Community > Posts By > JustDukkyMkII

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 05/02/13 09:10 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Thu 05/02/13 09:12 PM

woohoo! I have plausibility!

...and I have deniability!

Maybe we should get together and work for the State Department giving press releases.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 05/02/13 09:04 PM

Why would Assad use chemical weapons when he is clearly winning by conventional means. The dirty tricks brigade are concocting stories in order to fabricate a reson to attack. The west are arming Islamic terrorists and complianing that they are a threat to world peace.

The pictures of the people foaming at the mouth are not coming from the dirty tricks brigade.

There is a dirty tricks brigade? shocked

Good one!...I loved it.
rofl rofl rofl rofl

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 05/02/13 08:54 PM

there is no doubt in my mind that the 9-11 attack was anything more or less than that- an attack by enemy terrorists


Did Michael Corleone work for the BIS? I thought his connection was with the Vatican bank?...Oh; never mind. One bankster terrorist is the same as the next.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 05/02/13 08:47 PM

Sharia Law is a joke

What's the punch line?...maybe that it isn't as hilarious as Judeo/Christian law?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 05/02/13 08:33 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Thu 05/02/13 08:34 PM

If America is self-sufficient in oil why bother being involved in Syria?.

Because the agenda isn't oil supply for the US; it is oil HEGEMONY and the preservation of the US petrodollar as part of the nearly completed bankster agenda for corporatist global control of the entire human race.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 05/02/13 08:13 PM

Muslim economists have argued for tempering the market mechanism with regulations designed to embody the public interest. According to them, in designing all policy, the primary consideration should be justice and equity rather than laissez faire market operations.

Muslim jurists have argued the case for limits on land ownership and strict application of inheritance laws to avoid concentration of wealth. Some radical Muslim jurists have also argued that land is a communal resource and ownership is confined to period of active use rather than perpetual. Again, mineral and other natural resources are regarded as communal property.

yep,in typical Collectivist Tribalist Fashion!

...and also (almost) correctly in terms of natural law. Communal property is also known as the common and can be the property of no man or collection of men. It can only be held in trust and claimed for (sustainable) use. All that may be "owned" is a CLAIM to some portion of the common for use.

In the theistic view, ALL property is the property of God. The Catholic Church once claimed the entire Earth as the rightful property of Christ, and made the office of the Pope "Christ's trustee"...Needless to say, this created a lot of (naturally unlawful) bull$hit to contend with, but it WAS an organizational system of some sort, and DOES explain why the head of the church claimed the exclusive right to crown kings...They were vassal kings, given their god's blessing to rule thru the authority of the office of the pope.

In the secular view, there is no such thing as private property that you haven't vested some part of your body or its energy into, which kinda lets out things like land, water & air as heritable property. To preserve things like serfdom, "property" (which they could no longer lawfully hold) and the wealth in their vaults, the powers of the day set up a system of legal fiction analogues that basically conned everyone into remaining serfs to them, even though they knew what was now being traded, held and vested was not physical property, but fictional, claimed RIGHTS to its possession/disposal. "Privately owned land" continued to be called that thanks to a clever change in definitions. In general, however, the term "real estate" became the term used as the (deceptive) fictional replacement for the traditional idea of "land as property." This deception of legal fictions (which benefits only a few) continues to this day and is the source of most of the woes of humanity, since it allows for such an egregious "distribution of wealth", that people all over the world suffer, starve and/or live in a state of slavery/serfdom/oppression in even the wealthiest of "countries" (which are yet more legal fictions created to replace "kingdoms"...the modern "country" is nothing more than a business corporation).

IMO, the collectivist tribes had it almost right...leastways a lot more right than the European neo-feudalist, fictional system most people live under today. The really sad thing is that people are the victims of their own ignorance in not knowing that it is their own assumptions (which they never question) that chain them to the 4 horses of the apocalypse for their convenient drawing and quartering.

People still fall for the idea that what some clown a thousand miles away writes down on a piece of paper somewhere (legislation) is "the law", even if they don't consent to be bound by it...Whattya gonna do?...They're stuck in the serf mentality.
actually those very Feudalist Societies were Collectivist and Tribalist!
Nothing to be proud of!
Today they are known by a different name,Statist!
Those who consistently rob the Individual of their Achievement and Reward!
Your System hasn't worked anywhere in the world,because Human Beings do not bend that way!

if Socialism is so great...why does it have to be mandated and forced on people?

