Fact v Opinion
Well Jes, sorry to hear about misfortune with your lady friend , but it happens. And as to the line of forming a logical conclusion and jumping to conclusion, well that is what makes the forums interesting because you can see who understands the difference between jumping to conclusions vs forming a logical conclusion. I think it's also important to be able to admit when you jump to a conclusion, so you do it less/no more. Improvement should always be a part of the human experience. I have been looked at as mean, when I ask every man, who messages me, if he is real. I do this often, when I have that feeling. ![]() Many don't. Message back. I actually expressed the possibility that her name was a pseudonym. She got really defensive. Guess I hit the nail right on the head. A part of me is hoping I'm wrong, because I hate not having someone special in my life, but I ran a background check. Now I have another reason to hate the love of money. |
Fact v Opinion
I appreciate the wish of good fortune Diserli_gears, but I have now become convinced that it was just another scam. I will likely report her profile (assuming she is a she) unless she can convince me she is real in a timely manner, because I don't want any other lonely souls to get scammed.
![]() On the bright side, looks like we have lots of debating to look forward to. I probably won't even bother deactivating my account next time. If someone is really in to me, they'll just need to trust me, just as I'll have to learn to trust them. I just need to finish my chores first, because there is a ton to go through here, and I doubt I will be able to cover it all in one sitting. I also appreciate your politeness. After feeling down from the high of thinking I finally found someone, you have helped me feel a little better. An immature individual would have probably to accused me of just taking a cowardly way out. You on the other hand responded in a way that I would expect from someone who is mature, and that is something that I respect. From reading some of the posts above, it seems that there also needs to be a discussion about the line between forming a logical conclusion and jumping to conclusions. Informing the reader what could happen, but isn't known for sure... Hmm, I could definitely see how it could be difficult to tell the difference. And if it confirms your confirmation bias, would you even see it as biased, or a logical conclusion? |
Fact v Opinion
I’ll just leave this little tidbit, ‘cause at the request of someone that I have started talking to, I am discontinuing my account on this site shortly.
To Diserli Gears: I agree that living in constant anger is bad for you, but there is a difference between that, and righteous anger. I was actually looking forward to replying to you on my next day off. Maybe I’ll run into you somewhere else, and I can explain my positions in detail. If things go the way I hope they will with this lady, I won’t on this site again. I wish good luck to everyone here in finding that special someone. |
Because I've messaged just about every lady on Match who I have even a remote interest in. As of about three months, and still not a single date.
I have no doubt that there will be a Blue Wave. Between the tax scam, the taking away of health care from millions of Americans, and now the separation of children from their parents at the border, Americans who oppose Trump and the modern Greedy Old Pervert party, or in other words, gives a **** about morality should have every reason to vote in the November election, except for maybe those whose choice of Democrat is so horrible. Assuming that there are even any decent Republicans left, which I doubt.
However, I have no doubt that the Republicans will continue to cheat by using Gerrymandering and voter suppression. And then there is Russia, which the Trump Maladministration refuses to even recognize, because Trump is so worried that doing so will make his presidency look even more like an illegitimate bastard! How many in Intelligence said that Russia is going to continue to try to interfere in our election process again? |
Fact v Opinion
I think the attack on Hillary Clinton is she was POTUS would be just as intense, the hatred for her from the right is just as bad as the Hatred for Trump from the left. The only difference conservatives wouldn't be protesting and rioting on the street, although I think she would be the poster child for recruitment from the Alt Right. She would be mired in controversy from her own scandal from Uranium one and I doubt the North Korean porky dictator would be meeting her Mark my words folks, they are coming after Trump with fully loaded guns ablaze. And when he survives which he will, he wont be impeached and the Democrats and certain republicans will pay for it in 2020. Because Trump will look like a survivor and fighter and that is good enough for the average folk. It is clear to me that you get most of your news from Fox News or right wing opinion blogs like Breitbart. I recall there actually being calls for a revolt if Hillary won the election. For the most part, the protests have been peaceful. What about the Alt-Right, like in Charlottesville? How many people have liberal demonstrators killed since Trump was elected? Enlighten me! Hillary wasn't the only one who signed off on the Uranium deal, from what little details I recall. So if there was a conspiracy, a lot of people were in on it. Why not go after them too while at it? If Trump goes through the process of firing Mueller without proving that he is incapable of being unbiased and replacing him with someone who is (Mueller is a Republican for goodness sake!) before he has a chance to complete his investigation into criminal conspiracy with Russia, obstructing justice, then as far as I'm concerned, those of us who know that Trump is a lying, cheating scumbag will have every right to assume that he is guilty, and come after him with "fully loaded guns blazing", as you put it. Every spineless Republican will probably vote against impeachment regardless of the results of the investigation, because they need voters like you to keep their 6-figure salary and benefits that they don't want to every citizen to have, but just remember that there are hundreds of millions of Americans who know what is truly destroying this country. And unless you refer to the lying, spineless, morally bankrupt, feckless cowards that makes up the modern GOP, it isn't the Deep State! |
Virgin @ 28
You think that being a virgin at 28 is bad? Try not ever even going on out a first date at 28 years, 1 month, and 39 days (and counting)!
Not by choice, but when you don't have a car and license until 27-28... When all of your associates at work who you find even remotely attractive are already in a relationship or have no interest... When bars and getting girls drunk just isn't your style (plus, I never liked the taste of alcohol myself)... When the you have a work environment that isn't conducive to meeting singles your age, and even I find it questionably appropriate at best to ask for someone's number when they are with friend or family in front of dozens of people... And when you finally do find someone online after about two months of trying who reciprocates your interest, only for a work friend to decide to pursue her, and then for her to return the favor... That is when celibacy is not optional! Not that I would mind if one of the terms of a relationship is celibacy for religious reasons until our wedding night if it ever comes, assuming that she is worth the wait (and I have every intention of only messaging those who I consider to be so, just in case)! I hear that anticipation is supposed to heighten the sense of pleasure anyways! ;) |
It's funny and ironic that you live perhaps not far from where I spent much of my childhood. I miss Georgia. I don't remember it being anywhere as hot or humid as it is in Central Florida.
![]() The best part is that my job requires me to go outside into said heat and humidity! |