbor's house and it is about doing the right thing even when the outcome is not promised.

This is not a religious issue for me nor is it a distorted view of the world that casts me or any of you in the role of savior. It is about seeing a human being in so much pain, in so much hopelessness that the ending of life seems the best way to proceed. To sit and watch that, not to be bothered by that enough to reach for a phone or e-mail a Webmaster? I don't get that. I really don't.


THNX Drew, I'm with you on that, it is to me a moral obligation also no matter who or what or where. if nothing else it's my trying to see who would be a neighbor to me or i to them. it's nice to know who would help you or visa versa should something happen. though i do see others points on this, i don't personally agree with them, we all have our reasons why we do or don't do things. some may see it as being intrusive, i see it as being concerned. and not from a religious point at all. just a human point.

Tribo---I understand your point. Thanks for allowing all to express their opinions. I just have a tough time with a lot of the people (not people here at Mingle) who were actually encouraging this guy to go through with it. That some people have nothing better to do with their time but encourage a person to OD on drugs is really quite sad.



Depression fueled suicide is preventable. I anybody is interested, here's a link to the signs. It would be good if every body knew them. Good job, Drew!



noblenan's photo
Sun 11/23/08 10:32 AM

Thank you, Noblenan! They were young, mid-forties, early fifties,and their son was only 17, and the businesses were fairly new too, but the Insurance Commission is a great place to check.

I am keeping track of everything so I can help my family sort things out. I want to make it as easy as possible for all of us to work through this. I lost my Grandma last Spring and was the Executor of her estate so I've done some of this before.

Death is never easy, especially a tragedy like this, but facing the "business" side of it is too much for some and only adds to the pain. If I can help minimize that, I plan to.

Again, thank you for your advise, and your prayers.

They may have had Medicaid for the son. The records probably wouldn't be as good as if they had other assistance. I think your best source is going to be the bank records. Good luck!

noblenan's photo
Sun 11/23/08 09:35 AM
Digging into peoples past financial records is part of my job. Your state health department probably regulates the restaurant and there is a state Insurance Commission who might be of some assistance. I haven't asked them about that, but it won't hurt. Bank records might be the best because there are usually payments. One thing I would advise if the bank records show an old policy, check with the insurance commission to see if the company has been acquired by another. And, if your relatives were fairly aged, say 60 to 65 or older, they may have paid a life policy off many years ago, so you may have to dig deep.
On the off chance that your relatives may have been on some kind of public assistance, check with your state social service's office. The chances are better of getting information from them is if it has been within the last 5 to 10 years. I think the fact they are deceased will trump the privacy act, but that may be a problem you will have to overcome. I suggest you push if you get opposition.
Of course the obvious is to ask the close relatives for information. Don't expect them to volunteer information unless asked. Make a list of the things you think you need to know and specifically ask those questions. That applies to anyone you talk to. Keep the answers organized so you keep them straight.
Good luck, I hope that helps. flowerforyou I'm the one that has to know all in my family, too! It was good job training! :smile:


noblenan's photo
Sun 11/23/08 07:44 AM

Evangelicals will take over the GOP completely.

Oh, joy!

noblenan's photo
Sun 11/23/08 07:35 AM

I am half Native and I love Thanksgiving.It's about family,food and giving thanks for your blessings.What's done is done so let's move on.Human history is full of one race conquering another and taking lands.Get over it.

Well said! Enjoy! flowerforyou


noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 11:05 PM

Nan, I agree but I doubt it will happen. I voted for Ron Paul.

I doubt it too. flowerforyou


noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 10:58 PM

I'd like to think that there will be some breakthrough in the area of human ethics.

Consider what is required simply to stay out of jail in most areas of allegedly "civilized" society.

What would be the status of a hypothetical person who had no government issued identification whatsoever? No birth certificate, no social security card, no passport.

He couldn't own a home. He couln't rent an apartment in most places. He couldn't get a job. He couldn't travel on an airplane. He couldn't buy a car. The only means of motorized transportation he could use would be a taxi or a bus. He couldn't get any public assistance. In some places and times, he could be legally picked up and taken to jail simply for walking on a public sidewalk. In fact, he couldn't even legally have an income above a certain amount.