Some People feel they must live as Slaves of the Tribe!
I don't!

Quite correct, though the "tribe" was and is composed of elitists who excluded the rest of humanity (for the most part considered "useless eaters" if they can't "earn their keep" as serfs). You might say that they're only "collectivist" in the senses that they generally work cooperatively with their own "kind" (socialism for the rich), and "collect" the slaves to work on their (state) "plantation."

The espoused politico/economic philosophy matters little...whether it's Communism, Socialism, Representational Democracy, or Fascism, it is ALL Statism, run and controlled by a neo-feudalist (monopolistic capitalist) economic elite that could be called the new kings of the earth, or the New World Order, or a dozen other names...I prefer to call them what they are...banksters, who control almost all the world with fraudulent debt.

The world is finally starting to wise up to the central banksters' con, and at the risk of sounding like a theist prophet, I see a day of reckoning we could liken to the Day of Judgment coming up fast. Maybe after that's over and done with, we can finally all live peacefully and cooperatively as the self-governing trustees of the earth and our fellow man/woman under the rule of law. I hope so anyway. I'd hate to think the crap that we have to put up with today is gonna go on forever.
are you by any chance one of the Starnes Heirs?laugh

Don't get me started on Rand!…Too late, you have…{deleted for brevity}...and her objectivism…It's just another stupid "ism" after all.

I'll say that while I enjoyed some of her writing (if it was truly hers), I find her view of the egoist/individualist (with remarkably similar attributes in some respects to the subjectivist Nietzschian Übermensch) as expressed in her writing, not fully three-dimensional. While admirable for his independence, anarchistic self-governance, and inner strength, he falls far too short as a hero I could admire in that his snotty, selfish egoism and lack of empathy that places him at war with his socialist enemies makes him LESS than his full potential and not fully self-actualized at all. He might just as easily have been Ebenezer Scrooge before he wised up.

I wised up awhile ago. I used to play "Robin Hood" until I realised I was being unfair to the rich misers like Ebenezer and the murderous parasitic banksters & politicians I used to love to battle so much. I finally learned that it is much more effective to wage peace than to wage war, and that the easiest way to defeat an enemy is to be altruistic, and never give in to your anger & desire for vengeance. The old proverb that the best revenge is to live a good life is really true.

As a great ghost writer once said: "The man who loves his enemies has already won their war with him." - Sun Tan's "The Art of Peace"©

As you can tell, my own view differs from both Nietzsche and Rand. I see no reason why either a rugged individualist or Übermensch can't also have enough empathy for his fellows to be altruistic, love his enemies, and WILLINGLY give of himself for the good of others (I can already see Nietzsche spinning in his grave)…With insincere apologies to both Ayn & Fred, a strong, independent, rugged, caring, selfless individual…THAT would be a REAL superman! Maybe he could even organize the planet into the united free republic under the rule of (natural) law (and not men) that it has always had the potential to be.

The real reason humans are committing collective suicide is because so few of them live anywhere near to their true potential. For the most part, their brains are way behind their bodies, stuck at the sel-serving lizard stage of evolution and governed by fear & greed. They continually fall for and follow stupid and incompletely defined concepts like capitalism, socialism, communism, collectivism, objectivism, fascism, zionism, monarchism, nepotism, elitism (or some other stupid "ism") as though they are the be-all & end-all, which they aren't. These philosophies, produced by stupid lizard-brained men & women are always the same, fine in theory, but sucking big-time in their actual implementation because they either try to accommodate man's basic lizard nature, or try to FORCE unevolved lizards' brains to act like self-actualized people as though they liked it, which none of them do. In any event, the lizard-brains never evolve. The best they can do is make the "ism" work for their own egotistic/psychopathic fear & greed-laden benefit.

Capitalism doesn't work because its real-world implementation is really just a game of monopoly where the most successful capitalist psychopath wins everybody's cookies. Socialism/collectivism doesn't work in the real world because the gunpoint theft of wealth from the individual for redistribution to others who haven't earned it (whether they need it or not) is morally wrong; not only that, we can add an unofficial parasitic elite to the Marxist "equals" because as you know, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, and anyone with the power to control the wealth of others (unless he's a more highly evolved life-form) will inevitably take the biggest "fair share" for himself. (so quite obviously NOBODY should have the power to govern those capable of governing themselves).

