Community > Posts By > copperhugs
I think it's interesting that you can never pin point who is responsible for bad rulings.. There are major flaws but because most child support cases have flaws it the norm?
what about insurence companies? that's a big beast that needs to be taken down a notch or two |
there are peopl who work low end labor jobs... there are people in our society at the bottom- by choice. our country depends on these people. College is NOT for everyone! The fatc that our country will pay you to go to school if you are at the bottom, and people still choose to manage an IHop or Jack in the Box... that should be your first clue. Choice and freedom go hand in hand.. how is an educated country a bad thing?? That sounds pretty ignorent to me. honestly
or the judicial system.. how does a man get 8 months for raping a child and a non-violent crime committed get 4 years.. jesus!
I also think it would be better off if we educated our selves on the fact that there is no "bad guy" and that appreciating differences can only make us stronger as idividuals and as a country.
freedom.. of choice, daniel... Our country was founded on this concept |
Personaly.. I feel that we need a president who will secure our constitutional rights as an American and that means someone who will not pass laws bias of his/her religious beliefs. There are millions of people who live in america and a dozen other religious groups other than evbangelist christians. No religion practiced by people are perfect. BECAUSE people are not perfect. Can we just let everyone live their lives how they choose? as long as they are not hurting themselves or taking rights away from other people we would all be happier- am I right?
20-27 women
I should post a discussion about needing a man... owen is genius
20-27 women
hello hello
soo we're making friends here? |
i need someone to talk to
everyone has something happening.. for the most part I feel that everyone here is open minded and can offer some varied advice..
we want to hear it |
Everyone should look into Bill Richardson's campaign.. If you are going to vote - make it an educated vote please. lol I'm going to try
I like wouldee's post!! I think sometimes people are more insecure with themselves then we think and lash out at anyone who puts them in an uncomfortable situation. In the end people who know you won't judge you by what some jack ass said on your profile..
I don't understand internet harrassment either- good luck |
riding horses in hawaii makes me smile
I'll be positive and not pretend like your relationship with this girl is meaningless.. because we all know that every relationship is different and no one knows more about it then the people who are in the relationship...
Been there done that .. first off. Relationships suck b/c you can't control how other people feel or what they do, you can only control yourself. (this is not very reliable and people will end up doing what they want in the end no matter how much you love them or how perfect you guys are for each other) b/c we don't know this girl my best advise would be to build the trust between the two of you, spent time with other girls and if you still feel the same way about her months from now.. then that is when you need to tell her how you feel. Everyone who has ever loved someone knows that there is no simple answer to your question and they also know that it is a horrible idea to just move on.. you don't want to move on.. that is why you wrote this topic. You are young, you have all the time in the world, you will change and until you know who you are through life experiences- chances are you wont know what you'll want. goood luck- |
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Panty Raid
haha hot rayden! love you picture
looks like she knows how to have a good time
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Panty Raid
I like!
Panty Raid
I'm wearing green polka dots.. if anyone wanted to know
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Panty Raid
What are you wearing...? ladies and men, we want to know!