And the sole reason behind all of this is that individuals, en mass, have abdicated responsibility for their own lives and have literally traded personal liberty for the right to blame others for their own inability to control their own destinies.

So I believe that we must make some major breakthroughs in the area of the humanities or we are doomed to a complete socio-economic collapse on a global scale, if not total racial suicide via any one of a myriad of methods.

"But that's just my opinion. I could be wrong." - Dennis Miller laugh
Everybody's going to miss the "individuals, en mass, have abdicated responsibility for their own lives and have literally traded personal liberty for the right to blame others for their own inability to control their own destinies" part. slaphead
I love Dennis Miller! I miss seeing his show.

Yeah, I have a very bad habit of run-on sentences that are hard to follow because the run-on tries to express multiple thoughts in a single sentence instead of being broken apart into differrnt sentences which would make the whole thought process more easily understood as it does not require one to hold all the individual ideas while the resolution is built and then presented at the very end of the run-on sentence.


I got it. Wish everybody would. flowerforyou


noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 10:51 PM

It's not so much that Obama's an empty suit as much as that he's bought and paid for by the same Global elite that own the Bush family.

I find it amusing that the first move the man running on "Change" makes, is surrounding himself by the same people that were in office 8 years ago.

Honestly i wouldnt be surprised, even if Obama made things worse, people would not see it. Hell most of his supporters were unaware of his policies. The rest is just a selffulfilling prophecy.

Surrounding yourself with experienced people is not a bad thing. Do you want to go into battle with people who don't know what they are doing? From what I have seen and heard, he is his own man and will not be manipulated easily. But, he is one man, and it is up to each and every one of us to pay attention to what is going on around us, question what we don't understand, and firmly support what we believe. I think you are underestimating what people know, can know, and can do. The faction of our population who sits idly by, then complains when things go awry needs to be reduced even further than it was in this election. It's up to your generation to start saying enough is enough! And I think they did in this election, or at least it was a good start.



I think exactly opposite. Obama has proven himself to follow the democratic party, or vote "present".

One positive thing he has done though is reinstate stem cell research. The medical possibilities are endless with such projects.

But so far he has voted to reinstate the patriot act and he pushed for the Bailout. Both of which are very bad ideas. I don't think he is dumb enough not to know so himself, so that tells me he is bought and paid for.

Not to mention he surrounded himself with the people that brought NAFTA to us.

Every single one of his policies he has talked about are lacking in this "change" he speaks of. Read his website. He wants to INCREASE spending on foreign policy. You can't address our economy unless you CHANGE our foriegn policy. we spend over a trillion dollars a year on false wars.

I do agree with surrounding himself with experience though. I just wish it was the rigth kind.

I'm curious to know who an example of the "right kind"? I would like to see Ron Paul in a key position because I think he has a good understanding of economic issues, as they apply to me, anyway.


noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 10:37 PM

if you want to see pure propaganda just watch Fox news.

Bill is my favorite. disagree and you are un american, talks over a guest if they do not agree and then cuts them off if that does not deter them to say what he wants. then he tells the audience what a nut job they are.

pure news. The others on fox are close but Bill should be cleaning latrineslaugh

"Bill" ia an extremely knowledgeable individual, well versed and educated on the issues with which he presents to his audience. He has the highest rated show on cable....obviously millions of individuals agree with him!! THINK about it.....
One does NOT get those ratings by being "in the wrong."


Jerry Springer had pretty high ratings too! A bully is a bully. Doesn't matter what they believe to be right.

noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 03:01 PM

Everybody has a right the their opinion, but there is a difference between stating an opinion and "hate speech". As example, the first speaker could have said that he believed that the conspiracy theorists were completely off base for thinking that our government would have involvement in the events of 911 and site valid reasons why. Rather, he was insulting and threatening to his fellow Americans who most likely believe it their civic duty to question. Basically, IMO, hate speech is the same as bullying.


The only reason anyone pays attention to this douche bag is because he sounds so radical. If he weren't spewing bs, no one would even remember him.

The man who said it was the Conservative Republican son of the most beloved Conservative Republican President in history. He is not considered a "radical douche bag". He is a respected member of the Conservative Movement. Still think no ones going to remember him? slaphead


I know who he is. He may not be considered a radical douche bag, but in my opinion he is along with the ones who respect him.