So how can those who need but can't provide for themselves get what they need in a peaceful and moral way that respects the right of those who earn to keep what they earn? Easy…Recognize that whether you like them or not, they are family…Give it to them entirely willingly and unselfishly (empathy, compassion, caring…you know… the stuff that makes humans more than just a bunch of psychopathic, dog-eat-dog, self interested egoistic a$$holes). We should never let our selfish interests, anger & malice prevail over our compassion, and we should recognize that our enemies are just family and we can probably work out the differences without killing one another if we cared enough to try.) So if your grumpy S.O.B. neighbour, whose dog $hits on your stoop while he watches laughing has a stroke and is gonna starve & die if you don't help him…well; I'll leave it to you to figure out the right thing to do.

If the higher animals (like ducks & geese for instance) were running the show on planet earth, I think you'd find it a much better place than the garbage dump men are turning it into at the expense of innocent life. Sometimes I wish you clowns would hurry up and kill yourselves all off & give the higher animals the opportunity to clean up the mess you're making and maybe the rest of us (mostly slime-mold & cockroaches if your suicide frenzy goes all-out) can live happily ever after.

Thankfully, Momma Earth's plan to de-louse herself and get rid of ALL the parasites unsustainably sucking her lifeblood is right on schedule and you will soon find yourselves embroiled in either a fully nuclear WWIII, or a global plague…{deleted for brevity}

I heard thru the grapevine that slime-mold & cockroaches will be replacing homo sapiens in the ecosystem. At least neither of those are destructive parasites…Bonus…As higher forms of life, they can work together cooperatively with their own species to get the job done.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 05/02/13 08:34 AM

Is Obama pro or con death penalty?

You gotta ask??

With the documented extrajudicial murderous drone attacks on American citizens without so much as a "So long, sucker!", it becomes quite obvious that Obama favours his own, special "death penalty" (also called cold-blooded murder by anyone more civilized) for anyone he feels like "penalizing."

Unfortunately, with the power of Presidential Pardon, he also appears to favour extrajudicially pardoning murderers for their crimes. I could swear I once heard him chuckling and mumbling "pardon me" to himself.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 05/02/13 03:42 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Thu 05/02/13 03:55 AM

The problem I have with the death penalty is the same as the problem I have with people in general being the stupid, vengeful and murderous animals that they are; it is the worst of all possible "solutions" to the problem of crime in that it makes the same sick mistake and comes from the same sick mindset of the criminal himself...and it makes the horribly unjust mistake of killing innocent people that could be any of us. ("There but for the Grace of G-d, go I..." - John Bradford(?) )

Why don't we ask Timothy Evans what he thinks of the death penalty?...Oh yeah...Silly me...He died after his beloved family was murdered!

How many of you self-righteous, vengeful, tailless(?) monkeys favouring the death penalty would like to walk the last mile in his shoes?

Oh least he was eventually pardoned...Wasn't that nice of us?

(And people actually wonder why I prefer being a bird to being human!!...Sheesh!)

I do believe its bad enough when people lose their freedom for decades for things witnesses thought they saw them doing, or places they thought they saw them at,,,,

but at least, it can be remedied

the idea that an innocent person may be killed with state approval,,,is a terrifying prospect to me too....

or the idea that incarceration isnt enough protection and 'vengeance' for us,,,,

The standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt" is insufficient for a death penalty. If there is to be a death penalty at all (and I strongly disapprove of it), the standard should be "beyond ALL doubt whatsoever." (i.e. that ANY possibly true alibi or excuse MUST disallow execution.). To accept any standard lower than this would allow the innocent to die and make the people comprising the society imposing that penalty themselves complicit in the slaughter of innocents (i.e. accessories to state murder).

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 05/02/13 02:01 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Thu 05/02/13 02:07 AM
The problem I have with the death penalty is the same as the problem I have with people in general being the stupid, vengeful and murderous animals that they are; it is the worst of all possible "solutions" to the problem of crime in that it makes the same sick mistake and comes from the same sick mindset of the criminal himself...and it makes the horribly unjust mistake of killing innocent people that could be any of us. ("There but for the Grace of G-d, go I..." - John Bradford(?) )

Why don't we ask Timothy Evans what he thinks of the death penalty?...Oh yeah...Silly me...He died after his beloved family was murdered!

