OMG the woman on the right looks so devastated. I mean it's midterm elections not the end of the world.
The Citizens have spoken!
King Ding A Ling Obama cant out a spin on this. The citizens have slapped him in the face today. All's we need is one more Senate seat to get the majority and we have already won the House. it's a bad day for Libbos........ And now what? What is actually going to change? All we have is the red team in control of the legislature but not so much as to override a veto so still at deadlock which actually is a good thing unless they are voting to quit. Wonder if they will try to overturn Odumbocare? Or will it just fail on it's own? What will change politically probably wont be a lot. However, a lot more bills will reach the president's desk that he will have to veto. Things like securing our border without anything being in the bill to give legal status to illegals. He will veto those things and the public will hear about it. He does enough of those types of things then it will be very hard for their party to hold the presidency next election. Next two years will be damage control as far as he is concerned. He will need to do enough things to help keep his party in power. Priorities in Washington Party > Self > The People |
I will vote for whoever is the most fiscally conservative probably. I would very much consider voting for Rand Paul if he ran. To me is a basically a libertarian pretending to be a republican lol. Interesting concept but let me ask, how would you define fiscally conservative? Would that be stealing less from the sheeple or committing less fraud by not borrowing from the FED what could have been done without them? And what would your version of fiscal conservatism yield? Would the government borrow less? Would the banks be restricted to a higher reserve percentage? Or would the banks have to only lend money they had? More fiscally conservative would be not spending more than we take in. Almost no president has been able to get congress to do this. This is what he supports. Some of his personal beliefs are more republican, but most of those he says he would leave to states to decide for themselves. |
I am assuming you are talking about your wifi connection. Have you tried plugging your computer directly to your router via cable? If your OS was recently re installed then your network card drivers are probably out of date. (this happened to my desktop when I rebuilt it). You will need to connect via cable and download the new drivers.
I will vote for whoever is the most fiscally conservative probably. I would very much consider voting for Rand Paul if he ran. To me is a basically a libertarian pretending to be a republican lol.
Thigh gaps:-)
![]() In America, we call em 3 finger gaps!!...And they are sexy as hell!! ![]() Agree that is sexy as hell. |
Video Cards
pfft BS read above. The ps3. Is way more powerful then any PC=ma Pc tech hasn't improved since 1947. OK The Amiga is only exception. I hope this is a joke..... |
what teams do you hate???
N.Y. Yankees Chicago Bears Dallas Cowboys Like someone already stated, the Cowboys was never part of my family as "America's Team". Plus don't like Jerry Jones. The Yankees, because we love to buy a championship, even though they haven't won 1 lately. The Bears, because I'm a Lions fan! ![]() Most Dallas fans don't like Jerry Jones. |
what teams do you hate???
Ny Yankees Denver Broncos Colorado Avalanche Dallas Cowboys What is everyone's problem with dallas? They should never had made that last series, it was rubbish!! You talking about the Seahawks game? They should have never had a dropped fair catch or a blocked punt. The only part of seattle that showed up was their special teams. But when Dallas is bad or good people hate on them. Not sure why. No I wasn't talking about the seahawks game I was talking about Dallas the soap. It was a bit of English humour but obviously it failed!! ![]() Thought you were referring the the last series of downs where they got the interception to end the game lol. |
what teams do you hate???
Ny Yankees Denver Broncos Colorado Avalanche Dallas Cowboys What is everyone's problem with dallas? They should never had made that last series, it was rubbish!! You talking about the Seahawks game? They should have never had a dropped fair catch or a blocked punt. The only part of seattle that showed up was their special teams. But when Dallas is bad or good people hate on them. Not sure why. |
what teams do you hate???
Ny Yankees Denver Broncos Colorado Avalanche Dallas Cowboys What is everyone's problem with dallas? |
NO, as it relates to my ORIGINAL opinion, I DO NOT CARE ABOUT HIS RACE(as I obviously was not aware of what it was) as it relates to the level of experience SOMEONE ELSE introduced into the discussion after SHAREING His race,,,, its a logical conclusion that being black himself he has more EXPERIENCE in the experiences of a black person,, than non blacks would,,, and when we are talking EXPERIENCE, that is different from EDUCATION or STUDIES/POLLS a man can study as much as he wants about WOMENS rights, biology, etc,, and he still wont have more EXPERIENCE with those things than someone who is a woman,,, Disagree. A woman doesn't know more about her biology than say a gynecologist just because she is a woman. As a white male I have lived my life and can talk on my experiences, however that doesn't mean I know more about being white or male than someone who isn't white or male who does extensive research and studies on those things. 1 data point is useless. My life could be an outlier. I guess I should be a urologist because of all this experience with.... ![]() |
Job hunting on the internet
I have never felt the SECURITY to sign a contract of work for one company and then seek work elsewhere kind of feels like being in a marriage and messing around,,,to me anyhow not to mention the need to be able to receive messages during the hours I work or am on the road to and from and the taking time off for interviews in other places,,,, didn't seem like something employers would look for,, but I guess it does depend upon the job I wouldn't hire someone who shows no loyalty to a job,,I would feel Id be just another stepping stone while they found what they really wanted Well now you are making assumptions. I have done this twice. Once was because a company was giving me work. I was there making lots of money for 8 months and doing nothing and hated it. I talked to the owner about it. New job and new city which I liked. Second time I got married and my wife ended up getting a job in another state. I informed my managers that it happened and that I would be looking for another job and would give them as much notice as I could when I found one. In fact, that one even let me use vacation to stay on until the new year which allowed me to get new vacation time for the next year and use that as well. You see in some situations it is the employee that is easily replaceable in others it is the company. |
Job hunting on the internet
Employers are like members of the opposite sex. They want you when you are already spoken for. I have always found it much easier to find work when I am already working.
Request denied. Open forum. Get ready for deluge. It is like my favorite thing.... to go and comment in lady only threads. |
So the majority of women should message you? Not understanding why?
Sorry I am not a lady but a cat. |
This was my go to background show when working from home. Something I could have on and not really pay attention to since I have seen most episodes and don't easily get too drawn in. What will I do now?
![]() |
I am confused what he is asking. Android = phone, Mac = computer, Windows = phone or computer.
As for phone I say android. Androids give you better hardware for the same price, you can increase storage with micro sd cards and you have battery options like buying a spare. For computers I say Windows for a lot of the same reasons, more power for the money, customization (i build my own PC. Original build was in 08 and I upgrade parts as necessary for max settings for gaming) I have a macbook at work and have less issues with my custom PC than with my mac. |
no regret having them, I do sometimes regret who I had my daughter WITH though,,,, poor choice for a father,,,, and all children, to me, deserve their mother and fathers love and foundation,,,, I agree and myself had a troubled childhood. I am not sure if I am able to give a child that. I am pretty sure that I would regret them. It is a reason I am against it. |
Too close to home for you??? I live less than 10 miles from this hospital. ![]() So do I. |