I understand what you mean, now. :smile:
And, my point is that there are people who listen and revere what he says.



noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 02:32 PM

Everybody has a right the their opinion, but there is a difference between stating an opinion and "hate speech". As example, the first speaker could have said that he believed that the conspiracy theorists were completely off base for thinking that our government would have involvement in the events of 911 and site valid reasons why. Rather, he was insulting and threatening to his fellow Americans who most likely believe it their civic duty to question. Basically, IMO, hate speech is the same as bullying.


The only reason anyone pays attention to this douche bag is because he sounds so radical. If he weren't spewing bs, no one would even remember him.

The man who said it was the Conservative Republican son of the most beloved Conservative Republican President in history. He is not considered a "radical douche bag". He is a respected member of the Conservative Movement. Still think no ones going to remember him? slaphead


noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 01:53 PM

I'd like to think that there will be some breakthrough in the area of human ethics.

Consider what is required simply to stay out of jail in most areas of allegedly "civilized" society.

What would be the status of a hypothetical person who had no government issued identification whatsoever? No birth certificate, no social security card, no passport.

He couldn't own a home. He couln't rent an apartment in most places. He couldn't get a job. He couldn't travel on an airplane. He couldn't buy a car. The only means of motorized transportation he could use would be a taxi or a bus. He couldn't get any public assistance. In some places and times, he could be legally picked up and taken to jail simply for walking on a public sidewalk. In fact, he couldn't even legally have an income above a certain amount.

And the sole reason behind all of this is that individuals, en mass, have abdicated responsibility for their own lives and have literally traded personal liberty for the right to blame others for their own inability to control their own destinies.

So I believe that we must make some major breakthroughs in the area of the humanities or we are doomed to a complete socio-economic collapse on a global scale, if not total racial suicide via any one of a myriad of methods.

"But that's just my opinion. I could be wrong." - Dennis Miller laugh

Everybody's going to miss the "individuals, en mass, have abdicated responsibility for their own lives and have literally traded personal liberty for the right to blame others for their own inability to control their own destinies" part. slaphead
I love Dennis Miller! I miss seeing his show.


noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 01:36 PM

President-elect Barack Obama’s transition team is asking potential appointees detailed questions about gun ownership,


well is he gonna try to take them

did he not say he would not


Rush used to regards to Clinton...

..." don't listen to what he what he does "...just apply this to Obama...

What did he say in regards to Bush?


noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 01:10 PM

It's not so much that Obama's an empty suit as much as that he's bought and paid for by the same Global elite that own the Bush family.

I find it amusing that the first move the man running on "Change" makes, is surrounding himself by the same people that were in office 8 years ago.

Honestly i wouldnt be surprised, even if Obama made things worse, people would not see it. Hell most of his supporters were unaware of his policies. The rest is just a selffulfilling prophecy.

Surrounding yourself with experienced people is not a bad thing. Do you want to go into battle with people who don't know what they are doing? From what I have seen and heard, he is his own man and will not be manipulated easily. But, he is one man, and it is up to each and every one of us to pay attention to what is going on around us, question what we don't understand, and firmly support what we believe. I think you are underestimating what people know, can know, and can do. The faction of our population who sits idly by, then complains when things go awry needs to be reduced even further than it was in this election. It's up to your generation to start saying enough is enough! And I think they did in this election, or at least it was a good start.



noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 12:54 PM

We can combat inflation by not printing more money. Not many seem to hear any politician that wants to make that possible.

We need to print more money to pay you that $100 an hour! :wink:


noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 11:47 AM
Everybody has a right the their opinion, but there is a difference between stating an opinion and "hate speech". As example, the first speaker could have said that he believed that the conspiracy theorists were completely off base for thinking that our government would have involvement in the events of 911 and site valid reasons why. Rather, he was insulting and threatening to his fellow Americans who most likely believe it their civic duty to question. Basically, IMO, hate speech is the same as bullying.


noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 10:27 AM
The first statement is just stupid!