How many of you self-righteous, vengeful, tailless(?) monkeys favouring the death penalty would like to walk the last mile in his shoes?

Oh least he was eventually pardoned...Wasn't that nice of us?

(And people actually wonder why I prefer being a bird to being human!!...Sheesh!)

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 04/30/13 03:48 PM

Sorry there is only one side, The Bankers.

Truer words were never spoken!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 04/30/13 02:55 PM

so,you propose to drive out Statism with Collectivism!

For shame!...That's not what I'm saying at all, and you should know it, naughty boy.

People should join together, cooperate and help their fellows because they WANT to, not because some collectivist philosophy says they have to. If anyone wants to live in the woods as a hermit, he has no obligation of care to his fellows because he has no fellows to care for. If someone wants to live in a community and not contribute to the community, that's OK too, but by the same token, he should expect no help from the community if he needs it.

If one has a family, he has an obligation of care to govern those who can't govern themselves (like his children), to care for those who can't care for themselves (like maybe the grandparents) and to help those in need of his help (like his family & friends). What would you call a family man who tells his friends, kids, and parents "It's survival of the fittest and every man for himself, so expect nothing from me."...I don't know about you, but I'd call the guy a first rate a$$hole.

What I'm arguing for is the same thing you're arguing for (I think), and that is a world where those capable of self-governance are self governing, where the wealth they earn is NOT taken from them by the false authority of some state (of whatever political philosophy) for redistribution to others who have not earned it, but where human compassion manifests and those who produce abundantly GIVE of themselves voluntarily to those in need because in a world of abundant wealth, the needless suffering of another human being for want of his ability to fend for himself is simply immoral and wrong. That is why natural law would posit that the implied social contract incorporates an obligation to care...because we do.

The Bankers rule the roost and have to be put in their place, prison , but I would stop short of Death Row, one has got to be fair, even to pin striped Gangstars


JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 04/30/13 12:54 PM

Muslim economists have argued for tempering the market mechanism with regulations designed to embody the public interest. According to them, in designing all policy, the primary consideration should be justice and equity rather than laissez faire market operations.

Muslim jurists have argued the case for limits on land ownership and strict application of inheritance laws to avoid concentration of wealth. Some radical Muslim jurists have also argued that land is a communal resource and ownership is confined to period of active use rather than perpetual. Again, mineral and other natural resources are regarded as communal property.

yep,in typical Collectivist Tribalist Fashion!

...and also (almost) correctly in terms of natural law. Communal property is also known as the common and can be the property of no man or collection of men. It can only be held in trust and claimed for (sustainable) use. All that may be "owned" is a CLAIM to some portion of the common for use.

In the theistic view, ALL property is the property of God. The Catholic Church once claimed the entire Earth as the rightful property of Christ, and made the office of the Pope "Christ's trustee"...Needless to say, this created a lot of (naturally unlawful) bull$hit to contend with, but it WAS an organizational system of some sort, and DOES explain why the head of the church claimed the exclusive right to crown kings...They were vassal kings, given their god's blessing to rule thru the authority of the office of the pope.

In the secular view, there is no such thing as private property that you haven't vested some part of your body or its energy into, which kinda lets out things like land, water & air as heritable property. To preserve things like serfdom, "property" (which they could no longer lawfully hold) and the wealth in their vaults, the powers of the day set up a system of legal fiction analogues that basically conned everyone into remaining serfs to them, even though they knew what was now being traded, held and vested was not physical property, but fictional, claimed RIGHTS to its possession/disposal. "Privately owned land" continued to be called that thanks to a clever change in definitions. In general, however, the term "real estate" became the term used as the (deceptive) fictional replacement for the traditional idea of "land as property." This deception of legal fictions (which benefits only a few) continues to this day and is the source of most of the woes of humanity, since it allows for such an egregious "distribution of wealth", that people all over the world suffer, starve and/or live in a state of slavery/serfdom/oppression in even the wealthiest of "countries" (which are yet more legal fictions created to replace "kingdoms"...the modern "country" is nothing more than a business corporation).

