Community > Posts By > diserli_gears

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Mon 07/09/18 10:56 AM

You can not measure emotion by age

sure you can.

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Mon 07/09/18 10:45 AM

I will repeat, AN ASSAULT IS AN ASSAULT wherever it happens. comparing an ASSAULT to an ASSAULT is NOT comparing 'apples to oranges'

sorry if english seems like 'word games'...

A black teen assaulting someone In Beverley hills may not get him killed by police

A black teen assaulting someone in Detroit may get him killed by police.

That was my point.

No one said an Assault isnt an assault.

no photo
Mon 07/09/18 10:40 AM
play all the word games you want, Im not falling for it

you know unless you're Stevie Wonder that black folks have darker skin than whites, doesn't matter the shade of the colour it still identifiable , add in hair and other another features

The bottom line some folks ( I didnt just say whites) some folks do not like, or is attracted to black folks for whatever their reason is , skin, hair or other features.

Some are not attracted to white skin

it doesn't mean they are racists, or whatever label you come up with

I think people who come up labels to justify their rejection because they cannot accept rejection and that is truly sad.

no photo
Mon 07/09/18 10:33 AM

no one said anything about LIVING in BH or DETROIT, I said being ASSAULTED there.

The victim of assault in DETROIT, isnt saying' oh, I wish I had been assaulted in BH instead'

assault is assault, danger is danger, whatever the location in which it is happening....

assaults happen less in Beverly hills vs Detroit

Beverley hills ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Do I need to put up the stats for Detroit?

no photo
Mon 07/09/18 10:13 AM

whats BS is that a cop ACTUALLY being assaulted can make an arrest without killing someone, yet a cop who sees someone RUNNING away doesnt see an option but to use lethal force.

that doesnt matter WHERE one is at, assault is assault, and running is running.

sorry but facts are facts, you praise the police in Racine County Wisc, for not using lethal force when you dont understand that in that city there aren't a lot of homicides to start off with

ooops facts

Here is a major story from Racine County this year, 9 charged in firing paintball bullets at pedestrians ( see below)

Compared to what police deal with in Pittsburgh , see below an article I found out of 114 homicides in 2015, 91 of them were black folks.

you have to compares apples to apples not apples to oranges

no photo
Mon 07/09/18 09:32 AM
once its established it depends

The last person I dated we dated for 6 months, the shortest relationship Ive ever had.

one month into the relationship she discovered this new and chic Thai restaurant, Thai food being one of my favourite dishes and she surprised me by taking me out and she paid the bill but she made it clear when we arrived that it was her treat and I had no problems with it

no photo
Mon 07/09/18 09:11 AM
I dont subscribe to that theory whoever asks pays

I think it takes the romance out of it...

Ive been asked out and Ive always declined when someone asks me out because I know from experience that they will pay and to me that takes away my manhood when a woman pays when Im out.

I get it once you're in a relationship and she wants to do something special for me, I have no issues with that.

But starting out getting to know someone romantically and paying for the date, you might as well kick me in the nuts after too.

no photo
Mon 07/09/18 09:06 AM
no, you validated your response,

let me ask the question again

based on what you posted ( see below)

. In laymans terms, I would say a BIGOT is a noun describing a person intolerant to those different than they are, RACIST is an adjective that describes actions or words meant to lump an entire RACE of individuals together, and RACIST can also be a noun to describe a person who assumes certain RACES as innately superior or inferior to others in one way or another, and PREJUDICE is a noun describing a mindset that JUDGES an individual not on their individual actions or words but based on a pre established assumption about them based upon the group they belong to. --msharmony

based on what you posted how is someone who doesn't want to date someone of a different race because they are not attracted to that race being "racist"

no photo
Mon 07/09/18 09:03 AM

thank you for the information. Good on those who find non lethal means to address these 'assaults' and what I can imagine are the various DEGREES of threat they actually involve.

there are literately 1000's of cops who dont use lethal force but it depends where they are too, I mean if you're a cop in Mayberry with Aunt Bee and the major crime is breaking and entering is different from lets say South side Chicago where every hood rat wants to take the cops out

no photo
Mon 07/09/18 09:00 AM
You didnt answer my question

no photo
Mon 07/09/18 08:56 AM

lol. In laymans terms, I would say a BIGOT is a noun describing a person intolerant to those different than they are, RACIST is an adjective that describes actions or words meant to lump an entire RACE of individuals together, and RACIST can also be a noun to describe a person who assumes certain RACES as innately superior or inferior to others in one way or another, and PREJUDICE is a noun describing a mindset that JUDGES an individual not on their individual actions or words but based on a pre established assumption about them based upon the group they belong to.