The second statement is even more stupid. Where did he think these people had to go and how did he think they were going to get there? While New Orleans may have had it's problems, it also had, and has, families who have lived there for generations. They've lived through many hurricanes! Like many of us, they trusted their leaders to maintain the structures and protect them. We should now know from this, and other disasters, that our infrastructure is crumbling. Instead of spending our billions on other countries infrastructures, we need to be focusing on our own.


noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:48 AM

Geez! Does she never think? noway


waving ...she's thinkin' of running in 2012...I think...:smile:

laugh She needs to run the other way! Or...maybe we do! laugh

this whole ongoing...Sarah Palin episode confuses me...I'd like to know...and I have my own opinion on she being ridiculed...attacked...and...impugned...for her politics or her supposed " lack of IQ ? "...
the media has attacked her from the begining and she has been mishandled.
I wonder if she would have been on the other she would be viewed today?
lets face it the turkey interview was bogus.....
the camerman sets the shot and background....she has no say in whats going on behind her....

I didn't even watch thoughts are this...when Sarah Palin was first announced, and took the stage...that very night...when I went grocery shopping...I asked a few women who I talk to what they thought about McCain's VP pick...and...all three said the same thing to me..." I HATE HER !! "...I said you hate her ? don't even know her or anything about her...and they'd say..." well...I don't like her "...that told me that her looks...were a big part of why women didn't like her time has passed and they found about more about life...anti gay gun...a rock solid Consevative...well we couldn't have's destroy her...because if any woman is going to sit in the White's reserved for a Liberal...namely Hillary...when the initial view was negative...from the left and the media in this country...her politics and so called lack of IQ became the eventually turned into a self fulfilling prophecy...dumb and dumber...remember...Liberal look at everyone based on their IQ...just read their posts...they always talk about how smart this one is and how dumb that one is...not realizing that theirs a BIG difference between intelligence and knowledge...was Bill Clinton smart ?...I say not !!...

Look, no body's perfect and we ALL have our shallow moments. You assume that women didn't like her because she was "pretty". Sorry, Charlie, but that's a guy thing! When I am looking to a female politician as a role model, I'm not attracted to a gun tottin', six-pack lovin', Mavericky, soccer mom. I want a solid, intelligent, professional whose views are similar to mine. Heck, I thought Elizabeth Dole was pretty good until she played the religion card and got caught cheating! sick


I said initially...when no one new anything about her...what else could it have been ?

Perhaps it was the fact that nobody knew anything about her? My first reaction was "Where did that come from?" and I hadn't seen one picture of her.
Then, she opened her mouth... scared


noblenan's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:30 AM

Geez! Does she never think? noway


waving ...she's thinkin' of running in 2012...I think...:smile:

laugh She needs to run the other way! Or...maybe we do! laugh

this whole ongoing...Sarah Palin episode confuses me...I'd like to know...and I have my own opinion on she being ridiculed...attacked...and...impugned...for her politics or her supposed " lack of IQ ? "...
the media has attacked her from the begining and she has been mishandled.
I wonder if she would have been on the other she would be viewed today?
lets face it the turkey interview was bogus.....
the camerman sets the shot and background....she has no say in whats going on behind her....

I didn't even watch thoughts are this...when Sarah Palin was first announced, and took the stage...that very night...when I went grocery shopping...I asked a few women who I talk to what they thought about McCain's VP pick...and...all three said the same thing to me..." I HATE HER !! "...I said you hate her ? don't even know her or anything about her...and they'd say..." well...I don't like her "...that told me that her looks...were a big part of why women didn't like her time has passed and they found about more about life...anti gay gun...a rock solid Consevative...well we couldn't have's destroy her...because if any woman is going to sit in the White's reserved for a Liberal...namely Hillary...when the initial view was negative...from the left and the media in this country...her politics and so called lack of IQ became the eventually turned into a self fulfilling prophecy...dumb and dumber...remember...Liberal look at everyone based on their IQ...just read their posts...they always talk about how smart this one is and how dumb that one is...not realizing that theirs a BIG difference between intelligence and knowledge...was Bill Clinton smart ?...I say not !!...

Look, no body's perfect and we ALL have our shallow moments. You assume that women didn't like her because she was "pretty". Sorry, Charlie, but that's a guy thing! When I am looking to a female politician as a role model, I'm not attracted to a gun tottin', six-pack lovin', Mavericky, soccer mom. I want a solid, intelligent, professional whose views are similar to mine. Heck, I thought Elizabeth Dole was pretty good until she played the religion card and got caught cheating! sick


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