IMO, the collectivist tribes had it almost right...leastways a lot more right than the European neo-feudalist, fictional system most people live under today. The really sad thing is that people are the victims of their own ignorance in not knowing that it is their own assumptions (which they never question) that chain them to the 4 horses of the apocalypse for their convenient drawing and quartering.

People still fall for the idea that what some clown a thousand miles away writes down on a piece of paper somewhere (legislation) is "the law", even if they don't consent to be bound by it...Whattya gonna do?...They're stuck in the serf mentality.
actually those very Feudalist Societies were Collectivist and Tribalist!
Nothing to be proud of!
Today they are known by a different name,Statist!
Those who consistently rob the Individual of their Achievement and Reward!
Your System hasn't worked anywhere in the world,because Human Beings do not bend that way!

if Socialism is so great...why does it have to be mandated and forced on people?

Some People feel they must live as Slaves of the Tribe!
I don't!

Quite correct, though the "tribe" was and is composed of elitists who excluded the rest of humanity (for the most part considered "useless eaters" if they can't "earn their keep" as serfs). You might say that they're only "collectivist" in the senses that they generally work cooperatively with their own "kind" (socialism for the rich), and "collect" the slaves to work on their (state) "plantation."

The espoused politico/economic philosophy matters little...whether it's Communism, Socialism, Representational Democracy, or Fascism, it is ALL Statism, run and controlled by a neo-feudalist (monopolistic capitalist) economic elite that could be called the new kings of the earth, or the New World Order, or a dozen other names...I prefer to call them what they are...banksters, who control almost all the world with fraudulent debt.

The world is finally starting to wise up to the central banksters' con, and at the risk of sounding like a theist prophet, I see a day of reckoning we could liken to the Day of Judgment coming up fast. Maybe after that's over and done with, we can finally all live peacefully and cooperatively as the self-governing trustees of the earth and our fellow man/woman under the rule of law. I hope so anyway. I'd hate to think the crap that we have to put up with today is gonna go on forever.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 04/30/13 12:18 PM

Just one of many well documented cases of the miscarriages of juctice, the above is the greatest miscarriage of justice in the American judicial systems history.

whoa not even close... i guess the 26 kids burned to death in waco by our government means nothing... but i guess bringing up racial issues from 70 years ago has it's meaning, it seems to follow the militant propaganda from your buddies at the NOI...

"The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic."...Joseph Stalin

Both that boy's execution and the Waco incident fill me with revulsion and disgust at a human condition that would allow either event to take place.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 04/30/13 10:17 AM

Muslim economists have argued for tempering the market mechanism with regulations designed to embody the public interest. According to them, in designing all policy, the primary consideration should be justice and equity rather than laissez faire market operations.

Muslim jurists have argued the case for limits on land ownership and strict application of inheritance laws to avoid concentration of wealth. Some radical Muslim jurists have also argued that land is a communal resource and ownership is confined to period of active use rather than perpetual. Again, mineral and other natural resources are regarded as communal property.

yep,in typical Collectivist Tribalist Fashion!

...and also (almost) correctly in terms of natural law. Communal property is also known as the common and can be the property of no man or collection of men. It can only be held in trust and claimed for (sustainable) use. All that may be "owned" is a CLAIM to some portion of the common for use.

In the theistic view, ALL property is the property of God. The Catholic Church once claimed the entire Earth as the rightful property of Christ, and made the office of the Pope "Christ's trustee"...Needless to say, this created a lot of (naturally unlawful) bull$hit to contend with, but it WAS an organizational system of some sort, and DOES explain why the head of the church claimed the exclusive right to crown kings...They were vassal kings, given their god's blessing to rule thru the authority of the office of the pope.

In the secular view, there is no such thing as private property that you haven't vested some part of your body or its energy into, which kinda lets out things like land, water & air as heritable property. To preserve things like serfdom, "property" (which they could no longer lawfully hold) and the wealth in their vaults, the powers of the day set up a system of legal fiction analogues that basically conned everyone into remaining serfs to them, even though they knew what was now being traded, held and vested was not physical property, but fictional, claimed RIGHTS to its possession/disposal. "Privately owned land" continued to be called that thanks to a clever change in definitions. In general, however, the term "real estate" became the term used as the (deceptive) fictional replacement for the traditional idea of "land as property." This deception of legal fictions (which benefits only a few) continues to this day and is the source of most of the woes of humanity, since it allows for such an egregious "distribution of wealth", that people all over the world suffer, starve and/or live in a state of slavery/serfdom/oppression in even the wealthiest of "countries" (which are yet more legal fictions created to replace "kingdoms"...the modern "country" is nothing more than a business corporation).