So based on yout aforementioned description, why would call someone who doesn't want to date a certain race because they are not attracted to that race "racist"?

no photo
Mon 07/09/18 08:50 AM
Do you know the stats regarding how many law enforcement officers are assaulted each year?

Does any one ever talk about that?

no photo
Mon 07/09/18 08:43 AM

I totally agree with you in spirit, but the term "withholding" to me sounds like its a conscious tool implemented to achieve something. When someone doesnt want to have sex, in general, its not to gain something, rather its because something is missing.

Ive heard men use this term more often than women but its not limited to gender. It sounds like they mean their partner is simply trying to punish them, when, more often than not, something has made his partner too uncomfortable to want sex with him.

jmo, not trying to contradict anything else in your message.

I understand, and you are right, a lot of men do use "withholding" vs "refusing" to have sex, and that makes more sense.

no photo
Mon 07/09/18 08:38 AM
thank you for the grammar lesson as we didnt know that

anyways , back to the topic of interracial dating

You say if someone excludes a race when it comes to dating is considered "racist"

It makes me wonder if you know the difference since you are big on labeling , what is the difference between bigot, racist and prejudice?

no photo
Mon 07/09/18 07:36 AM
welcome to M2

no photo
Mon 07/09/18 07:10 AM

When police approached Zellmer, he then get out of his vehicle and began to fight the officer.

"Things turned south pretty quickly," Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling told FOX6. "When he was asked to come out, you can see it in his eyes, he was not willing to give up his night of partying and he became violent."

In the video, the deputy can be seen falling to the ground as Zellmer attacked him.

Officers were able to eventually place Zellmer under arrest, and he was later charged with operating a vehicle while under the influence, one count of resisting an officer/substantial bodily harm/soft tissue injury and one count of resisting or obstructing an officer.

The 20-year-old made an initial appearance in court on July 5, and is scheduled to appear in court again on July 12.

The officer involved in the scuffle suffered a knee injury and was transported to the hospital. Schmaling told FOX6 the officer was back on the job by Thursday.

And you wonder why police are sometimes jumpy when approaching certain people?

yes its a dangerous job, and a thankless job because as some famous people have said " its what they signed up for"


no photo
Mon 07/09/18 07:07 AM

Hell, she would have sued the city if she broke a ankle while being taken down. But it would have been nice to let her sit up there for a few days and no one even bother to look at her. Let the pigeons use her for target practice.

I think America has become too soft after Clinton and Obama took office.

I honestly believe that if she did that during Reagan's time in the office they would have detained her , deported her with due process of course, she would have been made an example of.

I hope that Trump's people make an example of her.

no photo
Mon 07/09/18 06:59 AM

The aim of the question is about the process of starting a distant relationship, would you trust the process and its success till the big step of marriage?

I honestly believe it depends on the age, finances and maturity of the individual

I think the older you are the more chances of it working, but it depends on the individual , if you're the type of person that thrives on physical contact, and quantity time then its not going to work.

I honestly believe if you're in your 20's with not much dating experience long distance relationship will not work you have a higher percentage of failure because of the unrealistic exceptions .

no photo
Mon 07/09/18 06:40 AM

Age does matter. Height matters.

oh oh, dissenting thought might not go over well with your sisters.

and I agree with you age and height does matter.

no photo
Mon 07/09/18 06:33 AM

I have had a few dates and funny enough I pay for my food and he watched me eat...
One other date.. I asked if he wanted to play pool and then he wait for me to pay for the game..
Oh my gosh... Gross me out. Bleh!!
Opinion anyone?

Time to upgrade to better class of men.

look, Im not making excuses for the guys you went out with but a lot of your sister feminists have made it clear that they prefer to pay for their meals and activities on dates so they dont feel 'obligated'

And some women subscribes to the that theory and the some men are foolish enough to accept it.

Some of guys believes in the old fashioned some call it archaic that we believe that when on a date with a woman you(the man) pay for the date and excepts nothing in return, its that old courting thing.

Just because some azzhole pays and expects something in return doesnt mean all guys are like that.

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