IMO, the collectivist tribes had it almost right...leastways a lot more right than the European neo-feudalist, fictional system most people live under today. The really sad thing is that people are the victims of their own ignorance in not knowing that it is their own assumptions (which they never question) that chain them to the 4 horses of the apocalypse for their convenient drawing and quartering.

People still fall for the idea that what some clown a thousand miles away writes down on a piece of paper somewhere (legislation) is "the law", even if they don't consent to be bound by it...Whattya gonna do?...They're stuck in the serf mentality.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 04/30/13 04:21 AM
His Mom committed the "crime" of saying her son wasn't a terrorist, so of course, she has to also be "taken down."

This Boston bombing thing has all the credibility of a professional wrestling match...enjoy the show.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 04/29/13 09:52 PM

What a ferel, Jeffrey Dahmer would be proud.

I heard Jeff was killed in prison...Here's hoping he was sautéed in butter over a light flame and served with a sprinkling of cinnamon on a bed of wild rice...I think he would have wanted it that way.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 04/29/13 05:15 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Mon 04/29/13 05:16 PM

I confess I'm more than a little enamoured of the Islamic banking concept. From a secular perspective, I find it to be a more moral and ethical form of commercial banking.

To contrast the financing approaches, I took this out of the following URL:

Consider two persons, one of whom has capital but no special skills in business, while the other has managerial skills but possesses no capital. They can co-operate in either of two ways:

Debt-financing (the western loan system). The businessman borrows the capital from the capital-owner and invests it in his trade. The capital-owner is to get back his principal and an additional amount on the basis of a fixed rate, called the interest rate, as his compensation for parting with liquidity for a fixed period. The claim of the lender for repayment of the principal plus the payment of the interest becomes viable only after the expiry of this period. This payment is due irrespective of whether the businessman has made a profit using the borrowed money. In the event of a loss, the borrower has to repay the principal amount of the loan, as well as the accrued interest, from his own resources, while the capital-owner loses nothing. Islam views this as an unjust transaction.

Mudarabah (the Islamic way, or PLS). The two persons co-operate with each other on the basis of partnership, where the capital-owner provides the capital and the other party puts his management skills into the business. The capital-owner is not involved in the actual day-to-day operation of the business, but is free to stipulate certain conditions that he may deem necessary to ensure the best use of his funds. After the expiry of the period, which may be the termination of the contract or such time that returns are obtained from the business, the capital-owner gets back his principal amount together with a pre-agreed share of the profit.

(As I see it, the Islamic banker functions as a venture capitalist in that the banker risks his capital, which is more in the nature of a silent partner in the enterprise than simply a creditor of it.)

Only drawback in an agreement between the Muslam and Infidel is, the Muslime doesn't have to honor the agreement.

I think it says something like that in the Talmud, but where does it say it in the Q'uran?

They are, according to the quran, not allowed to enter into friendly relations with Non-Muslimes.
If they enter into a business. financial deal, they are not obliged to honor the agreement because, the non-muslime is as a snake in the grass. To be stomped til dead.


"O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors; they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust. (The Noble Quran, 5:51)"

"O ye who believe! Take not for friends and protectors those who take your religion for a mockery or sport - whether among those who received the Scripture (i.e., the Bible) before you, or among those who reject Faith; but fear ye Allah, if ye have Faith (indeed). (The Noble Quran, 5:57)"

"Yea, to those who take for friends unbelievers rather than believers: is it honour they seek among them? Nay,- all honour is with God. (The Noble Quran, 4:139)"

"O ye who believe! Turn not (for friendship) To people on whom Is the Wrath of Allah. Of the Hereafter they are Already in despair, just as The Unbelievers are In despair about those (Buried) in graves. (The Noble Quran, 60:13)"

The Q'uran citations are only that unbelievers are not to be "trusted" (and of course I don't trust anyone), so at worst the Q'ran neglects to mention that even muslim brothers are not to be trusted, but hey, I guess Mohammed wouldn't have gotten his religion off the ground with "Trust no one!", though he might have done OK with "Trust ONLY Allah!"

At any rate, the cites, do not support your claim that muslims will not honour a deal struck with a non-muslim. I have made deals with people of all faiths, and so far, there have been people of all major faiths who have tried to renege...except the few muslims I've dealt with...I haven't known too many, but I've yet to meet one that wasn't as good as his word.

I've only known one religious extremist in my life and he was a Christian...He flat out told me that if he knew someone was a witch, he would kill her, because a true Christian (or Jew) would not let a witch live (Exodus 22:16). I'm thankful the guy doesn't do drugs, because if he ever had a hallucination of me riding a broom, I'm sure I'd be dead meat.

I don't know how it is in the US, but in Canada (and for as much as the government tries to vilify muslims), different faiths get along reasonably well here. I know Christians, Jews and Muslims who play golf together. The only difference their religion seems to make is which day they skip worship for golf. Being a non-practicing Unitarian Universalist, I sometimes make it a foursome to round things out.

In Canada people are generally pretty civilized with respect to religious discussion. The only time things get violent is when they start arguing hockey.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 04/29/13 04:20 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Mon 04/29/13 04:20 PM

but many who live on the ideal of complete 'freedom' dont understand how easily order can become chaos without boundaries beyond the simplistic 'do no harm'

You're right...I don't understand...How could order become chaos if we enforced only that one simple law?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 04/29/13 04:00 PM

I confess I'm more than a little enamoured of the Islamic banking concept. From a secular perspective, I find it to be a more moral and ethical form of commercial banking.

To contrast the financing approaches, I took this out of the following URL:

Consider two persons, one of whom has capital but no special skills in business, while the other has managerial skills but possesses no capital. They can co-operate in either of two ways:

Debt-financing (the western loan system). The businessman borrows the capital from the capital-owner and invests it in his trade. The capital-owner is to get back his principal and an additional amount on the basis of a fixed rate, called the interest rate, as his compensation for parting with liquidity for a fixed period. The claim of the lender for repayment of the principal plus the payment of the interest becomes viable only after the expiry of this period. This payment is due irrespective of whether the businessman has made a profit using the borrowed money. In the event of a loss, the borrower has to repay the principal amount of the loan, as well as the accrued interest, from his own resources, while the capital-owner loses nothing. Islam views this as an unjust transaction.

Mudarabah (the Islamic way, or PLS). The two persons co-operate with each other on the basis of partnership, where the capital-owner provides the capital and the other party puts his management skills into the business. The capital-owner is not involved in the actual day-to-day operation of the business, but is free to stipulate certain conditions that he may deem necessary to ensure the best use of his funds. After the expiry of the period, which may be the termination of the contract or such time that returns are obtained from the business, the capital-owner gets back his principal amount together with a pre-agreed share of the profit.

(As I see it, the Islamic banker functions as a venture capitalist in that the banker risks his capital, which is more in the nature of a silent partner in the enterprise than simply a creditor of it.)

Only drawback in an agreement between the Muslam and Infidel is, the Muslime doesn't have to honor the agreement.

I think it says something like that in the Talmud, but where does it say it in the Q'uran?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 04/29/13 03:56 PM

Islamic terrorism is just a modern-day boogeyman created to replace the former boogeyman of "Communism". Both of these boogeymen were created by the banking interests in order to manipulate people using fear (so they could continue robbing them).

Anyone who refuses to recognize the true source of grief & suffering in the world has unconsciously determined that it will continue and run to its planned conclusion.

This whole business of "us" against "them" is wearing kinda thin...There IS no "them"...only us; and our own creation (the bank...which has made its creator into its own property) is assuring our collective suicide as a species. (except for the crooked banksters of course...They expect to survive their contrived "armageddon" while exterminating the creditors...Hey, it beats paying them back and going to prison)

While you guys are chasing down, bombing & killing every new "enemy" that you are told threatens your existence, the real enemy is gearing up to kill you to ensure you never have to be paid back.
laugh :laughing: rofl

Please don't feed the conspiracy theroyists

More to the point, stop feeding the bankers. I guarantee if you stop letting them suck your blood, those bloodsucking parasites will starve and go away.